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Ink of the Heart
Ink of the Heart
Ink of the Heart
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Ink of the Heart

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In the heart of Tokyo's bustling Hanamachi district lies Kurogane Ink, a tattoo studio where tradition meets modernity. Owned by the gifted tattoo artist Mai Kurogane, the studio is a sanctuary of intricate designs and serene concentration. Mai's life takes an unexpected turn when Detective Sato Hayashi seeks her help to investigate a series of art thefts linked to the Yakuza.


Mai, who prefers to stay out of police matters, is drawn into the investigation when she learns that the stolen artworks are connected to her mysterious past. The Yakuza's symbol, a phoenix that matches the tattoo on her back, is found on the stolen pieces. With a shared goal of uncovering the truth, Mai and Sato form a reluctant partnership.


Their journey takes them through the shadowy underworld of Tokyo, from high-stakes auctions to dangerous confrontations with the Yakuza. As they delve deeper, they uncover a conspiracy involving ancient artifacts and a secret collection linked to Mai's heritage. Each step brings them closer to the heart of the Yakuza's operations and the secrets of Mai's past.


Amidst high-tech espionage and perilous confrontations, Mai and Sato navigate their growing partnership, uncover hidden enemies, and protect Tokyo's cultural heritage. Their quest for justice is a thrilling blend of mystery, danger, and the art of tattooing, set against the vibrant backdrop of Tokyo's streets.

Release dateMay 31, 2024
Ink of the Heart

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    Book preview

    Ink of the Heart - Nasipa Sookwong

    Chapter 1

    Art in Motion

    In the heart of Tokyo, nestled amidst the bustling district of Hanamachi, lies a unique blend of tradition and modernity—Mai Kurogane's tattoo studio, Kurogane Ink. The studio is a testament to Mai's intricate artistry, its walls adorned with framed sketches and inked designs that tell stories of dragons, phoenixes, and mythical beings. The scent of antiseptic mingles with faint traces of incense, creating an atmosphere of serene concentration.

    Mai Kurogane, a gifted tattoo artist with a mysterious past, is engrossed in her latest masterpiece. Her needle dances across the skin of a high-profile client, a swirling dragon coming to life with each precise stroke. Her client, a renowned business executive, sits stoically, the rhythmic buzz of the tattoo machine the only sound breaking the tranquil silence.

    How does it look? the client asks, his voice a low murmur.

    Perfect, Mai replies, her eyes never leaving her work. The dragon is a symbol of strength and protection. It suits you well.

    The client nods, satisfied, and falls silent once more. As Mai continues her work, her thoughts drift briefly to her own unspoken past. The studio, a haven she has built brick by brick, is a refuge from the shadows that linger just beyond the door.

    The bell above the door chimes, slicing through the quiet. Mai glances up, her focus momentarily broken. Standing in the doorway is Detective Sato Hayashi, a man whose presence brings an air of urgency and purpose. His eyes, sharp and observant, scan the studio before settling on Mai.

    Detective, Mai greets him with a nod, her tone neutral yet curious.

    Mai, Sato replies, stepping further into the room. We need to talk.

    She raises an eyebrow, her hands pausing their meticulous work. About what?

    A series of art thefts, he says, his expression grim. And I believe you might be able to help.

    Sato's tone is clipped, each word measured and purposeful. These thefts are linked to the Yakuza, he continues. Artworks have been disappearing, and we've found clues that suggest they're planning something big.

    Mai's expression hardens. I don't involve myself in police matters, Sato. My work is here.

    I understand, Sato replies, his voice softening. But this isn't just about the thefts. It's about your heritage. The Yakuza—they might be connected to your past.

    Mai's eyes narrow. What do you mean?

    Sato takes a step closer, lowering his voice. We've found a symbol—a phoenix. It matches the tattoo on your back.

    The room falls silent, the weight of Sato's words hanging heavily in the air. Mai's mind races, memories of her unknown parents and the tattoo she bears flooding back.

    Why should I trust you? she asks, her voice tinged with skepticism.

    Because we want the same thing, Sato replies, his gaze unwavering. To uncover the truth and bring justice to those who exploit the art world.

    Mai considers his words, her resolve wavering. The thought of delving into her past, of confronting the shadows that have haunted her, is daunting. But the determination in Sato's eyes stirs something within her—a spark of curiosity, a flicker of hope.

    Fine, she says finally, her voice steady. But this stays between us. No police raids, no public scrutiny. I have a business to run.

    Sato nods, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. Agreed. We'll work together, discreetly. Your skills could be the key to unraveling this mystery.

