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Falling For Her Student's Single Dad: The Firefighters of Orange Valley, #2
Falling For Her Student's Single Dad: The Firefighters of Orange Valley, #2
Falling For Her Student's Single Dad: The Firefighters of Orange Valley, #2
Ebook289 pages3 hours

Falling For Her Student's Single Dad: The Firefighters of Orange Valley, #2

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About this ebook

They're supposed to work together, not fall in love.

Meghann Headley loves her job as a counselor at a prestigious Christian prep school. When a child transfers to the Academy in the middle of a school term, Meghann is furious at the parent for disrupting the child's life—until she learns the heart-wrenching truth.

Meghann is irresistibly drawn to the child's uncle and guardian, Levi Armstrong, a firefighter who sacrificed his dreams of love to care for his niece. As they work together to support Avery, Meghann and Levi are caught in a whirlwind of suppressed feelings and undeniable attraction.

As Meghann fights to maintain her professional boundaries, Levi struggles to balance his new responsibilities with his growing feelings for the fiery counselor. Their worlds collide in a sweet and passionate dance of love and duty.

Will Meghann and Levi overcome the obstacles standing in their way? Will they fight to become the family Avery desperately needs? Or will their fears and responsibilities tear them apart?

Falling For Her Student's Single Dad is book two in the Firefighters of Orange Valley series. This is a Christian Contemporary Romance with strong faith themes.

Release dateMay 31, 2024
Falling For Her Student's Single Dad: The Firefighters of Orange Valley, #2

Aminata Coote

Aminata Coote is a wife, mother, author, and follower of Jesus Christ. She is passionate about helping women to run their race. She encourages women to first know God, and then know themselves while getting on with the business of running their race.  You can read more from Aminata at You may also connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

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    Book preview

    Falling For Her Student's Single Dad - Aminata Coote


    Chapter 1

    Anticipation thrummed along Meghann Headley’s spine as she sat in the front row of the Orange Valley High School auditorium. She scanned the room to identify the cause of the heightened sensation.

    Nothing. The bright lights made it easy for Meghann to scan the rows of women swathed in formal wear. The murmur of excited chatter permeated the air, punctuated by the occasional outburst of laughter.

    Meghann wished for the eagerness of the other women. Are you sure about this?

    Are you kidding? Her cousin, Julia Kingston, squeezed her hand. I’ve been saving all year for this.

    Meghann arched her brow. You have nothing better to do with your money?

    Julia owned and operated a barber shop specializing in women’s haircuts. Sure, but this is fun.

    Does Uncle Al approve of your dubious hobby?

    Although considering that Alvin Kingston was the principal of Orange Valley High, he endorsed it.

    Daddy’s proud of me for supporting our island’s burn center. Julia pressed a hand to her chest and adopted an expression of exaggerated concern. Such a worthy cause.

    Julia fluttered her lashes in feigned innocence. If our handsome firefighters ask us to bid on them, it’s the least we can do.

    The Orange Valley Fire Department held several fundraising events. Meghann always supported them—usually by sending a contribution.

    Besides, Julia continued, I’ve finally convinced my mother I can find boyfriends without her help. I have to go out occasionally. Don’t worry, you’ll enjoy the auction.

    Julia had strong-armed Meghann to attend the annual event with her. Her cousin, and best friend, was the only person who knew how ragged her emotions were after Trey.

    This is what you need to get over the scoundrel, Julia muttered as if she read Meghann’s mind. Bid on a hot bachelor and take a picture with him for your social media accounts. Show Trey that you’re not sitting around pining for him.

    Meghann dated Trey Shakes for six months before he accepted a management position at Bencotti Industries and moved to Meadowbrook.

    A year later, Meghann could admit Trey’s relocation was the best thing to happen for their relationship.

    Things with Trey had been amazing until they weren’t. It started as comments on how much she spent on clothes and escalated to how often she went to the hairdresser. He hated the colors she wore or the fabrics she liked.

    It had gotten to where her wardrobe looked as though it belonged to different people. Somber outfits with stiff fabrics when she had a date with Trey, and the bright colors and soft materials she preferred.

    She allowed him to decimate her self-worth until she didn’t recognize herself. The worst thing about the experience was the shame. She knew better.

