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Charts for a Theology of Evangelism
Charts for a Theology of Evangelism
Charts for a Theology of Evangelism
Ebook194 pages40 minutes

Charts for a Theology of Evangelism

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About this ebook

Like no other book before it, Charts for a Theology of Evangelism gathers ninety-three unique charts based on author Thomas P. Johnston’s twenty-three years of practicing and teaching personal evangelism. This excellent classroom, preaching, or personal study resource features nine major sections, and each chart from "The Urgencies that Drive Evangelism" to "Five Interpretations of ‘Salt’ in Matthew 5-13" to "Biblical Stages in Theological Drift," includes an explanation and contextual set-up from the author.

Release dateJul 1, 2007
Charts for a Theology of Evangelism

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    Charts for a Theology of Evangelism - Thomas P. Johnston

    "Everyone knows that the shorter one's explanation, the more distortion often occurs. Therefore, multivolume studies of theology and biblical studies continue to be penned. But, there will always be a place for the visual, the succinct, the summary. Charts remain valuable tools not only for those stated reasons but also because various views legitimately (or sometimes not so legitimately) held can be juxtaposed in close proximity, enabling the student to prepare his mental categories, which in turn help him sort through the perspectives of more extensive literature.

    "To my knowledge, Thomas P. Johnston's Charts for a Theology of Evangelism constitutes one of the very few such summations available in this critical arena of study. These charts not only examine and contrast methodologies but also delve into theologies of evangelism. Concepts such as sin, anthropology, and the atonement are developed in their relationship to evangelism.

    As you read these chartings of positions, drink deeply from the wells that Dr. Johnston has sampled for years. You will find them enlightening, encouraging, sometimes irritating, but always engaging. The author's prayer, along with mine, is that those who read will be stirred to a renewed proclamation of the gospel, which alone can save the eternal souls of 6.5 billion people around the globe.

    Paige Patterson

    President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

    "This volume of charts provides an extraordinarily detailed analysis of elements involved in a large number of outlooks on evangelism, its nature, effects, methods, and biblical validation.

    "It will greatly assist a researcher in cornering what is common in one's favored theory and the views of others, as well as where significant differences emerge. It will permit one to broaden one's view by including compatible elements not heretofore sufficiently acknowledged and to be more keenly aware of factors incompatible with what one understands as biblical revelation. This type of self-examination is extremely important for the individual Christian in evangelism, and supremely so for evangelistic/missionary organizations that must be alert to know what may be included and what must be avoided in their efforts.

    "The author manifests a very detailed knowledge of the Scriptures that are invoked in support of any approach, and also of literature, historical and contemporary, that relates to various options. He appears to have managed to shun any a priori prejudice in order to present a fair analysis of what each view considered involves.

    I only regret the use of the words ‘reconciliation model’ as characteristic of a theory of the atonement in which ‘penal substitution’ is downplayed. Reconciliation is effectually achieved by the work of Christ; it is the unquestionable result of the atonement, not merely the emphasis of the theory in view.

    Roger Nicole

    Visiting Professor of Theology Emeritus, Reformed Theological Seminary

    Dr. Johnston summarizes in these compact charts insights encompassing the whole spectrum of evangelism. What a tremendous resource for students!

    Robert E. Coleman

    Distinguished Professor of Evangelism and Discipleship, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

    "Tom Johnston has done an incredible work in Charts for a Theology of Evangelism. I found myself unable to put the book down. This tool is indispensable to the person who is serious about understanding the Great Commission."

    Thom S. Rainer

    President and CEO, LifeWay Christian Resources

    "Rarely have we ever seen any work as complete and as theologically sensitive as Charts for a Theology of Evangelism by Dr. Thomas P. Johnston. I know from personal experience that this work has been in the making for several decades now, since I saw its beginnings when Dr. Johnston was my student many years ago. In addition to being a comprehensive academic work, every principle described here has been tested in the life and practice of this writer. I cannot recommend too highly these charts for equipping God's men and women around the world, and thereby enabling them to be fully involved members of the body of Christ and as our Lord has wanted us to minister to the honor and glory of His magnificent name."

    Walter C. Kaiser Jr.

    Former President, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary


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