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Calico Calypso: A Fairy in the Bed
Calico Calypso: A Fairy in the Bed
Calico Calypso: A Fairy in the Bed
Ebook52 pages39 minutes

Calico Calypso: A Fairy in the Bed

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The summer is hot, but with Kris, it's not. His brother and sisters are all loved up with their forevers, but for Kris, that's never been an option. He can get all the sex he needs down by the falls, but as everyone knows, he doesn't do emotion. A night out with a friend brings him to The Cats' Pyjamas. Here, he sees an incredible woman…and a cat that follows him home.

Release dateAug 2, 2018
Calico Calypso: A Fairy in the Bed

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    Book preview

    Calico Calypso - Lark Westerly


    For all the cat people out there, and for my sister, who grows figs and gives them to me

    Author Notes

    This story is set in February 1986. It takes place during The Kissing Ring and just after Wish Matched.

    Chapter One: Fee Applies

    Kris had decided he wouldn’t go to the falls today. It had been fair enough when he was eighteen, newly come of age and seething with hot blood and hotter appetites. He’d gone to the falls then. It was what young pixie men did when they hadn’t got a miss of their own to see to their needs.

    The water maids looked after him, kindly showing him what went where, and exuding so many happy pheromones that he could barely remember that first touch of fingers other than his own.

    He was a bit sorry about that. Getting fondled, sucked, kissed and stroked into throbbing ecstasy for the first time was something that ought to be memorable. He’d enjoyed it, no doubt, but it was just a mechanical reaction. He hadn’t felt anything.

    He’d expected to graduate quite soon from the falls and segue into an exciting and fulfilling relationship with a pixie miss... or maybe some other warm and willing fay. Never say never. He didn’t insist on a pixie.

    His elder sister Melody had kissed a courtfolk man at a Midsummer Ball seventeen years ago. She’d been with Roderick Skipton ever since.

    His younger sister LeeLee had fallen in love with a man she’d known since the cradle.

    His brother Alex had said forever with a charming leppy gossoon some months ago.

    Even his niece Ryl was deliciously and adorably in love with a human man and clearly couldn’t wait for her first time. Only she’d have to wait. She was only sixteen and technically too young for forever. Her longing for her man had made Kris uncomfortable, especially when he had to help her keep it together between their infrequent meetings.

    Just as uncomfortable was LeeLee’s passion for her husband, Mal. Kris had minded those two for their mothers when he was Ryl’s age, and now they’d leap-frogged ahead of him. Married a year, besotted, and slipping off to bed one another whenever they weren’t actually on duty at the B&B, they took togetherness to a whole new, and to Kris’ mind, claustrophobic level.

    As for Alex and his leprechaun man... the energy Kris felt from them was sweet, intimate and so emotional it made him squirm.

    He didn’t do emotion. He didn’t see the point. Maybe that was why he’d never found his match. Maybe it was why, at almost thirty, he was still going down to the falls whenever he needed relief.

    It was undignified and juvenile. Kris knew he should stop.

    He would stop right after red-headed Fee finished what she was doing to him right then. She was splashing an awful lot.

    He lay back in the shallows of the creek that drained the pool, occasionally submerging as Fee settled her weight on him. She had straddled him a good five minutes ago and squealed in abandoned delight thirty seconds later. Usually, he’d have come soon after, but today, Fee’s brand of stimulation wasn’t working its magic.

    He felt disengaged. He was aware of the hot,

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