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Percy's Purr
Percy's Purr
Percy's Purr
Ebook164 pages1 hour

Percy's Purr

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About this ebook

These are the stories of two best friends. Percy is a young black cat and Pilot a bouncy black Labrador. These are heartwarming, amusing stories to curl up with and enjoy.

Who has stolen the Halloween treats and exchanged them for stones?

On a visit to Witch Tree Woods, will they solve the mystery of the woo noise? Can they escape Hogwood the grumpy wild boar?

Will they save the baby owls from the nasty crow Corvus?

At the Oakwood Green village fete they enter the pet talent competition with hilarious results and Pilot steals a hot dog.

On holiday to Fossil Bay, Pilot digs up an enormous bone. What is it?

At Christmas, they get up to mischief and have to help Santa as a consequence.
Release dateJun 21, 2024
Percy's Purr

Kate Hopkins

Kate lives in Surrey with Pilot and enjoys long walks with him where he finds unspeakable things to roll in, and finds the filthiest ponds to swim in. She was a primary school teacher for 33 years and has always enjoyed writing stories and sharing them with children. Percy’s Purr is her first book.

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    Percy's Purr - Kate Hopkins


    Kate lives in Surrey with Pilot and enjoys long walks with him where he finds unspeakable things to roll in, and finds the filthiest ponds to swim in. She was a primary school teacher for 33 years and has always enjoyed writing stories and sharing them with children. Percy’s Purr is her first book.

    Copyright © Kate Hopkins 2024

    Illustrated By Susy Dixon-Jones

    The right of Kate Hopkins and Susy Dixon-Jones to be identified as author and illustrator of this work has been asserted by them in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781035857074 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781035857081 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA

    For Pilot and all my wonderful animals past, who inspired these stories, and to Dad who used to tell me stories.

    A huge thanks goes to Susy Jones, whose wonderful illustrations have brought Percy and Pilot to life. I would like to thank Helen, for her technical support; computers are a mystery to me.

    Thanks to Rob Webb who helped enormously with scanning and printing. Also, thanks to the production team at Austin Macauley for answering all my questions. I hope my readers will enjoy Percy and Pilot’s adventures, there will be more.

    Finally, thanks to Mum for helping.

    Percy’s Purr/Percy and Pilot

    Percy was happy; he snuggled up to his brothers and sisters and purred. The next day, his brothers were taken to a new family. Percy was sad.

    The day after, his sisters were taken to a new family. Percy was sad, he did not purr.

    I am lonely, he said to Dog. I cannot purr.

    You will purr if you have your favourite dinner, said Dog.

    Percy had tuna, which was his favourite dinner. He ate some, but he did not purr.

    I am sad, he said to Old Cat, who was wise. I cannot purr.

    Old Cat, who was wise, said, You will purr if you play with your mouse.

    Percy played with his mouse, but he did not purr.

    I am lonely, he said to his mother. I cannot purr!

    You will purr if you let me lick you and make you warm, said his mother.

    Percy was licked and made warm by his mother, but still, he did not purr.

    I am sad, he said to Father Tomcat. I cannot purr!

    You will purr if I play chase with you, said Father Tomcat.

    Father Tomcat and Percy played chase. Round and round they went. Up the tree, around the pond and in the bush.

    I have played chase with you, Father Tomcat, and still I cannot purr! said Percy.

    I am lonely! said Percy to Squirrel. I cannot purr!

    You will purr if you pounce on my furry tail, said Squirrel. Percy pounced on Squirrel’s furry tail.

    I have pounced and pounced on your furry tail, said Percy. But I CANNOT purr!

    Some days passed and a Sad Boy came. Percy saw the Sad Boy and went up to him. He rubbed his head on the Sad Boy’s leg. You are sad too! He meowed.

    The boy looked down at Percy and smiled. He stroked Percy’s head.

    Percy felt less sad.

    Then, the boy picked Percy up gently and cuddled him.

    Percy was very happy and very slowly, he began to PURRRRRRRRRR!

    Some weeks went by; today, Percy was curious. Boy and his Big People had gone out in their travel box. He curled up in his favourite place on the sofa and looked out of the window; it was a warm spring afternoon. The horse chestnut trees had their candles, May blossom was blooming. He could hear the honk of Canada geese as they flew overhead towards the large pond in the woods. Percy fell asleep.

    Sometime later, Percy was woken up as a black thing came bounding in. What is this? Percy thought.

    The black thing came and bounced on Percy.

    Percy was scared; his fur went up, he hissed and his claws came out.

    The black thing made a scary noise, Woof!

    Percy ran to hide under the sideboard—his safe place. The black thing was sniffing and sniffing.

    Don’t be scared! said Boy. Percy, this is Pilot; he is a puppy and he is your friend.

    I miss my brothers and sisters, maybe this black thing called Pilot could be my friend? Percy thought.

    Very slowly, paw by paw, he came out from under the sideboard. Pilot was asleep. Percy moved hesitantly towards him. He touched him gently with his paw. Pilot was snoring softly. Percy thought Pilot seemed warm; he decided it might be nice to snuggle up to him.

    So, he did.

    Boy and the Big People were smiling. Percy purred.

    Percy and Pilot at the Seaside

    Percy was in his favourite place, on the windowsill above the radiator. The sun shone through the glass and was very warm.

    Percy was dreaming about tuna cake. His claws went in and out and he purred happily.

    Wake up, Percy! barked Pilot excitedly.

    Percy woke with a start and nearly fell off the windowsill. Pilot! He meowed crossly. Why have you woken me up?

    Because, Percy, I heard Boy say we are going special walkies to the seaside! Pilot woofed.

    What is the seaside? asked Percy inquisitively.

    Pilot was so excited, he was running around chasing his tail and did not hear Percy.

    WHAT IS THE SEASIDE? meowed Percy loudly.

    I don’t know but it sounds exciting! replied Pilot, wagging his tail so hard he knocked Percy off the windowsill.

    Percy fell onto the sofa and did not hurt himself, but he was cross!

    Come on, you two! said Boy. We are going to the seaside. I will fetch your travel box, Percy, and you must get in it without a fuss!

    Of course, Percy did not understand Boy, but he did see Boy getting his travel box. Percy hated going in the travel box, so he ran upstairs and hid in the airing cupboard.

    Pilot, go and get Percy or we shall be late getting to the seaside; tell him he is not going to the vet’s, Boy said quietly.

    Pilot understood and went up the stairs to the airing cupboard. Percy, we are not going to the vet’s, we are going on an adventure to the seaside! Look, Boy has put my travel harness on, and we are all ready to go! Pilot woofed excitedly.

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