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Whispers Through Time
Whispers Through Time
Whispers Through Time
Ebook365 pages5 hours

Whispers Through Time

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In a quiet attic filled with memories, Emily Carter stumbles upon a strange, ancient device among her late husband John's belongings. This peculiar artifact, adorned with intricate engravings of clocks and serpents, transports her from the familiar surroundings of her home to the bustling marketplaces of ancient Egypt. There, she encounters Ammon, a scribe who bears an uncanny resemblance to John, and together they unravel the mysteries behind the device and its connection to the enigmatic Keepers of Time.


As Emily navigates this new world, she learns that the Keepers are a secretive organization tasked with maintaining the balance of history. With Ammon and the ancient version of John by her side, Emily must decipher cryptic texts, face the challenges of time travel, and confront the profound sacrifices required to protect the temporal flow.


Their journey leads them through the heart of ancient civilizations and into the modern world's corridors of power, exposing a conspiracy that threatens to rewrite history. Along the way, Emily's bond with Ammon deepens, even as the shadow of her love for John looms large.


In a climactic confrontation, Emily must decide whether to honor John's legacy by making the ultimate sacrifice. Her decision will determine the fate of history itself, testing her resolve, love, and courage.


"Whispers Through Time" is a tale of love, loss, and the relentless pursuit of truth, set against the backdrop of a richly detailed historical tapestry. As Emily faces the convergence of past, present, and future, she discovers that true strength lies in the bonds of love and the willingness to sacrifice for the greater good.

Release dateJun 1, 2024
Whispers Through Time

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    Whispers Through Time - Morgan Logstone

    Whispers Through Time

    A Journey of Love and Sacrifice Across Eras


    Morgan Logstone

    Copyright © 2024 by Morgan Logstone

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

    First Edition: May 2024

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 The Discovery

    Chapter 2 Activation

    Chapter 3 Realization

    Chapter 4 Adjustment

    Chapter 5 The First Clue

    Chapter 6 The First Confrontation

    Chapter 7 Arrival in Rome

    Chapter 8 Political Intrigue

    Chapter 9 Dangerous Liaisons

    Chapter 10 The First Hypothesis

    Chapter 11 Medieval Europe

    Chapter 12 The First Battle

    Chapter 13 Renaissance Revelations

    Chapter 14 Artistic Allies

    Chapter 15 Revolutionary Tides

    Chapter 16 Turning Point

    Chapter 17 Industrial Innovations

    Chapter 18 The Big Picture

    Chapter 19 The Plan

    Chapter 20 War-Torn Reunion

    Chapter 21 The Ultimate Sacrifice

    Chapter 22 The Final Confrontation

    Chapter 23 The Fallout

    Chapter 2 Return and Reflection

    Chapter 25 A New Beginning


    Chapter 1

    The Discovery

    Emily Carter sat on the floor of her cluttered attic, surrounded by the remnants of her life with John. Dust particles danced in the slivers of sunlight streaming through the small window, illuminating the motes like tiny stars in the dimly lit space. She gently opened an old, worn box, her fingers trembling. Inside were photographs, love letters, and mementos of their shared passion for history. Each item pulled at her heartstrings, intensifying the ache of John's absence.

    As she traced a finger over a picture of them at a museum, smiling at the camera so full of life and love, tears welled up in her eyes. She blinked them away, determined to keep going. The memory of John's laughter and the warmth of his embrace felt both comforting and cruelly distant. She missed him more than words could express.

    Why did you leave me, John? she whispered into the emptiness, her voice cracking with grief.

    Emily reached deeper into the box, her fingers brushing against something cool and metallic. She pulled out a strange device she had never seen before. It was sleek, with an ancient, intricate design and engravings of clocks and serpents. The device felt oddly warm in her hands. She turned it over, examining every detail, a mixture of curiosity and confusion crossing her face.

