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The Heart of the Texan Alpha: His Half-Wolf Luna
The Heart of the Texan Alpha: His Half-Wolf Luna
The Heart of the Texan Alpha: His Half-Wolf Luna
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The Heart of the Texan Alpha: His Half-Wolf Luna

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What is happening to me?' I groan in my mind. 'I shouldn't care so much about this human.'

'You care for her because she belongs to you,' my wolf replies.

'She is a human,' I remind him. 'She is stumbling over her words like an idiot. Nope. Absolutely not. I will not take this human as my mate. She is not worthy to be a Luna,'

'You are stubborn to change. Just like the rest of your pack,' my wolf replies.

'I am not like them,' I growl at my wolf.

'Then prove it,' my wolf demands.


Accused of human abuse, Luke is banished and disgraced, he is forced to prove himself to his father before he can return to the pack. Taking a job on a local farm, Luke is mortified to find out that his mate is a human. Luke tries to stay away from Kat because he knows that he will never claim her as his Luna. But the more time he spends with Kat, the stronger the bond between them becomes. Can he put aside his feelings for humans and claim his mate? Or will he let her go?

Release dateJun 3, 2024
The Heart of the Texan Alpha: His Half-Wolf Luna

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    Book preview

    The Heart of the Texan Alpha - Solange Daye

    CHAPTER 46 Scent


    My father leaves me to do the dishes while he goes and checks on my mother. I keep thinking about what my father said about Luke protecting me from the truth, and as much as I hate to admit it, I would have run if he told me the truth.  

    'Just like you are running now,' the voice inside my head says loudly.  

    Shaking my head from side to side, I try and rid myself of the thoughts of betrayal that are consuming my mind. Of course, I feel betrayed, but I know that Luke probably feels just the same. I plunge my fists into the dishwater angrily, causing water to splash all over the kitchen counter and the floor. 

    Groaning loudly at myself, I bend down to clean up the mess that I have made when there is suddenly a knock at the front door. My whole body freezes, knowing that the only person that it could be is Luke. He knocks again, louder this time, and I choose to ignore it. My father peeks his head out of his bedroom and looks at me with an eyebrow cocked and his head tilted. 

    I am not answering it, I tell him as I go back to cleaning up the mess that I made.

    Rolling his eyes at me, my father makes his way to the door. I hear the door click open, and Luke's familiar voice rings loudly through the house. Mr. Tower, he greets my father. Is Kat here? He asks. 

    In the kitchen, my father responds shortly. As he walks by the kitchen, I glare at him angrily, and he only shrugs his shoulders as he tries to hide a smirk behind a cough. 

    Following behind my father, I hear the usual clunk of Luke's boots walking into the kitchen. Slowly I rise to my feet and throw the towel on the counter beside the sink. Trying to ignore his presence I continue cleaning the dishes. Luke grabs a clean towel and begins to dry the dishes as I put them in the drying rack.  

    Why are you here? I ask as I shove another plate into the drying rack.

    I missed you, he admits. 

    I scoff at his words. I haven't even thought about you, I lie.    

    Luke chuckles a little at my words. I know you are lying, he says as he dries another dish. 

    Collecting the dried dishes, I begin to put them in their places in the cupboards. Missing me isn't a good enough reason to come here, I tell him as I put the last plate away. 

    I thought maybe we could talk, he says sheepishly. 

    We can't talk here, I grunt at him in frustration. My mother is resting.

    Luke's mouth forms an O as he suddenly remembers that my mother was coming home today. I am sorry that I bothered you. I forgot…

    Holding up my hand, I stop him from speaking. It doesn't matter, I say, staring down at the sink of dirty dishwater. She needs to rest. Draining the water from the sink, I look at Luke, and his hazel eyes are full of hope. I take a deep sigh, knowing that I am going to regret this in the morning. Maybe we can talk in your apartment, I say, and I see Luke's eyes sparkle with excitement.

    Really? he says.

    Just to talk, I say firmly, but my voice isn't very convincing. All I know is that I need to be alone with Luke. My body and my mind are going crazy without him. 

    Taking his finger and crossing it over his heart, Luke smiles at me. I promise not to touch you unless you ask for it. 

    His words cause my core to clench, and I can feel my panties get wet. All I can think is, 'Thank god he doesn't know what his words do to me,' but by the smirk that crosses his face, it is almost like he already knows.  

