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The Enemy Beneath
The Enemy Beneath
The Enemy Beneath
Ebook235 pages3 hours

The Enemy Beneath

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In the heart of the Arizona desert, geologist Annelies Turner, her assistant Tristan, and her team venture into the landmark Meteor Crater, chasing the truth behind reports of a series of bizarre sightings.


As they delve deeper into the crater's desolate landscape, the desertscape explodes into a forest of exotic alien flora. However, the excitement of their discovery is tempered by a growing sense of danger that hints at a cosmic mystery and danger beyond their wildest imaginations.


With the Earth trembling beneath their feet, Anne and her team are drawn deeper into the unknown, where answers could redefine the very fabric of reality itself.


Will they unlock the truth, or will the enigmatic forces of the crater consume them?

Release dateMay 5, 2024
The Enemy Beneath

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    Book preview

    The Enemy Beneath - Gabriella Bradley

    Geologist Annelies Turner, her assistant Tristan, and her team venture into the famous Meteor Crater in Arizona to investigate mysterious phenomena.

    In the heart of the Arizona desert, geologist Annelies Turner, her assistant Tristan, and her team venture into the landmark Meteor Crater, chasing the truth behind reports of a series of bizarre sightings.

    As they delve deeper into the crater’s desolate landscape, the desertscape explodes into a forest of exotic alien flora. However, the excitement of their discovery is tempered by a growing sense of danger that hints at a cosmic mystery and danger beyond their wildest imaginations.

    With the Earth trembling beneath their feet, Anne and her team are drawn deeper into the unknown, where answers could redefine the very fabric of reality itself.

    Will they unlock the truth, or will the enigmatic forces of the crater consume them?

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    Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    The Enemy Beneath

    Copyright © 2024 Gabriella Bradley

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-4141-8

    Cover art by Martine Jardin

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by Extasy Books Inc

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    The Enemy Beneath


    Gabriella Bradley

    Chapter One

    A sudden chill raced up Annelies Turner’s back, pricking her skin with an icy grip that sent goosebumps shooting across her spine. As she stood at the edge of Arizona’s infamous Meteor Crater with Tristan Blackwell, her loyal assistant of the last four years, and Tommy Hendricks, her apprentice, the blistering wind carried an air of mystery and foreboding. Beads of perspiration made a sticky path down the curve of her temple, soaking into the collar of her shirt, and plastering a few strands of her blonde hair to her face.

    Reports of bizarre phenomena within the site had prompted the authorities to indefinitely seal off all public access. Security personnel kept perpetual watch on the area, ensuring that no trespassers dared cross into this forbidden zone despite multiple warnings and barricades.

    Guards were posted along the perimeter around the site twenty-four-seven, so why the president had insisted Agent Jack Madden tag along with her team was still beyond her. Did her credibility as a top-notch geologist and geophysicist not hold enough weight? Jack was a man of few words, but his silence resonated louder than most voices. His quiet scrutiny of everything around him sent threads of unease weaving through their group... Could there be gnarlier, yet undiscovered skeletons buried deeper within this geological grave? Didn’t the president trust her to report her findings?

    Urgency pulsed through Anne’s veins as she squinted across the unforgiving vastness of the desertscape under the unforgiving sun, painting a scene of isolation so profound it threatened to swallow her whole. Meteor Crater lay bare like a festering scar on Earth’s face, its gaping maw poised to devour those who dared draw too close.

    Finally, she murmured under her breath, anticipation coursing through her. We’re here.

    Tristan, her tall, handsome assistant, murmured his agreement. He wiped his brow with the back of his hand, excitement radiating off him like heat haze. This is incredible, Annelies. I can’t believe the president chose our team for this mission or that we’re standing on the edge of this humongous hole in the ground.

    Neither can I, Tommy chimed in. The adventurous young intern had joined the team a few years after Tristan. His freckled cheeks were flushed red from the sun, his brown eyes wide with eagerness. I’ve been dreaming about this from the moment I signed up for the expedition.

    Me, too, Tommy. Anne confessed, her voice barely discernable over the sound of the wind whipping around them. It’s haunted me since the president called me to the Oval Office and asked me to take it on. This expedition was the opportunity of a lifetime, especially since the president had requested her and her team to solve the strange phenomena happening at Meteor Crater. Tristan, I wish you wouldn’t call me Annelies. Especially when we’re with the others, she admonished.

    I like your name. Reminds me of a porcelain doll.

    Eh... right. I’ve always wanted to be compared to a doll. Especially one that’s made of porcelain and easily breakable. Look, just call me Anne, okay? She’d told him the same thing many times, but he stubbornly persisted in calling her by her full name. She smiled to herself. Since he had become her assistant, his stubbornness had served them well during many an expedition, and now she could hardly imagine life without him.

    She turned to the rest of her team, who had already begun unloading equipment. All right, everyone. Let’s get to work, she directed with an urgency that sliced through the oppressive desert air. Let’s set up the base camp and prep our gear.

