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Wiccan Books for Beginners
Wiccan Books for Beginners
Wiccan Books for Beginners
Ebook161 pages1 hour

Wiccan Books for Beginners

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About this ebook

Curious to start exploring the world of Wicca? Then Wiccan Gifts For Beginners is for you!

Unlock the hidden secrets of your life and the world around you when you discover the powers of the natural world.

For you, too, are created out of divine energy.

Discovering your connection to all-natural creation will open your eyes to your infinite potential.

If you want to learn how to understand and interact with the natural forces around you, then you need to discover Wicca.

When you create a relationship with nature, you discover the teachings of the Universe that exist within.

The natural world will open your eyes, but Wicca will help you interpret the messages.

Inside Wiccan Gifts For Beginners, you will discover:

the principal teachings of Wicca and its relationship to your world

how to discover hidden meanings in your life to find personal guidance

how to apply Wiccan teachings to your decisions, self-concept, and world outlook

the gift of oneness with the Universe and the natural world

… plus, the tips, tricks, and secrets for staying grounded in faith while exploring your truest self!

The ability to know your own truth and create inner peace is much closer than you think.

Expand your consciousness and learn meaningful life lessons with Wiccan Gifts For Beginners!

PublisherListra Daniel
Release dateJun 10, 2024

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    Book preview

    Wiccan Books for Beginners - Alex Amore


    Wiccans. Some hear the term and think of people in robes dancing around a fire. Sure, that might be true for some Wiccans, but it by no means represents the Wiccan community as a whole.

    You might be questioning now what a Wiccan even is. What do they believe? Don’t worry, you’ll learn all about it soon. Before you can run, you need to learn to walk—and I’m going to teach you.

    Let’s face it, the reason you’re here is because you know a Wiccan who you’d love to give a gift to, but you aren’t sure what to give them. Why else would you be reading a guide about Wiccan gifts?

    One thing is certain: you’re here because you want to show your Wiccan friend that you appreciate their lifestyle and beliefs. What better way to show that appreciation than to give them something related to their beliefs?

    But, where to start? There are so many options for Wiccan gifts. You go to Google, type it in, and website after website pops up trying to sell you all sorts of products. Clothes, crystals, jewelry, cauldrons, cloaks, herbs, incense, candles… Before you know it, your head’s spinning. So many choices…what do you get?

    First, you need to understand Wicca and all of its traditions. Once you have a better understanding of what your Wiccan friends and family believe, it will be easier to choose a gift for them.

    Wicca is a beautiful and spiritual religion that is based on the sacred and divine aspect of nature. Once you get rid of some common misconceptions and stereotypes about Wiccans, it will be easier to understand.

    For instance, many people associate Wiccans and witchcraft with Satanism and ritualistic sacrifices. Don’t confuse the magic and rituals associated with Wicca for something so dark. Wiccans would never do harm to another soul and believe that all life is precious.

    You may be wondering what kind of stuff you’ll be learning in this book. That’s a good question. Let me give you the rundown.

    We’ll start with a brief explanation of Wiccan beliefs and traditions that they follow. You’ll learn about the deities they worship and how they honor those deities. You’ll discover the meaning behind many symbols that are common in Wicca—some of which you might already know, as well as a few you probably don’t.

    After that, you’ll learn about the meanings of colors that can be used for different intentions and purposes. On our journey to our destination, we’ll make a pit stop at crystals, swing by a briefing about herbs, and head over to essential oils—all of which can be used in magic, meditation, or just everyday life.

    Because Wicca is such a nature-based belief system, everything you’ll learn about will have both medicinal and magical properties. Then, you’ll learn how to create an altar and all the common tools that one can use to make one. Let’s not forget about clothes and decorations. You know, the fun stuff.

    Oh, and did you know that Wiccans have their own calendar called the Wheel of the Year? That’s right! They celebrate eight holidays known as Sabbats, and you’re going to learn about those, too. Some of them, you may already celebrate and never realized it before. And some, you might end up celebrating after learning about them.

    Alright, enough of my yammering. Let’s dive in so you can learn all about Wicca and what gifts would be ideal for the Wiccan in your life.




    Though the tradition or path that one follows will determine their beliefs, Wiccans have a general set of guidelines and beliefs. The very core of Wicca is that nature is sacred, and that is centered in every aspect of belief.


