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Watching Over Her: Bodyguards, Inc., #3
Watching Over Her: Bodyguards, Inc., #3
Watching Over Her: Bodyguards, Inc., #3
Ebook102 pages1 hour

Watching Over Her: Bodyguards, Inc., #3

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Watching Over Her



Jack Cameron hadn't seen her in years but there she was in all her spitfire glory, glaring down at him. And she was still damned beautiful. No matter what their past, no matter what she wanted or didn't want, she had a stalker and he would be watching over her until the mystery of who the stalker was solved and she was safe once again. But his body burned for her, ached for her, needed her; it was his head that needed convincing to stop running and his heart that would lead the way home where he belonged, back to her.


Arabella Carson thought she was over Jack Cameron. She had finally found her path and sung her way to success, headlining a new supper club. So why was he back?  And why did her body have to remind her how good they had been together? When a few of what she thought were accidents began to turn more deadly, she gave in to his protection, then gave into the need for his touch for just one night. But would one night be enough for them both? More importantly, would Jack's protection be enough to save her from the deranged man who meant to silence her voice forever?

Release dateJun 1, 2024
Watching Over Her: Bodyguards, Inc., #3

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    Book preview

    Watching Over Her - Tabitha Gibson

    Chapter One

    What accidents? Jack demanded. He was furious that Benji left that part out. Had he known, he wouldn’t have dragged his feet getting here.

    Well, Benji began and tugged at his collar. A spotlight above where she normally stands to practice broke off and shattered on the floor. She had just stepped off stage moments earlier.

    Jack felt his blood pressure start to rise. What else?

    Benji talked about a broken step that had just been replaced out back where she parks, a rock through the window and the microphone that nearly electrocuted her.

    Jack downed the rest of the amber liquid, closed his eyes briefly as it burned a path down his throat and got up to pace. This was more than just a little issue that Benji had mentioned. He had been in the business of security and body guarding for too many years not to recognize the signs of a true psycho.

    She has to be told, Jack said, and held his hand up to Benji’s protests. She’s already going to know something’s up when she sees me.

    Benji sighed and nodded. Follow me, Benji said and headed for the stage. They ducked behind the curtain and started down a long hallway. There were several doors with stars on them, along with name plates.

    Jack recognized Donny Miller as an orchestra leader. He doubted that all the members could fit in the room comfortably but it was nice to have a place to go to for privacy he supposed.

    At the end of the hallway was the biggest star and several steps before they even got there, Jack saw her name in glittering script. He turned to give Benji an eye roll before he spoke.

    Classy, Benj, very classy.

    A woman’s scream came from behind that door and curdled Jack’s blood. He knew it was hers and without considering anything other than getting to Arabella, Jack took a running leap at the door and gave a roar of rage as he crashed through the door, ending up lying on top of the door as it came off its hinges.

    As Jack raised his head, his eyes focused on a pair of black stilettos, one tapping impatiently. Snugly in those stilettos were slim feet that led up well toned calves that were eventually covered by a sparkling black dress.

    As he looked up higher, he roamed over those curves he knew so well before feasting his eyes on a very generous swell of her breasts spilling out of the tank style top of the sparkling material before he found the face of his angel.

    Too bad, her eyes were filled with fire from the devil and she was aiming that hot gaze straight at him.

    Arabella Carson could not believe who had come crashing back into her life. Literally.

    Jack Cameron was the last man on this planet she had ever wanted to see again yet instantly her blood began to course hotly through her veins.

    He looked like hell. Dirty jeans and a rumpled tee shirt greeted her from the floor. She wasn’t surprised to see him wearing those same, silver-tipped leather boots either. His dark hair was now peppered lightly with more obvious marks of grey at the temples and too long for her taste.

    She zeroed in on his face and found that besides a few extra lines and a few days growth of beard that matched his hair color, he hadn’t changed a bit. He was still the sexiest man she had ever met.

    Damn him.

    She glared down at him for a very long time before lifting her chin to shoot daggers at Benji.

    Arabella, I’m so sorry. I had to call him, Benji said apologetically and helped Jack to stand. Just give me five minutes to explain, he began but she cut him off.

    I’ll give you one minute, she said, still angry. Memories of her past with Jack threatened to flood her entire being and drown her to the point that she could barely breathe. He always managed to do that to her.

    You have a stalker, Jack said, simple and to the point as always. Fast enough for you?

    Arabella frowned at him. He had his nerve being snarky with her. After all these years, he thought he’s still entitled to her unlimited time?

    And did he just say she had a stalker?

    What? What did you say?

    I said, you have a stalker, Jack said and handed her a piece of paper.

    Jesus, Jack, must you always be so blunt? Benji asked with a groan and stooped to pick up the door. He set it to one side and looked back to Arabella, wringing his hands anxiously.

    She scanned the letter twice and felt her heart race. What the hell was this? Turning it over and looking for more, she found none and looked up at Benji.

    Where did this come from?

    Benji explained everything from the letter to the falling light. Arabella thought they had just been accidents, never considered the fact that she was being targeted for some unknown reason.

    "So why is he here?" Arabella asked, nodding to Jack. Surely Benji didn’t think that a bodyguard would be required for a simple nut job, did he?

    I just wanted Jack to check it out and maybe offer some advice, Benji said, trying desperately to reassure her, but it wasn’t working.

    Advice my ass, Jack snorted. He looked directly at Arabella. Until this crack pot is found and dealt with, I’ll be staying and I’ll be watching over you.

    Chapter Two

    Jack dropped a few ice cubes in his glass from behind the bar. He poured a healthy portion of Jack Daniels in the glass before topping it off with a splash of Coke. Taking a stir stick, he gave the liquid a twirl and frowned at the tiny, pink plastic stirrer. Froo-Froo stick, he thought and tossed it over his shoulder.

    He stepped back from behind the bar and took a seat on a stool, took a long drink and let his eyes roam to Benji and Arabella.

    They were arguing over by the stage. Jack would lay money on her any day of the week, but Benji had no say in the matter anymore. Jack didn’t want to get paid. Making sure she was safe was payment enough.

    Still, he was rather enjoying watching Benji squirm. That’s what he got for keeping her in the dark. And for not telling Jack sooner what was going on. Had anything happened to her, he would have never forgiven Benji.

    They headed toward Jack now. Well, she was stomping over and Benji was scurrying after her. Damn, she looked fine in that dress. He leaned his elbows back on the bar and waited. This should be good.

    You can leave now. I’ll get a hold of the local police and let them look into the matter, she said and turned to Benji, giving him a look that would melt metal.

    Jack, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to waste your time, dragging you here. I’d be happy to pay you for— Benji started but Jack interrupted him.

    I’m not leaving.

    Arabella swung around to glare at him. Her breasts heaved with each deep breath she took, her hands clenched open and closed.

    He almost smirked. She always did that when she was mad. But, mad or not, he was here for the duration. Arabella turned and stalked away, toward the stage and behind it, disappearing from his view.

    Jack shrugged and took

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