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Bob the Bear's Continental Adventure
Bob the Bear's Continental Adventure
Bob the Bear's Continental Adventure
Ebook104 pages1 hour

Bob the Bear's Continental Adventure

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“Bob crept upstairs and into the spare bedroom. There on the bed, next to the suitcases, was Nanny’s open handbag. He climbed up onto the bed and tried to climb inside, as he pulled himself up, he suddenly tipped forwards and ended up head first in the bag with his legs in the air, no matter how he tried, he found he was stuck fast and the more he wriggled the worse it got.”

If bears could blush, then Bob would have been red from the top of his ears to the tips of his toes, even so he felt himself go hot with embarrassment.

Meet Bob the Bear and join him as he meets with his new family and then goes on an exciting journey with them, where he not only hears strange new languages, but he also gets to see many amazing sights and fascinating places. It is a voyage of discovery.
Release dateJun 21, 2024
Bob the Bear's Continental Adventure

Rusty Godwin

Rusty was born in RAF married quarters in Pembroke Dock in Wales, the youngest of four. Having tried her hand at various jobs, including a short three-year stint in the Women’s Royal Air Force, she eventually settled on becoming a lawyer. In her spare time, Rusty has found one of the best ways to relax was to write the children’s stories that have filled her mind since childhood and to try to get these published. Her first published work being Sammy the Spaniel, is now followed by her latest offering which introduces you to Bob the Bear.

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    Book preview

    Bob the Bear's Continental Adventure - Rusty Godwin


    Rusty was born in RAF married quarters in Pembroke Dock in Wales, the youngest of four.

    Having tried her hand at various jobs, including a short three-year stint in the Women’s Royal Air Force, she eventually settled on becoming a lawyer.

    In her spare time, Rusty has found one of the best ways to relax was to write the children’s stories that have filled her mind since childhood and to try to get these published. Her first published work being Sammy the Spaniel, is now followed by her latest offering which introduces you to Bob the Bear.

    Copyright © Rusty Godwin 2024

    The right of Rusty Godwin to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781035814091 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781035814107 (ePub e-book)

    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA

    In memory of my darling late husband Richard, for his unending support and encouragement and for the wonderful holiday that gave me the inspiration for this book, and of course to my dear stepdaughter Claire and my grandson William for their delightful contribution.

    To my publishers, for having faith in me once again to help publish my second book.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 1

    Bob sat watching as people walked in and out of the shop; occasionally one would look up at him, where he sat, all alone on the shelf. The last of his friends had been sold the day before and it had been a very quiet 24 hours since then, with no one to talk to or play with, when the shop was closed.

    Bob was a little brown bear, and he was currently at the Land Rover Factory Shop in Solihull. The Factory was where the last of the old-style Land Rovers were being built and sent off to be sold and Bob wondered what was going to become of him when the last of them was gone.

    As he sat, looking up at the ceiling, watching a spider spin her delicate web, and pondering over what his future might be, a voice caught his attention.

    Oh look, isn’t he sweet, and all on his own on the shelf, drifted up a lady’s voice, who stood just below him.

    Yes, dear, muttered the man next to her, not really looking.

    William would love him.

    George, the shopkeeper, hearing this exchange, smiled.

    He’s the last one, he said, we won’t be having any more like him.

    The lady tugged at the man’s arm and whispered something in his ear, he looked up. The man smiled, chuckled and then nodded.

    How much is he? he asked.

    £6.75, replied George.

    How about £5 for cash? asked the man, with a grin on his face.

    He’s for our grandson, he’s 5, added the lady.

    Bob tipped his head to one side and looked with interest, the lady had a big smile, warm eyes and a friendly, singsong voice, she looks nice, he thought.

    Then he heard George’s voice, Okay, I hate to see him sitting up there all on his own.

    George came over and carefully lifted Bob down from the shelf.

    You’re off to a new home, my lad, he said.

    George sat Bob on the counter; the man handed over a £5 note and the lady picked him up and gave him a huge hug.

    What’s his name? asked the lady.

    Bob, said George.

    She smiled and carrying Bob carefully in her arms off they went saying a cheery thank you and goodbye.

    I wonder where I’m going, thought Bob, full of both excitement and anticipation. They left the shop and headed to the car park and over to a big Land Rover Discovery, who appeared to be dozing quietly in the late afternoon sun.

    Wake up, Disco, said the man, it’s time we left for home.

    Disco opened one eye and yawned.

    We’ve got a new friend for William, said the lady, his name’s Bob.

    She held Bob up to show Disco, who just looked at him with a disdainful stare and said nothing. The lady popped Bob in the back of Disco, in a child’s seat, and strapped him in.

    The man laughed.

    You get worse, Nanny, he said.

    The lady just smiled.

    In the car, the lady leant forwards and pressed some buttons on a screen on the dashboard.

    Wake up, Susie, time to check the journey home, said the lady.

    Bob looked puzzled as the screen lit up and a female voice said, At the next junction, turn right.

    Bob heard Disco mumble something under his breath as they set off, it sounded like: I know the way – thank you.

    The drive to his new home was uneventful, there was a short stretch on the motorway and then a lovely journey through smaller lanes and pretty villages, during which the voice from the screen intermittently gave instructions, such as turn left, turn right, straight on, and each

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