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The Bellator: Angelic Avenger: The Bellator, #1
The Bellator: Angelic Avenger: The Bellator, #1
The Bellator: Angelic Avenger: The Bellator, #1
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The Bellator: Angelic Avenger: The Bellator, #1

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"Through churning seas, a world is born where good and bad reside, and in this world, there comes a need to cleanse and purify. To rid the land of darkness, turn unjust into light, bring us now the Bellator, heaven's hero of the night! Send us now your Warrior, your purifying flame, to cleanse the darkness from our realm and banish it away. For evil has returned again and mankind is at stake, unleash the mighty Bellator, make evil pay this day!"


A gripping new fantasy horror series begins with the debut ride: "Angelic Avenger" taking you to gothic 1800's Louisiana and the small forgotten village of La Terreur, (The Terror) where otherworldly events took place requiring the services of a most unique warrior.

PublisherBook Candy
Release dateJun 12, 2024
The Bellator: Angelic Avenger: The Bellator, #1

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    Book preview

    The Bellator - Valerian Rose

    Chapter One:

    The Terror Begins

    La Terreur, Louisiana 1843, Twenty miles outside of New Orleans.

    Lightning ripped apart the midnight sky as Father Jeffrey Pax threw open the double doors of the old church and stumbled inside, bleeding heavily from around his head and neck. He collapsed to the ground but glanced over his shoulder in just enough time to see something horrifying and most inhuman approaching from outside. It was roaring up to the church furiously and preparing to enter when the priest managed to roll over and kick the doors shut at the very last moment.

    A huge rush of air shook the doors loudly as whatever it was lifted back up into the night sky.

    The priest struggled to climb back to his feet. God... where are you? he said choking through the drying blood in his throat. Barely able to stand, he staggered up the main aisle of the church towards the pulpit, clutching the pews for leverage as he moved along.

    Once at the pulpit, he reached behind it and pulled on a hidden lever. A small section of wall slid open revealing a secret passageway leading down deep below the church. He grabbed a torch off the wall and began his way down the dark, web-laden stairwell as fast as his tired legs could carry him.

    When he reached the bottom, he held his torch high into the air to better light up this small yet very profound room. Secluded and safe from the elements, this hidden underground chamber was a most secret place that held some of the rarest religious artifacts known to man. Mind-blowing spectacles indeed that not even the Vatican would dare keep with them in Rome for fear of being snatched. Each one of them a priceless antiquity sheltered away for countless years below this little-known church deep in the bayou. It held precisely two dozen items all resting on various marble pedestals and protected under clear custom-locking domes. There were robes worn by Jesus, Buddha, and other divine messengers, a seashell bracelet from Mary Magdalene, and various artifacts from ancient extraterrestrial civilizations that have long been kept under wraps by the powers that be.

    The priest stood at the entrance, glancing around nervously. Russell, are you in here?

    No answer.

    He looked across the room and noticed an empty book stand in the far corner. No, it’s happened, he sighed as he limped to the stand as quickly as he could and ran his trembling fingers along its empty dusty shelf. It’s all over now, he lamented, totally resigned to defeat.

    But a shuffling noise from the stairwell put his senses on high alert once again. The light from a torch began to glow from inside the stairwell and quickly grew brighter as the shuffling noise rapidly approached the secret chamber below. The priest’s eyes were wild-eyed and glued to the light as two nuns, Sister Amor and Sister Compatior entered. The priest slumped over with relief when he realized it was only them.

    The nuns saw him through the flickering torchlight and ran over to him. Father Pax, what happened? Sister Amor asked, quite shaken by the condition of her beloved priest. Why are you bleeding?

    I'm fine, just a little dizzy. I need to get up to my room.

    The two nuns each grabbed ahold of his arms and gently lifted him to his feet. As they began to slowly guide him back to the stairwell, Sister Compatior told him, We were in the kitchen preparing tomorrow’s meals when we went out to collect some well water and noticed the chamber was open. What happened father?

    The look on the priest's face said it all. He could only mutter. The book is missing.

    The two nuns looked over at each other. Fear was clearly apparent on their faces now as well.

    When they reached the top of the stairs, Sister Compatior ran to the pulpit and pulled the lever behind it, closing the hidden wall door. She told the priest, You need to lie down Father. Is there anything we can get for you?

    But before he could even answer, a monstrous roar was heard from just outside the church doors.

    Dear Lord, what was that? Sister Amor exclaimed."

    Never mind that, the priest told her. The doors are locked, and we need to... but he dropped to his knees, almost passing out.

    Sister Amor called out to the other nun. Quickly, help me get him to his bed.

    Sister Compatior ran back over and together they gently guided him to his sleeping quarters.

    Once inside, Sister Compatior pointed to a crystal decanter on the dresser. Quickly, bring some brandy.

    As Sister Amor carefully filled a small glass and handed it to her, she asked, Will the father be all right?

    Let's hope so dear, she said taking the glass and holding it up to the priest’s lips. Try to drink this, Father.

    Father Pax carefully took a small sip of the brandy.

    Can you tell us what happened? she asked.

    With fear in his eyes, he looked at the two nuns and began to tell them a most dire tale.

    "Earlier tonight, a young boy who said his name was Russell came rushing into the church. He was crying hard as he desperately tried to explain something horrible that had just happened to his family. It was hard to believe what he was saying but I knew the poor boy must be in earnest. He was absolutely terrified! He told me that his parents were mutilated by demons that ripped them apart like they were made of paper. He said there were many other horrible screams too. Some sounded human, others not so much. There were shadows as well, strange-shaped ones that moved unnaturally across the walls with claws... wretched gnarled appendages like nothing he’d ever seen before that reached out from inside the shadows and grabbed at his parents, making their blood spray out in streams across the walls. He told me he escaped out the front door and started running down the street when he saw our steeple rising in the distance. He ran for it as fast as he could but along the way he said he could hear unimaginable sounds coming from all around him, like rabid animals but unlike any animal he had ever heard before. And when he finally arrived here, just as he was about to enter the doors, something even more frightening emerged from a nearby bush. It jerked and hissed at him with disjointed insect-like arms as it drooled and snapped loudly. The boy quickly jumped inside and was able to shut the doors just as it lunged for him. He said the creature slammed into the doors hard, and he could hear it thrashing its body

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