    Some religions have many deities (polytheism), and some have only one (monotheism). In Wicca, the Divine is defined as a polarity of masculine and feminine energy. The Goddess and the God represent these polar energies.

    Some Wiccans choose to worship the God or Goddess as just that—a God or Goddess. Others like to worship specific deities. The deities they worship are based on what Wiccan path they follow.

    Regardless, these beings are responsible for creation and the cycle of life and death. They generally take the form of a sky-father and an Earth-mother of some sort. Each divine entity represents or controls specific areas of existence. For instance, the Horned God symbolizes fertility, power, hunting, etc. However, when these deities are joined together, their union is responsible for life in its entirety.

    Aside from this supreme duo of masculine and feminine deities, some Wiccans will worship other deities in addition to those two.

    Let’s take a closer look at the God and Goddess.

    The Horned God or Sun God

    The God is often represented as either a Horned God or Sun God. The god is the masculine half of the Divine beings. He is associated with either horned forest animals or the sun, depending on which tradition you follow.

    As the god of the hunt, the Horned God can be seen as a man with a headdress of antlers or horns. Sometimes, he can be seen as having the head of a stag or a goat.

    His role is two-fold. One—he helps to provide sustenance for humans through wild game that they can hunt for food. Two—in order to ensure the balance of life between humans and animals, he protects animals from being overhunted. Because this god provides vegetation, harvest, and food, he often was associated with fertility.

    The Horned God can be seen in other forms, such as:

    The Celtic God Cernunnos

    The Greek God Pan

    The English mythological being Herne

    The Welsh God Bran

    The Green Man

    The Sun God is the god associated with the sun and the sky. The strength of the sun is considered masculine energy as it is closely related with fire, which is also a masculine energy. The sun helps to support the growth of life.

    The Sun God’s power is at its peak in the summer, when the daylight is longer and the sun is brighter. However, the god dies in the autumn, only to be reborn again in the spring. This represents the cycle of life and death, and also the growth cycles of plant life in both the wild and the harvest of the agricultural world.

    He is often considered a Sky Father and is paired with an Earth Mother.

    The Sun God can be seen in other forms, such as:

    The Celtic God Lugh

    The Greek God Apollo

    The Egyptian God Ra

    There are some traditions of Wicca that believe and celebrate the Oak King and Holly King—two brothers who rival over the Earth and the attention of the Goddess.

    These two represent the waxing and waning of the sun. As the seasons change, so does the reign of the two kings.

    The Oak King rules during the light half of the year, when daylight is longer and the night is shorter. This is during spring and summer, when the Oak King’s reign is at its peak.

    Then, the Oak King passes his control over the world to his brother. The Holly King rules during the dark half of the year, when the nights grow longer and the daylight is at its shortest. His reign is during the autumn and winter, when he is at his peak.

    Each king was named after trees that are sacred and have powerful magical properties. The Oak King was named after the oak leaves that are present in the summer. The Holly King was named after the evergreen tree that has bright red holly berries, which are a nice burst of color in the otherwise drab winter months.

    Whatever god you believe in or worship, he will usually be represented in the colors gold, red, orange, and yellow. The symbols that represent the god are horns, spears, swords, wands, and arrows.

    The Goddess of the Moon or Earth Mother

    The Goddess represents the feminine half of the Divine beings. She is associated with the Moon and the Earth.

    As the Earth Mother, she represents a grounded energy that is tender and nurturing. She allows life to flourish and is associated with domesticated animals, compared to her masculine counterpart that is associated with wild game. In addition to that, she is also associated with fields and crops, and the cycles of plants and growth. The Mother also represents death, and keeps the cycle moving.

    For this reason, she symbolizes moving on from the old and entering the new. She cleanses and renews. All change is possible with the Earth Mother.

    The Earth Mother can take the form of many goddesses, such as:

    The Greek Goddess Gaia

    The Egyptian Goddess Isis

    The Celtic Goddess Brigid

    The Goddess of the Moon is associated with the moon’s cycles and ocean tides. This represents the reproductive cycle of women, as well as the cycle of life and the human psyche.

    The Goddess of the Moon represents intuition and emotion, the opposite of her counterpart. Where the God’s energy is aggressive and based on action, the Goddess is internally focused.

    Also, where the Sun God is centered on the light, the Goddess of the Moon embraces the darkness and the wisdom we achieve from seeing that dark side of ourselves.

    The Goddess of the Moon can take many forms, such as:

    The Greek Goddess

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