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The Chukchi Devil
The Chukchi Devil
The Chukchi Devil
Ebook231 pages3 hours

The Chukchi Devil

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About this ebook

Retired AST agent, Lincoln Cain is drawn back into service when his old boss, Chief Moyle asks him to locate his missing brother-in-law. Lincoln finds himself in the wilds of Alaska in a desperate search for this man.

When he finally locates him, he discovers a diabolical plot that endangers the whole world but by this time, he is captured in a mysterious place known as the Chukchi Devil! With no way out, can Lincoln Cain stop their fiendish plan?

PublisherBryan Whelan
Release dateMay 30, 2024
The Chukchi Devil

Bryan Whelan

The fourth in the Lincoln Cain Spy series from the pen of Bryan Whelan, following on from Edge of Reality, The Hexagonal Dome and The Bandaid Conspiracy. Bryan is a retired Maths, Science and Information Technology teacher from Australia, who has been a fan of science fiction all his life. Author of several science fiction adventure stories, including The Swirling Lights of Paradise, The Hives of God’s World and Truth of Time, he injects a distinctly Australian flavour to them.

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    Book preview

    The Chukchi Devil - Bryan Whelan

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    Chapter 1

    Hold still! Maddy said as she adjusted Lincoln’s bow tie. All these years and you still can’t tie a tie!

    Well, this is the first time I’ve worn a tie since my wedding day, Lincoln replied. I never thought I would have to wear one again.

    You remember our wedding day, Maddy said giving him a peck on the cheek. Well, if you are a good boy tonight, you won’t have to wear one again.

    All this fuss for a retirement dinner, Lincoln said. It’s just Pam.

    Come on, Link, Maddy said. You and Pam worked together for years. She was probably your best friend at the AST.

    Yeah, you’re right, Lincoln said sighing. I hope she appreciates the sacrifice I’m making tonight. This tie is choking my neck!

    You want to check on Michelle, Maddy said. Make sure she’s ready.

    Lincoln walked down the corridor and stopped in front of the door with ‘Michelle’ written on it in bright blue glitter, just over the sign that said, ‘Keep out.’ Lincoln knocked on the door.

    Come in, if you’re good looking, Michelle said from behind the door.

    Oh, in that case, I had better stay outside, Lincoln replied. Are you ready?

    Unless you look like Harry Styles, you better stay outside, Michelle replied. Do I have to go?

    Yes, Lincoln said through the door. Come on, you like Aunty Pam. She used to babysit you when you were little.

    Don’t remind me, Dad, Michelle said. I’m ready, but keep in mind, I’m doing this for your benefit. You owe me.

    Fair enough, young lady, but don’t forget they’ll have cake there and you can have as much as you like. Just don’t tell your mother, Lincoln said.

    Ooh, cake! Michelle said quietly. Be out in a minute.

    See you in the car, Lincoln replied.

    A few minutes later, Lincoln and Maddy Cain stood beside their car as their daughter wandered into the garage. Lincoln could not help but notice that her little girl was growing up. She looked every bit the image of her mother. She was now nine years old and had inherited her mother’s short stature, cute looks, and her forthright manner. She didn’t stand for any nonsense, especially when people treated her like a little girl. Lincoln and Maddy went out of their way to treat her like an adolescent.

    A former special agent with the Australian Security Taskforce (AST), Lincoln Cain was a veteran of three campaigns in Afghanistan. He stood 188 cm and was now aged 56, but he still maintained his muscular physique. Despite his greying hair, his dark piercing eyes and broad chin he still looked quite formidable.

    The AST had been the frontline defence against espionage and terrorist threats. But six years ago, the long-time head of the AST, Jayden Moyle, retired. The Oversight Committee for Australian Security took the opportunity to merge it with the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO).

    Perhaps, merge is too strong a term. ASIO came in, picked the eyes out of the AST, and disbanded the rest. Lincoln saw this as a sign to get out and move to a more stable job. He quit as an AST agent and moved into the private sector. However, his skills soon found him working for the Australian government again as a security officer. He has worked for them for the last five years.

    Lincoln enjoyed this more relaxed role as it meant he could work hours resembling a typical nine-to-five job. Apart from the rare scuffle, Lincoln’s role in guarding high-ranking officials incorporated simply standing around and observing people. He could return home each evening and had Sundays off. As an agent, he was always on the move and often away from home for months at a time. Now with fixed hours, he could spend more time with his family.

    He still lived at his retreat in the Blue Mountains with the love of his life, Madeline Jackson, Maddy to her friends. She was no ordinary woman, though. Lincoln first met her whilst on a mission in Melbourne. She was an explosives expert attached to the Victoria Police. Once they successfully completed their mission, they clearly had feelings for each other, despite Lincoln’s reticence for women with bright blue hair.

    By this stage, Maddy had fallen hopelessly in love with the big man, and she transferred to the Sydney Police Bomb Disposal Unit to be with him. She also gained a part-time position at Sydney University lecturing to trainee police. Maddy eventually retired from the Police Force after the birth of their daughter, Michelle.

