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Dear New Believer, Love God
Dear New Believer, Love God
Dear New Believer, Love God
Ebook59 pages54 minutes

Dear New Believer, Love God

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Even if you didn’t grow up knowing God, you’ve likely heard that Christians must read their Bible and go to church. But has anyone ever told you that you don’t need to do these things in order to get to know God? What if you can develop a personal relationship with God without these traditional prerequisites? In Dear New Believer, Love God, author Leigh Trupin shares her deeply personal journey of discovery and faith that challenges conventional teachings and offers a fresh perspective on what you believe you know about Christianity.

Through candidness and raw honesty, Leigh reveals the obstacles and misconceptions that often hinder seekers and new believers. From feeling overwhelmed by theological jargon to encountering well-intentioned but misguided advice from churches and fellow Christians, her story resonates with anyone who has struggled to connect with God.

Based on her own personal experiences, Leigh sheds light on the existence of both God and Satan, emphasizing the importance of recognizing spiritual battles. But amidst the difficulties, one simple truth emerges: a personal relationship with God transcends church attendance, regular reading of the Bible, tithing, and any other religious rituals and legalistic expectations.

In Dear New Believer, Love God you’ll discover:

The significance of seeking God directly, rather than relying on church and fellow Christians.

How to recognize the dangers of falling into Satan’s trap while gaining wisdom and discernment in spiritual battles.

The liberating truth that there are no prerequisites or rules for connecting with God—just a genuine desire to know Him.

More than a theological book, what Leigh has written is a compassionate guide for those embarking on their spiritual journey. It speaks directly to those who crave simplicity, clarity, and unfiltered truth in their quest for faith. Through relatable stories and straightforward language, she offers a lifeline to those who feel lost, confused, or overwhelmed in their pursuit of God.

Prepare to discover a profound revelation within the pages of this short yet impactful book. Its powerful message will reshape your understanding of who God really is, delivered to you in an unapologetic way that’s never been told before.

Release dateMay 24, 2024
Dear New Believer, Love God

Leigh Trupin

Beyond writing Dear New Believer, Love God, Leigh aspires to become a sought-after speaker, sharing her story and insights at events and conferences nationwide. She hopes to be recognized for her honesty, authenticity, and vulnerability—qualities that deeply connect with audiences seeking genuine guidance on their own paths of faith, free from the constraints of traditional church teachings. Originally from the Bronx, Leigh now resides in Las Vegas with her family, where she finds joy in spending time with loved ones, hiking, reading, and deepening her understanding of God through her personal relationship with Him. She aspires to pursue full-time ministry, with the ultimate goal of inspiring and encouraging others as they navigate through their spiritual journey, providing the support and guidance she yearned for at the beginning of her own path.

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    Dear New Believer, Love God - Leigh Trupin

    Dear New Believer, Love God

    All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright © 2024 Leigh Trupin


    The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

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    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: In the Beginning

    Chapter 2: Encountering God Beyond Tradition

    Chapter 3: Prayer Is Nothing More Than Conversation with God

    Chapter 4: Understanding Sin’s Grip

    Chapter 5: Living Life with God, Not for God

    Chapter 6: Finding Purpose in Difficult Trials

    Chapter 7: Surrendering to God and Finding Freedom

    Chapter 8: Scriptural Guidance


    Even if you didn’t grow up knowing God, I guarantee you have heard that Christians must read their Bible and go to church. But have you ever heard that you don’t need to do these things in order to have a personal relationship with God? Did you even know you could have a personal relationship with God and that He speaks directly to you? I didn’t.

    Have you tried to learn more about God but found that everything is way too advanced for you to understand? I did.

    Did you know that not only is God real, but so is Satan, and if unwise to his tactics, he can be dangerous to you? I found this out the hard way!

    I did not grow up knowing God or Satan, but I personally know them now. I’ve learned that it’s God’s desire to have a personal relationship with us, and it’s Satan’s mission to destroy that relationship. I want this book to help people in two ways: I want to help seekers and new believers avoid the enemy’s trap, and I also want to address another major issue I had that created a barrier for me as a new believer. Whenever I read books, went to church, or sought out Christians for help, they didn’t help me. The books were too advanced for me and talked in theological terms that were meaningless to me. They might as well have been written in a different language.

    The churches and Christians I sought out for help insisted I had to do legalistic and religious things to be set free. They also accused me of having sin in my life that kept me under Satan’s control. I have no doubt that they meant well and had my best interest at heart. They wanted to see me get set free, but they had forgotten what it meant to not know who God was. They tried to help me based on what they’d already learned from their relationship and experiences with God rather than help me from where my relationship with God was—experiencing the very beginning stages. Furthermore, I did not have to do anything legalistic or religious to be set free. I just needed to have a relationship with God. I needed to seek Him rather than people who knew Him. This is something the church never taught me. Through my experience, it is my desire to teach you in a way that you probably have never heard.

    It is not my intention to debate what is written in the Bible or what is taught in church, nor am I saying that you shouldn’t read the Bible or go to church. I am merely saying that these things are not a must in order to have a relationship with God. I am saying that rather than listen to what people tell you, you should first and foremost develop your own personal relationship with God and then listen to what He is telling you.

    This book will warn of the pitfalls of falling into a trap with Satan, and it will serve as a guide for new believers to understand that you don’t have to be in church or do anything legalistic or religious in order to have a personal relationship with God. He is with you no matter where

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