    Mai returns to her work, the tattoo needle resuming its dance. But now, her mind is divided—half on the intricate dragon before her, and half on the enigmatic detective and the promise of answers he brings.

    As the session concludes, the client examines the dragon in a mirror, nodding his approval. Mai cleans her equipment, her thoughts a whirlwind of possibilities and uncertainties.

    Thank you, Mai, the client says, his voice appreciative.

    You're welcome, she replies, her smile polite but distracted. Take care.

    With the client gone, Mai turns to Sato, her expression resolute. When do we start?

    Sato's eyes gleam with determination. Now. Let's uncover the truth, together.

    The two of them leave Kurogane Ink, stepping out into the vibrant Tokyo streets. The city hums with life, a stark contrast to the quiet intensity of Mai's studio. As they walk, Mai can't help but feel a sense of anticipation, a thrill of the unknown.

    In this moment, the past and the future converge, setting Mai on a path that will lead her deeper into the heart of the city's darkest secrets. And with Sato by her side, she feels a newfound strength—a partnership forged in mystery and bound by a shared quest for truth.


    The Tokyo streets buzzed with life as Mai and Sato left the confines of Kurogane Ink. The transition from the serene, ink-scented studio to the chaotic symphony of the city was jarring. Neon lights reflected off wet pavement, painting the scene with vibrant colors that clashed with the shadows lurking in Mai's mind.

    They walked side by side, each step synchronized yet carrying different weights. Sato's stride was purposeful, his detective instincts always on alert. Mai's steps were lighter but her mind was heavy with thoughts of the past and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

    Where are we headed? Mai finally asked, breaking the silence.

    I thought we could talk somewhere more private, Sato replied, his voice barely rising above the hum of the city.

    Mai nodded, and they continued in silence until they reached a small, nondescript coffee shop tucked away in a quiet alley. The shop was a stark contrast to the bustling city outside—a sanctuary of warmth and quiet conversations. They found a secluded booth in the back, away from prying eyes and ears.

    Once seated, Mai leaned forward, her eyes locking onto Sato's. So, what's this all about, Sato? You mentioned something about my heritage.

    Sato took a deep breath, his expression serious. Yes. We've been tracking a series of art thefts, and these aren't just any thefts. The pieces stolen have significant historical value. Among them, we found clues that point to a larger operation by the Yakuza.

    Mai's brows furrowed. And how does this connect to me?

    Sato reached into his jacket and pulled out a folder, sliding it across the table. Mai opened it to find photographs of stolen artworks, each marked with a symbol—a phoenix. Her breath caught in her throat.

    That symbol... she began, her voice trailing off.

    Sato nodded. It's the same as the tattoo on your back, isn't it?

    Mai looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and fear. What does this mean?

    We believe the Yakuza might be using these symbols to communicate. The phoenix is a marker, a sign of something more, Sato explained. And given your unique tattoo, we think you might have a deeper connection to this than you realize.

    Mai's hands clenched around the edge of the table. I don't know anything about my parents. I grew up in an orphanage. This tattoo... it's the only clue I have.

    Sato's gaze softened. I understand. That's why I need your help. Your skills, your insight into these symbols, could be the key to uncovering the Yakuza's plans.

    Mai leaned back, her mind racing. What exactly do you need from me?

    Help us decode these symbols, Sato said, his tone earnest. We need to understand their messages, their movements. And if possible, I need you to come with me to some of the places where these thefts occurred. Your perspective as an artist might reveal things we missed.

    Mai hesitated, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. This is dangerous, Sato. The Yakuza... they're not to be taken lightly.

    I know, Sato replied, his eyes unwavering. But if we don't act, more art will be lost, and more lives could be at risk. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.

    Mai looked down at the photographs again, the phoenix symbol staring back at her like a silent challenge. Her mind flashed back to her childhood, the unanswered questions, the search for identity.

    Alright, she said finally, her voice steady. I'll help you. But we do this on my terms. No unnecessary risks.

    Sato smiled, a look of relief washing over his face. Agreed. We’ll proceed carefully. Together.

    They shook hands, sealing their partnership. The coffee shop around them faded into the background as they discussed the next steps, their voices low but filled with determination.

    First, Sato said, we need to visit one of the galleries that was hit. There's something there I think you need to see.

    Mai nodded, her resolve hardening. Lead the way.

    As they left the coffee shop and stepped back into the neon-lit streets of Tokyo, Mai felt a mix of fear and excitement. The path ahead was uncertain, but for the first time in a long while, she felt a sense of purpose.

