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The Arena: MidNight Passion
The Arena: MidNight Passion
The Arena: MidNight Passion
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The Arena: MidNight Passion

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Step into the world, where the boundaries between pleasure and combat blur in the legendary Arena. In this scintillating battleground, fighters from all corners of the realm come to engage in erotic duels, where dominance and seduction are the keys to victory.

Kara, the undefeated champion, has reigned supreme, mesmerizing audiences with her unparalleled beauty and sensual prowess. Her conquests in the arena are the stuff of legends, each encounter a breathtaking dance of erotic mastery that leaves her opponents yearning for more.

But this time, the stakes are higher. A mysterious new challenger has arrived, matching Kara's every move with tantalizing precision. As the battle unfolds, kara finds herself in uncharted territory, experiencing the very ecstasies she has inflicted on others. Each touch, each caress, becomes a test of her will and desire.

Release dateJun 2, 2024
The Arena: MidNight Passion

MidNight Passion

MidNight Passion is a renowned author in the realm of erotic literature, captivating readers with their evocative storytelling and masterful command of sensuality. With a talent for weaving tantalizing tales that explore the depths of desire, MidNight Passion creates immersive worlds where fantasies come to life. Their works, known for their exquisite prose and intricate character development, offer a perfect blend of romance and raw passion, leaving readers breathless and yearning for more. An enigmatic and private figure, MidNight Passion lets their writing speak volumes, inviting readers to embark on a journey of pleasure and exploration with each turn of the page.

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    The Arena - MidNight Passion

    The Arena

    MidNight Passion

    Copyright © 2024 MidNight Passion

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    Cover design by: AI

    Printed on Amazon Kindle


    Title Page







    About The Author

    Books By This Author


    The Ultimate Surrender Wrestling Arena throbbed with vibrant energy as Mistress Kara, the seasoned wrestling champion, strode into the ring. The sleek, black walls lining the octagon reflected back every muscle ripple and strategic move, exuding a pulsating, raw power.

    Kara's reputation in the wrestling arena was that of a dominating force: aggressive, confident, and with a penchant for wrenching orgasms from her opponents. She reveled in her opponents' arousal, embracing the thrill she commanded over their bodies.

    Kara, at 42, was a force to be reckoned with, boasting a muscular voluptuous build and a big, round ass. Her long dark hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her symmetrical features. Every muscle flexed and rolled beneath her glistening skin as she position herself centre-stage in the octagon.

    The audience was filled with about a hundred women, mostly other ultimate surrender competitors and a few of Devyn's friends and training partners. 

    They had come to see Devyn give it her all against the one woman who had risen through the ranks to challenge her.

    The Filipina wrestler was no stranger to the wager of dominance, yet Mistress Kara's challenging words had provoked a spark within her. I am going to spank you and make you cum in front of all these women. And then you are going to suck my breasts and call me Mommy, Kara had taunted, eyeing Devyn up and down with a sneer. Devyn only smiled back, maintaining an air of utmost confidence. Devyn did make a mental note of Mistress Kara's taunts and couldn't wait to do those specific things to her during the match.

    The bell rang, echoing through the speakers, and both wrestlers lunged into action. Devyn quickly darted to her left, weaving between Mistress Kara's legs and taking her down with a flawlessly executed takedown. Her Muay Thai and BJJ training were on full display as she slipped through Kara's defenses like a needle through fabric.

    Show me your best shot, Devyn taunted, winking at her opponent as their bodies crashed to the mat, their skin slicked with sweat.

    Mistress Kara growled, glaring up at the Filipina, recognizing the challenge in her eyes.

    Devyn effortlessly swept out her leg, sending Mistress Kara sprawling onto her back, her bikini top shifting slightly as she landed. You're no match for me, Devyn breathed, looming over the older woman.

    Mistress Kara fought back, flipping Devyn onto her stomach, unhooking her bikini top with expert precision. The crowd roared as Devyn's ample breasts were exposed, nipples straining against the air.

    But even as Mistress Kara reveled in the sight of them, she knew she had miscalculated. For Devyn's grin widened, and beneath it, a calculating edge glinted in her dark eyes.

    You think you can handle this, don't you? Mistress Kara taunted, reach out to pinch one of Devyn's nipples hard. Devyn yelped, arching her back and losing her grip on Mistress Kara. She had never resorted to a dirty move like that, but she had never met this much resistance.

    Mistress Kara growled, determined to prove her dominance once and for all. But Devyn slipped out of her grip with surprising agility, flipping Mistress Kara onto her back in a jaw-dropping display of skill.

    Show me what you've got, bitch, Mistress Kara snarled, kicking her legs and thrusting her hips up into the air. Devyn straddled her, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips.

    Is that all you've got? she asked, her voice dripping with mockery.

    Mistress Kara's eyes narrowed, her expression twisting into a snarl as she struggled beneath Devyn's heavy weight. But Devyn was relentless, her fingers wrenching their way down Mistress Kara's toned abs and toward the waistband of her bikini bottoms.

    How about we take these off? Devyn purred, her body rolling against Mistress Kara's sweaty limbs as she slid the bikini bottoms down her ass, leaving her completely exposed before the baying crowd.

    Mistress Kara tried to kick free, but the panties around her thighs , restricted her movements. Devyn smirked, pinning Mistress Kara's wrists above her head and grinding her hips against the Mistress, You're going to surrender

    Never Mistress Kara spat, thrashing beneath her, but her efforts were weak, and it was evident that she was worn out.

    Devyn leaned down, whispering in Mistress Kara's ear. Can you tell me again what you were planning to do to me in the ring? I do recall you promised to give me a spanking in front of all these women, Devyn said mocking Mistress Kara's earlier taunts. 

    Devyn let Mistress Kara up just to toy with the older champ.  She wanted Kara to know the full depth of her humiliation, to be sure that her victory wasn't merely a fluke or due to Kara underestimating her.

    Kara slowly rose to her feet, adjusting her bikini bottoms and wiping sweat from her brow. The audience watched, a mix of excitement,

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