    What are you? she whispered, her mind racing with possibilities. Could this be something John had been working on before his death? A sense of urgency and connection to John surged through her. She hugged the device to her chest, overwhelmed by a wave of grief. She missed John so much it hurt. She longed for his presence, his comforting words, his touch.

    In her desperation, she accidentally pressed a hidden button on the device. Suddenly, the device hummed to life, glowing with an eerie blue light. Startled, she tried to pull away, but the light enveloped her, filling the attic with a brilliant, blinding radiance.

    Emily felt herself being lifted, weightless and disoriented, as the attic around her dissolved into a swirling vortex of colors. Panic set in as she struggled to understand what was happening. She clutched the device tighter, the only tangible connection to John and her reality. The light intensified, and a rushing sound filled her ears. She squeezed her eyes shut, her mind a whirlwind of fear and anticipation.

    When the sensation finally subsided, Emily cautiously opened her eyes, finding herself no longer in her attic but in an entirely different place. The blazing sun beat down on her, and she was surrounded by the bustling activity of an ancient marketplace. Vendors called out in a language she vaguely recognized, and the air was filled with the scents of exotic spices and baked bread.

    Disoriented, she looked down at her clothes. Gone were her modern jeans and sweater, replaced by a simple linen dress. Panic surged within her as she tried to comprehend her new reality. Where am I? she whispered, turning in a slow circle, taking in the alien yet oddly familiar surroundings.

    As she scanned the crowd, her eyes locked onto a figure that made her heart skip a beat. Across the marketplace stood a man with deep blue eyes and a distinctive birthmark on his right hand. It was John—or someone who looked exactly like him. He was dressed in the attire of an Egyptian official, his posture confident and commanding.

    John? she murmured, unable to believe her eyes. She pushed through the crowd, her heart pounding with a mix of hope and disbelief.

    The man turned, confusion crossing his face. Do I know you? he asked in Egyptian, though Emily understood him perfectly.

    Her mind raced, trying to bridge the gap between the man she loved and the stranger before her. It's me, Emily, she said, tears of joy and sorrow streaming down her face.

    The recognition didn’t spark in his eyes, but there was a flicker of something—a connection. He stepped closer, studying her intently. You must come with me, he said, a protective urgency in his tone.

    The man led Emily through the narrow, winding streets of the city, finally bringing her to a modest yet elegant dwelling. Inside, it was cool and quiet, a stark contrast to the noisy marketplace. My name is Ammon, he introduced himself, offering her a seat.

    Emily's mind reeled. I found this, she said, holding up the time-travel device. It brought me here.

    Ammon examined the device, his eyes widening with recognition. This is no ordinary object, he said slowly. It’s tied to the very fabric of time.

    Emily's heart raced as she realized the magnitude of her discovery. John—your past selves—are connected to significant historical events, she explained.

    Ammon nodded thoughtfully. We need to find out why, he agreed. The path ahead was uncertain, but Emily felt a glimmer of hope. She was not alone in this journey.


    Emily sat cross-legged on the attic floor, feeling the weight of John's absence more acutely than ever. She couldn't tear her eyes away from the peculiar device she held. The intricate engravings of serpents intertwined with clocks seemed to pulse with a life of their own, drawing her in. She turned the device over in her hands, her curiosity piqued by its strange warmth and subtle vibrations.

    This... doesn't belong here, she murmured to herself, feeling a strange mix of dread and excitement.

    As she examined the device, memories of John flooded her mind. His passion for history, his meticulous research, and the countless hours he spent in this very attic, surrounded by ancient artifacts and dusty tomes. What had he been working on before his untimely death? Was this device the key to understanding his final days?

    Emily's heart ached with longing as she whispered, John, what did you find?

    Her fingers traced the engraved patterns, feeling the grooves and edges. Suddenly, a faint click echoed through the attic as she inadvertently pressed a hidden button. Startled, she tried to release the device, but it seemed to adhere to her palms, humming softly. Panic gripped her as the blue light began to emanate once more, casting eerie shadows on the walls.

