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Green Balls: A Fairy in the Bed
Green Balls: A Fairy in the Bed
Green Balls: A Fairy in the Bed
Ebook51 pages43 minutes

Green Balls: A Fairy in the Bed

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Peckerdale Grene is a fix-it pixie who works as a mechanic and lives at the family community tower. Peck’s ambition is to service a wish, and when an almost-suitable wish is made, he’s ready and waiting. His wisher, Chloe Fraser, threatens him with pepper spray. Peck’s problems multiply when he discovers the green balls condition he thought was a myth, is very real. Only one person can cure him, and she’s already turned him down.

Release dateNov 25, 2017
Green Balls: A Fairy in the Bed

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    Book preview

    Green Balls - Lark Westerly

    A wish gone wrong... and a fairy in the bed

    Peckerdale Grene is a fix-it pixie who works as a mechanic and lives at the family community tower. Peck’s ambition is to service a wish, and when an almost-suitable wish is made, he’s ready and waiting. His wisher, Chloe Fraser, threatens him with pepper spray. Peck’s problems multiply when he discovers the green balls condition he thought was a myth, is very real. Only one person can cure him, and she’s already turned him down.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Green Balls

    Copyright © 2017 Lark Westerly

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-1289-0

    Cover art by Martine Jardin

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

    Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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    Green Balls

    A Fairy in the Bed 3


    Lark Westerly

    Chapter One

    Peckerdale Grene was twenty-seven, but his wiry build and cap of shiny black hair made him look younger. He regularly got carded when he popped into a pub for a quick pint. Displaying his ID didn’t help because bouncers and barmen assumed it was forged.

    You need to be a bit more inventive than that, my lad, said one weary-eyed publican, squinting at the licence Peck slid from his wallet. Even I know Peckerdale Grene is the name of a posh block of flats over in Patterdale.

    It is, agreed Peck. My grandparents own it. And they don’t call it flats. They call it a city community.

    And they named the place after you? Pull the other one.

    No, they named us both after two family surnames. My grandparents are Peter and Pia Peckerdale and Peter and Gentian Grene.

    Really. The publican sounded unimpressed.

    Really. You can look it up on Google.

    And I suppose you’re the heir.

    "Not even close. I have cousins much higher up the family tree. I live in one of the service flats, but I’m a mechanic. I’ve been working for Ike’s Motor Services for ten years. Ike will vouch for me. Are you going to serve me or not?"

    I’m not, said the publican.

    Aren’t you even going to check?

    Clear out, kid.

    Peck slid his ID back into his wallet and put it in his pocket. When he withdrew his hand, he held a pinch of pixie dust which he flung at the publican with a practiced twitch of his fingers.

    The man shook his head and sneezed. Peck was glad to see he did it into his upper arm. Peck couldn’t catch a human virus, but he had his standards and he didn’t fancy sneeze in his drink. Nor did he fancy being

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