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Lycan Limbo: Helping Hands, #4
Lycan Limbo: Helping Hands, #4
Lycan Limbo: Helping Hands, #4
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Lycan Limbo: Helping Hands, #4

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After spending more than a hundred and fifty years in Limbo, to suddenly find himself in a modern world with technology that baffled him, and women who wore pants, was a huge shock. Discovering that men were allowed to love each other, to even marry and have children, was an even bigger shock, though welcome.

Release dateDec 29, 2017
Lycan Limbo: Helping Hands, #4

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    Book preview

    Lycan Limbo - Blair Nightingale

    Gideon’s thoughts and sexual cravings had condemned him to Limbo...

    After spending more than a hundred and fifty years in Limbo, to suddenly find himself in a modern world with technology that baffled him, and women who wore pants, was a huge shock. Discovering that men were allowed to love each other, to even marry and have children, was an even bigger shock, though welcome.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Lycan Limbo

    Copyright © 2017 Blair Nightingale

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-1732-1

    Cover art by Martine Jardin

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

    Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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    Lycan Limbo

    Helping Hands Book 4


    Blair Nightingale

    Chapter One

    Gideon gazed at the murky, choppy river. He leaned on the rough walking stick he’d fashioned from a branch by using sharp rocks. No matter how dirty the water, he was, as always, so tempted to jump in to wash off the years of dirt caked on his body. It was too dangerous. Giant water snakes lurked beneath the surface, ready to strike. Not that they could kill him. He chuckled sarcastically. Death would be a welcome relief from his miserable existence. But the monsters inflicted excruciating pain. He knew because he’d tried to bathe once after he’d first arrived.

    Arrived? He grimaced at the thought. It was more like after he’d been dumped here. Banished for all eternity. All because he’d lusted after a good-looking young man whose father just happened to be a sorcerer. How many years had it been? Gideon had lost count. There was no time in this dim place, no daylight, no night, no sun and no moon. Just a grey, miserable existence. Monstrosities of trees surrounded him, all bare of leaves. There was nothing green on the murky ground, no shrubbery, not a blade of grass. Unclimbable cliffs surrounded the whole area.

    Fierce storms often struck with no warning, tornado-like winds that lifted him off the ground and tossed him around like a ball. Slashing dirty rain just like the river’s waters, laced with gritty sand, tore at his skin. He’d tried many times to end it all, attempted to cut his wrists with a sharp rock, severed the artery in his neck, but the wounds healed instantly. There was no relief, ever.

    He was alone. Besides strange creatures that lived among the trees, the worms, and small vermin that he fed on, there were no other lifeforms. It was as if the sorcerer had created a hell just for Gideon.

    He sat on a large boulder, ignoring the sharp edges that bit into his thighs and buttocks, his thoughts wandering back to where it had all begun, trying to picture the young man who had caused his downfall. Well, he had not exactly caused it. Gideon’s own thoughts and sexual cravings had condemned him.

    The name remained engraved in his memory, but the image of Charles had faded. Gideon remembered blond hair, a face almost too pretty for a man, but the details of the face were gone, wiped clean from his mind. He’d met him at a debutante ball, a fabulous affair where his parents had hoped he would find his future bride. Yes, as if. He knew his family was not the only pack. There were other wolf shifters, but he had no idea where and neither did his family. They kept to themselves, steering clear of the wars that often happened between packs. He’d gone to the ball to please his father and mother and had dutifully danced with some of the hopeful young women. Some of them were quite beautiful. Not that he would have found a Lycan mate there, so he had no idea why his parents had wanted him to go. They disapproved of mating with a human.

    He had scented no shifters at the ball. But then he had spotted Charles and had felt an instant attraction. There had been something different about the young man, something he could not pinpoint, but he had ignored the uneasy feeling and had befriended Charles. He had immediately sensed a connection, the desire to be more than just friends, but after meeting Charles’ parents, he realized they were not aware of their son’s preferences and that Gideon was treading on thin ice. He had even been unsure if Charles himself realized the attraction between them. Besides friendship, he had not shown it.

    Nothing had happened between them beyond a hug, an arm around shoulders, or a clap on the back. It had been too early for anything else. But Charles’ father had picked up Gideon’s sexual thoughts and cravings, also knew he was a shifter, and immediately acted accordingly.

    He would never forget the man’s ire as he had summoned Gideon to his study. When the sorcerer had raised his hands and chanted the curse to send him to Limbo, Gideon had no time to react, no time to call out his wolf. It had happened too fast. One second he had stood rooted to the floor, too shocked to take action, and in the next second, he had found himself in Limbo.

    Gideon stirred the soil with his stick and wondered about his family, his parents, his two sisters, and younger brother. He had completely disappeared. Had they looked for him? Would any of them still be alive today? Lycans could live for many years, even centuries. It was possible. They had probably given up all hope of ever finding him. Then again, his parents would have most probably disowned him for lusting after men rather than women, and he would have become a social outcast. He vaguely wondered if Charles had dutifully wed one of the eligible debutantes that were all over him at the ball. He chuckled. Poor girl would have had a hell of a surprise upon finding out that she had wed an apprentice sorcerer.

    A roar startled him out of his musings. He jumped off the rock, realizing another storm was about to hit. He tried to run for shelter, but it was too late. The howling wind picked him up and tossed him around. Gideon closed his eyes and relaxed into the storm. He had given up fighting the fierce gales a long time ago. He would just ride out the storm until it stopped as suddenly as it had started and dumped him on the ground somewhere.

    Chapter Two

    Just like any other time after a storm instantly stopped, he fell. Smack, bang, his head thudded on hard rock, and he opened his eyes, welcoming the calm after the storm. He quickly shut them again. A bright sun almost blinded him. Bewildered, he sat, rubbing his head where it had hit the rock. Gingerly, he withdrew his fingers but saw no blood on them. He grimaced. Sorcerer tricks. After all this time, they had begun. He could swear he was back home, but he didn’t trust what he was seeing. Why would the sorcerer have remembered him after so many years and decided to play with his mind?

    Not far from where he sat, a silvery stream meandered among the green shrubbery and grass. Gideon could hardly believe his eyes. Clean water? Real

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