    No, no, no, she muttered, struggling to free herself. But the light grew brighter, enveloping her entirely. She felt the ground shift beneath her, the attic dissolving into a blur of colors and sounds.

    The light faded, and Emily found herself standing in the midst of an ancient marketplace. The vibrant sounds of vendors shouting in a foreign tongue and the fragrant smells of exotic spices filled the air. Disoriented, she looked down to find her clothes transformed into a simple linen dress. She turned in a slow circle, trying to make sense of her surroundings.

    Where am I? she whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and wonder.

    As she took in the scene, her eyes locked onto a figure that made her heart leap. Across the marketplace stood a man with deep blue eyes and a distinctive birthmark on his right hand—John, or at least someone who looked remarkably like him. He was dressed in the attire of an Egyptian official, his posture regal and composed.

    John? Emily called out, her voice catching in her throat.

    The man turned towards her, his eyes filled with confusion. Do I know you? he asked in Egyptian, his tone wary yet curious.

    Emily's heart raced. It's me, Emily, she said, stepping closer. Tears of relief and disbelief welled up in her eyes. I've been looking for you.

    The man's expression softened slightly, a flicker of recognition—or perhaps something deeper—crossing his face. Emily? he repeated, the name unfamiliar yet somehow significant. You must come with me.

    He extended his hand, and Emily took it, feeling a strange mix of comfort and apprehension. He led her through the bustling streets, weaving through crowds and narrow alleyways until they reached a modest, elegant dwelling. Inside, the noise of the marketplace faded into a serene silence.

    My name is Ammon, he introduced himself, offering her a seat. You seem lost, and this...device you carry is no ordinary object.

    Emily's mind reeled with questions. I found it among my husband's belongings, she explained, her voice shaking. He died recently, and I thought...I thought it might be connected to his work.

    Ammon studied the device, his eyes widening in recognition. This is a relic of immense power, he said slowly, his voice tinged with awe. It is tied to the very fabric of time itself.

    Emily's heart pounded in her chest. What does that mean? How did I end up here?

    Ammon sighed, running a hand through his dark hair. I do not have all the answers, but it seems you have activated a portal. This can traverse time.

    Emily stared at him, struggling to comprehend. John—my husband—did he know about this? Could he have...traveled through time too?

    Ammon nodded thoughtfully. It is possible. Many secrets of the past are hidden within such relics. We must uncover the purpose of your journey and the connection to your husband.

    A surge of hope and determination filled Emily. Then we need to start searching. There must be clues—something that can lead us to the truth.

    Ammon smiled, a warm, reassuring expression. We will find the answers together, Emily. Your journey has just begun.

    Emily took a deep breath, feeling a strange sense of destiny. She was not alone in this strange new world, and with Ammon's help, she would uncover the secrets of the device and her husband's mysterious connection to it. The path ahead was uncertain, but Emily felt a renewed sense of purpose and resolve. She was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, guided by her love for John and the hope of reuniting with him across time.


    Emily sat in the modest yet elegant dwelling, the silence pressing in on her as Ammon studied the time-travel device. Her thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion, fear, and longing. The past hours—or had it been minutes?—felt like a fever dream. She was miles and millennia away from home, yet the man sitting across from her, the one who bore John's face and soul, brought her a strange sense of comfort.

    Ammon set the device on a low table, looking at Emily with a mix of curiosity and concern. This device... it holds great power, Emily. The ability to traverse time is not something to be taken lightly.

    Emily nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. husband, he must have known. He was always drawn to the mysteries of history. I just...I need to understand why this happened. Why now?

    Ammon reached out, placing a reassuring hand on hers. We will find the answers together. But first, you must rest. The journey you’ve undertaken is not only physical but emotional.

    Emily appreciated the warmth of his gesture, yet her mind remained restless. Rest...yes, she said, though she knew sleep would be elusive. The weight of her grief was too heavy.