    Tristan and Tommy sprang into action, helping to efficiently unload equipment from their battered flatbed truck and van. Their movements were swift and precise, honed from countless hours of experience, at least on Tristan’s part. Tommy had learned quickly and now had quite a few hours under his belt since he’d become her apprentice two years ago.

    Tommy, get the monitoring station assembled. We need real-time data on seismic activity and any atmospheric anomalies, Anne instructed, her mind racing with possibilities as she surveyed the crater’s edge.

    The vastness of the hole, almost six hundred feet deep and a mile wide in diameter, a scar left around fifty thousand years ago by a cosmic battle, made her heartbeat speed up with anticipation. Looking out at the peaceful landscape, it was hard to imagine anything strange going on. Perhaps it was all just gossip, people creating interesting conspiracy theories to post on their social media. In that case, they wouldn’t find anything besides what others had already discovered. Nevertheless, she welcomed the opportunity to do some research on the crater.

    You got it, Miss Turner! Tommy replied, his eyes sparkling excitedly as he fumbled with the delicate equipment.

    Anne smiled at the lad’s barely contained enthusiasm for the prospect of venturing into the crater. Even though he was twenty-five, she couldn’t help thinking of him as a lad because he still looked young enough to easily pass for a teenager.

    Tristan, make sure we’re stacked with provisions and plenty of water to last the length of this mission, plus a few, Anne urged, her gaze latching onto him as worry knitted her brow. Dehydration was a cruel bitch in this ruthless terrain, and no time to waste running errands back into town.

    Consider it done, Anne, Tristan promised.

    His electric blue eyes smoldered with resolve as he stared back, igniting an all-too-familiar flutter deep within her. The raw intensity of his gaze turned her blood into molten lava, causing a rush more intoxicating than any adrenaline high. All too aware that their mission’s success hinged heavily on their vigilance and preparedness, she held his gaze for just a moment longer. That blazing hunger in his eyes... But no time for such thoughts now. This is neither the time nor the place. Not yet... She forced herself to turn away, focusing on the gritty reality before them.

    As the team busied themselves setting up camp, Anne found her gaze constantly straying toward the massive crater they were about to enter. It stood as a chilling reminder of the universe’s raw and uncontrolled power from ages past. The weight of its history bore down on her like an intense lover’s gaze—it scared her yet excited her in equal measure.

    Okay, we’re ready! All the equipment is set up, Tommy announced just after lunch. He grinned at Anne and Tristan, his face alight with excitement.

    Anne inspected their makeshift base camp’s command center, the team’s sleeping quarters, the makeshift laboratory, and several other tents holding equipment and necessary tools. All were securely fastened deep into the desert ground. Knowing the area’s wacky unpredictable weather patterns, they had brought the best of everything with them. From one moment to the next, you could expect wildly fluctuating temperatures, rain, hail, and sudden torrential downpours, followed by bursts of sun and warm weather. And now that strange activity had been reported in the area, they faced the possibility of quakes. Although the prospect of an earthquake here had always been next to nil, it was best not to take any chances.

    She approached Jack Madden’s tents, set a little away from base camp. Why two tents, Agent Madden?

    This one here is for weapon storage. He pointed to the one behind him.

    Anne stepped forward and peeked inside. Bloody hell! Are you preparing for a terrorist invasion or something? The number of weapons in opened wooden crates was astonishing—grenades, phasers, pistols, rifles, machine guns, and more.

    Jack shrugged nonchalantly. President Daniels ordered me to bring sufficient artillery for the team.

    For what? We’re geologists, not soldiers. Don’t you think this is just a tad over the top?

    Best to be safe, Miss Turner, he snapped and secured the tent’s flap with a large padlock.

    Anne shook her head in disbelief. Was there more to this mission than she’d been told? Most of them carried a weapon anyway, in case of venomous snakes... But a whole arsenal?

    She returned to the equipment tent. Tommy, have you mapped the shifts in the planet’s crust?

    His fingers danced across his console before he looked up and nodded. The geotectonic displacements are all recorded, Miss Turner. Our equipment is giving us clear readings. It’s rather tranquil here.

    Is everyone ready? Now’s the moment, Tristan called out from where he stood at the crater’s ragged edge.

    Anne took a deep breath to calm her jittery nerves and cast her gaze over her two companions and the rest of their crew once more. She ensured her survival gear was securely fastened and responded with a firm nod. Then, without wasting another breath, she took a bold step over the precipice to pioneer their descent.

    As she ventured deeper into the crater, she couldn’t help but marvel at the geological formations surrounding them. The layers of rock told a story thousands of years in the making, and she felt humbled by the sheer magnitude of the forces that had shaped this landscape.

    Look at this. Tristan ran his fingers over a jagged piece of rock. It’s incredible.

    Fabulous, Tommy agreed, his eyes wide with wonder. I’ve never seen anything like it.

