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A Frostbite Christmas
A Frostbite Christmas
A Frostbite Christmas
Ebook59 pages43 minutes

A Frostbite Christmas

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Jack Frost is all about the freezing cold, and he not only wants to freeze the earth, but he also wants to freeze people's hearts. When he sees two lovers kissing under the mistletoe, he vows to split them up. Teddy and his husband, Kirk, are still in love. Will they let a little frost come between them?

Release dateDec 25, 2018
A Frostbite Christmas

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    Book preview

    A Frostbite Christmas - Lynn Michaels


    To Melissa. You keep inspiring me.

    Chapter One

    Body Combat. It sounded like people would be beating him up, instead of working out. Teddy trusted Kirk, so he’d come along. He still complained. What the hell, Kirk? Are you sure this is actually a workout? Not some weird new warfare game?

    Come on, Teddy. You’ll like it.

    It’s not like the supergreen shakes, is it? You said I’d like that. Teddy made a sour face.

    No, it’s not like supergreens. He shook his head and chuckled softly. They weren’t that bad.

    "OhmyGod. You’re so wrong. They’re terrible. Gross."

    Maybe, but if you want to eat all those Christmas cookies...

    Teddy wiped the sweat off his brow. How could December be so hot? I’m sweating off a freakin’ candy cane right now. Ugh. How far to the gym?

    Around the corner. Come on.

    They’d walked up Sheppard to Main Street, which was more than a workout for Teddy, but Kirk would say it was barely a warm-up.

    They crossed Main Street in the downtown area and turned the corner to Second Street where Kirk said this new gym had opened up. He would have rather stayed on Main with all the cute Christmas decorations. Garland and bows hung over shop entrances. The buildings along the way, all flat-faced stone and wood, appeared to date back to the pioneer days. Teddy loved the village at Christmas time. He enjoyed everything old-fashioned and homey like that.

    Not the gym. Plain yellow vinyl siding covered the exterior walls, and the stonework along the front corners didn’t help it. Once they were inside, the energy pulsed around them. Teddy’s heart rate spiked almost immediately.

    Hey, guys! Carol, a long-time friend, called out. Y’all here for Body Combat? Her dark hair bounced around her slim shoulders as she punched the air.

    Kirk waved to her. Yeah. Martin signed us up.

    Me too. Come on. She waved them over to a side room where several other people were stretching out, getting ready for the class. Their maniac friend, Martin, always roped them into crazy shit like this—or rock climbing or white-water rafting or horseback riding or whatever other crazy things he could think of. Decidedly, Body Combat fell on the tame side for Martin.

    Carol pulled off her coat and hung it on one of the hooks lined up outside the room. Kirk followed her idea, so Teddy did, too. The weather had turned too warm for winter. Atlanta should be in the forties in December, but it’d risen to almost sixty at midday. A lot of people enjoyed that—not Teddy. Christmas needed a little nip in the air.

    Kirk grabbed his hand and pulled him into the room. Stretch out some. He bent over at the waist, keeping his legs straight, giving Teddy a great view of his ass. He kept in shape. Yep, Teddy’s husband was still hot after all these years. Stop ogling me and stretch, Teddy.

    Fine. He gave in with a quirky little smile. I’d rather ogle you. For the record.

    Noted. Now stretch.

    Teddy went through a quick series of stretches. He probably should have slowed them down, but the class was about to begin.

    Martin and the instructor walked in, laughing and talking one moment, and the next, they led the class through a series of punches and kicks.Teddy’s heart pumped hard from the intense cardio, but even his uncoordinated body could master the moves. Teddy fought an invisible opponent for thirty whole minutes. He jumped, kicked, jabbed, and sweated his ass off. He might not have been as good as the rest of the class, including

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