    Dad, I yell through their bedroom door, I am heading out with Luke for a few. 

    Don't do anything I would do, my father calls back through the door, causing me to roll my eyes in embarrassment. 

    Lead the way, I gesture with my hands as I follow Luke out of the house. 

    Luke and I walk side by side to the barn. Even though we aren't touching, I can feel the rush of electricity pulse through my body just being in his proximity. I try taking a step away from him so the pull of electricity isn't so strong, but it doesn't make a difference. No matter how far I try to walk away from him, I find myself gravitating back to his side.

    It is the mate bond, Luke says quietly. 

    What is? I ask. 

    The urge to be near me, he says as he grabs my hand, and a rush of tingles surges through my body. These tingles, he traces his thumb over the back of my hand, making my knees weak. This is how we know that we are meant to be together forever.

    When did you know that I was your… I swallow hard, your mate.

    From the moment I met you, Luke responds with his eyes cast to the ground. I could tell by the way you smell.

    I wrinkle my nose in disgust. By the way I smell? That sounds gross. I pretend to gag as we finally make it into the barn. 

    Luke chuckles a little at my reaction. It isn't that kind of smell, he pauses and thinks for a moment. You know the smell after a fresh rain? That is what you smell like. 

    Luke climbs the ladder to his loft, and I follow closely behind. He pushes the door trap door open and helps me climb inside his apartment before shutting the door behind me. I smell like rain? I doubt that, I say, crossing my arms across my chest. 

    It's true. Especially… when… he scratches the back of his neck nervously, when you are… you know… excited.

    Excited? I furrow my brow.

    You know when we are together, and you get… excited, Luke laughs.

    You could smell every time… My eyes widen at the thought of him knowing every time he made me aroused. 

    Luke traces his hand up and down my arm. Every time, he repeats. I bet my smell affects you, even if you don't realize it.

    Leaning forward slightly, I inhale deeply. The smell of sandalwood fills my nostrils, and I suddenly feel relaxed. My shoulders become less tense, and I lean in further, taking in more of his intoxicating smell.  

    See, his voice rumbles through his chest, and I suddenly realize how close I am standing to him. 

    I take several steps back and shake my head, trying to rid my nostrils of his smell. You smell like sandalwood, I murmur. 

    And do you like that scent? He asks knowingly.

    You know I do, I groan. What did you want to talk to me about? 

    CHAPTER 47 Rogues


    Kat leans in closely and inhales deeply. As she does, the smell of fresh spring rain fills the room, and I know that my scent is affecting her. Her face blushes deeply, and she stumbles backward, trying to put distance between us. 

    You smell like sandalwood, she says quietly, keeping her eyes peeled to the ground. 

    And do you like that scent? I ask, knowing that she does.

    You know I do, she groans at me, and I can feel my cock spring to life in my pants at the sound. What did you want to talk to me about?

    I would think that would be pretty obvious, I say jokingly as I close the space between us again. I want you to give us a chance.

    I don't think that now is the time… she pauses, looking at the clock on the wall. 

    I can't help but grow frustrated with her. Then when is the right time? I yell in her direction. Either you want me, or you don't. Either you want to make this work, or you don't. Maybe we should just reject each other and end this now.

    Kat throws her arms up in frustration and glares at me. That is what I have been trying to do this whole time, but no one will tell me how.

    Crossing the room in the three steps, I stand in front of Kat and wrap my arms around her body. Do you want to lose this feeling? I ask as the tingles from the mate bond rush through our bodies. Because this isn't something that I want to lose.

    Suddenly, my father breaks in through the mind link to let me know that there is a pack of rogues threatening the borders of our pack. 

    'Where exactly are the rogues,' I mind link him back in a panic. 

    'Just north of the pack,' he links back, and suddenly the link is closed. 

    Holding Kat in my arms, I let the tingles of the bond soothe my nerves before I let go. Stay here, I tell her as she looks at me in confusion. There is another rogue attack not too far from here.

    But my family, she says, unable to hide the panic that is rising in her voice.  

    I pace the floor of my loft, trying to formulate a plan of what to do next. I know Kat too well to think that she will stay here in my loft if she thinks that her parents lives may be at risk. If she was willing to fight off a bunch of rogues for a group of pups, she didn't even know, who knows what she would do to save her family? 

