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Land of the Damned and Other Stories
Land of the Damned and Other Stories
Land of the Damned and Other Stories
Ebook301 pages4 hours

Land of the Damned and Other Stories

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11 Short stories of horror, specially designed for young adults. Everyone can have fun with it. It contains stories from all kinds of worlds. Space adventures, mutant war, alien invasion and so much more. All stories are full of action and it is for all ages. Welcome to the huge world of short apocalypse.11 Short stories of horror, specially designed for young adults. Everyone can have fun with it. It contains stories from all kinds of worlds. Space adventures, mutant war, alien invasion and so much more. All stories are full of action and it is for all ages. Welcome to the huge world of short apocalypse.

PublisherC.O. Amal
Release dateJun 2, 2024
Land of the Damned and Other Stories

C.O. Amal

I live in India, Kerala. I love to read science fiction and dark fantasy. I am well known as the Crazy Writer. I write Science fiction and I am a fan of the book 'Earths Forbidden Secrets by Maxwell Igan. I love to hike hills, and I am an adventurous man. I am well known for my ability to daydream. And most times you can see me daydreaming in front of my novel writing machine. I hope humanity will colonize the far reaches of the cosmos, soon. I love NASA, ISRO, and Virgin Galactica. I am looking forward to landing on Mars, where one of my novels sets it.

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    Land of the Damned and Other Stories - C.O. Amal

    Rise of the Cyborgs

    Long ago, all the nations of the world were divided into two poles. The Americans and its allies formed the Federation Independence and the Koreans and its allies formed the Republic Independence. And a war was inevitable between the two. During the war, Republicans created an artificial intelligence to annihilate the federation. Soon after the release of artificial intelligence, the republicans retreated into the deepest, unknown part of the Milky Way galaxy.

    Federation has fought the war against the robotic hordes of republicans. But, even though the robots have been built by the Republicans, they are designed to annihilate the human race; it doesn’t have any distinction between republic or federation. The artificial intelligence starts to kill the federation, part by part. However, the part of the federation on the United States makes a stand against artificial intelligence. They’ve nuked the earth for good!

    After the nuclear war, the federation gathers as many survivors as they can from the European and American continents and they retreat into the vast expanse of inter-dimensional space.

    Now, there are colonies throughout our solar system, all of which belong to the federation. During its life, the federation has tried to forget what has happened to Earth. Earth is dead. No plants grow there anymore. There are no living beings left alive on that planet; at least that is what the federation and the republicans have thought.

    But, there are survivors on planet Earth. There are small packets of survivors throughout the planet, living in the worst places one can ever imagine.

    Of the survivors, the Indians are the ones who stand against the artificial intelligence that the Republicans have unleashed. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has built a vast underground network, and they’ve gathered survivors from all corners of the country. Artificial intelligence is constantly evolving, building an army in radioactive zones.

    Most of the planet Earth is uninhabitable. Most of the places are tagged under the radioactive zone. Unlike India, most Asian and African countries have been destroyed in the nuclear war. And now, there is not even a continent named Australia. Everything is dead, except the underground network built by the Indians.

    Indians only come out if it is necessary. They’ve built a technology federation that can only dream of. But even the coolest of the technologies are ineffective against the evolving robotic horde. Robotic drones are always in the sky, looking for a live human being, to kill, to quench the thirst for blood.

    Only god can guess what the robotic horde is planning inside the radioactive zones. Soon, Indians’ supply of food is going to run out. And when that happens, they’ve no chance of survival, unless they go out, and start planting crops.

    Even though Indians are technologically advanced, they have no communication with the federation which is just outside the planet. This is because, the robots have made a signal layer in the atmosphere, which blocks any communication from outside and from inside planet Earth.

    Federation and Republicans are still thinking that the robotic horde is dead. But, the constantly evolving robotic horde is on the verge of the biggest advancement. They are soon going to expand their arms to the vast expanse of inter-dimensional space.

    Now, Indians are constantly fighting with random robots. Indians now call the robotic horde by the name Humanoids, because, that is what they are. There is a large variety of Humanoids, some look like humans (but not with human skin, they are just robots in the form of humans), and some look like pure robots. But, all of them are built by metal. Humanoids are indestructible, but, so far, they die if they encounter severe damage to their head. Indians are using armor-piercing rounds to kill the humanoids. But, now, the humanoids have become fast and cunningly wicked. ISRO now starts working on its biggest project – a space ship – ‘INS Worm Boy’.

