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Don't Let Go: Feather Blue, #12
Don't Let Go: Feather Blue, #12
Don't Let Go: Feather Blue, #12
Ebook85 pages1 hour

Don't Let Go: Feather Blue, #12

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A new dark horse is on the scene and plays a crucial role in protecting Cameo while Shook struggles to stay on course. His friends are deeply concerned over his wellbeing when he begins to hallucinate. And the tattoo placed on his arm becomes a living nightmare, which propels him deeper into a darkness he can't escape.


Cameo grows frustrated that the men won't let her out of hiding. Even worse, she senses Shook wanting to let go to spare her from the darkness he's fighting. But Cameo is tougher than the men realize, and she's determined to keep her promise to Shook when he'd asked her to never leave him—even after he suggests they take a timeout.


Has Malika met her match in taking on the daughter of a legend?

Release dateFeb 16, 2024
Don't Let Go: Feather Blue, #12

Shiloh Love

Shiloh is a bookworm who grew into an author. Writing has been a way of life for her since grade school. She majored in English, graduated and eventually found success with a few good publishers. January 1, 2016 Shiloh officially went Indie. In her words, "The only time I'm truly free is when I'm writing."Her books are thoroughly edited, proofread and exceptionally well-crafted.As a survivor of hardship and chronic disease, she takes one day at a time and treasures the simple things in life. Shiloh is a Christian, loves animals and practices being kind and generous every day.Her achievements include The Golden Wings Award for her debut novel The Satellite, the UK Nobel Pin and Editor’s Choice Award for her poem The Lonely Man, numerous 5 Star Reviews from Fallen Angels Reviews, InD’tale Magazine, and other professional reviewers for novels published under former pen names.Her novel Forever in Darkness became a finalist in the 2017 RONE Awards.Writing stories you’ll live in!

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    Book preview

    Don't Let Go - Shiloh Love

    The battle between Ricochet and Shade’s troop has peaked and Malika continues to step up her game, using anyone at her disposal.

    A new dark horse is on the scene and plays a crucial role in protecting Cameo while Shook struggles to stay on course. His friends are deeply concerned over his wellbeing when he begins to hallucinate. And the tattoo placed on his arm becomes a living nightmare, which propels him deeper into a darkness he can’t escape.

    Cameo grows frustrated that the men won’t let her out of hiding. Even worse, she senses Shook wanting to let go to spare her from the darkness he’s fighting. But Cameo is tougher than the men realize, and she’s determined to keep her promise to Shook when he’d asked her to never leave him—even after he suggests they take a timeout.

    Has Malika met her match in taking on the daughter of a legend?

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    Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage the electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    Don’t Let Go

    Copyright © 2024 Shiloh Love

    ISBN: 978-1-4874-4062-6

    Cover art by Martine Jardin

    All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

    Published by eXtasy Books Inc

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    Don’t Let Go

    Feather Blue 12


    Shiloh Love

    Chapter One


    Shook rested on the grass at a Truckstop staring up into the night. A billion stars flickered in an endless Texas sky. Nights were a bit cooler with mid-September now upon them. He had stayed in Denver with Rider and Stoke to wrap up the case against Shade.

    They’d ridden south afterward toward Dallas. Malika was still on the run and now topped their most wanted list. According to Shade, the woman was now collaborating with Rush. They decided to break for the night before paying Rush an unexpected visit. Rider and Stoke were picking up takeout at the restaurant while Shook decompressed. Other than Malika’s twisted vendetta, the war between Ricochet and Shade appeared to be over. Shade’s team had suffered a tragic loss.

    His thoughts drifted back to the shakedown. He still couldn’t believe Shade and his men initiated a firefight with Federal Agents. Their overconfidence cost reckless loss of lives.

    Shade had waged war against Ricochet, thus involving Shook and his partners in that fight. The man’s quest for vengeance interfered with an undercover investigation, and he took the outcome personally. Why Shade couldn’t see that his father had been a hardened criminal, baffled Shook.

    Nevertheless, the man set out to destroy Ricochet and blamed everyone but himself for the death of the General. He couldn’t seem to grasp Malika’s influence on him. Shade had a flawless reputation before he got involved with that crazy woman. Now, his best friend was dead along with two comrades from his troop. Jackson, Ammo and Bullet were gone, and nothing could bring them back.

    Shook raked a hand through his hair and sighed. Chamber, Talon, and Kohl would do hard time for firing at Feds. But Shade had inherited connections far up the political ladder, and he also agreed to rollover on Malika in exchange for a plea bargain. His testimony against Malika, coupled with his late father’s crooked attorneys, would get him off with a minimal penalty. He’d probably be ordered to pay a hefty fine, do community service, and serve a few years’ probation.

    Maybe he’s learned a hard lesson. Shook hoped. He recalled how visibly shaken Shade was upon realizing Jackson was gone. Shook hated this part of the job, people getting killed. He never got used to it. He cared too much about people at times. But there was no room for personal feelings in his line of work. Anyone stupid enough to assault an officer of the law was not shown mercy.

    Shade was lucky in a way. He had vital information on a wanted terrorist to use as a bargaining chip. Even so, he’d thoughtlessly dragged his friends into a foolish battle, leaving him alone and defeated.

    Shook played the scene over and over through his mind, wondering if he could’ve done anything better. Shade and his team had him boxed in with every intent to kill. They were armed to the hilt and had fired on him at first sight.

    Shade’s commands echoed in his brain. You’re gonna let one Fed take us out? He’s in the kitchen. Get him. Go out the back door and circle around, we’ll box him in.

    No, Shook muttered to himself. I followed protocol. I’ve got to stop second-guessing this. Shade initiated the fight and ignored orders to disarm.

    Who are you talking to? Rider tossed him a brown paper bag.

    Myself. Shook sat up then pulled a burger and fries from the bag. Just rehashing what went down in Denver.

    Rider and Stoke plopped to the grass, forcing a semi-circle with him. You did everything right, Rider said. This is your last assignment before you retire. Don’t let the job take you down now. You survived all these years and kept us sane in the process.

    Thanks. Shook looked up while chowing down the burger. Did you get drinks?

    Stoke held up a six-pack of beer. I figure we deserve something stronger than soda tonight.

    I hear that. Shook accepted a cold brew. "I’m wiped out. Think I’ll just crash here with

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