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Useless Musings
Useless Musings
Useless Musings
Ebook465 pages1 hour

Useless Musings

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About this ebook

As the hell year of 2020 was drawing to a close, and the collective anxieties of every able-minded person in America were making their threat whispers to never, ever go away no matter how many times you brushed your teeth, Jeffrey Eugene Hoch (the author of this book) had an idea. He would write a poem — or something approximating one — for every calendar day of the upcoming year of 2021. The main reason he wanted to do this was to keep his artistic conscience from atrophying across another potential year of emotional isolation, illness avoidance, and embarrassing cult stupidity.

There was some distant hope that something positive would come out of the process, but that something was unknowable and not even particularly hoped for by the author. A year of video games, whiskey, dates, and deli orders later, Useless Musings was “finished.” More accurately, it could just no longer be truthfully worked on because 2021 was over.

Anyway, the results of this year-long whatever-it-was are documented here for you to read and maybe have some sort of emotional reaction to. These “musings” felt pretty “useless” as I was writing them (Hi, it’s me, Jeff), but maybe you’ll enjoy them. That would be cool.

Release dateJun 21, 2024
Useless Musings

Jeffrey Eugene Hoch

Jeffrey Eugene Hoch was asked by Austin Macauley Publishers to write his own author biography. Not comfortable with self-promotion, Jeffrey initially considered finding a way to circumvent doing this. Then he realized it’s really not that big of a deal, and he should just get on with it. He works as an iOS Engineer in New York City and is obsessed with games both electronic and tabletop. Jeffrey is terrified of insincerity, and his archnemesis is nihilism.

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    Book preview

    Useless Musings - Jeffrey Eugene Hoch

    About the Author

    Jeffrey Eugene Hoch was asked by Austin Macauley Publishers to write his own author biography. Not comfortable with self-promotion, Jeffrey initially considered finding a way to circumvent doing this. Then he realized it’s really not that big of a deal, and he should just get on with it. He works as an iOS Engineer in New York City and is obsessed with games both electronic and tabletop. Jeffrey is terrified of insincerity, and his archnemesis is nihilism.


    To anyone who needs to be reminded (or told for the first time) that—no matter what—you have the power to love yourself.

    Copyright Information ©

    Jeffrey Eugene Hoch 2024

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher.

    Any person who commits any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    Ordering Information

    Quantity sales: Special discounts are available on quantity purchases by corporations, associations, and others. For details, contact the publisher at the address below.

    Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

    Hoch, Jeffrey Eugene

    Useless Musings

    ISBN 9798886932249 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9798886932256 (ePub e-book)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023917238

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers LLC

    40 Wall Street, 33rd Floor, Suite 3302

    New York, NY 10005


    +1 (646) 5125767



    It Won’t Last (January 1st)

    A sober January 1st to reflect on those last few mistakes. Well, maybe they weren’t exactly mistakes but you’re torn up about them anyway Then more horrors flood back, half of which pre-date the year you’re supposed to be reflecting on:

    Sorry, chum

    That feeling that you’ll use that negativity and learn from it

    It won’t last

    Those plans to be the best you from here on out

    Them neither

    To get that book done, to hit that weight goal, to stop being such a depressed asshole

    None of it

    You will be defeated by the same entropic routines that did you in a few weeks into last year as well

    Or maybe you won’t

    Don’t sweat it

    Because even if this year ends up as shitty as the one you just left

    It won’t last

    I Want to Die with Love in

    My Heart (January 2nd)

    There’s no guarantee of companionship when you’re facing the end

    There are a thousand roads that leave you without family or friend

    You can spread goodness and humor wherever you go

    But there’s no way to force true connection to grow

    However, that’s not to say you are bereft of control

    Without outside judgment, shame still takes its toll

    It’s not really about others, the star of your story is you

    It’s your unknown journey, your threshold to step through

    So put love in your heart and keep it there forever

    No matter the circumstances you later must weather

    That’s where it belongs for you to live and to thrive

    It’s the fuel for the fire that keeps you alive

    Of course there’s real danger, but it’s not such an ordeal

    When you’re supplied by a love that is even more real

    And the more that you store, the less room for fear

    Less pain in your anger, less sorrow in your tears

    You can contend with life with more cheer in your chest

    More courage in your core, more bravura in your breast

    It’s true no one knows when the reaper will reap them

    But at least you will have all the days that precede him

    So fill those days with love however you can

    Find passions to pursue, fulfill extravagant plans

    Seek others to give your love and your home

    Then no matter when your time comes, you won’t be alone

    Playing Video Games, I Don’t

    Like (January 3rd)

    It’s fun to be an obsessive until you spend three and a half hours mindlessly tapping through dialogue in a Japanese visual novel you don’t give two craps about

    What is it about these stupid things that entices me to waste my time on them?

    The characters are annoying

    The combat is simplistic

    The fan service is cringe

    The puzzles are not puzzles

    The branching pathways that you have to keep going back and choosing every branch of just to see the actual fucking storyline are just plain obnoxious

    I don’t even really like anime all that much, which is clearly what all this crap is emulating

    So what am I doing?

    What is it about these games that keeps me coming back to them?

    I always think they’re going to have some amazing plot full of suspense and mystery that keeps me emotionally invested or on the edge of my seat but they never do

    It’s always just tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-tap while high schoolers flap their lips at each other

    Ugh, and don’t even get me started on all those indie games I keep getting duped into buying then get bored of an hour in, damn

    My new year’s resolution is not to stop drinking or start exercising more


    It’s to stop playing video games I don’t like

    Intermittent Fasting (January 4th)

    From twelve to eight, I eat, it’s great

    But after that no more

    From eight till noon, I wait, then soon

    I act the omnivore

    Not only that, less carbs, more fat

    And plenty of protein

    Clean calories (nuts, meat, and cheese)

    Are key to the routine

    Then if on the weekend I get drinking—and a-drinking I will get

    Gone goes all that healthy thinking, so on Monday must reset

    Pork My Buns (January 5th)

    I’m only attracted to women

    But bromance is all that I’ve been in

    I wish I got torqued

    By my buns getting porked

    Alas, tits and ass keep on winnin’

    So, It Begins (January 6th)

    When engaging with a system unfathomably complex

    Don’t seek edification, just act in reflex

    When perspective is required for institutions to be bettered

    Filter your conversations through ideology unfettered

    When panic creeps upon your spine as neighbors burn your home

    Reroute their flames with vitriolic oil of your own

    Then when the news is horror and a single breath could stoke the

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