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Katt Scallion and the Killermingos: Space Pirate Cat Adventures, #3
Katt Scallion and the Killermingos: Space Pirate Cat Adventures, #3
Katt Scallion and the Killermingos: Space Pirate Cat Adventures, #3
Ebook118 pages1 hour

Katt Scallion and the Killermingos: Space Pirate Cat Adventures, #3

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About this ebook

What's tall, deadly, and has pink feathers?

When the Killermingos arrive in Katt Scallion's galaxy, they turn his life upside down.

Not only are they pillaging planets, but they also kidnap a bunch of his friends!

Now Katt must travel through a wormhole to track down the Killermingos, rescue his friends, and, perhaps, save the entire universe. 

Warning: Contains flying crocodiles (with jetpacks), fearsome flamingos, and fake, frothy shrimp-o-ccinos. 

And those are only the things beginning with 'F'! 

Read only if you like funny, action-packed adventures.

PublisherE.K. Isaacs
Release dateJun 2, 2024
Katt Scallion and the Killermingos: Space Pirate Cat Adventures, #3

E.K. Isaacs

E.K. Isaacs is the pen name for mother-and-son writing team, Emily and Isaac. They live in New Zealand and have two cats, Edmund and Cindy, who are permanently at war.

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    Katt Scallion and the Killermingos - E.K. Isaacs

    Katt Scallion and the Killermingos

    Katt's Third Adventure

    Written by E.K. Isaacs and Illustrated by Taru Haimi


    Mindshift MultiMedia

    Published by MindShift Multimedia

    Text copyright © 2024 E.K. Isaacs

    Cover and Illustrations copyright

    © 2024 Taru Haimi

    The moral right of the author and illustrator has been asserted.

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-0670085-0-5 (Paperback)

    978-1-0670085-1-2 (EPUB)

    978-1-0670085-2-9 (Kindle)


    1.How to be a Space Pirate

    2.PEW! PEW!


    4.Raiding the Raid Ship


    6.Through the Wormhole

    7.The Secret Weapon

    8.Getting in the Gate





    13.A good Shrimp-o-ccino is hard to find



    16.Return of Rumbo


    18.One Month Later

    Flamingo Facts

    Also By


    Chapter 1

    How to be a Space Pirate

    What should we do now we have the Sharky-One back? asked Speedy Sloth. Scavenge space treasure? Plunder a planet? Take the babies on a true pirate adventure?

    Katt Scallion flipped his special new treasure—a coin—in his paw, then studied it. The coin had landed on heads—a head that strongly resembled his own whenever he glanced in the mirror.

    I want to learn more about this coin, said Katt. It might help me discover where I came from. Maybe it could even help find my family.

    Katt had received the coin as thanks for saving a planet of sharks. The sharks had also managed to get back his spacecraft, the Sharky-One. He and his first mate, Speedy Sloth, could now go anywhere with their small crew of baby oracle birds: Malcolm, Morris, and Marigold.

    Sounds like a good idea. Where should we start? asked Speedy.

    We should talk to an expert, said Katt. Perhaps a historian or a coin collector?

    Speedy nodded slowly, then yawned. I’ll make a coffee, then make some inquiries.

    A clattering noise came from the bunkrooms of the Sharky-One.

    You do that, Speedy, said Katt. That sounds like the babies have woken up from their nap.

    Katt, Katt, Katt! The baby birds bounced around him.

    You promise to teach babies how to be pirates, said Malcolm.

    I will teach you, said Katt. Let’s start our first lesson now.

    The baby birds’ eyes glistened with excitement.

    Let’s practice treasure hunting. Katt held up the coin so the birds could see it shine. Look around the ship for objects that sparkle like this!

    The birds nodded and hopped away to search for treasure. Katt stretched out, closed his eyes, and tucked his paws behind his head. That would buy him a few minutes of peace and maybe a chance for a tiny cat nap…


    Katt’s eyes sprang open again. Or maybe not. He jumped up and scurried off to investigate.