    Careful, you two, Anne warned.

    Understood, Miss Turner. Tommy nodded solemnly, his eagerness tempered by Anne’s words of caution. He refocused his attention on the climb down.

    The sense of awe only grew as they continued their journey into the heart of the crater. Every step revealed new wonders, each more astonishing than the last. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting eerie shadows across the rocky landscape, Anne couldn’t shake the feeling that they were on the verge of discovering something truly extraordinary.

    The Earth seemed to tremble beneath their feet as they approached the crater’s center. Remnants of the asteroid’s fury scattered across the landscape, and massive boulders were strewn about like forgotten toys. The soil resembled a mottled tapestry of colors, a testament to the fiery inferno that once raged within this immense pit.

    Anne’s heart sped up, her gut instinct screaming something was amiss, reaffirmed by the long email she’d received from The White House. Too many strange sightings had been reported over the last year—odd sounds coming from below the crust, and sometimes lights in the crater in the middle of the night. Since the area had been secured from thrill seekers, some of the guards had even reported seeing shadowy figures at night, though when investigating, they had found nothing.

    Miss Turner, look, Tommy pointed at the ground, his voice wavering. These cracks, they’re slowly widening.

    The once hairline fractures snaking through the rocky soil had become gaping fissures, yawning a little wider with each passing moment. They seemed to converge toward a single point at the very heart of the crater.

    Stay alert, everyone. This isn’t normal. According to my research, these weren’t here previously, Anne ordered, her pulse quickening. Be sure to avoid them. We don’t know what might happen.

    Could it be an earthquake that caused this? Tommy asked.

    Unlikely. No quakes have been reported in this area, Tristan answered. "But something is causing it, and looking closer, the fissures are still slowly widening."

    Anne bit her lip, her mind in turmoil. What could be responsible for this unexpected geological upheaval? Was it connected to the iron asteroid that had created the crater all those millennia ago?

    Before she could contemplate further, the ground suddenly shuddered violently. She stumbled for a moment, grateful for Tristan’s steadying hand. A powerful geyser unexpectedly erupted from the center of one of the widening cracks, shooting water high into the sky and drenching them in a fine mist. The air filled with the sounds of rushing water and the scent of minerals, creating a surreal atmosphere that seemed to defy reality.

    That’s impossible, Anne murmured, staring at the geyser in disbelief. There shouldn’t be water here.

    Yet there it is, Tristan muttered. Though he maintained his composure, his unease could easily be seen lurking beneath his outwardly calm demeanor.

    Slowly, the geyser dwindled to just a bit of water bubbling up through the crack. The surrounding area was soaked, the thirsty soil instantly absorbing the water.

    Is it safe for us to continue? Tommy’s voice wavered.

    Only one way to find out. Anne would not let fear dictate her actions when they were so close to discovering the strange phenomena occurring in the crater. We need samples of the water and surrounding rock.

    Right, Tristan nodded. Let’s get to work, people.

    Anne dug in her backpack for equipment but couldn’t shake the sense of foreboding hanging over them like a dark cloud. But she was determined to uncover the secrets hidden within the crater, no matter what dangers might lie ahead. Stay vigilant, everyone. She steeled her resolve, but deep within, she couldn’t help wondering why this enigma decided to surface on the day of their arrival. Whatever is going on here, we’re going to find out what’s causing it.

    Now that the water from the geyser had receded, the world around them had transformed, instantly becoming something altogether alien and unfamiliar. Everywhere the water soaked the soil a strange and vibrant array of instant alien flora seemed to grow at an ultrarapid rate. Anne stared in shock and awe as she took in the surreal sight around her. What had been cracked barren soil minutes ago now teemed with life—bizarre flowers unfurling their petals, otherworldly trees stretching towards the sky, and plants whose colors and shapes defied description. Whatever had caused this weirdness had waited until this very day to manifest.

    Am I dreaming? Tommy whispered, his expression filled with awe and disbelief.

    Let’s hope not. Tristan instinctively reached for the pistol at his side. Because then we’re all sharing the same dream. I can’t believe my eyes.

    Anne couldn’t tear her gaze away from the strange phenomena. Incredible. Her scientific curiosity overcoming any sense of fear, she reached out tentatively, brushing her fingertips against the petals of a silvery flower. Her touch caused it to shimmer like liquid metal.

    Be careful, Tristan warned. We don’t know what these strange apparitions are capable of.

    Exactly. Anne’s mind roiled with possibilities. But it’s our job to find out. She turned to face him. I’m glad it waited until we got here, or I wouldn’t have believed what just occurred. This could change everything we know about life on Earth.

    Or it could get us killed, Tommy chimed in, his exuberance now tempered by caution. Maybe we should just grab some samples and get out of here.

    Not yet. Look at that. Anne drew everyone’s attention, pointing to shifting shadows at the edge of the newly formed garden. A hush fell over the team as an alien creature emerged from the foliage,

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