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Storyteller Hit: Storyteller, #2
Storyteller Hit: Storyteller, #2
Storyteller Hit: Storyteller, #2
Ebook196 pages2 hours

Storyteller Hit: Storyteller, #2

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About this ebook

Since Jasarah arrived in Denver, her life has taken her to places she never imagined were within her reach. Now she lives under the alias Shadow with her true love, Ghost. He brings out the best in her, including abilities she was unaware she possessed. The other members of Ghost's group have accepted Shadow as one of their own, although one of them, Fixer, makes no bones about how much he desires her for himself. Ghost fears he can only tolerate such insolence for so long before he cracks under the pressure and his desire to teach the man a lesson. Shadow tries not to let Fixer's fixation tear them apart or make their group unable to function as a team. But there is a limit to how much even she can do. Shadow has much to learn, and Ghost has much to tell her. Will his revelations of his past bring them closer together or tear them asunder? Is 001 the answer they seek for the future they hardly dare to imagine? Shadow and Ghost face a life-changing event which threatens the existing social order. It may redefine the races for all time. Can they handle the challenge, or will it defeat them?

Release dateAug 23, 2019
Storyteller Hit: Storyteller, #2

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    Book preview

    Storyteller Hit - G.W. Calloway


    To all who made this possible: Thank you!

    Each other for contribution and support;

    Our muses for creating their story;

    Julie, a true blurb master;

    Claire, an editor extraordinaire;

    Bri, the proofer and master wordsmith;

    Martine, an artist who turns words into pictures;

    And you, the reader, for taking a chance on us.

    Again, thank you!

    Chapter One: 3500

    Shadow opened her eyes. The sun was coming up over the horizon. She looked at the man sleeping beside her. I love him, but does he love me? She whispered, I know you’re awake, Just stay there, and I’ll bring you breakfast.

    Alright, Ghost answered with a smile on his lips.

    She stood up while laughing and pulled on her robe.

    With a wide grin on his face, Ghost swiftly grabbed her and drew her into the bed beside him. I’d rather have you.

    Shadow smiled teasingly and pulled away from him, letting the satin robe fall from her shoulders. Better?

    Ghost took her in his arms. Much. He pushed her back onto the bed and lay on top of her, kissing her passionately.

    * * * *

    Ghost gazed into her eyes, sighing with satisfaction. Have you gotten file twenty-one updated yet?

    I forgot?

    Or is it you haven’t had time?


    Ghost pushed the hair from her face. Come on. I’ll help you. He pulled her up with him as he stood.

    Later. Shadow eyed him. Want to shower with me?


    After showering, they returned to the room. As he pulled on his black jeans, Ghost watched Shadow’s deliberate movements while she dressed.

    She was seductive and tantalizing as the snug dark blue jeans slid over her hips. She hooked together the clasps of her bra, then playfully pulled his black silk shirt over her shoulders.

    You’re trying to tempt me again, aren’t you?

    Shadow smiled over her shoulder. Now what would make you say such a thing? Dropping the shirt in the same fashion as she had the robe, she handed it to him. It’s too big. She went to the closet and selected a light blue cotton shirt. This’ll fit better. She put on the shirt and buttoned it up to the necklace he’d given her as a gift. How’s this?

    Ghost put on the black silk shirt. Perfectly alluring.

    Let’s have breakfast, and then I want to go for a ride.

    Anything you want. We can work on file twenty-one another time. Ghost followed her into the kitchen and helped her prepare their food.

    You know, Shadow mused absently, I’ve always wondered where everything came from.

    Like what? He reached around her for a cup.

    Like the war machines, the liquid that fuels them, and the other machines we use today.

    Ghost looked at her thoughtfully. I guess your elders didn’t tell you much, did they?

    Shadow shook her head.

    They seldom do. He tried to joggle his memory. "I know the elders believe that a powerful computer designed most of what we have today after the great storm to provide the survivors with a chance at life. It supposedly created the basic designs of a self-preserving household.

    "As far as I know, every building has a power supply, condenser, replicator, air-cooling system, and water heating system. All these machines are interconnected and exist to provide for us without any assistance from us. Those who made vehicles also constructed the fuel dynamos, which require little attention except for when we have to dispense fuel manually. This super computer also designed the various buildings and the materials we needed for clothing, along with all the other machines I’ve listed. It also created the formula to an acid-resistant substance which was painted or sprayed on all our buildings and vehicles. The substance was made to protect us from the effects of extended exposure to the sun and atmosphere. Humans just had to build everything using the super computer’s designs, blueprints, and formulas as a guide. But they also created weapons and made adjustments to many original blueprints over the centuries."

