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How to Stop Missing in Life: Finding Comfort and Strength Within Yourself
How to Stop Missing in Life: Finding Comfort and Strength Within Yourself
How to Stop Missing in Life: Finding Comfort and Strength Within Yourself
Ebook44 pages33 minutes

How to Stop Missing in Life: Finding Comfort and Strength Within Yourself

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In "How to Stop Missing in Life: Finding Comfort and Strength Within Yourself," embark on a transformative journey towards healing and renewal. Life is a tapestry woven with moments of joy and sorrow, love and loss. Yet, when faced with the absence of someone or something dear to us, the ache of longing can be overwhelming. This book offers

PublisherInkwell Press
Release dateMay 3, 2024

Ranjot Singh Chahal

Ranjot Chahal, also known as Jot Chahal, is a gifted author and poet originating from the Mansa district of Punjab. Currently residing in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom, he recently completed his master's degree at Cardiff Metropolitan University in June 2023. Ranjot has garnered significant recognition for his contemplative literary works, which encompass an array of poetry and quotes reflecting his distinctive outlook on life.Born into a Sikh family, Ranjot has always held a profound respect for his community's rich cultural and spiritual heritage. His literary creations serve as a testament to his profound affection and enthusiasm for literature, effectively bridging the gap between classical and contemporary literary realms.Ranjot's literary works extend across languages, with publications available in Punjabi, English, and Hindi, thus rendering his artistry accessible to a broad spectrum of readers. His compositions seamlessly intertwine spirituality, philosophy, and personal encounters, drawing admiration for their profoundness and originality.Notably, Ranjot Chahal has ventured into the realm of audio books, expanding his literary influence through auditory channels. His dedication and ardor for his craft have propelled him into the literary spotlight, earning the admiration of readers worldwide. With his recent academic achievement-a master's degree from Cardiff Metropolitan University in June 2023-he continues to fortify his position as an emerging luminary within the literary world. Ranjot's endeavors are set to persistently inspire and enlighten readers, solidifying his imprint on the landscape of literature.

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    Book preview

    How to Stop Missing in Life - Ranjot Singh Chahal

    Ranjot Singh Chahal

    How to Stop Missing in Life

    Finding Comfort and Strength Within Yourself

    First published by Inkwell Press 2024

    Copyright © 2024 by Ranjot Singh Chahal

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    First edition

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    Chapter 1: Understanding the Feeling of Loss

    Chapter 2: Acceptance and Letting Go

    Chapter 3: Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

    Chapter 4: Rediscovering Yourself

    Chapter 5: Building a Support System

    Chapter 6: Creating Positive Distractions

    Chapter 7: Embracing the Future

    Chapter 1: Understanding the Feeling of Loss

    Loss is an inevitable part of human experience. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, or even a sense of security, the feeling of loss can have a profound impact on our emotional well-being. In this chapter, we will delve deep into the emotions associated with missing someone, explore how that feeling affects our daily lives, and discuss the importance of acknowledging the need for change in order to move forward.

    Exploring the Emotions Associated with Missing Someone:

    When we miss someone, it is not merely the absence of their physical presence that we feel. It is a complex mix of emotions that can range from sadness and longing to nostalgia and even anger. Each individual may experience these emotions differently based on their relationship with the person they are missing, the circumstances surrounding the separation, and their own coping mechanisms.

    One of the primary emotions associated with missing someone is sadness. This feeling of melancholy arises from the void left by the absence of the person in our lives. We may feel a sense of loss, grief, and mourning for the relationship or the moments shared with that person. This sadness can be overwhelming at times, causing us to experience a deep ache in our hearts.

    Alongside sadness, longing is another common emotion linked to missing someone. We yearn for the presence of the person we miss, longing to hear their voice, see their smile, or feel their touch. This longing can manifest as a persistent ache in our chest, a knot in our stomach, or a tightness in our throat as we yearn for their company.

    Nostalgia plays a significant role in the emotions associated with missing someone. We often find ourselves reminiscing about the past moments spent with the person we miss, recalling the laughter, love, and connection shared. Nostalgia can be bittersweet, as it brings back memories

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