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John Hard - Hard Men & Soft Hearts: The Hard Ranch Series, #5
John Hard - Hard Men & Soft Hearts: The Hard Ranch Series, #5
John Hard - Hard Men & Soft Hearts: The Hard Ranch Series, #5
Ebook64 pages52 minutes

John Hard - Hard Men & Soft Hearts: The Hard Ranch Series, #5

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Years after leaving that little ranch in Texas John still has a few battles to fight. Mainly with how to get the woman he's in love with to agree to marry him. It don't help that John and her father can't stand each other. Reed Randall finally leaves town but he's not done with Virginia City or with John. Knowing miners are depositing gold in the bank almost daily a daring robbery is planned. It takes place the same day of John and Millie's wedding. Now John has to go after his new wife's father and another outlaw. Maybe one day things will not be so hard but not this one.         

Release dateMay 31, 2024
John Hard - Hard Men & Soft Hearts: The Hard Ranch Series, #5

George M. Goodwin

George was born in 1960 in Jefferson County Alabama. The fifth of nine children, eight boys and one girl. The family was raised poor, but not poorly raised. At home, George was taught morals, ethics and respect. Reading, writing and arithmetic at school. Love, honor and obedience to God at church. He grew up on John Wayne movies, country music and the writings of Louis L' Amour, Robert Louis Stevenson, H.G. Wells and Jules Verne.  

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    John Hard - Hard Men & Soft Hearts - George M. Goodwin


    John stayed the night in Virginia City and took Millie to the Fourth of July fireworks celebration. They took Micah and Caroline along with them. Millie had sent a rider out earlier in the day telling Van Ingram to start the herd moving toward Virginia City. She would explain things when they got there. On the morning of July 6, 1864, she and John rode out and met the herd just outside of town. When they pulled up, Van walked over to the wagon. You work fast friend, Van said to John.

    It’s not like that Van, Millie told him. She explained to him that when John had rode out to the herd that day hoping to buy them, he had no idea it belonged to her. He, also, at that time had met Reed Randall and had words with him, but had no notion that she was his daughter. Millie then told Van that the money she had given to her father, which was to buy a ranch was gone.

    Gone where? he asked Millie, how?

    How has Reed always managed to spend money? Millie said. Drinking and gambling it away. Playing the big shot and buying drinks for everyone in the place.

    Well, if the money is gone and we have no ranch, then why are we still bringing the herd here?

    She told him of John’s deal with Mace Wesson to buy his ranch only days ago. Then he saved Aunt Caroline and me from Reed when he came to their house wanting more money from me. He was drinking and got mean when I told him I had no more money, said Millie. After running him off John asked me to marry him and I excepted Van. He has gifted me with ownership of the Wesson’s ranch as a wedding present.

    Well congratulations Miss Millie and you too Mr. Hard, he said shaking hands with John. I didn’t mean nothing by what I said, just watching out for Miss Millie.

    I understand, John told him, and I appreciate it.

    Where is your father now? asked Van.

    I don’t know, nor do I care anymore. Millie told him. "After spending all the ranch money, then having the nerve to come to Uncle Micah’s house demanding more. He was worse than I’ve ever seen him before. Yelling and screaming and when Aunt Caroline tried to calm him down, he threatened to hit her. She ran from the room and was going out the back for Uncle Micah. John came up the walk just as he drew back to slap me and came through the door and told Reed he’d kill him if he touched me.:

    You should have killed him, Van told John, then turned and said. I’m sorry Miss Millie, I shouldn’t have said that.

    Well we have a few days ride ahead of us, said John.


    What say we get these critters moving and go see the ranch, he told them.

    John and Millie were in the wagon and led out to show them the way. John believed the wagon was more loaded with Millie’s things than it had been with that gold.

    For the next couple of days as they traveled, John was amazed by Millie. She was unlike any girl he’d ever known. She took to the trail as well as any man. Eating food from the chuck wagon and sleeping on the ground without a single word of complaint.

    When they reached the first trail going into the mountains John told her that way led to his ranch. The trail goes over the peak and down to your ranch, but it gets mighty narrow in a place or two. I don’t want to take a herd this size over it. Especially with men who don’t know the trail themselves. You’d lose cattle for sure and maybe even a rider or two, John told her.

    It was nearing dark when they reached the foot of the trail they must go up. We’ll camp one more night here and take em up in the morning, he said.

    By nine a.m. the following morning Millie Randall’s cattle were flowing into the valley of the ranch. While the men looked around at their new surroundings, the lake and the barn and such, John and Millie went in to look at the house.

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