    A computer did that for us?

    It must have been a massive mainframe with one hell of a programmer behind it. Ghost grinned.

    Shadow laughed softly. I thought humans were irresponsible.

    Well, look at what humans did the first time around.

    She met his gaze. If the world were to be repaired, do you think we’d make that same mistake again?

    I don’t know. Only time itself can answer that. Without another word, they continued to focus on preparing breakfast.

    Dressed in jeans and a shirt, Dodger entered the kitchen. I don’t know what you’re doing in here, but it smells good.

    Shadow smiled. Good morning.

    Ghost reached over her shoulder and swiped a morsel.

    She slapped his arm away. Stop that and get out of my kitchen. She folded her arms across her breasts and glared at him in mock anger.

    He just laughed and retreated to the living room.

    With a wide grin, Dodger followed Ghost.

    Shadow carried the tray of food to them and set it down on the coffee table. She picked up a plate and handed it to Dodger. Please give this to Raz. Somehow I get the feeling he isn’t going to be up for awhile.

    Dodger took the plate and went downstairs.

    * * * *

    The tap on the door drew his attention. Come in, Raz answered quietly.

    Dodger opened the door and stuck his head into the room. Shadow sent this down. She thought you might not be feeling well.

    He kept his back to the door. Set it on the table. She’s right. I won’t be up today. I need to rest. Raz heard Dodger set the plate on the table and close the door. He sighed.

    I knew the risk when I cast the spell. What I don’t know is if I’ll change back and when. He sat up and quickly ate the food. After clearing his plate, Raz sighed and glanced in the mirror. His face had aged so much overnight. He brushed the thought aside, lay back down, and went to sleep again.

    * * * *

    Ghost offered Dodger a plate after his visit with Raz. Well?

    You’re right, Shadow. He doesn’t feel well.

    When they finished breakfast, the trio carried the plates to the dish unit.

    Ghost and I are going for a ride today. How about you? Shadow asked Dodger.

    Is this a private ride, or may I join you?

    Ghost shrugged and turned to Shadow. I think he could use the ride.

    Join us. By the way, has anyone seen Fixer lately? I have to get my gear.

    The men looked at each other and shrugged.

    I guess he had something to do.

    Shadow headed for their bedroom and returned fairly quickly with Ghost’s jacket. After slipping into their jackets and gloves, they headed for the bikes.

    Dodger handed the blue helmets to them and took the black one. Don’t forget the com-link. After pulling on the headgear, he opened the garage door, pushed the blue war machine out into the driveway, and mounted it.

    Ghost fixed his helmet and made sure Shadow’s head gear was adjusted properly. Nodding his approval, he pushed her motorcycle out of the garage and returned to get his.

    Shadow swung her leg over the seat and tapped the helmet. She started the bike.

    Ghost tapped the side of his headgear as well and mounted his bike. Sensing her tension through her breathing, he sought to reassure her, Don’t worry, we’re here, remember?

    She nodded and shifted the motorcycle into gear, letting it ease forward.

    The men glanced at each other and nodded.

    Gunning the throttle, Ghost took the lead. Shadow followed him out of the drive. Dodger stayed close enough behind her to see if she got in trouble but kept enough distance to avoid a collision if she fell.

    You okay? Ghost asked.

    I’m fine, Shadow answered. I’d ride beside you, but I’m not sure if you want to take that chance.

    He moved to the outside edge of the road and motioned her forward. Come on up.

    Opening the throttle, she eased up beside him.

    Dodger appeared on her other side. The men gave her as much room as they could. As they headed into town, Dodger dropped back behind her.

    Do I need to drop back?

    Only if you want to. Ghost glanced at her.

    Shadow held her position as they pulled into a parking lot. She recognized it from the other day. They turned off the machines and secured them before they headed for the door.

    Dodger collected the helmets as he held the door open for them.

    Ghost slipped his arm around her waist. He wanted everyone in the bar to know she was taken. They walked to a table near the dance floor.

    Dodger gave the server their order and paid for it when the woman brought it to their table.

    Can I talk to you? asked a familiar voice.

