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Love Rx: Healing Hearts in the ER
Love Rx: Healing Hearts in the ER
Love Rx: Healing Hearts in the ER
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Love Rx: Healing Hearts in the ER

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In the fast-paced world of the emergency room, nurse Samantha thought she had it all under control, until the very heart that beats to save lives is the one left bruised and battered. She's learned the hard way that some wounds run deeper than others, and she's not about to let her defenses down again.

Enter Dr. Josh Bennett, the new ER do

Release dateMay 30, 2024
Love Rx: Healing Hearts in the ER

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    Love Rx - Londyn Blake




    eturning to work after Dr. Col publicly tore my heart out feels strange. Despite the chaos of the hospital, it has always been my sanctuary, my comfort zone. Now, it seems like every nurse and doctor is staring at me, waiting for me to break down.

    I clutch my purse straps tightly as I move toward the nurse station. Returning to my rotation and routine feels good. Pushing open the door to the nurse locker room, I spot Claire, another nurse.

    Hey, Claire, finishing up your shift? I ask as I place my bag down and change for my own shift.

    Yeah, it's been crazy out there—vehicular accident with many victims brought in, lost two already, she replies, shutting her locker.

    That's tragic, I'm eager to dive back into the chaos. I've missed it, I say, bundling my strawberry blonde hair into a bun. Missed you all too; but I needed the break.

    Claire appears uneasy, fidgeting with her fingers, clearly wanting to say something. We've missed you, Sam. I'm sorry about what happened between you and Dr. Cole, she says, avoiding my gaze.

    I chuckle and smile at her, It's not on you. I don't hold you or anyone else responsible. You guys didn't cheat on me. You simply didn't inform me that my boyfriend was sleeping with my best friend.

    I laugh again, but Claire looks guilty and remorseful. It's sad how I once felt like I belonged here and that they were like family. I have to head to my shift. See you later, I say and exit the nurse station.

    Sam, wait, please, I'm... Claire calls out to me, but before I can respond, I experience a full-body collision, and I'm sent to the ground. Not the best way to start the day, I think to myself.

    I'm so sorry, are you alright? The perpetrator of my fall offers a hand to help me up. When I look up to give him a piece of my mind, our eyes meet, and time seems to slow down.

    Dark chocolate hair, a chiseled jaw suggesting aristocratic heritage, captivating sea-blue eyes, and lips begging to be kissed. Then I notice the hospital scrubs, and reality crashes back. I decline his hand and stand up unaided.

    Didn't you see me there? Or am I invisible? You doctors seem to think you're superheroes. Well, guess what? We nurses save lives too, including yours at times. Don't you forget that, I pant slightly, having rushed through my words. Embarrassment creeps in as I realize what I've said. I step back.

    Uh, Sam, meet the new Doctor taking over from Dr. Cole. This is Dr. Josh, Claire interjects, eyes wide open.

    Oh my God, I've just made a fool of myself in front of the new Doctor. I glance around, noticing eyes on me. I've managed to embarrass myself on my first day back, and I can feel my face flush.

    Um, uh, I need to go, they need me for my shift, I stutter. Bye, I squeak and practically flee the scene, leaving him standing there, flashing a perfect smile. Why did he have to be a doctor?

    I lament my luck. He could've been a patient with an STD or even cancer—why a doctor? My palm meets my forehead. I'd choose to date anyone else on Earth but a doctor. Too bad Dr. Josh isn't an afflicted patient. Oh well, been there, done that, and never again. Now, back to the business of saving lives.

    After a month away from work, I realize how much I've missed being in the hospital. Being a nurse has always been my calling, my way to assist people. I can't believe I almost let Cole take that away from me.

    After our breakup, I lost faith in people, doubted myself, and blamed myself for his infidelity. Cole stole my trust in others and my self-assuredness. I almost let him rob me of my love for my profession.,

    My first shift after my leave proved to be a busy one. As I head to the nurse locker to change, I notice, the new Doctor's presence is everywhere. Why did he have to be so damn handsome? I mutter while dressing.

