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Third Time's the Charm
Third Time's the Charm
Third Time's the Charm
Ebook37 pages28 minutes

Third Time's the Charm

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As an empath, Alek is ironically used to shutting people out—until, several days before Christmas, a one-night stand forces him to let someone in. Being an empath is a lonely business, and Alek's one-night stands do little to ease that feeling, even if he isn't looking for anything more. He prefers to bury himself in his artwork anyway, or so he tells himself. That is until a young man named Jasper appears on his doorstep one December evening, threatening Alek's careful control and making him want more than he's ever dared ask for. Meanwhile, Jasper's only two previous sexual encounters have made him more wary than hopeful—but tonight, he, too, may be getting more than he bargained for.

Release dateJan 1, 2021
Third Time's the Charm

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    Book preview

    Third Time's the Charm - Diana Waters


    When Jasper, his voice sounding strained even to himself, asked for his wrists to be bound, Alek used a silk wrapping from a deck of Tarot cards on a shelf above the bed. It looped around Jasper’s wrists once, twice, three times before it became short enough to attach to the wrought iron bed frame.

    Are you sure you want this? Alek didn’t sound worried, exactly—more like he just needed to be absolutely certain that Jasper understood, that he really didn’t want to back out at the last minute.

    Despite the almost painful pounding of his heart, Jasper was sure. Alek was still half-clothed, his bare chest glowing richly in the lamplight. The tattoo curling over his left shoulder blade seemed to take on a sinuous life of its own. He was pale and long-limbed and self-assured, and here Jasper was, splayed beneath him naked and exposed like a sacrificial offering, arms stretched out over and behind him. Helpless. He was helpless, he reminded himself. The thought was at once both disconcerting and arousing.

    Oh, Jasper was nervous all right—his heartbeat so rapid it was already making it hard to breathe—but even so, he knew exactly what it was he wanted. This time, it finally felt right.

    He opened his mouth.


    Chapter One


    The young man stood on Alek’s doorstep, shivering a little. He wasn’t wearing a coat, gloves or a scarf, even though it had long since grown dark and the December night was cool. It hadn’t yet snowed this season, but Alek could smell it in the air. The polite smile felt a little strange on his face, as though his muscles weren’t quite used to the movement. He had been expecting this particular evening visitor, of course—already knew his name from the messages. Still, it always paid to ask—give the other party an easy out if they needed it.

    I’m Jasper. I’m...

    He had not expected his guest to be so transparently nervous, however, especially since Jasper had been the one to initiate the meeting. Of course. Please, come in. Did you walk here? I didn’t hear a car.

    The courteous small talk felt odd, too. Silence was easier, more comfortable, and Alek would sometimes go for days without wanting or needing to speak a single word, even to himself. He just wasn’t much for talking. It wasn’t that

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