    They looked up.

    With a nod, Ghost followed Fixer to another table and sat down beside him.

    I don’t think it’s going to work with me in the house, but we can still be friends. She’s yours, and I accept that. Fixer paused. I was wrong, and I apologize.

    Ghost looked at him. I agree, it’d be a tight situation if you stay at the house. I also agree we can still be friends. He glanced back quickly at Shadow. Now that you know where the three of us stand. He held out his hand as he stood up. I take it you won’t be moving in?

    Fixer shook his hand. No, but I’ll come by to visit every now and then. If that’s okay with you?

    Ghost nodded. I have no objections, but she’s mine.

    Fixer grinned. You’ll get no quarrels from me.

    * * * *

    Shadow watched the men talk, wishing she could hear them.

    Dodger looked at her. They won’t fight unless Fixer says something bad about you or threatens to hurt you. By the way, how was your dream?

    I know who the voice belongs to. Shadow toyed with the rim of her glass. Would you believe me if I said unicorn?

    He told you what he was?

    Not in so many words. I had to guess some of it, but he did make a lot of corrections.

    Now that you have a face to go with the voice, do you feel better about your dream?

    Shadow smiled. It’s much less confusing when you know who and what you’re talking to.

    Nodding, Dodger watched Ghost stride toward them and sit beside Shadow.

    So what have you two been taking about?

    Dodger smiled. Dreams. You?

    Ghost raised an eyebrow and grinned.

    I told you they wouldn’t fight. Dodger laughed.

    * * * *

    Ghost scanned the room, shrugged it off, and turned backed to them.

    Don’t I know you from somewhere? asked a slightly drunken voice.

    Ghost turned around and instantly recognized the half-orc he’d fought just days earlier. You might. Why?

    I challenged you for a right of ownership. His gaze fell on Shadow. For her.

    She closed her eyes and quickly opened them.

    Ghost stood. What about it?

    I want a rematch, and it’s my right, he demanded.

    Are you sure?

    I’m sure. Outside.

    Ghost motioned to the door. After you.

    Shadow laid a trembling hand on his forearm. Don’t go. I don’t like what I feel... please.

    He leaned close. I’ll be right back. He followed the challenger out the door.

    The half-orc walked down the alley, drunkenly staggering in step with some weird song he tried to sing. He stopped at the back of the building and turned around, revealing a gun in his hand. I think the odds are in my favor, half-elf.

    Seems that way, but then this isn’t a proper rematch either. Ghost inched his right hand behind him.

    The drunk snarled. What are you talking about?

    A proper rematch would be identical to the one we had last time. If you kill me with anything other than your bare hands, you won’t rightfully own the title. Thereby, you lose, and I win. His thumb rested against the handle of the gun. I need a distraction.

    His opponent raised his gun and pointed it. But I have this, and I can just take her. His finger tightened on the trigger.

    Ghost clenched his jaw. While drawing a deep breath, he eyed the surrounding area. Not sure I can out-draw him, and interference or distraction is highly unlikely. You forget that my friend in there will gladly challenge you for her.

    * * * *

    Dodger met Shadow’s gaze, stood, and held out his hand. Let’s go.

    Accepting his proposal, Shadow hurried outside with him. Faster.

    He led her toward the alley. With one hand pulling the 357 from under his jacket, he placed his other hand against her stomach, forcing her to stay back. Alerted when her body pressed against his hand, he peered around the corner and cringed.

    She stepped around him and gasped. The half-orc instinctively turned the gun toward the sound and pulled the trigger.

    With a wild lunge, Dodger tackled Shadow to the ground and covered her with his body as the bullet whizzed overhead.

    A 44 fired. A body hit the ground with a thud. A weapon skittered across the parking lot.

    Clear, Ghost called.

    Dodger scrambled to his feet and, taking her hands, pulled her up. "If you ever pull a stunt like that again, I’ll shoot you myself. You risked his life, my life, and your life."

    Shadow cowered beneath his glare. I...

    With his gaze never leaving her, Dodger tempered his voice. I didn’t mean to yell at you, but you can’t do things like that. The bastard might have shot him and you. He threw his hands in the air. Where would that leave me?

    I’m sorry, she whispered, her voice strained.

    Dodger holstered his gun. I need a drink. Are we going back inside?

    * * * *

    Ghost walked toward them. We’ll be there in a minute.

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