    Meghann had a degree in psychology and one in education. She should have recognized the signs. The second Trey trivialized her, she should have confronted him or ended the relationship.

    Instead, she stayed, becoming less like herself every day. Her chest tightened as humiliation and anxiety clawed at her.

    You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

    The verse drifted through her mind, sweeping away the tension. She studied and recited that verse as she crawled out of the abyss Trey’s constant disparagement had thrown her into.

    Meghann smoothed her hand along the silky fabric of her red dress. The material was cool beneath her palm. Soothing. A reminder not to allow another man to make her question her worth.

    It’s starting. Julia directed Meghann’s attention to the stage.

    A gorgeous woman with black coils spilling down her back stood center stage. Her ankle-length black dress highlighted her figure.

    Welcome to the second annual bachelor auction of the Orange Valley Fire Department. I’m Adrian and I’ll be your auctioneer.

    Adrian scanned the crowd. Let me remind you, ladies, your donations support an important cause. If there was ever a time to spend the money you’ve been saving for that trip to Paris, it’s tonight. She winked. But save some for next year because we’ll be back.

    Meghann chuckled along with the audience.

    Our first bachelor is Casanova.

    The firefighter strutted across the stage as if he’d missed his calling as a performer. His gold mask made it impossible to see his face, but the man wore a suit like a male model.

    Do I have—

    Before the auctioneer could state a figure, someone in the audience shouted a bid. This continued for a while as Casanova pranced across the stage.

    The auctioneer chuckled during a lull in the bidding. You guys are doing my job for me. Do I have… Adrian named a figure ten percent higher than the last bid.

    A woman across the aisle across from Meghann raised her program.

    Casanova grabbed Adrian’s mic and shouted into it. Sold!

    The auctioneer grinned at the bidder. Sold, Adrian confirmed, because it’s not official until I say it.

    Casanova jumped off the stage and swept the woman who bid on him into his arms. He gave her a passionate kiss.

    Ooh, I want one of those, Julia whispered in Meghann’s ear.

    Excitement rippled through the crowd as other women echoed Julia’s statement.

    Ladies, I can’t guarantee our other bachelors will be that enthusiastic. Adrian chuckled. Casanova got nervous because his girlfriend almost got outbid.

    Meghann tittered along with the audience, but Adrian’s comment raised a concern. Were any of the bachelors single?

    This next bachelor, ladies, we call Priest.

    This man was a shade taller than Casanova, and though he also wore a mask, he captured Meghann’s attention.

    She raised her hand to bid before she’d made a conscious decision.

    Yes, Julia whispered. This is a man who will make Trey jealous.

    Meghann wasn’t concerned about Trey. She wanted to spend time with the firefighter. Something about him drew her in, and the heightened sensation was back. Meghann leaned forward, hoping to glimpse the man’s face.

    This bachelor is a genuine gentleman, ladies. I’ve been out with him and can testify to his manners. The auctioneer winked at the firefighter.

    The man turned his attention to the auctioneer, and Meghann realized Adrian’s comments annoyed him. Was this another case where the bachelor already had a girlfriend?

    He’s single, loves children, and is an excellent cook.

    Julia bumped Meghann’s hand with a grin.

    What are you doing? Meghann glared at Julia.

    Helping you. Julia forced Meghann’s program up just as she was about to withdraw. I can tell you’re overthinking this. It’s one outing for charity.

    Adrian pointed at Meghann. Sold to the woman in red!

    Meghann glanced at the auctioneer, who gave her a thumbs up. Meghann didn’t share the woman’s enthusiasm and glared at her cousin. What on earth had she done?


    Chapter 2

    Levi Armstrong tapped his gold mask to ensure it was in place and straightened his shoulders. It was time to face his date. Last year, septuagenarian Barbara Evans bid on him.

    Levi spent their date doing chores around her house, while Babs plied him with meals and stories about her life. Since then, he checked on her every few weeks and helped with arduous tasks.

    He strode across the auditorium toward the woman who had won the bid for an evening with him. Her dress swirled around her knees, a beacon drawing him toward her. She was almost to the door and Levi lengthened his stride.

    If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were running away.

    The woman froze, her shoulders stiffening. I was.

