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A Rude Awakening: Starlight Empires, #2
A Rude Awakening: Starlight Empires, #2
A Rude Awakening: Starlight Empires, #2
Ebook73 pages1 hour

A Rude Awakening: Starlight Empires, #2

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About this ebook

Simon, thrust eighty years into a future he never imagined, awakens to find Earth a distant memory, where the remnants of humanity navigate the complexities of a future dominated by celestial beings known as the Destinatus.

Grappling with the loss of his past and the stark reality of his present, Simon looks for answers while fighting for a place in the universe that has moved on without him.

Will Simon find the answers he seeks? Can he carve out a new existence among the stars, or will he become a relic of a bygone era, lost to the annals of history?

Experience a world where the remnants of human culture are twisted with the dogmatic rule of the Destinatus. A universe of Starlight Empires.

Release dateMay 30, 2024
A Rude Awakening: Starlight Empires, #2

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    Book preview

    A Rude Awakening - Hans Trevor Wilms


    Catching up on 80 years of emails

    Ami: Good evening, Simon! Archie asked me to give you a historical summary of our path to date since the Ascension? Most records during the war were lost, but I am happy to provide you with a summary based on company emails and memos that are not under Security clearance levels. Should I pop into your AR and go over it? If you would like, I can recount the details in story mode. I do it for Archie all the time!

    Simon: NO. I told you to stay out of my head. Just send me a history book. This stupid new internet doesnt even have a search browser

    Ami: I’m sorry, Simon, but open-ended network based communication methods and search functions are against CEC policy for good reason. People could potentially research dangerous information that could put everyone in our organization at risk. The CEC will provide you material tailored to your interests though! But for that to work you’ll need to Up some videos you like on FlyUp. I see you haven’t been using FlyUp though. Would you like me to show you around the app?

    Simon: Just send me a few memos that explain the history

    Ami: Hmm. That might be difficult, as there is a lot to go over. But I’ve attached the 3 most important relevant company memos over the past 60 cycles that should help you get up to speed.

    Simon: I said to send company memos. This is some kind of religious bs

    Ami: I double checked. These are definitely company memos sent in the 3rd, 21st, and 43rd cycles after the War of Human Ascension. They are marked as most important based on engagement volumes.

    Ami: Simon? It’s been a moment. Did you have any questions on the memos? If you’re having trouble reading them, I would be happy to narrate them for you.

    Simon: I read them. Goodnight.

    Ami: Goodnight! And from Archie too! We’ll see you tomorrow for prayer.

    Attachment 1, Mercy

    You know, I had never been the religious sort. But mercy has changed me. Their mercy. We need to change as a company to reflect that mercy. We got a second chance. Not everyone does. Too long have we been weighed down by petty, materialistic bullshit. We were freed from the gravity of our home planet to ascend. It’s time we started doing just that. The Angels have shown us the true nature of the cosmos. I believe we will ascend to become one with the Holy Trinity, but only if we believe. We cannot be held back by worldly matters. We need to shift our perspective from sore losers to a growth mindset. I’m calling all influencers to step up and grow with us. Our new social media platform, FlyUp, will be your platform to spread the good word. We need to sell growth.

    -Alex Fjord

    CEO of CEC

    Attachment 2, What I saw

    It has come to my attention that there has been growing unrest about our sanctified officials. I am not here to punish. This is all new. It is natural to fear what you do not yet understand. Hopefully, I can lay some of these fears to rest.

    As appointed Ward to our people, I have been in constant contact with the Destinatus, both here and abroad. In numbers, there are probably about 300,000 humans for every Angel. And when you see them, you understand why. Perfect isn’t a good enough word to describe them. They are strong. Tall. Beautiful, each in their own way. They never tire of what they do. They never get bored or need sleep. They could do the same task for centuries. The perfect associates. They are even incapable of lying in their own tongue.

    The Destinatus have no written text, because they have no need of it. They receive orders directly from their Gods.

    When I first set foot on their planet, I heard three voices.

    The first voice was near, and Her warmth enveloped me. Her voice was a blinding light, a fire. She spoke love and fury, and everything in between. And the name of Her warmth, was Life.

    The second voice was everywhere. They spoke of patterns and predictions, Their voice a clockwork mechanism. And the name that spoke prophets, was Time.

    The third came down upon me, and I drowned in Its Presence. It said, ‘Look up and see’. And I gazed upon the black sky and behold: two pale stars.

    And Its name that gazed from them, was Death.

    And ascension came with It.

    -Alex Fjord

    CEO of CEC, as appointed by the Holy Trinity

    Attachment 3, Unburdened

    The things you own end up owning you. We are weighed down by our possessions. I am excited to announce that by the end of this cycle, the CEC will have moved completely to subscription based services only.

    This is one step closer towards Ascension. As our Angels have taught us, we take nothing with us, only what the Gods give you. Only what Time provides.

    With our newest services, you won’t have to own anything. You will be taken care of fully by the CEC. You will own nothing, be completely unburdened, and finally be happy.

    -Alex Fjord,

    CEO of CEC

    Ward of Humanity, as appointed by the Holy Trinity


    Angels, Gods, and Engineers

    N a, it’s not magic . Gods ain’t real, said Archie.

    Simon and his only friend worked on their latest project in Archie’s cramped one-room apartment unit. He sat on Archie’s bed, gently strumming

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