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Hidden In The Shadows: Beyond The Vail Series, #1
Hidden In The Shadows: Beyond The Vail Series, #1
Hidden In The Shadows: Beyond The Vail Series, #1
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Hidden In The Shadows: Beyond The Vail Series, #1

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In a world where population laws restrict families to only two children, 12-year-old Micheal lives as an illegal third child. Growing up in a changing neighborhood, Micheal's life takes a turn when he meets Cindy, another hidden third child from a wealthy family. As they navigate their forbidden existence, their friendship blossoms amidst struggles and desires for freedom. Tragedy strikes when Cindy and many other hidden children perish during a protest against the unjust law. This story delves into the challenges of living in secrecy, the bond between siblings, and the yearning for a better life in a society that deems their very existence as criminal.

Release dateJun 3, 2024
Hidden In The Shadows: Beyond The Vail Series, #1

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    Hidden In The Shadows - Kendravius Lewis

    Chapter 1: Life in the Hood

    Michael's world was a labyrinth of shadows and whispered fears. At twelve years old, he was an illegal third child, living under the radar in a neighborhood fraught with danger and despair. His parents, desperate and resourceful, had managed to keep him hidden from the prying eyes of the government, but the cost was evident in their haggard faces.

    Michael’s father, once a preacher with a voice that could move mountains, now worked grueling hours at a factory. The spark in his eyes had long faded, replaced by a dull, tired look. His days were filled with endless labor, and his nights were haunted by the fear of losing his son. Each time he looked at Michael, his heart ached with a mix of love and sorrow, knowing the risks they took each day just to keep him safe. The dreams he once had of making a difference in the world seemed distant and unreachable, buried under the weight of his new reality.

    Michael’s mother, a former prostitute rescued from the streets by his father, cleaned houses for wealthy families. Her hands were rough, her demeanor stern, but there was a tenderness she reserved for Michael and his brothers, Jamal and Tyrone. Despite her tough exterior, she was fiercely protective of Michael, often staying up late into the night to make sure he was safe and sound. The sacrifices she made were evident in her worn-out appearance, but the love in her eyes never wavered.

    Jamal, the eldest, had just returned from prison. Hardened by years behind bars, he was institutionalized, finding solace in the familiar rituals of the hood. Rolling joints, dealing drugs, and navigating the unspoken rules of the streets had become his reality. The carefree and loving brother Michael remembered was now a distant memory. The harsh life had etched deep lines of anger and sadness on Jamal's face. He often retreated to his room, listening to music that echoed the pain he felt inside.

    Tyrone, the middle child, followed in Jamal’s footsteps, though with less fervor. Both brothers were deeply entangled in the local drug trade, their lives a series of risky maneuvers and narrow escapes. Tyrone, who used to laugh and play with Michael in the backyard, now seemed distant and preoccupied. The shadows of the street had stolen his innocence, replacing it with a guarded and wary demeanor.

    Keep your head down, little man, Jamal muttered one morning, passing a joint to Tyrone. We don’t need no extra trouble.

    Michael nodded, though his presence was barely acknowledged. His family’s survival depended on secrecy and discretion. He scavenged what little food he could find, the scraps and leftovers his brothers discarded. The taste of stale bread and cold, half-eaten beans was a bitter reminder of his place in this world. The constant hunger gnawed at him, a silent but persistent reminder of his family's struggle.

    The neighborhood was a tangled mess of cracked sidewalks and graffiti-streaked walls, a landscape of decay and despair. Yet, amidst the squalor, Michael found moments of solace. He loved the sound of distant music, the rhythms and beats that echoed through the streets, a reminder that life still pulsed through the neighborhood. In those brief moments, he felt a connection to a world beyond his own, a world where hope still existed.

    Michael's days were spent in hiding, confined to the small, run-down house that was both his prison and sanctuary. The house was in such disrepair that the air conditioning didn’t even work, making the summers unbearably hot. Michael often felt a deep frustration boiling within him, angered by the stifling heat and his inability to leave the confines of his home. He longed to play outside with other children, to feel the sun on his face and the wind in his hair. But such desires were dangerous, and his parents had drilled into him the importance of staying out of sight. Instead, he played in the backyard, hidden from view by the tall, wooden fence that surrounded their home. The woods beside the house became his playground, a place where he could let his imagination run wild.

    One afternoon, as Michael was exploring the woods, he found an old, discarded radio. It was battered and covered in grime, but to Michael, it was a treasure. He wiped it clean and carried it home, cradling it like a precious artifact. That night, as his family slept, Michael huddled in a corner of their small house and turned the radio on. The soft hum of static filled the room before a clear melody broke through, a song that spoke of hope and resilience.

    Listening to the music, Michael felt a surge of emotions. He imagined a world beyond the shadows, a place where he could be free and safe. The music became his escape, a way to drown out the harsh realities of his life. The songs transported him to a place where dreams could come true, and for a moment, he allowed himself to believe in the possibility of a better future.

    One evening, as Michael was listening to his radio, his father walked in. Seeing the joy on Michael’s face, a rare smile spread across his father’s lips. He sat down next to Michael and for a moment, they listened together, the music bridging the gap between their worlds.

    Music has a way of speaking to the soul, his father said softly. It can take you places, make you feel things you never thought possible.

    Michael looked at his father, seeing a glimpse of the man he once was, the preacher with a voice that could move mountains. In that moment, Michael felt a connection to his father, a shared understanding that gave him strength. The bond between them, forged in the crucible of their shared struggles, was a source of comfort.

    The next day, Michael's routine was interrupted by the unexpected. As he played

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