    She pivoted, and Levi’s breath caught as her eyes met his. He could spend the rest of his life gazing into her brown eyes.

    I— he reached up to remove his mask.

    Don’t. She grabbed his hand, and Levi felt electrified. Why did this woman affect him so much?

    His eyes scanned her. She was slender, with hair falling in loose waves past her shoulders. She wasn’t beautiful in the traditional sense, but Levi couldn’t take his eyes off her. If she commanded him to jump, his heels would be off the ground before she told him how high.

    I should keep the mask on?

    Her unusual request intrigued him.

    She nodded. I didn’t intend to keep our date.

    Why not?

    Her gaze dropped to his throat. I didn’t mean to win the bid. My cousin forced my hand up.

    Ouch! Levi slapped a hand to his heart. Talk about an ego blow.

    No. Her hand fluttered along the back of his hand and Levi checked if she left scorch marks behind. That was before.

    Was she feeling the same magnetic pull?

    Would you like to go somewhere private? Levi held his breath as the words passed through his tight throat.

    The hall was buzzing with people, but that would change soon. Her chest rose and fell with her breath.


    Levi escorted her to the exit, his mind discarding a thousand possibilities. Where would he take her? How could he convince her not to stand him up?

    Let’s go that way. She pointed to the path leading to the stands.

    Levi’s self-preservation instinct kicked in as she led him away from the crowds. Was he in danger?

    Was she an Orange Valley High alumna? Had they been peers? Was that why she hadn’t wanted to go out with him?

    He stopped and faced her, grateful for the outdoor lights illuminating her face.

    I’m sorry if I hurt you in high school. He hadn’t been a jerk, but must have done something foolish or made someone uncomfortable.

    She laughed. No one bullied me in high school. A shadow danced across her face and Levi wanted to know who hurt her.

    Sorry, he grimaced. Why don’t you want me to remove the mask? Is someone waiting to jump me around the corner?

    Had it been someone else, he may have worried, but he sensed he could trust this woman with his life. And with his heart?

    She gripped his arm, and the heat of her touch seared through his jacket. Haven’t you ever wanted to do something out of the ordinary?

    Like what?

    She shrugged. Get to know someone without the usual baggage.

    What do you mean?

    Even before she explained, his answer was yes.

    Why can’t we spend tonight together without pressure because we never plan to see each other again? Let’s spend the evening together—without sharing names or personal information.

    I— He had a million objections, but none passed his lips. What do I call you?

    She met his gaze, and Levi had the sensation of time slowing. Whatever you like. I’ll call you Priest.

    Okay, Red.

    The nickname slipped out before he realized how perfect it was. Not only was it the color of her dress, but red symbolized love, passion, and courage. Things he sensed this woman could incite in him.

    He ignored the thought that red was also the color of blood, danger, and anger.

    * * *

    Okay. Red grabbed a slice of pizza and pointed it at him.

    They sat on a bench in Apple Valley Park, the box open between them. The soft rustle of leaves provided the perfect backdrop for their conversation. They had been there for hours, yet neither wanted to go home.

    For Levi, this stolen moment with Red was a welcome respite from his life. For the first time in weeks, he wasn’t a man grieving the loss of his older brother and sister-in-law.

    He wasn’t an uncle-turned-guardian navigating the difficulties of parenting. He was just a man out with a beautiful woman who made him wish to commit to her forever.

    This question is one people are always afraid to answer, she warned. Are you ready?

    I’m not afraid of your questions, he teased. They’d covered the basics, from likes and dislikes to favorite movies and shows. They shared tidbits from their childhood, sanitizing the stories of personal details.

    He already knew this woman better than some he dated for months.

    What’s your greatest fear?

    His first temptation was to shake it off and offer a superficial answer. But why start now?

    He placed his half-eaten slice in the box. My greatest fear is I’ll never find a woman who gets who I am, he tapped his chest, at my core. My fear is never falling in love.

    His eyes met hers as an even worse thought occurred to him. Or I found the perfect woman. We had the perfect date, but I woke and it was a dream.

    Levi stared into her eyes so she’d understand he meant her.


    Her lips parted around the name he regretted answering. He wasn’t a priest. He wasn’t capable of a life of self-denial. Only a few hours with her, and Levi was ready to risk his heart with a woman whose name he didn’t know.