    Lincoln had named her after his first love, Michelle Tanner who had tragically died whilst overseas on assignment. Whenever he looks at his daughter, it reminds him of her. He never wants to forget her.

    That was nine years ago. Lincoln and Maddy have devoted their lives to bringing up Michelle. It was one of the reasons Lincoln chose his new role. He can now spend more time with Michelle, and he is a large part of her life. Maddy eventually quit her role at the university so the two could become a typical Australian family.

    Lincoln stared at his little girl wearing a full-length silk dress. He usually saw her in jeans and a T-shirt but tonight, she looked every inch the young lady. Lincoln glanced at Maddy and noticed how much they looked alike.

    Maddy still wears bright blue hair. Her influence over Michelle showed as Michelle wore bright pink hair. Maddy has even begun teaching young Michelle about the production and safety of mixing chemicals that cause explosions. Lincoln did not mind as he knew Michelle would one day want to try and emulate her mother. Also, it made Michelle rather popular at school when she showed her friends how to make their own fireworks. Also, Lincoln is now showing her defence moves, something he used to teach when he was in army intelligence.

    Lincoln drove his family to the reception in Sydney. He looked every inch the proud parent as he escorted Maddy and Michelle into the function room at the Rydges Hotel. After handing his invitation to the guard at the door and walking through the security screen, the three entered the large room.

    Chapter 2

    Tonight was a special occasion for Lincoln even though he would not admit it. The retirement party was for his long-time colleague, Pamela Farris. All through his years working at the AST, he saw several agents come and go, several more killed in the line of duty, but two people were always there for him. Chief Jayden Moyle and his assistant, Pamela Farris.

    When Chief Moyle retired, Pamela was one of the few employees ASIO retained from the AST. As she had no plans to leave the profession, she agreed; and over the next six years worked for a succession of new heads of ASIO.

    But now at the age of 68, Pamela has decided to retire. While she never enjoyed her time at ASIO, she kept reminding herself that the longer she stuck it out there, the better her retirement pension would be. Finally, she could stand it no longer. ASIO organised this lavish retirement party in recognition of all her years working for the Australian Government.

    She had never married claiming that she was married to the job. Working for a secret organisation can put a dampener on your love life. But Pamela has no regrets about that.

    Oh my god! Pamela said as she saw Lincoln and his family walk in. I didn’t know they were bringing out the old fossils to send me off!

    My, you scrub up well for a crazy old cat lady! Lincoln replied, reminding her of her love for cats.

    One of the joys that Lincoln always missed was the friendly insults the two used to greet each other with. It became quite a game to see if one could top the other, but underneath they both had a deep appreciation for each other.

    They hugged.

    Congratulations, Pam, Lincoln said while holding her. I can’t imagine how you put up with that mob for so long.

    It wasn’t easy, Pamela replied. God, I’ve missed you.

    Pamela then hugged Maddy.

    Maddy, how are you? Pamela said. How are you still putting up with this man? You must be a saint!

    It’s a burden, I know, Maddy replied. Congratulations, Pam. I know Lincoln would never have survived the AST had it not been for you and Chief Moyle.

    And who is this? Pamela said as she eyed little Michelle. It can’t be Michelle. You look all grown up!

    Pamela was about to hug Michelle when Michelle stepped back to avoid her.

    Oops, sorry, Pamela said. I forgot. Give me some skin.

    Pamela gave Michelle a high-five followed by a reverse hand slap just like she does quite often with her thirteen-year-old nephew. Michelle appreciated the effort.

    Oh, all right, then, Michelle finally said, and then gave Pamela a generous hug.

    Is Chief Moyle here yet? Lincoln asked.

    No. He did say he was coming, though, Pamela said. But Jenkins and Norris are here.

    Oh, good, Lincoln said.

    Leaning over to Michelle, Pamela whispered in her ear.

    The cake is on the table around the corner.

    Thanks, Aunty Pam, Michelle said as she raced off around the corner.

    Wow, Pamela said to Maddy. It only seems like yesterday that I was babysitting her in her crib. They grow up so fast. Come on over to the bar. I’m sure you need a drink and I want to know what you two have been up to since I last saw you.

    By this time, Lincoln had wandered into the crowd and met up with Jenkins and Norris, two of his old buddies from the AST.

    So, what are your plans now that you have retired? Maddy asked Pamela who was now sipping on a cocktail.

    Well, first, I’m going on a long cruise around the Mediterranean, Pamela said.

    To visit all those lovely islands? Maddy asked.

    Yes, and to see if I can land me a rich old geezer as well, Pamela replied. It’s time I found a man to live out my days with.

    "What about your two cats?’ Maddy asked.

    Well, he had better be a cat person, Pamela said. Apollo and Hermes will need to approve any man I bring home.

    They both laughed, but Maddy hoped that Pamela does find someone, someone just like her Lincoln. She deserves it.

    The night progressed well. Lincoln and Maddy caught up with old friends and colleagues. The current head of ASIO gave the farewell speech. Lincoln looked at Pamela and raised his eyebrows as the head gave quite a mundane and boring speech, but Pamela did not mind. After tonight, she will not have to put up with him any longer.