    Speedy scowled at Katt.

    Did you tell the baby birds to take the sharp knives out of the kitchen drawer and fight with them?

    Certainly not, said Katt. I was waiting until after morning tea to teach them sword-fighting. I just told them to find some shiny treasure.

    Speedy frowned. And that’s why I shouldn’t bother polishing the cutlery.

    Hand the knives to me, babies, said Katt, then ducked as a knife flew toward his head. I said hand me the knives, Marigold, not throw them!

    Once the knives were safely in the drawer, Katt found crayons and paper and told the babies to draw treasure maps instead.

    I’ve found the expert we need to talk to, said Speedy, running toward Katt. Speedy slipped on a purple crayon and landed on Katt’s lap.

    Sorry, said Speedy, his words shooting out as fast as bullets. When I contacted the professor, I had to tell you at once!

    He held the screen up to Katt. This is him!

    On the video call was a large gray bird with a long, curved beak. His small yellow eyes were magnified by his thick glasses.


    Greetings, said the bird. You must be Katt Scallion.

    I told him about the coin! said Speedy. And you! And the baby birds! And the sharks! And Robogirl! And Rumbo! And Deena! And—

    Your coffee seems to have kicked in, said Katt. Slow down a little and introduce this bird properly to me.

    This is Professor Dodo, said Speedy. He’s an expert on extinct animals, since he is one himself, and knows more about the different species in the universe than nearly anyone else.

    That sounds perfect, said Katt. Although I hope my family aren’t all extinct.

    I believe they are not, said Professor Dodo. I recall seeing your species in one of my books.

    He turned around and started pulling books off a large shelf. "Was it in Felines of Alpha Centauri? No. Comprehensive Guide to Cats? No. I know it’s here, but there are so many books to check."

    We could come and help, said Katt.

    That would be appreciated, said Professor Dodo. It would also be useful if I could examine the coin.

    That’s settled then, said Katt. We can bring the coin to your planet and help you search your records.

    The dodo nodded. That would aid me greatly in finding the information you need. However, it would have to be soon. I’ll need to find the records before I go away.

    You’re leaving on vacation? said Katt.

    The dodo pushed his glasses up his beak making his eyes as big as moons. An extended field trip. Tomorrow I set off through a newly-opened wormhole to go to the outer reaches of Cygnus A. I’ll be investigating the species in that part of the universe. Unfortunately, as Cygnus A is half a billion light-years away, I’m not sure I will have phone reception.

    When will you be back? asked Katt.

    The wormhole will reopen again in ten years.

    A ten year-long field trip? I hope you’ve packed a lot of pancakes! Katt turned to Speedy. Can we make it to the professor’s planet in time?

    Speedy smiled. We can, now that I’ve had some coffee. I’ll need a few minutes to prepare the Sharky-One then we’ll reach Professor Dodo’s planet, Egeria, within a few hours.

    Let’s get on our way! said Katt as Speedy ended the call with the Professor.

    The babies looked up from their coloring.

    Good news, said Katt. You’re going on your first pirating adventure!

    Chapter 2

    PEW! PEW!

    It would take Speedy a few minutes to ready the Sharky-One for the trip to Egeria so they could meet with Professor Dodo, but Katt could already taste the thrill of space travel. Before his mission to help Robogirl save the sharks on Ceto, he’d been stuck washing dishes and hadn’t traveled anywhere for months. It would be great to be zooming again through space toward new adventures. He couldn’t wait.

    His wrist tingled. Someone was calling him on his watch.

    Katt? I need your help! It was his friend Robogirl.

    We’re just about to head off on an adventure, said Katt.

    Can’t it wait? said Robogirl. I really need you now.

    Unfortunately not, said Katt. But I can assist you when I return.

    That will be too late! said Robogirl. The Killermingos will have raided another thirty planets!


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