    As the evening drew on, Ammon prepared a simple meal. They ate in near silence, the only sounds the crackling of the fire and the distant hum of the marketplace. Emily's thoughts kept drifting back to John, to the life they had shared, and to the unanswered questions that loomed larger than ever.

    Later, as Emily lay on a makeshift bed, her exhaustion caught up with her. The events of the day finally overwhelmed her, and she drifted into a troubled sleep. Her dreams were a chaotic blend of past and present, memories of John mingling with the strange new world she found herself in.

    She woke abruptly, her heart racing. The room was dark, the only light coming from the dying embers of the fire. For a moment, she forgot where she was, the disorientation hitting her hard. The pain of loss surged through her once more, raw and unrelenting.

    Unable to remain still, Emily rose and approached the time-travel device, which sat on the table, gleaming faintly in the dim light. She picked it up, its weight both familiar and alien. Tears welled up in her eyes as she whispered into the darkness, Why did you leave me, John? Why did you have to go?

    The silence offered no answers, only the echo of her own voice. Emily hugged the device to her chest, feeling the cold metal against her skin. The grief was overwhelming, a tidal wave that threatened to pull her under. She sank to the floor, her sobs breaking the stillness of the night.

    Ammon, awakened by her cries, quietly approached and knelt beside her. He didn't speak, offering silent support as she wept. His presence was a balm to her wounded heart, a reminder that she was not completely alone in this strange time.

    After what felt like an eternity, Emily's sobs subsided. She wiped her tears, her resolve hardening. She looked up at Ammon, her eyes red but determined. I need to find out what happened. To John, to this device. I can't go back without answers.

    Ammon nodded. And you will. We will uncover the truth together, Emily. But remember, you cannot carry this burden alone.

    His words, though simple, resonated deeply with her. Emily nodded, a faint smile touching her lips. Thank you, Ammon. For everything.

    He stood, offering her a hand. Come, get some rest. Tomorrow, we will begin our search in earnest.

    Emily took his hand, allowing him to help her up. As she lay back down, her body exhausted but her mind slightly more at ease, she realized that this journey, though filled with grief and uncertainty, also held a promise of discovery. For the first time since John's death, she felt a glimmer of hope. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but she was not alone.

    In the early hours of the morning, with Ammon keeping watch nearby, Emily finally drifted into a deeper, more restful sleep. The time-travel device lay on the table, a silent guardian of the mysteries yet to be unraveled. Emily's heart, though heavy with sorrow, was also filled with a newfound resolve. She would find the answers she sought, no matter where—or when—they might lead her.


    Emily woke to the first light of dawn filtering through the small window of Ammon’s home. The events of the previous day rushed back, her heart aching with the weight of it all. Yet, a newfound resolve steadied her. She rose quietly, finding Ammon already awake, studying the time-travel device on the table.

    Good morning, he greeted her with a warm smile. Did you manage to rest?

    Better than I expected, Emily replied, her voice still heavy with emotion but steadier than the night before. Thank you for everything, Ammon.

    Ammon nodded. We are in this together. Today, we must begin to understand this device and its purpose. Perhaps we can find some clues in the temple records.

    Emily approached the device, running her fingers over its surface. This’s so alien, yet it brought me here. There must be a reason, something John discovered.

    Ammon looked thoughtful. Let us start with the temple. The priests keep extensive records; we might find something useful there.

    They left the house, walking through the bustling streets of the city. The marketplace was already alive with vendors setting up their stalls, the air filled with the mingling scents of spices and fresh bread. Emily felt a pang of homesickness, but the determination to uncover the truth kept her moving forward.

    The temple stood tall and imposing, its grand columns and intricate carvings reflecting the glory of ancient Egypt. Inside, the cool air and the scent of incense enveloped them as they approached a priest who was cataloging scrolls.