    After the speeches and presentations, Lincoln caught up to Maddy.

    Have you seen our daughter? Lincoln asked.

    I thought you were looking after her? Maddy replied with quite a smirk.

    Looking across at the dessert table, Lincoln noticed a small hand suddenly poke out from under the tablecloth. The hand felt around the table until it latched onto a slice of sponge cake. The hand then quickly grabbed the slice and slipped back under the tablecloth.

    I think I know where she is, Lincoln said.

    He walked over to the table and flicked back the tablecloth.

    Sprung! He said. 

    Sitting under the table with a mouth full of cake was Michelle. But sitting next to her, was a young boy, also with a mouthful of cake.

    Oh! Lincoln did not know what to say. His daughter was certainly growing up.

    This is Justin, Dad, Michelle said sheepishly. He is Mr Norris’ son. He also likes cake.

    Lincoln smiled at the boy who looked like Lincoln had caught him stealing. The scene looked innocent enough. Lincoln wondered if Maddy had ever had the talk with Michelle. Assuming she had, Lincoln bent down.

    All right, young lady, he said. But that’s your last piece. And for God’s sake don’t tell your mother! If she ever found out that you were under the table with a boy, she would have a fit. Finish up and go see your mother. We’re going home in a few minutes anyway.

    Lincoln walked away wondering if he had said the right thing. He had always trusted Michelle even though she could be quite recalcitrant at times. When he met up with Maddy again, he looked a little nervous.

    Is Michelle all right? Maddy asked.

    Er, yes, she’s fine, Lincoln replied. She may have had a little too much cake, though.

    Turning to Pamela, he added.

    I thought you said Chief Moyle was coming tonight? I haven’t seen him.

    Nor I, Pamela replied. I know he said he was coming. He must have been held up somewhere. He is coming from Noosa, you know.

    Just then, an old gentleman dressed in a tuxedo wandered into the entrance and looked around. He stood out, not only because he was alone, but because he had walked in so late.

    Speak of the devil, Lincoln said as he noticed the old man.

    Lincoln went up to Chief Moyle and shook his hand.

    Chief, Lincoln said (Everyone called him Chief). How are you?

    Chief Moyle smiled from under his newly grown moustache. When he saw Lincoln shaking his hand, he immediately hugged him.

    It’s so good to see you again, Chief Moyle said. But I must talk with you as soon as possible. It’s very important. It’s why I’m so late.

    Chapter 3

    Before Lincoln could reply, several others had gathered around to greet Chief Moyle. They hugged him, shook his hand, and greeted him with affection. When it was Pamela’s turn, Chief Moyle gave her a generous kiss on the lips and congratulated her on her career. They had always been close, the best of friends, and he didn’t hold back from showing her his affection.

    Lincoln remembered he was about to leave when Chief Moyle arrived. But he stayed for another hour or so, just to catch up with Chief Moyle with what he is doing in retirement. Apart from a lot of fishing, apparently not much else. However, when Lincoln reminded Chief Moyle and Pamela that they needed to get Michelle to bed, they said their goodbyes and began to walk out the door.

    Lincoln, my boy, Chief Moyle said handing him a card. Here is where I’m staying. Once you’ve dropped off your family, come and see me. I must talk with you. It’s a matter of life or death. I believe you are the only one who can help me. Time is of the essence.

    Lincoln took the card and promised he would meet up with him again, straight after dropping off the family. He had no idea what the old man was on about, but he knew from the many years of working with him that when he says it’s a matter of life or death, he means it.

    As soon as they arrived home, Maddy carried Michelle into the house as she had already fallen asleep. Lincoln explained just what Chief Moyle had said, kissed her, and drove back to Sydney.

    It was after 2-00 am when Lincoln pulled into the underground carpark of a hotel. He quickly made his way to Chief Moyle’s room and knocked on the door.

    Thank God, you’re here, Chief Moyle said as he opened the door. Come in.

    Lincoln expressed surprise when he saw Pamela Farris sitting at the kitchen table. Chief Moyle pulled up a chair and the two sat down beside her. It was only then that Lincoln noticed the open laptop on the table. Displayed on the screen were more two people, an older lady, and a younger man on a split screen. Chief Moyle and Pamela were in the middle of a conference call.

    We need your help, Lincoln, Chief Moyle said. I couldn’t think of anyone more capable of this than you.

    You know, I would do anything for you two, Lincoln said.

    Oh, I’m sorry, Chief Moyle said. I want to introduce you to Edith Bancroft, my sister, and Agent Perkins. He is a senior officer with the FBI.

    Hello, Lincoln said to the two on the screen. They replied with a courteous hello.

    Lincoln knew Chief Moyle had a sister, but this was the first time he had met her. He remembered that his sister lived in Seattle, in the United States, but that was all. She looked like someone’s typical grandmother with her blue-rinse hair and round glasses, but Lincoln remembered that she was younger than the Chief. Also, meeting an FBI agent told Lincoln that something dire had happened.

    Seeing the confused expression on Lincoln’s face, Chief Moyle started the conversation.

    Perhaps I had better explain, he said. "Edith’s husband, William is

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