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The Prophecy of The Overthrow of The Satanic Prince of Douala: Unseating Principalities and Powers, #3
The Prophecy of The Overthrow of The Satanic Prince of Douala: Unseating Principalities and Powers, #3
The Prophecy of The Overthrow of The Satanic Prince of Douala: Unseating Principalities and Powers, #3
Ebook40 pages24 minutes

The Prophecy of The Overthrow of The Satanic Prince of Douala: Unseating Principalities and Powers, #3

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I give you the city of Douala!

The devil rules the world through continental arch-demons called Princes. For example, there is the Satanic Prince of Asia, the Satanic Prince of Europe, the Satanic Prince of America, the Satanic Prince of Oceania. Under these continental spirits and in loyalty to them are regional and national spirits. Under the authority of the continental Prince, are National Princes that control Satan's affairs in each nation.

The Satanic Prince of Douala is that Satanic spirit in charge of Satan's affairs in the city of Douala. The spirit supervises and leads all of Satan's interests and affairs in Douala.

Thousands of us fasted for many days drinking only water, and on the 28th December 1997, the Satanic Prince of the city of Douala was bound, unseated, and overthrown.

The Lord gave us the following prophecy about Douala, and it shall come to stay.

Release dateNov 19, 2021
The Prophecy of The Overthrow of The Satanic Prince of Douala: Unseating Principalities and Powers, #3

Zacharias Tanee Fomum

للحصول على كتب زكريا تاني فوموم مجانًا: كان البروفيسور زكريا تاني فوم رجلًا ذا روحانية غير مألوفة، وصوتًا رائدًا في الإحياء، ومحبًا للعمل، ومعلمًا نبيًا، وعبقريًا روحيًا صانعًا للعالم. لقد كان مؤلفًا مسيحيًا من أكثر المؤلفات المسيحية مبيعًا (له أكثر من 350 كتابًا وأكثر من 10 ملايين نسخة متداولة بأكثر من 100 لغة) وأستاذًا للكيمياء العضوية (له أكثر من 160 عملًا علميًا منشورًا بامتياز (حصل على درجة الدكتوراه في العلوم من جامعة دورهام ببريطانيا العظمى). لا تزال كتبه وملايين الأشخاص الذين أثر فيهم خلال أكثر من 40 عامًا من الخدمة المسيحية تؤثر في العالم بالإنجيل اليوم. وقد أسس الزمالة التبشيرية المسيحية الدولية (CMFI)، وهي حركة تبشيرية زرعت كنائس في أكثر من 120 دولة في جميع القارات. كان يؤمن بحياة البساطة، وبدعم وتفاني زوجته وأولادهما السبعة كرس كل وقته وماله وقلبه وروحه لنشر الإنجيل. قام بمآثر لله من خلال صنع تلاميذ للمسيح، وزرع الكنائس، وبناء قادة روحيين حسب نموذج الكتاب المقدس، وخدمة جسد المسيح، وخاصة كمعلم في الصلاة. تعرف على المزيد واقرأ مقتطفات حصرية على:

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    The Prophecy of The Overthrow of The Satanic Prince of Douala - Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    The Prophecy of The Overthrow of The Satanic Prince of Douala

    The Prophecy of The Overthrow of The Satanic Prince of Douala

    Zacharias Tanee Fomum


    Copyright © 1997 by Zacharias Tanee Fomum

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Published by

    A division of the Book Ministry of Christian Missionary Fellowship International

    The Prophecy

    My children, I love you.

    My children, I love you.

    My children, I loved you in the past,

    And today, I proclaim My love for you in a special way

    And the days are coming when you shall see my love manifested for you in an extraordinary way;

    I have been pleased.

    I have been pleased to take possession of this city by outlying its illegal occupant.

    The throne of the city belongs to Me. The throne of the city belongs to Me.

    The throne of the city belongs to Me now than ever before.

    As never, never before.

    As never, never before.

    The throne of the city and the city is Mine, is Mine. And the city is mine.

    I have triumphed!

    I had triumphed over the prince of communism !

    I had triumphed over the prince of communism!

    And as you believed, before you saw, you entered into My victory.

    And the communist philosophy crumbled

    and it crumbled.

    It is no more.

    And you know it.

    And you know it.

    Now the communist lands are part of your possession.

    Then I called you to battle in Yaounde and I overthrew the satanic prince

    I have given you the city and you are possessing it

    And you know it

    this day I’ve done it again

    this day I’ve done it again


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