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Trip Mysterious Part 6
Trip Mysterious Part 6
Trip Mysterious Part 6
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Trip Mysterious Part 6

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As soon as the words ended, there was only blackness in front of my eyes, and a deadly silence around me.
“Open your eyes.” It took a while for me to hear Vu Duong sigh and say, "What do you see?"
“His life.” I said as I pointed to Dao Ma Dan lying on the ground..........

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Release dateJun 2, 2024
Trip Mysterious Part 6

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    Trip Mysterious Part 6 - Tram Doan



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    As soon as the words ended.

    The End

    By Tram Doan 2024


    As soon as the words ended.

    As soon as the words ended, there was only blackness in front of my eyes, and a deadly silence around me.

    Open your eyes. It took a while for me to hear Vu Duong sigh and say, What do you see?

    His life. I said as I pointed to Dao Ma Dan lying on the ground.

    Anything else? Vu Duong asked, Do you see who sent him here?

    I shook my head.

    Vu Duong frowned, retracted the curtain, Tham Thien Huy also walked over, Dieu Dieu did not know when he sat on the sofa properly, Huyen Ky also rubbed his eyes and left the room.

    Everyone has arrived. He said, No wonder Dieu Dieu called me out.

    When he saw the colorfully dressed person lying on the ground, he panicked and kept asking us who this was.

    I didn't have time to answer him, so I quickly described in detail what I had seen earlier to Vu Duong, recalling as I spoke, afraid of leaving out any details.

    After hearing that voice, is there nothing left? After listening, Vu Duong asked me.

    I nodded: Is that really that person? But then I didn't see anyone, and moreover, the voice was extremely strange.

    Dao Ma Dan suddenly shouted loudly, then remained silent. A moment later, his body quickly withered away, in the end only a pile of dry bones remained, and only his outfit remained on the ground. A moment later, an insect suddenly emerged from the pile of clothes, then it flapped its wings, seemingly intending to fly away.

    Vu Duong used his finger to shoot, a small particle of fire shot through, and immediately, the insect also burned into ashes.

    Huyen Ky looked stunned, pointing at the pile on the ground for an entire day without saying a complete sentence.

    This is a poisonous worm, parasitic in the human heart. Vu Duong said, This insect egg also has the effect of preserving youthful beauty. Once the spell is recited by someone, the egg will be incubated quickly, the larva also sees the heart as its food source. After eating, it will turn into a worm and fly out. Therefore, the person who has been poisoned is often very obedient to the person who is being poisoned. Even if that person is not around, they can still grasp every move of the person being poisoned.

    That sounds really scary. Huyen Ky shrunk his neck.

    This poisonous worm must have appeared after that sound rang out, parasitizing his heart. Vu Duong continued, Maybe he can still maintain the appearance of a human, but since he was poisoned, he has become a walking corpse. Therefore, after that he no longer had memory.

    That said, we have no way of knowing who the other person is. Tham Thien Huy was a bit disappointed.

    Vu Duong bowed his head and said nothing.

    There was a cold wind blowing in from outside, I shivered slightly, only then did I realize I was still wearing my pajamas.

    What's wrong with your hand? As I hugged my shoulders, Huyen Ky noticed the wound on my hand.

    Dieu Dieu jumped down from the sofa and ran into my room.

    I pouted at her: Just now that guy was playing the Van Thu flute. Dieu Dieu's cultivation level was not high enough, so he became dull, so he scratched me a bit.

    I'm sorry, sister. Dieu Dieu poked her head out from my room, already wearing my clothes.

    It's okay, I don't blame you. I say.

    It's just that in the room just now, when this guy who wasn't sure whether he was male or female just appeared, I had to scratch you to break his magic. She quickly explained.

    It's okay, really. I laughed.

    I really don't want to hurt you, but you know, if I had been a little slower, my eyes would have been gouged out. She stood up, looking a bit unjust.

    Hearing that, I shivered a bit, it turned out that I was in such a dangerous situation without knowing it.

    Tham Thien Huy sighed heavily: The link is broken again.

    Not sure yet. Vu Duong opened his mouth and said, At least I know, that person frequents the Wolf Clan and knows me very well. Furthermore, the fragrance on that man's body must be a fragrance called Forever Years, and only this fragrance can mask his own stench - insect eggs. Insects have the ability to preserve youthful appearance, but cannot prevent aging and internal damage. The scent of Forever Years can last for a very long time, just in time to help me find a clue to the other person.

    You mean, who would you find who smells this good? Tham Thien Huy said.

    Who would be so stupid? Huyen Ky said, If I knew that such a strong scent would stick to me, I would definitely try to wash it off. If it were me, I would definitely wash my skin to the point of peeling off.

    Vu Duong laughed: This kind of fragrance will penetrate to the bone marrow, not to mention washing and peeling off the skin, even if you really peel the skin off, it will be useless. When the White Tigers come into contact with this double peach for a short time, they will only get a little bit stuck, but if that person is the master, then no matter how careful they are, they will definitely get stuck. What's more, if they keep going back and forth so often, that scent will unconsciously seep in. Do you think it will be able to float away? Okay, it's no longer dangerous for now. I have something to investigate, go ahead.

    Tham Thien Huy sighed and said to us: I have to go too, take care of some small matters, it will probably take two or three months, still the same thing, everyone be careful.

    After speaking, the two of them left.

    Because I caught a cold again, my illness took two or three days to completely heal. After that, we still went to school and came home like any other day. Life passed quite peacefully, even more peaceful than when my grandfather was still alive, but I still didn't feel secure, I kept feeling that , under this calm appearance is probably hiding an extremely huge storm.

    One day when we got to school, before we even entered the classroom, I saw a few boys rushing out. I vaguely heard them saying something like beautiful, health care or something.

    Huyen Ky and I didn't pay much attention. It wasn't until we finished lunch that we saw a notice on the board. In order to protect the health of students, the school specially opened a room. health care advisor, and also invited a teacher to teach the subject of Protecting Mental Health.

    Beautiful? Could it be that we are talking about the teacher who teaches the subject Protection of mental health?" Huyen Ky remembered what the boys said that morning and turned around to ask me.

    I shrugged my shoulders to show that I didn't know.

    Go, go take a look. Huyen Ky looked extremely interested.

    I do not go. I'm not that boring.

    While we were talking, some noise suddenly rang out at the entrance to the teacher's room.

    Get out of the way! Two strangely excited male students hurried past.

    "Let's go take

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