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Screaming Eagle: Lakota, #1
Screaming Eagle: Lakota, #1
Screaming Eagle: Lakota, #1
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Screaming Eagle: Lakota, #1

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Screaming Eagle always considered himself one hundred percent straight. He had no problem with his best friends John Two Hawks and Little Spirit being a gay couple. All was right with his world until he found himself a single dad after the tragic accident that took the life of his beloved wife. He never thought he'd ever find someone to love again until he met Little Spirit's identical twin brother. His life was turned upside down.

Release dateDec 7, 2023
Screaming Eagle: Lakota, #1

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    Screaming Eagle - James J Gregoryk


    This book is dedicated to my dear friends and family. Dave and Helen, Susan and Laura, Kitty, MaryPat, Donna and Suzie.

    Chapter One

    The phone rang. Little Spirit looked at the screen. Hey, Mom.

    "Oh, Jackson, I just heard the terrible news. How did this happen? Is the baby, okay?’

    Mom, it was a freak accident. Keena died instantly, but the baby was fine. We’re all just heartbroken. Screaming Eagle is torn up. He seems inconsolable.

    Jackson, what can I do to help? There has been just so much sadness recently. First the attack on the school and lives lost, then Sally-Anne lost her life to cancer. Now, this. It just breaks my heart.

    Thanks, Mom, but right now, there really isn’t much any of us can do, other than just be here for Screaming Eagle and his six boys. Mom, the funeral was heart-wrenching. It was just so incredibly sad. I don’t think Screaming Eagle will ever recover from this.

    Honey, he’ll get better with time. How are the girls adjusting to living with all you boys?

    The war’s over, and the sides have made peace. Gentle John finally lost his temper and threatened to paddle the next person that started anything.

    John Two Hawks lost his temper?

    Yep, and five wide-eyed children stood there and agreed to all the terms he set down.

    Wish I’d seen that.

    Ha! I got to run, Mom. Screaming Eagle and the boys are coming over for a cookout, and I haven’t even started.

    Keep me informed, please.

    Will do.


    Six months had passed, and Screaming Eagle’s children were adapting as well as could be expected. Screaming Eagle, however, wasn’t doing as well. He kept up a great front for his children, but when alone, he often sobbed. He spent a lot of time with his best friend, John Two Hawks, sometimes talking about his life and how much he missed Keena. Other times they just sat quietly.

    He also loved spending time with Little Spirit because the little man was non-judgmental and very caring and never asked him how he was like everyone always did.

    Screaming Eagle frequently brought all his kids over to play with John and Little Spirit’s children. The Two Hawks family had grown. The girls they shared with Donna Yellow Flower and Sally-Anne now lived with them.

    The girls ran the show, and all those boys just did as they were told, except John-Lee and Drake. They were often off doing their own things. Life was moving on and in the right direction for them all.

    * * * *

    Time passed quickly. Summer had started, and school was out. Little Spirit received a call from his mother. Jackson, it’s Mom. Jason came home yesterday, and I’m just so worried about him. Honey, he’s just so quiet and seems so terribly sad. He wouldn’t say anything other than he’s no longer working in the diplomatic corps.

    Gosh, Mom, something must be up. That’s totally out of character for Jason. What can I do?

    Jackson, I was thinking maybe he needs to come and spend some time with you. You two are so close and have that identical twin thing going. Do you think that’s a good idea?

    Of course. Send him here.

    It was settled—Jason would be coming to stay with Little Spirit for a while.


    It was late when he arrived two days later. When he stepped into the house, it took Little Spirit’s breath away. Jason was so tired looking. He was thin and pale.

    Jackson, I’m just exhausted and a little hungry. Can we talk tomorrow?

    You bet.

    Jason was fed and put into the guest room. Little Spirit helped him put the necessities away. Jason lay down and was instantly asleep.


    Two hours later, John came home from a council of the chiefs’ meeting. He was pale. I have the worst headache I’ve ever had. I’m going to bed. Maybe I can sleep it off.

    Early the following morning, John got up. His movement awakened Little Spirit. How is your head feeling?

    Good morning, beautiful. The headache is totally gone. Screaming Eagle and I are off to the buffalo herd this morning. We’re told that we’ve had several new calves.

    What do you think caused your terrible headache last night? asked Little Spirit.

    Maybe the fish I had yesterday. I got up at two and was sick. But after that, it all passed.

    Good to hear. John, have a good time, but be careful. I love you.

    Love you, too. John kissed Little Spirit’s cheek and was off to make coffee and breakfast.

    John had just finished his breakfast when there was a rap at the door and Screaming Eagle stepped in.

    You want some breakfast and coffee? John asked.

    Caroline Black Deer made us breakfast this morning, but I’d love some of your coffee.

    Oh, really? Caroline’s making breakfast for you? Did she spend the night? Is there a romance blooming here?

    Two Hawks, have you lost your damn mind? Never ever going to happen. She’s not my type. Plus, she’s so damn pushy and way too bossy, and the kids hate her.

    I guess that settles that, John said, laughing.

    Little Spirit came into the kitchen smelling the air and looking very grumpy. Aah, just what I need, nectar of the Gods. He poured himself a cup.

    Both Screaming Eagle and John’s mouths dropped. John nearly shouted, "You cut your hair. Why on earth would you cut your beautiful hair?’

    Little Spirit snarled and said, I’ve worn my hair like this for years. Mind your own business. He left.

    Screaming Eagle urgently grabbed John’s arm and said, What was he thinking, cutting his beautiful hair like that?

    I’m at a loss for words. I’ve no idea. But I’m going to find out.

    John put his cup down, and just as he did, Little Spirit walked back in. Oh, John, thank you so much. I need this coffee.

    Little Spirit’s hair was back.

    I think I must have had a stroke. I’m hallucinating. John looked so confused.

    I must have caught your stroke. Are you seeing what I’m seeing? Screaming Eagle asked John.


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