    INS Worm Boy is their last hope for escaping this wretched planet. And they’ve to escape before the humanoids start to go out of the planet. Indians still have no idea whether the federation has survived, at all. But, they do know that the Republicans are out there, looking for any survivors of the federation, to kill them for good.

    Indians have never built a spaceship-like INS Worm Boy before. But, they’ve released a huge amount of small automatic space crafts to the unknown space, to study the universe. They have good experience in building satellites and space crafts, not to mention their extraordinary skill in building rocket propellers.

    Now, INS Worm Boy is under some finishing touches. Soon, the Indians are going to rise out of this crumbled planet, if everything turns out okay, of course.


    Sam George and Rob George are in the middle of a game — just a police and thief-chasing game. Their mom and dad are sitting on the porch, looking at the vast green field where dozens of their horses are grazing.

    Suddenly, a loud swoosh comes from the distant sky. Sam and Rob stop their game and they peer at the sky.

    Their mom and dad also come to the yard to see what it is. A few seconds later they see what is making the sound — a cluster of twenty or more fighter jets. The jets have flown away at an incredible speed. A moment later, in the sky, they can see an event similar to fireworks — just some light, blinking on the horizon.

    Dad and Mom smell a danger. They quickly push Sam and Rob to get inside the house. The father rushes towards the TV. He switches it on and changes the channel to a news one.

    But, sadly, all the channels are filled with static. One thing is certain to the mother and father — the Republicans have declared war against the federation. A moment later, more swooshes come from the distant sky. A few more moments later, a series of loud pops of machine guns come from above.

    Why did India join with the Federation? Why doesn’t it be just India, without joining with any forces? That way, at least Indians won’t have to see a horrific war, right?

    As time passes, the sound of an aircraft crash landing just outside the house comes. Sam and Rob are shivering from head to toe.

    Come one, let’s head to the basement, Mother says. At least it will save us for a few days. The mother already knows that her world is soon going to an end, and so does Sam’s, Rob’s, and her husband’s.

    THEY ALL RUSH INSIDE the underground basement. Father and mother have taken a chair each and they place them near the windows near the ceiling. Father and mother stand on the chairs and they peer outside. They can see three or more fighter jets crashing outside. A moment later, with a bang, two crashed fighter jets explode, The shock waves of the blast break the windows and the mother and father have been thrown back.

    Fortunately, nothing bad happens to them. They slowly stand up, clearing the glass dust from their body.

    Sam and Rob are in shock. They still can’t believe that their mom and dad are still alive. If that explosion had been anywhere near the house, they may have definitely lost their father and mother, not to mention their own lives.

    Even though they both are in 7th grade, the word ‘war’ doesn’t make sense to them. Why are they making war? Everyone now has plenty of food and plenty of money. Then why do they make war? It doesn’t make sense at all.

    Before long, night sets around, plunging everywhere in darkness. Dad takes a flashlight and he goes outside. A few minutes later, he comes back with a garbage bag full of food. He dumps the food in a corner and he goes again. Finally, he comes back with three cartoons of bottled fresh water and other energy drinks.

    At least food is plenty, Sam thinks.

    ONE WEEK HAS PASSED. According to the last radio message, Republicans have declared war on the Federation. And the Federation is losing the war. It had been two days ago when they last heard the radio message. Federation may have lost the battle.

    Now, they’ve put their hopes on god — the last person who can save them.

    SAM’S MOTHER AND FATHER cannot believe that they’ve fully expended their food supply. Since it is a hot climate, they drink water frequently.

    And before long, they all begin to get hungry and thirsty.

    I will go and see what I can salvage from the town, Father says.

    Mother is too weak to say no.

    Dad, don’t go, Sam and Rob begin to weep. They fear something bad may happen.

    Don’t worry, kids, stay here and look after your mom, And he leaves.

    TIME PASSES QUICKLY. Noon has come and gone. The evening does the same. And finally, at midnight, the sound of the door being opened comes from upstairs. Rob and Sam have been afraid to sleep all this time. But, their mother is very weak. Actually, for the last few days, she hasn’t eaten anything, afraid that her children may get hungry.

