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Enchanted Traveler
Enchanted Traveler
Enchanted Traveler
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Enchanted Traveler

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Nailah Guevera, an enchantress and agent for the Galactic Bureau of Investigation, will do anything to find information about her missing father, including offering herself up as bait on a sting operation to capture the linchpin of a drug and human trafficking ring. When the mission turns sour, Nailah finds herself captive on a ship bound for Earth, her only backup the one man who sets her heart on fire—her new partner, Agent Aragon Benoit. Together they must trap the criminals before her undercover status is blown.

Release dateFeb 16, 2020
Enchanted Traveler

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    Enchanted Traveler - Taryn Jameson

    A wish upon a star, conjures up much more than Nailah bargains for...

    Nailah Guevera, an enchantress and agent for the Galactic Bureau of Investigation, will do anything to find information about her missing father, including offering herself up as bait on a sting operation to capture the linchpin of a drug and human trafficking ring.

    When the mission turns sour, Nailah finds herself captive on a ship bound for Earth, her only backup the one man who sets her heart on fire—her new partner, Agent Aragon Benoit.

    Together they must trap the criminals before her undercover status is blown.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Enchanted Traveler

    Copyright © 2020 Taryn Jameson and Gabriella Bradley

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-2767-2

    Cover art by Martine Jardin

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

    Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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    Enchanted Traveler


    Taryn Jameson and Gabriella Bradley

    Chapter One

    Nailah said goodbye to Susannah, the birthday girl, and looked for Chantina. She finally found her on the back patio in front of the fire pit with Gair, her latest fling. Hey, girlfriend, I’m going home.


    What do you mean, already... Nailah tapped her wrist, showing Chantina the time before her friend could protest. It’s late, and I’m tired.

    Call me tomorrow? Chantina giggled when Gair pulled her in his arms.

    I will. You two behave. Nailah skipped down the steps, then hurried around the house to the road.

    A brisk breeze sent her hair flying around her face. She looked up at the sky and saw the dark clouds drifting over, covering the stars. Rain? She hoped so. The farmers were crying for it. They’d had a long dry spell. She hurried toward Chantina’s house to pick up her cyclana where she’d left it before they walked to the birthday party. But instead of grabbing her cyclana, she took a detour to the nearby forest and lake. It was her favorite spot to be when she needed to be alone and think.

    Nailah relaxed on a large rock and gazed at the water. The normally calm surface of the lake was rough and choppy, and there was no sign of the beautiful swans that usually drifted on the smooth water under the moonlight. Even the ducks had taken shelter from the wind. Nearby, a large gigeagol sat on the branch of a dead tree. The bird spread its wings and flapped them as if getting ready for flight.

    There was a break in the clouds, and she saw a shooting star. I wish, I wish, I wish upon a star for Denzel to appear before me right now. The clouds gathered again. In her mind, she conjured up her dream man. His name had been Denzel Washington. Tall and muscular, he had ebony skin, was very handsome, and he haunted her dreams and fantasies. She’d seen images of him in history books about classic movies on Earth and had watched a couple of old films he had performed in when they had been shown in the museum’s theater.

    Lightning slashed through the dark clouds illuminating the lake, causing the water to look like a pool of swirling mercury. Another bolt split the darkness above and struck the surface, then spread into a big, round circle, its edges and center a spiraling mass of violet colors. Through the misty substance, a round metal ring became visible. It had glowing symbols on it. Steps appeared leading down to the beach.

    It was as if a door had opened to another world, and the thought of it intrigued her. A form took shape in the center of the ring—a man. Mesmerized, Nailah couldn’t take her eyes off him as he made his way down the steps. Fuck if I didn’t enchant a version of my dream man to materialize. Really? Just because I wished upon a star? How many times throughout my life have I made a wish, and nothing ever happened...

    He wore a Galactic Bureau of Investigations uniform, the black and blue bodysuit hugging his body like a second skin, showing off his well-defined abdomen and the bulging muscles of his arms and thighs. He had a handsome

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