    Fine, I say grumpily. I will take you back to the farmhouse, but you all have to stay put. Kat nods her head in agreement, and I can see her face pale with fear. Hey, I say as I pull her in closely. I will protect you and your family. Once again, Kat only nods in agreement. 

    I open the hatch to my loft and head down the ladder, first motioning for Kat to wait until I can check that it is all clear. My feet hit the soft dirt of the ground below me and I peek around the barn door. There are five rogues circling the house. I shake my head in frustration. There is no way that I can fight them off and get Kat into the farmhouse safely. Quietly, I run back to the loft and look up at a terrified Kat who is staring down at me in fear. 

    The rogues are circling the house, I tell her, and her jaw drops in fear. I can't sneak you into the house alone. You stay here until I can lead them away.

    But my parents…, Kat says quietly.

    I won't let them get your parents, I promise, and I mean it. I will keep you all safe.

    Slowly, I shut the hatch to my loft and click the lock on the outside, trapping Kat inside. I cannot risk her running for the house without me. Dropping to the ground with a thud, I quickly fold up the ladder and run out of the barn. One of the rogues catches my scent immediately and turns in my direction. Through the mind link, I let my father know that the rogues are surrounding Kat's house and he should send reinforcements immediately.    

    Are you all looking for me? I say cockily as two more of the rogues turn towards me. 

    The rogue that scented me first comes barreling towards me. He tries to fake left, but I catch the slight movement in his eyes, letting me know which direction he is actually planning on taking. Turning to the side at the last minute, I grab his leg and fling him on the ground. His wolf howls out in pain as I hear his bones snap under my grasp. Whipping his head around, he snaps at my arms, but he is too slow, and I rip his bottom jaw from his face, tossing it to the ground beside me. The rogue falls lifeless beside me, and the growl of another wolf echoes through the night. 

    The smell of garbage and rotting flesh fills my senses, and I know that one of the rogues has snuck up behind me. Atom springs forward, ripping through my clothes as I transform into his massive wolf.  

    Just as my shift is complete, I feel a sharp pain in my back leg. Turning around, I see a massive brown rogue with its jaws wrapped around Atom's leg. Atom rips his flank out of his jaws, leaving his flesh behind in his mouth. Limping towards the rogue, Atom lunges at his throat. Grasping his windpipe between his teeth, Atom bites down hard until I feel it crush in his mouth. The taste of iron fills my mouth, and I know that he is bleeding out. With a thrash of his muzzle, Atom rips his throat from his neck, and he falls to the ground. 

    An ear-piercing scream fills the night, and I look to see Kat being dragged away by two of the rogues that have now shifted back into human form. If you want to see your mate again, meet us at the old gymnasium tomorrow at 8:00 P.M..

    'With an injured leg, there is no way that I can take on three rogues alone.' Atom tells me honestly as he whines for his mate.

    'I know,' I tell him, trying not to worry as I watch helplessly as they carry my mate off into the night while she pleads for her life.  

    The sight of tears streaming down her face snaps my heart in two, and Atom attempts to chase after them. His leg drags behind me painfully as he tries to catch up to the rogues, but the injury is too great, and we fall vulnerably to the ground. The sound of wolves howling echoes in the distance, and I know that my pack is on its way.      

    CHAPTER 48 Taken


    Howls and growls fill the night air as I try to hide in Luke's loft. I heard him click the lock shut, but it still didn't make me feel any safer. Sitting on his bed, I curl my legs to my chest and try to make myself as small as possible. I try not to think about my parents alone in the farmhouse. Surely, once the wolves see that Luke is in the barn, they will abandon the house. 

    A loud thud on the hatch to the loft causes me to jump, and I let out a little squeal. Another thud knocks against the hidden door, and I can see the wood begin to splinter with each hit. Not knowing what else to do scramble off of Luke's bed and scoot myself under it in an attempt to hide from whoever is coming.  

    Another crash sounds against the hatch, and I can hear the wood breaking into pieces. The floor rumbles under my body with each hit. Finally, I hear the sound of the wood breaking into pieces. Daring to look out from under the bed I see hands clawing at the wood, ripping it into pieces. 

    Darting back under the bed, I scoot myself back against the wall, trying to put as much space between myself and the monsters that are coming through the floor. A final crack fills the air of the

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