    Ammon greeted him with respect. High Priest Imhotep, we seek your wisdom and guidance.

    Imhotep turned, his eyes narrowing slightly. Ammon, it is always an honor. And who is this with you?

    This is Emily. She has come from afar, seeking knowledge about an artifact that has brought her here.

    Imhotep studied Emily, his gaze penetrating. From afar, indeed, he murmured. What is this artifact?

    Emily held up the device. This...I found it among my husband’s belongings. It transported me here, and I believe it holds answers about his research and our future.

    Imhotep’s eyes widened as he examined the device. This is no ordinary object, he said gravely. It is said that such relics are tied to the fabric of time itself. Come, let us look at the ancient texts.

    They followed Imhotep to a secluded chamber lined with shelves of scrolls and tablets. He carefully selected a few and laid them out on a large stone table. As they pored over the texts, Ammon pointed to a passage that caught his eye.

    Here, he said, his voice hushed with awe. It speaks of a device, crafted by the gods, capable of traversing the threads of time. It is said to be guarded by a secret order.

    Emily’s heart raced. A secret order? Could this be what John was investigating?

    Imhotep nodded slowly. It is possible. This order, known as the Keepers of Time, has been shrouded in mystery. Their influence stretches across ages, always in the shadows.

    Emily felt a surge of determination. Then we must find them. They might have answers about John and why this device brought me here.

    Ammon placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. We will find them, Emily. Together.

    Imhotep looked thoughtful. There are whispers of a hidden sanctuary where the Keepers of Time meet. It is said to be located deep within the desert, near the Valley of Kings.

    Then that’s where we need to go, Emily said, her voice firm with resolve.

    Imhotep nodded. It will be a perilous journey. The desert is unforgiving, and the Keepers will not welcome intruders.

    Ammon smiled. We are not intruders. We seek knowledge and understanding. The truth must be uncovered.

    Emily felt a mix of fear and excitement. Thank you, Imhotep. Your guidance means everything to us.

    Imhotep inclined his head. May the gods protect you on your journey. You carry a great burden, Emily. Trust in your strength and in those who travel with you.

    As they left the temple, Emily felt a renewed sense of purpose. The road ahead would be difficult, but she was not alone. With Ammon by her side, she felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the search for the Keepers of Time and the truth about John’s legacy.

    The sun was high in the sky as they set out towards the desert, its heat beating down on them. Emily’s thoughts were a tumult of hope and fear, but she knew one thing for certain: she would not rest until she found the answers she sought. The journey had only just begun, and she was prepared for whatever lay ahead.

    Chapter 2


    Emily opened her eyes to the blazing sun hanging high in a cloudless sky. The heat pressed down on her, and she instinctively shaded her eyes with her hand. She found herself standing in the midst of a bustling marketplace, the sounds of bartering and the rich scents of spices filling the air. Her modern clothes had been replaced by a simple linen dress, and her heart pounded with disorientation and curiosity.

    Ammon? she called out, her voice wavering. She turned in a circle, trying to make sense of her surroundings.

    Emily! Ammon’s voice reached her through the din. She spotted him weaving through the crowd, his face lit with relief.

    She hurried towards him, and when they finally reached each other, he grasped her shoulders gently. Are you all right?

    I think so, she replied, still catching her breath. Where are we?

    This is Thebes, Ammon explained, glancing around. A central hub of trade and politics in ancient Egypt.

    Emily nodded, trying to absorb the magnitude of her new reality. The marketplace was alive with activity. Vendors shouted their wares, children darted through the crowd, and the air was thick with the mingling scents of incense and fresh bread.

    Ammon guided her to a shaded alcove, away from the throng of people. We need to blend in and find out more about this era. Our answers might lie here.

    As they stood there, a tall man with striking blue eyes and a distinctive birthmark on his right hand approached. Emily’s breath caught in her throat.

    John? she whispered, her voice trembling.

