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The Dream Lover: The Adventures of a Husband Hunter, #2
The Dream Lover: The Adventures of a Husband Hunter, #2
The Dream Lover: The Adventures of a Husband Hunter, #2
Ebook79 pages1 hour

The Dream Lover: The Adventures of a Husband Hunter, #2

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About this ebook

Kate has washed her scumbag adulterer husband out of her hair and taken herself a fabulous Sicilian lover! While highly satisfactory in a very physical sense, Luciano is not destined to be hers, so her journey to find the perfect husband continues!

Her nights are becoming filled with dreams of a mystery man, who is not only perfect, but an accomplished lover. Kate redoubles her efforts to find him, as she realizes she has a whole university full of intelligent men to draw on!

Perhaps one of them is Mr. Right. The hunt continues!

Release dateDec 15, 2017
The Dream Lover: The Adventures of a Husband Hunter, #2

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    Book preview

    The Dream Lover - D.V. Roberts


    I’d like to thank my lovely editors at eXtasy, Toni and Julie, whose attention and care have been above and beyond anything I could have expected.

    And I’d also like to thank the many men who, in my real life, have been the inspiration for Kate’s Adventures.

    Chapter One

    Oh, this feels so good. My whole body tingles from your touch. You’re an absolute master of your craft, a real sex god, I heard myself murmur.

    Thank you for coming into my life and doing all these miracles to my body. I’ll always need you, and I’ll never let you go. I’ve waited all my life for you. I whispered all this to my lover, directly into his ear. He was heavily engaged in the unchallenging task of removing my tiny silky knickers, while licking my erected nipples. He enclosed them with his warm mouth and teased them gently with his long, warm, soft tongue.

    Leaving my nipples reluctantly, my lover moved down a little, to apply the coup de grace to my modesty. He finally pulled the tiny panties completely off. I gasped at the sensation of at last being nude for his delight. The knickers had been removed by means of his teeth. Despite this obstruction to his power of speech, my lover—already completely naked, his member as stiff as iron—managed to reply in kind.

    Well, he murmured through the silk, "you are the sex goddess, my dear, and you are no hardship to worship. I am at your service and happy to please." He made this highly satisfying comment in his trademark deep sonorous voice. And then he tossed his head to the left. My knickers, wet with my juices, flew across the room and made a beautiful landing in the laundry basket.

    Returning to the job in hand, my lover eschewed the opportunity to return to my nipples and moved instead to teasing and nibbling at my belly. He spoke again, his voice husky and sexy, and the sound of his words made me want him even more.

    I love to touch your skin, he continued. It’s so soft and smooth, and you smell so sweet, and you taste like... like... He seemed lost for words for a moment, and then happily found his tongue again. You taste like strawberries with cream. Vanilla cream, my favourite.

    He stopped kissing me and gave me a warm smile, one which showed his perfect white teeth. His smile was sexy and encouraging, egging me on, as if I needed any such encouragement. I wanted him so much that even this brief break from his wonderful lovemaking was torture.

    I wanted him to go back to what he was doing before, I wanted him to start kissing my body again—the time for looking deeply into my eyes would come later, when I was relaxed and spent. Now I wanted less talk and more action. His words, although sexy, were taking his mouth away from my body.

    I extended my freshly manicured hands, adorned with bright red-painted fingernails, and touched the rippling muscles on his chest. What a fine specimen of a man I’d got here, so sexy and loving... I moved my hands to his face and touched his lips, soft and wet from all the kisses he had lavished on me. He started to kiss and caress my fingers. His touch felt great, but I was in the mood for much more. I transferred my hands to the back of his head, enjoying the texture of his black hair, and with one decisive stroke, I pushed his head downwards.

    He understood my silent instruction and duly obliged me. Without a word, he continued to lick and nibble my belly, sliding down my body and coming to rest with his tongue right at the opening of my thighs.

    He pushed my legs wide apart, touching and stroking my inner thighs with his supple fingers before he started to tease and lick my clitoris. His tongue was hot, and he used it to describe a slow circular motion. Then, suddenly, he squeezed my buttocks and pulled my body towards him.

    This simple movement, which I was helpless to resist, somehow immediately sent my body into an all-consuming orgasm, which went on and on and on...

    And I still wanted more. I was desperate to feel him inside my body, to feel his throbbing shaft moving inside me. I gently touched his hard manhood, and I knew he was ready for me.

    Oh, come on babe, I gasped. I need you. I want to feel you inside my body, and I want you now!

    He needed no further encouragement. I felt his cock enter me.

    Oh babe, I almost squawked as my body arched up in response. You’re so good, please don’t stop. My lover began to thrust urgently into me, faster and faster...

    Suddenly I heard music and voices talking. What’s going on? What’s happening? We were all alone, deep in our lovemaking. So what were those voices I could hear now? Why was this strange male voice talking about the Prime Minister... and who was Nigel? Was he my lover?

    I opened my eyes and found myself all alone. My lover had gone in the blink of an eye, at the very moment my radio alarm clock had come on, tuned as usual to a political talk-show. The voices of a well-known talk-show host and his interviewee—an opposition politician called Nigel—had cruelly interrupted my coitus of the imagination. And my sleep.

    Damn, that was such a beautiful dream, you spoiled it for me, I shouted at the radio clock. I felt like ripping it from its cable and chucking it into the bin.

    The cold light of morning now replaced the shining lights of my dream lover’s eyes, and common sense finally displaced my need for revenge against the horrid alarm clock. I needed it to wake me up every day. I couldn’t start being late for work again, the boss would not be happy...

    I smiled, thinking about my dream lover, his rippling muscles, his lean body, his kisses and his long, firm cock inside me. My body still tingled with

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