    The city moved around them, a blur of lights and sounds, as they walked towards their next destination. Mai couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning—a prelude to a journey that would uncover not only the secrets of the stolen art but also the mysteries of her own past. And with Detective Sato by her side, she felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.


    The rain had started by the time Mai and Sato reached the gallery, a light drizzle that cast a misty veil over the neon lights of Tokyo. The gallery, an elegant building with a modern facade, stood in stark contrast to the chaotic streets outside. Mai pulled her jacket tighter around her shoulders as they approached, the soft patter of rain providing a soothing backdrop to her swirling thoughts.

    Here we are, Sato said, holding the door open for her.

    Inside, the gallery was a haven of tranquility. Soft lighting illuminated the art pieces, casting long shadows on the polished wooden floors. The scent of fresh paint and varnish lingered in the air. Mai took a deep breath, her eyes adjusting to the dim light. The gallery was closed for the night, allowing them the privacy they needed.

    Sato led her to a back room, where the curator was waiting. An elderly man with a kind face and sharp eyes, he greeted them with a respectful bow.

    Detective Hayashi, Miss Kurogane, thank you for coming, he said, his voice low and reverent.

    Thank you for meeting us, Mr. Tanaka, Sato replied. Can you show us the piece?

    Of course, Tanaka said, gesturing for them to follow. This way.

    They walked through a narrow hallway lined with more artworks, each one telling a story of its own. Mai's eyes lingered on a few, appreciating the intricate details and the emotions captured in the strokes and colors. Despite the seriousness of their visit, she couldn't help but admire the beauty around her.

    They entered a small, dimly lit room at the end of the hall. In the center stood a glass display case, its contents shrouded in shadow. Tanaka approached the case and carefully removed the glass cover, revealing an ancient scroll.

    This scroll was among the items recently recovered after the theft, Tanaka explained. We believe it holds significant historical value, but we also found something unusual.

    He unrolled the scroll gently, revealing a stunning depiction of a phoenix rising from the ashes. Mai's breath caught in her throat. The phoenix, rendered in exquisite detail, was almost identical to the tattoo on her back.

    Do you see it? Sato asked, his eyes on Mai.

    She nodded, stepping closer to examine the scroll. Her fingers traced the air above the intricate lines, careful not to touch the delicate paper.

    It's the same symbol, she murmured. But why is it here?

    We believe the Yakuza are using these symbols to mark certain pieces, Sato explained. Each symbol corresponds to a different family or faction within the organization.

    Mai's mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle. But why would they mark this scroll? What does it mean?

    We're not entirely sure yet, Sato admitted. But we think it might be a code, a way to communicate between members without raising suspicion.

    Tanaka nodded in agreement. There are similar symbols on other recovered pieces. We hoped you might be able to help us decipher them.

    Mai's eyes were still fixed on the phoenix. I can try, she said softly. But I need more information. I need to see the other pieces.

    Sato smiled, relieved. We can arrange that. For now, let's focus on what we have here.

    They spent the next hour examining the scroll in detail, discussing possible meanings and connections. Mai's knowledge of traditional Japanese art proved invaluable, as she pointed out subtle details and patterns that even the experienced curator had missed.

    As they worked, Mai felt a strange sense of familiarity. It was as if the scroll was speaking to her, its secrets whispering just beyond her reach. She felt a connection, not just to the art, but to the unknown past that had shaped her life.

    Finally, they stood back, the scroll carefully re-rolled and returned to its case. Tanaka bowed again, his gratitude evident.

    Thank you, Miss Kurogane. Your insights have been incredibly helpful.

    Mai returned the bow, her thoughts still on the phoenix. I'm glad I could help. But this is just the beginning, isn't it?

    Sato nodded, his expression serious. Yes, it is. There's a lot more we need to uncover.

    They left the gallery, stepping back into the rain-soaked night. The city around them was a blur of lights and sounds, but Mai felt a new clarity. She had taken the first step on a path that could lead to the answers she had always sought. With Sato by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

    As they walked away from the gallery, the rain fell harder, but Mai didn't mind. Each drop felt like a baptism, washing away the uncertainty and fear, leaving behind a resolve as strong and unyielding as the art she so passionately created.


    The rain had transformed into a steady downpour by the time Mai and Sato left the gallery. The rhythmic patter of droplets against the pavement provided a backdrop to the silence that hung between them. As they walked, the city lights reflected off the wet streets, creating a kaleidoscope of colors that danced in the darkness.

    Mai pulled her coat tighter around her, the chill seeping into her bones. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, the phoenix symbol etched into her memory. The weight of her past felt heavier, yet she felt a strange sense of anticipation, as if she was on the cusp of a revelation.