    The man frowned slightly, studying her with a mix of confusion and recognition. Do I know you?

    It’s me, Emily, she said, stepping closer. I’ve been searching for you.

    He shook his head slowly. My name is Ammon, but... there is something familiar about you. I feel as if I should know you.

    Emily felt tears prick her eyes. You are John. Or, at least, you were. You don’t remember, but I do.

    Ammon looked between them, his expression thoughtful. This is extraordinary. It seems the device has brought us here for a reason. Perhaps we are meant to find out why your husband’s past self exists in this time.

    Emily nodded, wiping her eyes. Yes, we need to understand why this is happening. There must be clues here, something to guide us.

    The man who resembled John seemed to struggle with the flood of information. I don’t fully understand, but I want to help. What can I do?

    Ammon placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. We need to learn more about the time period and any significant events happening now. Can you tell us about Thebes and its political climate?

    The man—Ammon, but not the Ammon she knew—nodded. Thebes is a city of great importance. It’s a center of worship and a seat of power. The Pharaoh’s influence is strong, but there are always undercurrents of intrigue and danger.

    Emily listened intently. And what is your role here?

    I am a scribe, he explained. I record the happenings of the court and assist in the administration of the city. It’s a position that allows me access to valuable information.

    Ammon looked impressed. That’s incredibly useful. We can use your position to gather intelligence and piece together the puzzle of the device and its purpose.

    Emily took a deep breath, feeling a renewed sense of determination. Then we start here. We need to understand why we’ve been brought to this specific time and place.

    As they made their way through the marketplace, Ammon spoke quietly. Emily, I know this is overwhelming, but remember, we are not alone in this. We have each other and the knowledge we carry. Together, we will uncover the truth.

    She nodded, appreciating his steady presence. I know. And thank you, Ammon, for standing by me.

    He smiled gently. It is my honor, Emily. We are bound by this journey, and I believe it is one we are meant to undertake.

    Emily felt a flicker of hope. Surrounded by the vibrant life of ancient Thebes, she was ready to face the challenges ahead. The path to uncovering the secrets of the time-travel device and John’s mysterious connection to this era was fraught with uncertainty, but she was resolute. With Ammon’s guidance and the presence of the man who was somehow both John and not John, she felt that they could navigate the twists and turns of this extraordinary journey.


    Emily walked alongside Ammon and the man who looked like John, taking in the grandeur of Thebes. The city’s towering structures and the energy of its people were a stark contrast to the quiet, grief-filled days she had spent in her attic. The sun was high, casting sharp shadows that danced with the bustling crowd.

    Ammon, Emily began, her voice steady but filled with questions. If this place holds answers, where do we start? How do we uncover what brought us here?

    Ammon looked thoughtful. The temple archives are a good place to begin. They house records that span centuries. If the Keepers of Time have any presence here, we might find traces of their activities there.

    The man who resembled John nodded. The archives are well-guarded, but as a scribe, I have access. I can get us in.

    Emily felt a surge of hope. Then let’s go. We need to know everything.

    They made their way through the labyrinthine streets to the temple complex, its imposing columns and detailed carvings telling stories of gods and kings. Inside, the cool, dim interior was a welcome respite from the heat outside. The air smelled of old parchment and incense, a sacred library that held the secrets of ages.

    As they approached the entrance to the archives, a stern-looking guard stepped forward. State your business.

    The scribe—John’s ancient counterpart—stepped up confidently. I am Ammon, scribe to the Pharaoh. These are my companions. We seek to consult the archives on a matter of great importance.

    The guard hesitated, his gaze scrutinizing Emily and Ammon. Finally, he nodded. Very well, but be quick. The High Priest does not like visitors lingering.

    Inside, the archives were a maze of scrolls and tablets, each meticulously stored and cataloged. Ammon led them to a secluded corner where they could speak freely. He began to pull out scrolls, spreading them on a large wooden table.

    Here, he said, pointing

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