    She cleared her throat. We said this was for one night. She dropped her half-eaten slice of pizza in the box and wiped her hands with a napkin.

    What if I changed my mind? He put the box behind him and shifted nearer to her on the bench. You can’t tell me you don’t feel this too.

    He was a hairsbreadth away, near enough to catch a hint of jasmine, and the aroma of tomato sauce. The resulting fragrance was intoxicating. Levi cupped her face, his fingers caressing her soft skin.

    This is not part of our deal. Her hands wound around his neck and she scooted closer to him.

    Why can’t we change the rules? His lips were so close to hers that their breaths mingled.

    No. Her lips met his and Levi’s thoughts vanished. No kiss had ever felt like this—as if God created him to do this for the rest of his life.

    Red pulled away first, her breaths as ragged as his.

    What happens next? He ran his thumb over her bottom lip.

    Hmm. She caught his hand, drawing it away from her face. I believe this is because we’re in disguise.

    What if it’s not? His earnest desire to convince her this wasn’t a fluke deepened his voice. What if this is something special and we miss it because we assume it’s an anomaly?

    Well, the tips of Red’s fingers traced his skin as she memorized the lower half of his face by touch. Levi cursed the mask that restricted her movement. He wanted her hands all over his face.

    If you’re still thinking of me in a month, be at Ruby’s Place the last Saturday in March at 7 p.m.

    How will you know it’s me?

    Not that he’d forget her face. It was etched on his heart forever.

    Her eyes dropped to his lips. I’ll remember you. But in case you’re worried, wear something red.

    Deal. He leaned in. In the meantime, there’s something else we can do.

    In this fairy tale, he was Cinderella, and the clock was about to strike midnight. Before it did, he intended to make many memories with Red. Levi captured her lips with his.

    He hoped he hadn’t gotten his fairy tales mixed up and entered Grandmother’s house instead.


    Chapter 3

    As far as Meghann Headley was concerned, Michael Jackson was the greatest artist ever.

    The lyrics for Thriller played in her head as she headed for her office on the first day after the mid-term break. It took all her effort not to do the zombie dance down the corridor.

    The halls had a quiet that Meghann cherished. Once the students arrived, their voices would echo off the walls.

    The principal, Patsy Drummond, waited outside her office with two parents, and she was thankful, she resisted. The tall man towered over his petite wife—his was a face she’d hoped never to see again. Jasper White.

    The man was ten years her senior and acted as if he was God’s gift to humanity, especially the females. She’d gone on a date with Jasper and it had been one too many. That she regretted it five years later was a testament to how terrible it had been.

    The man’s beliefs about the role of women were archaic and oppressive. He informed Meghann over their appetizers that she must quit her job when they married. He claimed her sole purpose as a woman was to care for him and have his babies.

    Whenever Meghann disagreed with him, Jasper lectured her on the importance of submissiveness and holding her tongue.

    Morning, Ms. Headley. Principal Drummond greeted her with a bright smile. The Whites would like to discuss their son, Jasper Junior, with you.

    Meghann dredged up a polite smile. I’m not familiar with that name.

    Summit Christian Academy was a small school and Meghann was familiar with all the students.

    Junior will be your best student. Jasper boasted, puffing out his chest. Since the man was as thin as a pole, it didn’t have the impact he was going for.

    They are considering enrollment in September. Principal Drummond clarified.

    It was mid-February. Why hadn’t the Whites waited until Open House in March? She could guess. Jasper White was used to having his way. Meghann was one of the few who hadn’t conformed to his expectations.

    Meghann kept her attention on Principal Drummond, though Jasper’s fiery gaze burned into her. She wouldn’t give him the attention he felt he deserved until it was necessary.

    Would they like a tour? Meghann included Mrs. White in her question, though the woman had yet to comment. Her white shift dress covered an impressive bump.

    No. Jasper curled a proprietary arm around his wife’s shoulders. Tell us how you deal with students when they act out.

    Uh. Meghann didn’t know what to say. She worked with students to manage their behavior if they had issues adapting or keeping up. Meghann analyzed each student’s case and created a program to suit their needs.

    She didn’t create action plans where there wasn’t an issue, especially for a student who wasn’t on the roster.

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