    During the day, I assisted Dr. Josh with multiple injuries but this once, while Dr. Josh was suturing up a deep gash in a man’s arm, our eyes lock – those blue eyes that make everything else fade away. It's a wonder we managed to work at all today. I tried not to search him out, when things slowed for minute but I annoyingly kept doing it. But I'm not the only one looking; whenever Dr. Josh catches my eye, he responds with a full-faced smile, wrinkles forming around his eyes, and those perfect lips revealing even more perfect teeth.

    I sigh, releasing my hair from its bun. Locking my locker and picking up my purse, I exit the room, recalling another incident from my shift. Dr. Josh had bent down to reassure a timid little girl whose father had a broken arm.

    After treating the man, we updated the family – his wife and daughter – outside. When the shy girl asked if her dad could still carry her, Josh knelt down and replied, Of course, sweetheart. Give him time to regain strength in his arm, then he can lift you up again. He'll be alright. And soon, this nice nurse here... he gestured towards me, ...will let you see him, okay? He smiled that perfect smile. His charm even affects children, as evidenced by the girl stepping out from behind her mother, smiling back, clutching a stuffed doll.

    Then there's the constant chit-chat in between patients. How long have you worked here? Three years. What's your favorite color? Blue, just like his eyes, though he doesn't need to know that. I always find a task to occupy myself when he tries to talk. Despite his allure, he's still a doctor.

    As I exit the hospital and bid the night guards goodnight, I walk towards the bus stop. My nursing job pays well, but not well enough for a car yet, so I rely on the bus for now. Walking in the direction of the bus stop, a black Range Rover pulls up. The window rolls down, and it's Dr. Pretty.

    Do you need a ride? he asks.

    No, thank you. My place isn't far, I fib. My place is quite a distance, but he doesn't need to know that.

    I insist. Let me drop you off, he offers.

    Um, you don't have to. I'm sure you have other things to do, maybe a date or something. I wouldn't want to hold you up, I ramble, gripping my purse straps.

    Thanks for the offer, though. Goodnight, Dr. Josh, I say, walking away, hoping he won't call me back. After a distance, I glance back and watch him drive off. I sigh.

    Did he have to be so wealthy too? I mutter. I continue on to the bus stop, disembark, and start the trek to my apartment building. I'm grateful my neighborhood is safe and quiet.

    Arriving at my apartment building, I knock on old Mrs. Aubrey's door. When she opens it, I see my cat, Miss Periwinkle, in her arms.

    Good evening, Miss Aubrey, I greet her, reaching for Periwinkle. Was she a handful today? I inquire as I hold my cat.

    Nonsense, dear. I enjoy looking after her. Keeps me busy. How was your night at work? she asks. It was fine. It felt good to be back, I reply. There's a new doctor too, filling in for Cole, I share, humoring her. Miss Aubrey is quite lonely, a widow with her only child in London. I make an effort to talk to her, trying to alleviate her solitude.

    Is he cute? She asks, winking mischievously.

    Miss Aubrey! I chuckle. Well, if you must know, I continue, petting Periwinkle in my hand. He's handsome, built in a way that men aren't anymore, I say dreamily. He's got these captivating blue eyes, and you just get lost in them. A rugged physique like a man who works with his hands, with long, powerful legs. His skin is evenly tanned, as though he's been working shirtless outdoors all summer, I finish.

    Oh my, oh my, Miss Aubrey gasps, her eyes fluttering. He sounds like a dream. And it seems like you've got a little crush, she teases.

    No, I don't, I respond a bit too hastily.

    Yes, you do, she insists. If I were your age and a man like that was around, I'd hold on tight, she advises with a smile.

    I can't. He's a doctor, I explain.

    So what? Many men are doctors, she reassures, patting my hand. Not all young doctors are like Cole, dear. Everyone is unique, she reminds me.

    I hear you, Miss Aubrey, I say, retreating toward my room. Goodnight, Miss Aubrey, I need some rest, I bid her.

    Alright dear, goodnight, she replies,

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