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Willow's Escape
Willow's Escape
Willow's Escape
Ebook128 pages1 hour

Willow's Escape

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When Willow Ashton's alien stepfather signs a contract with the emperor of the planet Kazoolan for her hand in marriage, he shocks her to the core.

Willow, locked in her room, plots her escape. She comes up with a plan to get out of the house and as far away from New York as possible. But fate has a different route for her to follow.

Release dateOct 29, 2021
Willow's Escape

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    Book preview

    Willow's Escape - Gabriella Bradley

    Arranged marriages are a thing of the past. Or so Willow Ashton thought...

    When Willow Ashton’s alien stepfather signs a contract with the emperor of the planet Kazoolan for her hand in marriage, he shocks her to the core.

    Willow, locked in her room, plots her escape. She comes up with a plan to get out of the house and as far away from New York as possible. But fate has a different route for her to follow.

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    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Willow’s Escape

    Copyright © 2021 Gabriella Bradley

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-3325-3

    Cover art by Martine Jardin

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc

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    Willow’s Escape


    Gabriella Bradley

    Chapter One

    Willow took a few bites of her breakfast, drank her orange juice, wiped her mouth, then stood. I have to run, or I’ll be late for work. She pushed her chair back under the table and was about to leave the dining room when her stepfather, K’Salo’dar, stopped her.

    Willow, sit down. I have something to tell you, he bellowed.

    I just said I’ll be late for work. Tell me tonight. Willow stubbornly continued away from the table.

    I told you to sit, K’Salo’dar thundered.

    Willow threw a glance at her mother, hoping she’d step in, but not this time. More than often—too frequently lately—her mother chose the easy way. Ignore everything.

    Willow shrugged, pulled her chair out, and plopped down on the edge of it. Quickly then.

    As always, you are incredibly rude. It’s about time you learned obedience and manners. Fee, you have failed miserably in raising this child of yours, K’Salo’dar told her mother.

    Sorry, dear. She’s inherited her father’s stubborn streak. Willow, five minutes. Hear him out, she said.

    Willow sighed and sipped from her almost cold coffee. What’s so important?

    First, there is no need for you to rush away from the table because I have called your place of employment. You are no longer needed at the boutique, K’Salo’dar stated.

    Willow almost dropped her coffee. K’Salo’dar might as well have taken off his belt and whipped her. For moments she was lost for words while her already simmering blood turned into a full turbulent boil. She slammed her coffee cup down on the table, spilling half the content, and jumped up, sending the chair flying. What gives you the right to—

    Willow, mind yourself, her mother interrupted, throwing her a warning look.

    K’Salo’dar rose and shoved his chair back. Right! Girl, I am your father. I have every right to—

    "Listen, George... Willow thought she’d surely explode. You’re not my father. You never have been and never will be."

    Children, leave the table and go to the family room, her mother told Willow’s three half-brothers and two half-sisters, then gave her an angry glare. Willow, stop your insolence! This minute! You’re setting a bad example for your brothers and sisters. Apologize to your father this instance!

    Before she really lost her temper, she ignored her mother, who, like always, chose to be on his side. Willow was about to follow the kids out of the dining room, but her stepfather’s next words halted her in her tracks.

    Stay here, young lady! I have given your hand in marriage to Emperor Gra’dorn. The nuptials will take place in two weeks.

    Willow felt the blood drain from her face as she turned to face her stepfather. "What the fuck? You’re on Earth, George! Not on your backward planet. I’m an adult and an American citizen. I’ll choose my own fucking husband, thanks very much, if and when I’m ready to get married. Which is probably never!"

    K’Salo’dar’s face turned a darker mottled shade, a sign of his mounting fury. Willow gazed at her mother’s pudgy alien husband and the dark blue ridges on his forehead, which always turned a much darker blue when he was angry. The little protrusions on top of his head that served as ears twitched frantically. It was almost comical, and she would have laughed if the situation had not been so bizarre. Bizarre? Infuriating was a more appropriate word.

    First of all, you live in the home of the Kazoolan ambassador, which is attached to our consulate. Both stand on Kazoolan territory! That means you will abide by Kazoolan law. The contract has been signed. Now go to your room to think about the honor of the fact that the emperor has chosen you for his bride. You are not to leave the house.

    Willow balled her hands into fists. All she wanted to do now was to strike out, to punch that smug blue face. Turning abruptly, she almost ran out of the dining room and up the stairs. Trying to leave the house would be no use. K’Salo’dar had more than likely already ordered the two soldiers standing guard outside the front door not to let her leave.

    She flopped down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. There was no way in hell she’d allow herself to be bullied into a marriage to the alien emperor of Kazoolan, her stepfather’s home world. What was the man thinking? And why was her mother allowing it? Bride? Really? Bride number what? The man already had a harem of how many wives?

    Just a week ago, she’d felt so honored when her stepfather had asked her to accompany him and her mother to the gala held in honor of the visiting emperor. It had been a huge event, televised and broadcasted all over the USA. Many high officials from all over the world had attended the affair, even the king and queen of England.

    It had been so much fun shopping with her mother for a gown and accessories. She looked at the gown, still hanging on its hanger on her closet door. It was absolutely gorgeous. She’d never owned such an expensive piece of clothing in her life. Emerald green, embroidered with sparkling crystals around the neckline and hem, the dress had brought out the green in her eyes. On the day of the event, she and her mother had had facials, professional makeup, manicures and pedicures, and their hair done. She’d felt like a movie star that evening. Now Willow understood why her cheapo stepfather had splurged for a change. He’d had an ulterior motive. How her mother could have gone along with the plan was beyond her comprehension. Then again, her mother did everything her husband ordered. She was totally subservient to him.

    Turning onto her stomach, she leaned on her elbows and turned on her photo viewer. A hologram appeared above her nightstand of her father in his uniform, taken not long before he was killed in action. She had inherited his red hair and green eyes. Tears burnt and threatened to escape. If only he hadn’t died...

    She’d been eight when two uniformed men had come to the house to inform her mother of his death. And ten when her mother had met Ambassador K’Salo’dar Pretanzo from the planet Kazoolan and married him after a whirlwind courting. That was ten years ago, and Willow had not liked him from day one. And she had felt strongly that the feeling was mutual.

    Her mother, pregnant right away with the first set of twins, doted on the man. Another set of twins followed right after, and then her youngest sister came. Five children in less than four years kept her mother’s mind more than occupied.

    Willow had often felt neglected, almost abandoned, by her mother. Helping her with the little ones was always a welcome diversion. She loved her young half-siblings, especially the youngest one, Cora’liena. Cora had the most Earthling characteristics of the children, more than the other four. She had blonde curly hair, the palest blue skin, and dark blue eyes. She was like an adorable doll.

    Willow had graduated at seventeen and expressed the wish to join the air force. Her stepfather had forbidden it. When she’d asked if she could go to the space academy to get her degree in science and biology, to her surprise, he had allowed it. She’d lived on campus, which was great because it took her out of her parental home. No longer under the strict thumb of her stepfather, she’d had a fantastic time at the academy. Freedom at last, and it had been glorious.

    After graduating from the academy, she’d debated on moving away, to strike out on her own, so she had applied for positions on spaceships. When she was offered a position of science officer on a spaceship and wanted to accept it, all hell

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