    A moment later, Dad comes through the basement door. As soon as he is inside, he closes and locks the door behind him. He places two huge garbage bags full of food materials on the floor.

    Mom, wake up, Sam shakes awakes his mother.

    She smiles weakly at her husband. Father smiles back at her. The candlelight is about to finish its life.

    Father takes a pack of cookies and he sits beside his wife. Father gives her a light kiss on her forehead.

    Tell me everything, She says.

    Sam and Rob lie down on the floor and they’ve tuned their ears to hear Father’s story while eating cookies.

    It is pretty bad in the city. Aerial battle is too often. And so many people are dead. But, we are safe. Father finishes, taking a deep breath.

    George, you’re not telling me something. Mother says. I can understand the look on your face, even in this candlelight. Is it really bad?

    Father again takes a deep breath. Republicans released some sort of robots, Maya.


    These robots are killing any humans they see, and so far, they are indestructible.

    Did you see one?

    Yeah. But from a distance.

    Maya takes a deep breath. Did you meet anyone?

    Yeah, a soldier. It was he who showed me the robot. He said that it is some sort of Artificial Intelligence.


    Yeah. And the bad news is, we have to leave this place. According to that soldier, survivors are gathering in New Delhi.

    We can’t go there, George.

    Why? New Delhi is near from here, Maya.

    George, if what you have said is true, those robots might see us easily in a crowd. I don’t want my children seeing a blood bath.

    Father takes a deep sigh. We are dead anyway, Father thinks.

    IT HAS BEEN A DAY SINCE George left the basement. He should have returned last night. Maya fears for her husband. It is the last day that their food supply has run out. He has gone looking for food. And with each passing day, Maya is becoming weak and weak. She has a cold fever too.

    She has caught the fever in the last night’s rain. George may have gone inside a nearby building to ride out the rain. But the rain ended about six hours ago, and still, George isn’t here. Rob and Sam have gone outside and come back with a bucket full of rainwater. It has been pure and fresh.

    They pour the water into a steel pot and they heat it using candle fire. And they give the hot water to their mother. Maya drinks a little water. Then she coughs a little.

    Thanks, boys, Maya smiles at them, weakly. And she pats on their shoulder.

    IT IS TWO DAYS NOW since George has gone out to gather food. And he still hasn’t back, yet. Sam and Rob slowly go outside the basement and they peer at the house’s surroundings through the living room window.

    There are a couple of crashed fighter jets outside, and then, they see blood marks on their doorsteps. Rob and Sam quickly stayed back, with fear. Will it be their father’s?

    Suddenly, a loud sound of some kind of siren comes from far away. Sam quickly ran towards his bedroom, and a few minutes later, he comes back with a binocular.

    They both look at the faraway land through the scope of the binoculars. Then they see what is making the sound. Three light-blue colored robots are walking towards their home.

    Shit, Rob mutters. They both, without thinking further, run inside the basement.

    Mom, Sam and Rob cry out loud.

    What is it, boys? Mother slowly stands up. What is it?

    Those robots are coming to our house, Mom, Rob says.

    Get your backpacks, Mother says. We are leaving.

    MOTHER AND KIDS SLOWLY exit their house. Then, two robots come into view.

    Shit, Mother curses something. Then she stands on her knees, stroking Rob’s and Sam’s cheek. Be brave kids. Now, run,

    But, mom,

    Run. And remember this — don’t ever follow the crowd, okay?

    Yes, mom. tears uncontrollably ooze down from their eyes.

    Then they both bolt into a run towards the tree land behind their house.

    A moment later, they hear the high-pitched scream of their mother. But, they don’t try to stop anywhere. They weep uncontrollably while running.

    When the reaper follows, they can only run...

    SAM AND ROB RUN AND run. After exiting the tree land, they can see a grass field in front of them. Nearby them there is a narrow path which would take them to the city of New Delhi. The city is still a few dozen miles away, and they can see the tip of several mega-story buildings.

    Rob draws out his binoculars and he looks at the narrow path more carefully. Then, far away, he sees a few dozen men and women who are walking towards Delhi.

    Rob and Sam are now confused. Where do they go? According to Mom, going to Delhi might be a death sentence. They look in all directions. On their left, there are more trees. They quickly bolt into a run towards the left.

