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Storyteller Finale: Storyteller, #8
Storyteller Finale: Storyteller, #8
Storyteller Finale: Storyteller, #8
Ebook65 pages54 minutes

Storyteller Finale: Storyteller, #8

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Working together, Raz, Michaela, and Morgan seek to make Dodger immortal, but they'll need to offer up a sacrifice. Morgan finds the perfect person, someone who is both a junkie and a Mystalic who is immune to having magic used on them. But when Morgan finds his heart unexpectedly engaged, can he carry through with the plan, even if doing so is for the greater good? A tragic accident results in the release of the powerfully evil vampire Elusivar. Besotted with revenge and lust, he is determined to rewind time in order to regain what was lost—no matter who gets hurt in the process. It's Morgan against Elusivar, and neither one is willing to accept anything but complete victory. Michaela will do what she can to aid her brother in his righteous cause, even if winning comes at a very steep price. The time has come. This is the final countdown…

Release dateNov 24, 2019
Storyteller Finale: Storyteller, #8

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    Book preview

    Storyteller Finale - Paula Calloway


    Each other for contribution and support;

    Our muses for creating their story;

    Julie, a true blurb master;

    Claire, an editor extraordinaire;

    Bri, the proofer and master wordsmith;

    Martine, an artist who turns words into pictures;

    And you, the reader, for taking a chance on us.

    Again, thank you!

    Chapter One

    For eight years, Dodger supervised as Morgan taught Zeke how to use his storytelling gift which Raz had granted. He watched as Yesterday’s Youth grew, became self-supportive, and the young and old made connections. He watched as time passed and age began to stake claims upon his body.

    Zeke stood at the sliding glass door.

    Spill it, kid.

    I’m not a kid, old man.

    Dodger nodded. No, but I am an old man.

    Zeke faced him. You’re only as old as you let yourself be.

    Mentally, yes. Physically, I call balderdash. They burst into laughter.

    That was an interesting adventure.

    All of life is an adventure, young friend. Dodger welcomed the recollection.

    Zeke half-smiled. Yeah, but the sad fact is all adventures eventually end.

    Now you sound old.

    Sorry. I was just wondering what I’m going to do when you abandon me.

    Dodger cocked his head and furrowed his brow. Abandon? I must be getting old, as I can’t seem to recall when I adopted you.

    Zeke grinned. I recall it perfectly. It was the day you offered me this chance, the day you took me in, the day you made yourself a father of two when you could have done like the rest of the world and turned your back on me. That, my dear Dodger, was when you adopted me, gave me a chance to prove my worth, showed me life was more than moment-to-moment—that was the day you made me understand all things had a purpose. To me, that was the day I adopted you as the father I never had.

    Damn it. Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be right back. With his tears still building, Dodger went into the den, wiped his eyes, and tapped the enter key. 001, in addition to anything the city or legal branches might need when I do transfer everything so no one out there can come back and touch a blade of grass, a penny, or anything else I leave him, can you draw up official adoption papers for Zeke?

    001 flashed a smiley face on the screen. Sure can, Dad. You do know I always wanted a brother, right?

    Dodger laughed. I love you, Aleshia.

    Give me a day.

    Done. He stepped into the hall. Michaela, my love, can we adopt Zeke?

    Of course.

    Her warmth enveloped him. He returned to the living room and looked at Zeke, who was now seated on one end of the couch.

    Zeke glanced up from the book he was reading. Did I do something wrong?

    Dodger shook his head and smiled. No, kid, you did everything just right. Let’s go out to eat.


    Sounds perfect.

    Chapter Two

    Michaela dropped to her knees. Please, I am begging you, please.

    Groaning, Morgan reached down and pulled her to her feet. Stop begging. You know I can’t take it. The look in her eyes tugged at his heart.

    I only need you to do the druid sleep spell once.

    "Yeah, and that once will cause Dodger to be in suspended animation for a century and then awaken for the seven days he spends with you, then he’ll return to the sleep state. Look, in order to make that spell work, I have to send my magic through you, and the force of my power going through you will be damaging and destructive. You’ll pay by suffering for a solid year, and I’ll pay a price by watching you suffer. All of that to help you live out your love more."

    Unless the gray mage helps. Raz entered the room.

    Morgan stared at him. Whose side are you on?


    Okay, Morgan said. The spell only ends when she surrenders the white robe. She’ll die within hours after that, and he’ll suffer in pure agony for three days. Is that something either of you want to live with? Because I sure don’t. He met her gaze. Michaela, please don’t give me that look, please.

    Raz smiled. I think I may have found a way around that.

    Michaela stared. Tell me, I’ll do whatever it takes.

    Morgan locked her gaze. "Never ever offer anything it takes to do something. Somewhere, someone, or something will offer you what you seek, and the price will never be worth it."

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