    Where to now? Mai asked, her voice breaking the quiet.

    We need a place to discuss our next steps, Sato replied, glancing at her. Somewhere private.

    Mai nodded, her eyes scanning the street. I know a place. Follow me.

    She led him through a series of narrow alleyways, the familiar paths of Hanamachi providing a comforting sense of direction. They arrived at a small, tucked-away tea house, its entrance marked by a simple noren curtain swaying gently in the breeze. Mai pushed it aside, stepping into the warm, inviting space.

    The tea house was a sanctuary of calm, its minimalist decor and soft lighting creating an atmosphere of peace. The few patrons inside spoke in hushed tones, their voices blending with the soft strains of traditional music playing in the background. Mai and Sato found a secluded corner, settling into the plush cushions around a low wooden table.

    A server approached, and Mai ordered two cups of genmaicha. As they waited, Sato pulled out his notebook, flipping to a fresh page.

    Alright, he began, we need to lay out everything we know so far. The phoenix symbol is our key, but we need to understand its full significance.

    Mai nodded, her fingers tracing the rim of her cup as she thought. The symbol appears on the stolen artworks. It's a mark of ownership, a way for the Yakuza to identify their pieces.

    Sato scribbled notes, his eyes focused. Right. But it’s more than that. It’s a message. We need to figure out what they’re communicating.

    The server returned with their tea, the earthy aroma filling the air. Mai took a sip, the warmth spreading through her, grounding her thoughts.

    I noticed something about the phoenix, she said, setting her cup down. The details, the way it's drawn... it's similar to my tattoo, but not exactly the same. There are variations, subtle differences that might indicate something more.

    Sato's eyes lit up with interest. Like what?

    Mai leaned forward, her voice low. In traditional Japanese art, slight changes in a symbol can represent different things—rank, family ties, even specific messages. If we can decipher these variations, we might be able to understand their code.

    Sato nodded, his pen moving quickly. We need more examples. More pieces with the phoenix symbol. The gallery has a few, but we need access to all the recovered artworks.

    Mai's mind raced. There are other galleries, private collections. We could start there, see if they have any pieces with the symbol.

    I’ll arrange it, Sato said. In the meantime, we should document everything we find. Create a database of the symbols and their variations.

    Mai smiled, feeling a spark of excitement. This could work. We might actually crack their code.

    As they discussed their plan, the rain continued to fall outside, a steady rhythm that mirrored their determination. The tea house, with its warm glow and soothing ambiance, felt like a safe haven amidst the chaos of their mission.

    After a while, they lapsed into a comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts. The server returned to refill their cups, and Mai glanced out the window, watching the rain-soaked streets of Tokyo.

    Do you ever wonder, she said softly, why we do this? Why we put ourselves in danger for the sake of others?

    Sato looked at her, his expression contemplative. Every day. But then I think about the people we help, the lives we change. It’s worth it.

    Mai nodded, her gaze distant. For me, it's about finding answers. About understanding my past, my parents. And now, it’s about protecting what I love. Art, culture, the people around me.

    Sato smiled, a rare softness in his eyes. You’re not alone in this, Mai. We’ll find the answers together.

    She met his gaze, feeling a sense of camaraderie and trust. Thank you, Sato. I appreciate it.

    They finished their tea in companionable silence, the bond between them strengthening with each shared moment. As they prepared to leave, the rain finally began to ease, the first rays of dawn peeking through the clouds.

    Stepping back into the street, they felt a renewed sense of purpose. The city around them was waking up, the promise of a new day ahead. With a plan in place and an alliance forged in trust, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

    Mai looked at Sato, her resolve firm. Let's do this.

    Sato nodded, his expression determined. Together.

    And with that, they set off, their footsteps echoing on the wet pavement, ready to uncover the secrets that awaited them in the heart of Tokyo.

    Chapter 2

    Reluctant Accord

    The early morning sun filtered through the café’s windows, casting a soft golden glow across the wooden tables and the worn leather seats. Mai and Sato sat in a corner booth, away from the few early risers who were busy with their newspapers and coffee. The atmosphere was hushed, a quiet lull before the city fully awoke.

    Mai stirred her coffee absentmindedly, her mind still reeling from the discoveries of the previous night. Sato was equally pensive, his fingers drumming lightly on the table as he reviewed his notes. The warmth of the café was a welcome contrast to the damp chill of the morning outside.

    Mai, we need to discuss our next steps, Sato began, breaking the silence. His voice was calm, but there was an urgency underlying his words.

