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Captain Zenny and the Redemption of Vaughn Riegler
Captain Zenny and the Redemption of Vaughn Riegler
Captain Zenny and the Redemption of Vaughn Riegler
Ebook43 pages34 minutes

Captain Zenny and the Redemption of Vaughn Riegler

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Detective Vaughn Riegler is facing his first Christmas since Lydia, his wife of twenty-five years, died in a tragic accident. Zenny Stoughton, a vagrant brought in for assaulting Crazy Mary, a local beggar woman.

At the behest of his commanding officer, Vaughn attends a Christmas Eve meeting run by Cal Willis, a counselor who won’t take no for an answer. What Cal has in store is no traditional group session. Vaughn finds himself between dimensions at a reunion of the living and the dead. He listens to admissions of guilt and negligence from beyond the grave and finds the chilling truth behind Zenny’s interaction with Mary.

But the night of redemption is only beginning. Vaughn comes to understand that salvation is a two-way street. Though he feels Lydia owes him no apology, he realizes he may owe one to her—one that will save him from his self-consuming remorse. Christmas is the light of promise, and Lydia’s love is a promise kept.

Release dateJan 5, 2018
Captain Zenny and the Redemption of Vaughn Riegler

Sari Shepard

Sari Shepard and his wife Susan act as a team, blending experience with imagination to offer high-charged contemporary romantic erotica with a fresh, creative approach. Our novels and short stories are insistently erotic, but strive to avoid over-objectification of the fairer sex, no matter what fervent passion they chose to pursue. Unique descriptors let the blissful fervor unfold without repetitious use of profane terminology. We believe sex is visual. Things happen during sex—things we wouldn’t discuss at a restaurant or draw on a napkin (most of us, anyway). The better the sex, the more things happen. The more things happen, the more visual the experience becomes. We do not shy away from vivid descriptors because feelings are indelibly entwined with the visual aspect of sex. We do not write drug-store novelettes that end a scene when things start tingling. We know sex is a repetitious act, but it should never be boring. It evokes fervent, passionate thought that isn’t served well by conforming to predictable descriptions. It’s easy to follow convention and avoid colorful, ostentatious words, but to us, it’s kind of like following a clergyman’s recommendations in the bedroom. Sex should never be given a description any less colorful than the act itself. We worked hard to develop our own unique style. Most of our heroines ascribe to bisexuality, but their heterosexual longings carry the stories. Along the way, each finds plenty of opportunity for promiscuous romps and swinging ménages. Twists, turns and dilemmas await the daring, colorful characters. Join them and learn their stories.

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    Book preview

    Captain Zenny and the Redemption of Vaughn Riegler - Sari Shepard


    Robert G.

    Chapter One

    Detective Vaughn Riegler sat at his desk rubbing his forehead to stave off a headache as he questioned Zenny Stoughton, a local vagrant brought in on suspicion of assault and battery. The Fall River, Massachusetts Police Station was decked out in tattered old holiday decorations that served as little more than a reminder that it was cold outside. Thumping the back of his head against a snowman wall poster, the thin, wiry suspect complained, Come on, Detective, you’d have arrested me by now if you had anything on me.

    Vaughn huffed and rubbed his eyes, then scrunched his cheek and complained, I asked a question, Benny... a simple one. Wanna answer it?

    It’s Zenny, and I already told you, I didn’t push any old lady down.

    The bartender and one of the patrons both said you bolted out after Mary Marquette left.

    By patron, I guess you mean the blind guy. As for the little Portagee bartender, she’s been a jerk to me from the day I met her. People shouldn’t be so damn rude to each other... especially so close to Christmas.

    So why do you hang out at the Broken Spar? Why not go to Lizzie’s or-or—what are you looking at?

    Zenny’s brows dropped as his gaze fixed on Vaughn’s computer monitor. That woman on your screen saver, he queried. She your wife?

    Vaughn pursed his lips and nodded. Just tell me—

    This last summer... she was drivin’ on the Old Red Bridge when it let go.

    You got a good memory. Now, how ‘bout answering my question?

    I remember seein’ her picture on the news. There was a big memorial... all kindsa’ wreaths and shit. You doin’ okay?

    Vaughn huffed and thumped his fist on the desk. I’ll ask the questions, Lenny! he snarled. You knocked Mary Marquette down out front of the Broken Spar. Why?

    The outburst didn’t seem to faze Zenny. He folded his hands in his lap and leaned forward. Sorry, Detective, he offered. Really... I mean that.

    It’s not your fault, he mumbled, leaning back. I appreciate your condolences, Zenny. Now let’s get back to why we’re here.

    Look, Crazy Mary... she stole my key ring.

    She gave them back. The witnesses said—

    The keys. She gave me back my keys, but she took my key ring.

    Was a key ring that important to you?

    Zenny’s gaze dropped to his feet as he dug in his pocket. You might say that, he answered, handing over the two-inch disk.

    Vaughn sighed as he inspected the metal emblem engraved with New Bedford Port Authority. This some kind of badge? he asked, handing it back.

    More of a memento. They gave it to me when they let me go.

    Just then, Officer Jillian Francis knocked on the entrance to Vaughn’s cubicle. Excuse me, Detective, she interjected. "A Mr. Cal Willis is

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