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Love Across the Waves
Love Across the Waves
Love Across the Waves
Ebook56 pages41 minutes

Love Across the Waves

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About this ebook

In the quiet coastal town of Havenport, lighthouse keeper Lena lives a life as steady and calm as the guiding light she tends.

But when a message in a bottle washes ashore, her world is illuminated in new ways.

The heartfelt note inside is signed by Alex, a soulful writer from the bustling city, aching for genuine connection. With an email address as their modern twist on fate, Lena takes a chance and reaches out.

As their digital exchanges evolve into deeper affection, Lena and Alex must navigate the tumultuous waters of change, fear, and longing. Can Lena open her guarded heart to a future she never envisioned?

Is Alex ready to anchor in a new, quieter world? "Love Across the Waves" is a contemporary romance about finding unexpected love, bridging two worlds through words, and the courage to embrace the beacon of a new beginning.

Release dateMay 30, 2024
Love Across the Waves

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    Book preview

    Love Across the Waves - Isabella Thorne

    Love Across the Waves

    Isabella Thorne

    Dark Desires Press

    Copyright © 2024 by Isabella Thorne

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author,

    except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.


    1.Chapter One

    2.Chapter Two

    3.Chapter Three

    4.Chapter Four

    5.Chapter Five

    6.Chapter Six

    7.Chapter Seven

    8.Chapter Eight

    9.Chapter Nine

    10.Chapter Ten

    11.Chapter Eleven

    12.Chapter Twelve

    13.Chapter Thirteen

    14.Chapter Fourteen

    15.Chapter Fifteen

    16.Chapter Sixteen

    17.Chapter Seventeen

    18.Chapter Eighteen

    19.Chapter Nineteen

    20.Chapter Twenty

    21.Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter One

    Lena's journey to becoming the lighthouse keeper of Havenport was as natural as changing the tides. She had grown up in this coastal town, the daughter of a fisherman and a schoolteacher. Her father's tales of the sea filled her childhood with wonder, while her mother's love of knowledge instilled a deep respect for the quiet power of a well-told story.

    The lighthouse had been a central figure in Lena's life since she was a small child. Her family's home was close enough that she fell asleep to its rhythmic flashes each night. The previous keeper, old Mr. Hawthorn, had been her grandfather. Lena learned the details of maintaining the light that protected sailors by spending many afternoons at his side.

    When Lena was 16, a storm like no other hit Havenport. Her father's boat was out at sea, and the whole town huddled in its homes, praying for the fishermen's safe return. Lena remembered standing in the lighthouse beside Mr. Hawthorn, who, despite his age, kept the light steady throughout the storm.

    Her father's boat returned safely, guided by the unwavering light. From that moment, Lena knew it intertwined her purpose with the lighthouse. She became Mr. Hawthorn's official apprentice the following summer.

    Years passed, and under Mr. Hawthorn's tutelage, Lena became adept at the role's technical demands and learned the responsibility that came with it.

    Mr. Hawthorn often said, We don't just keep the light, Lena. We keep the hope.

    When Mr. Hawthorn passed away peacefully in his sleep, the town mourned the loss of a steadfast friend. With a mix of sadness and honour, Lena stepped into the role she had been preparing for her entire life. Knowing her capability and dedication, the town welcomed her with open arms.

    Now, each time she ascends the lighthouse stairs, Lena feels the echoes of Mr. Hawthorn's gentle guidance. She respects the tradition and history of her role but has also made it her own, a beacon of her love for Havenport and her promise to protect those who call it home. As Lena lights the lamp at dusk, she often whispers a quiet word of gratitude to the lighthouse, Mr Hawthorn, and the path that led her to become the guardian of this vital flame.

    In the soft glow of dawn, Lena ascended the familiar spiral staircase of Havenport Lighthouse. Her hands, weathered but steady, glided over the railing, worn smooth by time. She had grown up in this coastal town, the daughter of a fisherman, Samuel, and a schoolteacher, Clara.

    Remember, Lena, her mother used to say during their nightly reading. Words are like a lighthouse. They guide us through the dark and stormy nights of life.

    Her mother's words seemed to dance around the room, a warm embrace as a lesson.

    Lena found herself beside her father on his fishing boat one crisp morning.

    Look at that, Lena, Samuel said softly, pointing towards

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