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The Lost Ships of Lim Wierre: The Orchestrylus Odyssey, #2
The Lost Ships of Lim Wierre: The Orchestrylus Odyssey, #2
The Lost Ships of Lim Wierre: The Orchestrylus Odyssey, #2
Ebook166 pages2 hours

The Lost Ships of Lim Wierre: The Orchestrylus Odyssey, #2

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The second light novel in the Orchestrylus Odyssey picks up where The Symphonist left off.

Stanzielle Quintette fights a mysterious violinist with wings in the Waltzing Weeps, finding she has much to learn about the world and the machinations of fated things, suffering a severe loss.

The party stumbles across an ancient chrysalis after the duel. A mysterious woman named Claire Ennet Wierre had been sleeping inside, claiming she lived four thousand repeats ago, and that Diminished Seventh is a benevolent ruler with genuine answers to offer the world.

But to her it's yesterday!

When one of the Nine Golden Masks makes an appearance with the Euphonious Phoenix over the key of F, Motifenza, Stanzielle must survive against a Negasong and find the secrets of the ancient gondola pirate, Lim Wierre. Lim Wierre hid nine ships across the spheres, each containing a piece of the past that reveals the future.

Stanzielle finds her name in one of the Thousand Lost Melodies, a hidden fragment of the First Legacy, the prophetic poem written by Sonateena Vibratos.

Why is her name in a document written untold generations ago?

And what does the woman in the golden butterfly mask want with Stanzielle?

Secrets and answers abound in a tale set in an archipelago where pirates peddle minor shroom tonic, Diminished Seventh awakens, and the answers to the true things of the world don't come without a fight.

Introducing a series where every enemy attacks through poetry, and the music of the spheres plays on as the Coda begins.

Unravel the sea-born secrets of the spheres in Session 02 of the Orchestrylus Odyssey.

Release dateMay 30, 2024
The Lost Ships of Lim Wierre: The Orchestrylus Odyssey, #2

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    The Lost Ships of Lim Wierre - Bryan Rivera-Rivera


    Copyright © 2024 Bryan Rivera-Rivera

    All rights reserved.

    Bryan Rivera-Rivera supports the value of copyright and free expression.

    Culture benefits when artists thrive. The author penned and illustrated this light novel without the use of AI.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to any persons, whether living or dead, as well as events, is purely a coincidence.

    The lost ships of lim wierre, Session 02 of the Orchestrylus Odyssey

    first published in the United States of America 2024 by dovefire publications

    pictures | illustrations by Bryan Rivera-Rivera, Character Art By Bryan Rivera-Rivera

    subjects: Music | Fantasy | Young Adult | Light Novels

    X @bryanriverax2



    The Crossing

    Verse 00 Inset

    1.Verse 00


    Verse 01 Inset

    2.Verse 01

    Alter Chromas

    Verse 02 Inset

    3.Verse 02

    Symphonic Streams

    Verse 03 Inset

    4.Verse 03

    Building Quickly

    Verse 04 Inset

    5.Verse 04

    Changing Keys Port

    Verse 05 Inset

    6.Verse 05

    Terrest Dothan

    Verse 06 Inset

    7.Verse 06

    Strumestia Harpscythe

    Verse 07 Inset

    8.Verse 07

    Euphonious Phoenixes

    Verse 08 Inset

    9.Verse 08

    Sonateena's Poem

    Glossary Inset


    About Bryan Rivera-Rivera

    Other Works

    For those who make music, whether by sound or by words. Art makes the world a better place.

    Thank you.


    Second Prelude

    Maestus Refrain jumped back three staves when Cantus Severstrum unveiled his hood, leaving the hexagonal podium he stood at as ghostly as the faintest memories returning to his mind. The Ensemble's inner sanctum broke out in rumbling gasps, or perhaps reticent shouts from the mass of bodies peppering the seats like small worker metrobees amongst a harmonycomb matrix.

    Refrain refocused his eyes, almost tipping over from the final push of mockery from the testator on the stand. A devious display of opposites was before him, with Stanzielle Quintette moving back and forth above the courtroom, silent amidst a hostile permanence that had etched itself within the walls of Kadeja, the Flaming Palace. An acidic, glittering rosin from the bows of Royal Pathists of the First Front Orchestra covered her arms. And the sharpest strings on Liszt had also tied her limbs, further marring her pristine skin with the greatest passion of the Pathists. Something that had formerly made Refrain smile a smile like a thousand Flames caught aloft between the glorious wings of Musika Eyn Soph, the final sphere in the Orchestrylus array.

    Disregarded realization crushed any semblance of joy and radiating triumph, decimating Refrain completely.

    Cantus Severstrum had it.

    The mark of Motifenza, the Euphonious Phoenix of the key of F minor. He had given this erudite man the Eye of the Flow. Beneath the sagacious wisdom of the man's graying head, and upon the untold secrets of his left eye, was the hallmark of a Euphonious Phoenix from Mozartide. The glimmerdells manifested from Motifenza resembled spiked, reversed teardrops with wings, but this one was special, as instead of glistening upon Cantus' neck, it shone upon his eye, infinite knowledge wrapped into a personal hallmark from a being inconceivable to a mortal mind.

