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The Vengeance of Victoria Morrison
The Vengeance of Victoria Morrison
The Vengeance of Victoria Morrison
Ebook124 pages59 minutes

The Vengeance of Victoria Morrison

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When Victoria Morrison's husband of twenty-five years is gunned down by four drifters on their ranch in Laramie, she contacts her father back in Boston. He in turns puts her in touch with the head man of the Pinkerton Agency. An old friend of his. 
He makes the trip to Laramie to visit Victoria. "I have four men in mind," he tells her. We have been watching these men for years."
"Watching them?" she asked, "are these men criminals?" 
"No Ma'am," he tells her. "They're bounty hunters."
"Send them to me," she insists.  She hires them to find and bring in or kill the men that killed her husband. All of these men earn her respect, but one also wins her heart.

Release dateMay 31, 2024
The Vengeance of Victoria Morrison

George M. Goodwin

George was born in 1960 in Jefferson County Alabama. The fifth of nine children, eight boys and one girl. The family was raised poor, but not poorly raised. At home, George was taught morals, ethics and respect. Reading, writing and arithmetic at school. Love, honor and obedience to God at church. He grew up on John Wayne movies, country music and the writings of Louis L' Amour, Robert Louis Stevenson, H.G. Wells and Jules Verne.  

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    Book preview

    The Vengeance of Victoria Morrison - George M. Goodwin

    Chapter 1

    They were married just days before she turned twenty. It was a grand affair hosted by her mother and father and introduced their new son in law to Boston’s elite. Little good that was ten days later Weldon came in with their tickets to St. Louis Missouri, the first leg of their journey west. Weldon explained the whole trip to her. First to St. Louis, from there they would travel to Fort Worth Texas where he would meet with some cattlemen in hopes of buying a herd and get them on the way hopefully to arrive shortly after they did. From there they would go to Denver Colorado. Weldon, do you even have land to put them on? she asked.

    Yes Dear, he told her. Everything has been such a whirlwind ever since I met you, I’m afraid I’ve told you little. You see, through one of my business deals, I received ownership of a thousand acres of ranchland just north of Laramie Wyoming. There, we will build our home and our future Victory. I have also made an arrangement to have a home built and waiting for us. I must say it pleases me greatly though that you were willing to go traipsing into the unknown with me.

    The following evening, they boarded the train for St. Louis. Weldon had made several voyages to England and was accustomed to being some time at sea. She, on the other hand, had never been out of Boston. The train ride which at first seemed almost magical to her soon became more of a bore and tiresome.

    Chapter 2

    Two months after leaving Boston, either riding the train or waiting at a station for their next train.

    They finally arrived in St. Louis. Weldon sensed her weariness and made an excuse for staying a few days there. St. Louis was a busy and boisterous town. Everywhere they looked were people.

    Whole families in large covered wagons.

    Buckskin and fur clad trappers who had sold their pelts or were looking for a buyer. On the waterfront, canoes, boats and flat bottom keel boats dotted the shore. Weldon took a room for them at the hotel. They had dinner that evening at a restaurant just down from the hotel. They had their doubts, but inside they found it very nice and served them delicious foods. A far step up from their meals on the train or any place they’d stopped before.

    They would stay four nights there before boarding a train for Fort Worth. She’d had several hot bathes and good food and was ready for the next step in their travels. That was Fort Worth. The morning after they arrived, Weldon met with the ranchers. Before noon, he had closed a deal for a thousand head of mixed young and old cattle and met with and hired a drover. After giving him directions and money for the trail, he was back at the hotel.

    They had a nice dinner that evening and in the morning, looked around Fort Worth until the train began boarding at two that evening. By two thirty, they were once again under way. 

    Chapter 3

    Denver was their next stop and from there an overland stage to Laramie. By the time they reached Denver it was early winter but they had already had a snowfall. Weldon bought the tickets for the stage ride leaving early the next morning. Thankfully the stage ride was only about a hundred and twenty five miles arriving in Laramie late in the evening. Victoria waited on a bench while Weldon got them a room in the only hotel in town. Then they went to dinner and back to the room for a much needed rest. The following day, Weldon went out and bought a large wagon and a pair of mules. He also bought a very nice riding horse, then to the general store for all manner of tools and supplies for their new home. Victoria held a small secret from Weldon, but now she felt it was time to fess up.

    At dinner that evening, he could tell she had something on her mind. Having second thoughts, he asked her.

    No, what do you mean by that? she said.

    What is it Victoria, doubts about coming away out here or marrying me all together?

    No Weldon, it’s nothing like that, she said.

    Then what he asked her.

    Stammering, she said, Weldon I’m afraid I’ve done a bad thing, and she began to cry.

    What? he said, what could have possibly done so wrong?

    Weldon, I’ve got us way out here and ready to move into our own home.

    I know, he said, isn’t it exciting?

    Weldon, I’ve never cooked a meal in my life. Back in Boston we always had Miss Hattie. A black lady who prepared all our meals.

    Chapter 4

    "W e’ll

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