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Pairing the Partridge: Enchanted Crossroads, #6
Pairing the Partridge: Enchanted Crossroads, #6
Pairing the Partridge: Enchanted Crossroads, #6
Ebook59 pages48 minutes

Pairing the Partridge: Enchanted Crossroads, #6

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She's a wood elf who makes trees bear fruit constantly; he's a partridge shifter who can't shift completely. He can't go all the way, and she's got wood. Zekila was sent to the Crossroads in an attempt to dilute her powers. There was a problem, and her affinity for fruit trees took over, wrapped around her, and transformed her into what she loved. She watched the years pass through her leaves and branches, and when a young shifter with partridge wings starts to hang out in her vicinity, she finds out that after all the years of watching the shifters come and go, she can still find a man attractive and want to be with him. He visits her for a few weeks until the longest night of the year. He dresses her tree up and wishes her the best of the season, and in the darkness, she emerges from the trunk of the tree that had held her safe. New day, new year, time to start again.

Release dateDec 13, 2020
Pairing the Partridge: Enchanted Crossroads, #6

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    Book preview

    Pairing the Partridge - Zenina Masters

    She’s a wood elf who makes trees bear fruit constantly; he’s a partridge shifter who can’t shift completely. He can’t go all the way, and she’s got wood.

    Zekila was sent to the Crossroads in an attempt to dilute her powers. There was a problem, and her affinity for fruit trees took over, wrapped around her, and transformed her into what she loved.

    She watched the years pass through her leaves and branches, and when a young shifter with partridge wings starts to hang out in her vicinity, she finds out that after all the years of watching the shifters come and go, she can still find a man attractive and want to be with him.

    He visits her for a few weeks until the longest night of the year. He dresses her tree up and wishes her the best of the season, and in the darkness, she emerges from the trunk of the tree that had held her safe.

    New day, new year, time to start again.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Pairing the Partridge

    Copyright © 2020 Zenina Masters

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-3129-7

    Cover art by Martine Jardin

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc or

    Devine Destinies, an imprint of eXtasy Books Inc

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    Pairing the Partridge

    Enchanted Crossroads 6


    Zenina Masters

    Chapter One

    Zekila braided her hair and looked at herself in the mirror. Behind her, her mother smiled. You look lovely.

    I look green and brown. I can’t pass for human; I can’t pass for royal court fey. This is stupid. I am not going to fit in. You know it, I know it, Dad knows it. Her shoulders slumped.

    Her mother embraced her. I am low court. I accept that, but you, you aren’t a brownie. You have so much more power, energy, light, and life than I do.

    Mom, I love you, but I hate being paraded around like this.

    Kerdia looked at her daughter. I know. But you are eighty-three, and you have your life in the human world, but there is more to life than business.

    Zekila crossed her arms. It is just an investment company. I help humans plan for retirement. They need help.

    And they don’t see you either. You just remain behind the scenes and keep things moving. Her mother looked her in the eye. Daughter of mine, I want you to be seen.

    Zekila blinked back tears. I don’t know if I want that, Mom. Being seen rarely works out for me.

    Give the court one more try, dearest. Your father has arranged a presentation to the king. You sort of need to be there for it. She stroked Zekila’s cheek. Now go.

    Zee turned toward the mirror, and she stroked the frame. Her reflection rippled and turned liquid as she whispered, I have an invitation.

    The mirror opened, and a bright and flowered forest path appeared in front of her. With a straightening of

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