    Maestus Refrain caught himself in a moment of composure, extending his gilded, robe-wrapped arm and pointing at Cantus' left eye. That's not possible. The pianistic seers have all gone the way of the Decried; they don't exist. Yet … you have Motifenza's blessing?!

    Cantus stepped forward, leaning upon the podium with his elbows at two opposite ends of the hexagon. His hair was spiked, though reigned-in with a haphazard intention of missing the point of style. While not wrinkled, his face had aged, aged enough to have seen a great many things in his life, and even the lives of others if his hallmark had anything to say about his station. He waved his hand forward with a scurried thrust, decimating the podium into a swirling dust cloud of laser like rubble. Three beats in a measure and the structure gave way to a misted shroud of ancient morsels of the future.

    Cantus Severstrum batted the mist away, revealing an ethereally graceful piano made of the symphonic streams from the heart of the Eterna, the long-standing song of the spheres. Before I tell you the rest of the story of a destined young lass, seeing as you have been in this position for the past two thousand beats, allow me to test your mettle as a Maestus.

    His robe glistened in the symphonic piano's light, elevating him into something far grander than a man. Tame and composed, with a sprinkle of ferocity. He stood elegantly, and now the treble clef upon his robe was shining with every color of the chromatic scale.

    Maestus Refrain came to possess a prominent scowl from the depths of things most despised, as if a Negasong had taken a hold of him in his moments of perplexed shock. You can't do that here! I care not what you are. This is a sanctified space.

    "You should know all about sanctified spaces, Refrain. Are they not under your employ?"

    Refrain pulled his symphonist coat in front of his neck, covering his silver glimmerdell so that the wings weren't visible. He couldn't diminish the nervous sweat that had pooled up on his skin. His silver eyes lost a sliver of their haunting arrogance, almost as if he were deferring to Cantus in a protesting fashion. This man speaks nonsense! The Ensemble employs nothing but Pathists, some Royal, others deferent. What are you playing at?

    Cantus swayed his body as he seated himself before the frameless seat in front of his piano. The mist was now dissipating in a sprinkled funnel up toward Stanzielle, cooling her wounds with a refreshment from the Phoenixes themselves. He heard a slight grunt of thanks from her as the onlookers quieted down. It was all she could do from her position, being blindfolded and hanging up many staves high. Her white hair radiated the colors of the symphonic piano that Cantus was sitting behind, each key turning every color, every other beat.

    I'm delighted you've asked that. Allow me to show you. Cantus pressed upon the keys, every dancing turn of his fingers moving in an elated ballet of powerful procession.


    His fingers moved with such veracity to a long-forgotten score, as the notes danced upon the fiery walls of Kadeja herself. Splintering motes of fanciful light caught upon Maestus Refrain's collar, the blue hem melting down to a few threads.

    Maestus Refrain fetched his own instrument from the streams, a polished bone flute with a crimson accent upon the mouthpiece. Although the barrel didn't have the strongest glaze, it had a regal shine to it, capturing the powerful display of the symphonic piano. If you insist on disregarding life in the sanctified space of Kadeja, then allow me to show you what happens to the discordant.

    Refrain placed the flute to his mouth—dabbing the lip plate—and as he did so Stanzielle rustled back and forth upon her enslaving violin strings, cutting down into her skin to a new depth, and releasing the blessing that Cantus had given her. He pressed the first key with a warm expression in his eyes, and his right eyebrow furled slightly at the ends. He was confident, that much was sure. The first notes serenaded the courtroom, every mouth as hushed as the greatest secret.


    A flurry of symphonic energy weaved its way between the shortening distance between the two men as Maestus Refrain drew closer.

    And when he had reached the formless piano, a deathful note resounded.


    The Duel

    The spiralixes of Zaph and Rubinus had just passed each other in a mystic dance of untold generations, whirling masses of far-off stars encapsulating wonder in their paths across the sky. The spiralixes were wispy ghosts of ethereal energy, both in opposite spiral shapes, with Rubinus’ crimson display giving the beaches of the Waltzing Weeps a murderous glow. Zaph passed on from above the western horizon, sinking below the sphere of Liszt as its sapphire glow trailed off. A brief afterimage of each of the two orbiting behemoths of symphonic matter remained for a delicate few beats before being drowned out by the starry sky in between shifting biomic auroras.

    Now that the Crossing had passed, the auroras had become supercharged with a boosting regality, turning about as they surfed across the skyscape with eager fervor. Pink biomic auroras had shifted from their normal blue hue in this climatic zone, where the bloomfall pattern had changed from mere petals to full-on blossoms of the hydrangea variety from the recent Grand Crossing four nights ago.

    That’s how it was in Orchestrylus, where while rain often happened in spurts during the summer minors, the rest of the current repeat often scattered bloomfall petals and blossoms instead of the purest distillation of water from the changing skies.

    And changing skies they were, as young Stanzielle Quintette had just stumbled upon a fierce opponent from a place that she had never heard of in the center of the Waltzing Weeps between the continents. The ocean’s bass notes rang out in shifting octaves, as water wept along the edges of a massive stretch of sandbars in some of the most azure sections of the Lisztian sphere. As she floated, she smelled the salty air, flapping her sapphire wings in constant intervals.

    She had become the wielder of a famous violin, from the

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