    A few minutes later, all of a sudden, a loud bang comes. Rob and Sam stop running and they look back. They see a huge mushroom cloud forming, almost near Delhi.

    They have enough knowledge to confirm that, that is due to a nuclear explosion. Someone has blown up the whole of New Delhi. All those people who have been migrating to the city are definitely dead.

    Suddenly, the ground shook, as an after-effect of the explosion. And all of sudden, the ground they are standing on gives away and they both fall into a hole. Fortunately, nothing bad happens to them. They stand up. The dirt is still dry, and they quickly realize that they are inside a tunnel.

    Who might have built this, Sam?

    I don’t know, Rob.

    The tunnel is going in both directions. They chose the left tunnel since it is away from the city. And they slowly start their walk, by tracing their hands through the tunnel wall, as the tunnel gets pretty dark as they progress.

    The tunnel is definitely built by humans, as the tunnel is not that perfect.

    Rob, why are the republicans angry at us, to release the robots to kill us?

    I don’t know, Sam. I guess they don’t want anyone else having their knowledge.

    Oh. Rob, if I die, will I see Mom and Dad?

    Why are you asking such questions, Sam. I don’t like such questions, so, shut up and follow me, or go back and die. Do you think Mother sacrificed her life so you could die?

    I didn’t mean that, Rob.

    Rob says nothing. A few minutes later, they see a yellow light. Then they see a group of people. They all are building another tunnel.

    Suddenly, all the workers look at Sam and Rob.

    Kids? One of the men says.

    Rob and Sam begin to panic. Then they bolt into a run in the direction from where they have come.

    Kids, don’t run. Someone yells from behind them. They haven’t reached much when all of a sudden one of the robots comes through the tunnel. The robot is glowing in blue color.

    Shit, run, Sam. Rob and Sam run towards the people. The robot follows them, but slowly.

    As they reach the people, they yell Robot, and they run away from the people. A moment later, they hear pursuing footsteps, not of the robot, but of the people.

    Moments quickly pass. Then, far away, Rob and Sam see a dozen armed men standing in front of a metal door. That place is completely lit by bright electric bulbs.

    Robot, Sam and Rob yell on the way. The armed men quickly train their huge guns at whatever coming behind Rob, Sam, and the tunnel builders.

    ROB AND SAM ARE FINALLY safe. The armed men have used armor-piercing bullets to kill the robot, or so they have said. The robot will die if its head is damaged.

    Rob and Sam are excited to know that, all the people inside the tunnel are workers of ISRO. This tunnel system now has 3,500 people, all are very skilled.

    When Rob asks one of the men who has dropped the bomb the man says that it is the federation.

    The Federation has no other choice but to abandon the planet. They’ve gathered survivors and they’ve left planet Earth. The robotic horde is a highly evolving being and they will destroy all human lives on this planet.

    Now, ISRO makes a stand here. But for how long? That is for god to determine.


    Indian Sub-Continent

    Sam George stares at his computer monitor. On the monitor, a huge map is displayed and what is peculiar about the map is that most of the places are in red color, meaning that those areas are controlled by the AI or humanoids.

    And yesterday, their food supply has partially run out. A team is now going to the nearby city that hasn’t nuked, for food.

    Sam actually cannot wait to get off this planet. Project INS Worm Boy is now waiting for the finishing touches, and when that is done, they will be out of this planet for good.

    Sam crosses his arms and he takes a deep breath. Now it is all in god’s hands.

    SERGEANT VERONICA PUTS on her helmet. She then picks up her armor-piercing rifle from a nearby table. Inside the room, there are many corporals, readying for the food scavenge mission.

    Okay, boys, we are leaving in five seconds, Veronica yells.

    Oh... Some corporals moan.

    VERONICA AND HER TEAM stand in front of the gate. A moment later, the gate begins to rise. The gate is made up of a couple of feet thick solid metal.

    As the gate begins to rise, they all quickly train their gun at a distance and they slowly crawl out. The gate stops its ascension in the middle, so they can always close the gate quickly if things don’t go as planned.

    A dust wind blows at Veronica. She quickly wears her goggles on her eyes. Then, they all start their trudge towards the city.

    In front of them, there is only barren wasteland and crumbled buildings. So, far these regions are not radioactive, yet.

    Veronica actually hates the federation for nuking Earth. And she

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