    Mai looked up from her coffee, her eyes meeting his. I know. This is bigger than we thought. The phoenix symbol... it's not just a mark. It's a message, a code.

    Sato nodded, his expression serious. We need to decode it fully. And for that, we need more information. More examples.

    Mai sighed, leaning back in her seat. It means we have to get access to other collections. Private ones. And that won't be easy.

    I've already started making calls, Sato replied. Some gallery owners are willing to cooperate, especially after hearing about the thefts. But for the private collectors... we might need to be more persuasive.

    Mai frowned, her mind working through the implications. You mean we might have to infiltrate these places?

    Only if absolutely necessary, Sato assured her. But let's hope it doesn't come to that. For now, we need to gather as much intel as we can. Start with the cooperative galleries, build a clearer picture of what we're dealing with.

    Mai nodded, feeling the weight of the task ahead. Alright. But there's something else we need to consider. The Yakuza won't take kindly to us prying into their affairs. We need to be prepared for retaliation.

    Sato's eyes darkened. I know. We need to be careful, and we need to be discreet. But we also need to move quickly. Every day we delay, they get closer to their next target.

    Mai took a deep breath, her resolve hardening. Then let's not waste any more time. Where do we start?

    Sato pulled out a list of names and addresses from his notebook. These are the galleries willing to cooperate. I've arranged meetings with the curators. We start there, see what we can find.

    Mai glanced at the list, recognizing a few names. I know some of these people. They respect art, its history. They won't want it to fall into the wrong hands.

    Exactly, Sato agreed. We'll use that to our advantage. But remember, we're not just looking for the symbols. We need to understand the context. Why these pieces were marked, what significance they hold.

    Mai nodded, her mind already shifting into analytical mode. I'll bring my sketchbook, take detailed notes. We need to document everything.

    Sato smiled, a hint of admiration in his eyes. That's the spirit. We make a good team, Mai.

    She returned his smile, feeling a rare sense of camaraderie. We do. And we have to stay one step ahead. For the sake of the art, and for those who created it.

    They finished their coffee in thoughtful silence, each lost in their own thoughts about the mission ahead. The café around them began to stir as more patrons trickled in, the morning rush slowly picking up pace.

    As they prepared to leave, Sato glanced at Mai, a serious look on his face. One more thing. We need to keep this low profile. The fewer people know about our investigation, the better.

    Mai agreed, her expression resolute. Understood. We can't afford any leaks. Let's do this right.

    With a final nod, they exited the café, stepping back into the now sunlit streets of Tokyo. The city was fully awake now, a bustling metropolis brimming with life and energy. But for Mai and Sato, the day held a deeper purpose—a mission to uncover the secrets hidden within the art, and to protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

    They set off towards their first destination, their minds focused and their hearts resolute. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but with each step, their determination grew stronger. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, united by their shared goal and an unbreakable bond forged in the pursuit of justice.


    The bustling streets of Tokyo felt even more alive as Mai and Sato made their way to the first gallery on their list. The morning sun now shone brightly, casting a warm glow on the city. Their destination was the renowned Saito Gallery, known for its impressive collection of traditional and contemporary Japanese art. As they approached, Mai felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

    They stepped into the gallery, greeted by the sight of various art pieces displayed with meticulous care. The curator, Mr. Saito, a distinguished man in his late fifties with silver hair and sharp eyes, approached them with a welcoming smile.

    Detective Hayashi, Miss Kurogane, welcome, he said, bowing slightly. It's an honor to have you here. How can I assist you today?

    Sato returned the bow. Thank you, Mr. Saito. We appreciate you seeing us on such short notice. We're here about a matter of some urgency regarding recent art thefts.

    Mr. Saito's expression grew serious. I've heard about the thefts. Disturbing news indeed. What do you need from me?

    Mai stepped forward, her tone earnest. We believe the stolen pieces are part of a larger scheme involving the Yakuza. Specifically, we're looking for artworks marked with a phoenix symbol. Have you come across any pieces with such markings in your collection?

    Mr. Saito's brows furrowed in thought. A phoenix, you say? We do have a few pieces that feature a phoenix, but I'm not sure if they match what you're looking for. Let me show you.

    He led them through the gallery to a private viewing room where several paintings were stored. Mai and Sato followed closely, their eyes scanning the surroundings.

    Mr. Saito pointed to a beautiful scroll painting depicting a phoenix in flight. This is one of our prized possessions. It has been in our collection for decades.

    Mai examined the painting carefully, noting the intricate details. This is exquisite, but we're looking for something more specific—symbols or hidden marks that might not be visible at first glance.

    Sato nodded

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