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Awakening to Miracles!: Find Inner Peace With "A Course In Miracles" (ACIM). Learn How to Forgive. Realize Oneness. Dissolve Illusions With Love. Experience Miracles. Connect With the Holy Spirit.
Awakening to Miracles!: Find Inner Peace With "A Course In Miracles" (ACIM). Learn How to Forgive. Realize Oneness. Dissolve Illusions With Love. Experience Miracles. Connect With the Holy Spirit.
Awakening to Miracles!: Find Inner Peace With "A Course In Miracles" (ACIM). Learn How to Forgive. Realize Oneness. Dissolve Illusions With Love. Experience Miracles. Connect With the Holy Spirit.
Ebook351 pages1 hour

Awakening to Miracles!: Find Inner Peace With "A Course In Miracles" (ACIM). Learn How to Forgive. Realize Oneness. Dissolve Illusions With Love. Experience Miracles. Connect With the Holy Spirit.

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Welcome to the transformative journey of Awakening Miracles, a comprehensive exploration of the profound spiritual teachings found in A Course in Miracles (ACIM). This book serves as a guide to understanding the core principles, practices, and insights that ACIM offers to seekers of inner peace, forgiveness, and spiritual awakening.

I first began to study ACIM when I heard that the course could save me a thousand years or more toward my goal of becoming enlightened. I realized that, despite decades of spiritual study and meditation practice, I still did not experience a really deep sense of inner peace. I needed to find it.

Now, after studying the course and practicing the teachings for many years, I have found my inner peace steadily deepening. It is obvious to others, because I do not become angry or irritated with people or stressful events. If I am tempted to negatively react, I quickly forgive and send love instead.

At times, the effects of the workbook lessons in "A Course in Miracles" are imperceptible. But even though you might not think that you “got” the lesson that day, it is important to keep doing the lessons. The workbook lessons work subconsciously, subtly changing your perception.

At other times, a lesson will profoundly affect the way you look at things.

For me, it didn’t take long to be deeply moved.

I was only on Lesson 5 when my long-held perceptions of the world came crashing down around me. I suddenly realized that there really was another way of looking at things. This other way was quite different from the way I had been seeing all of my life.

Lesson 5 teaches us that, “I am never upset for the reason I think.” That day, I got really mad at my husband for some behavior that I resented. I don’t even remember now exactly what he did that invoked my anger, but it probably involved making some kind of mess and not cleaning it up. All I remember was that my anger was over the top.

As I repeated the lesson over and over in my mind, it suddenly dawned on me that it was not his behavior that was causing my upset, but instead my anger was caused by my own reaction to his behavior. We were playing out a drama that had been repeated many times during our years together. In my judgment of him, he was a complete slob.

Not only that, but my judgment of his behavior was a grievance that was preventing me from seeing the miracle behind the grievance. This grievance was making me unhappy.
Release dateApr 3, 2024
Awakening to Miracles!: Find Inner Peace With "A Course In Miracles" (ACIM). Learn How to Forgive. Realize Oneness. Dissolve Illusions With Love. Experience Miracles. Connect With the Holy Spirit.

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    Book preview

    Awakening to Miracles! - Y.L. Wright M.A.




    Find Inner Peace With

    A Course in Miracles (ACIM).

    Learn How to Forgive.

    Realize Oneness.

    Dissolve Illusions With Love.

    Experience Miracles.

    Connect With the Holy Spirit.

    Y.L. Wright, M.A.

    Copyright ©2024 by Y.L. Wright, M.A.

    All Rights Reserved.  No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the authors.

    ISBN: 978-1-304-49967-7

    Published and distributed worldwide by:

    LULU PRESS, INC., 627 Davis Drive, Morrisville, NC 27560

    Printed in the United States of America

    DEDICATION: This book is written for you. If even one person finds their way out of suffering into peace, it has been worth it.


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    What is A Course in Miracles?

    The workbook lessons will change how you see

    You cannot fail to achieve the goals of ACIM

    A Course in Miracles consists of three books

    What Are the Goals of the Course?

    Awakening to truth

    Undoing the ego

    Recognizing oneness

    Practicing forgiveness

    Choosing love over fear

    Accepting the Atonement

    Transcending individuality

    Establishing inner peace

    Guidance from the Holy Spirit

    Lifelong spiritual practice

    The Origins of A Course in Miracles

    Helen Schucman: The Scribe

    William Thetford: The Collaborator

    The catalyst for ACIM

    Content and themes

    Publishing and impact

    Why Study ACIM?

    Spiritual awakening

    Inner peace

    Healing relationships

    Release from guilt and fear

    Transformed perception of the world

    Embracing love and oneness

    Greater resilience in the face of challenges

    Heightened awareness of egoic patterns

    Guidance from the Holy Spirit

    Lifelong spiritual practice

    Key principles of A Course in Miracles




    Holy Spirit


    According To ACIM, What Is The Ego?

    False self-identity

    Fear-based thought system

    Illusions and distortions

    Temporal and finite nature

    Source of fear and guilt

    Identification with the body

    Separation from God and others

    Defensiveness and attack

    Obstacle to spiritual awakening

    What Is Atonement?

    Undoing the ego's thought system

    Forgiveness as a central element

    Realizing oneness

    Choosing love over fear

    Recognizing the eternal nature of reality

    What is Salvation?

    Release from the illusion of separation

    Undoing the ego's thought system

    Atonement and forgiveness

    Realizing true identity

    Freedom from fear and guilt

    Shift from fear to love

    Recognizing the oneness of creation

    Inner transformation

    Is Separation From God Our Biggest Problem?

    Illusion of separation

    Root of fear and guilt

    Search for wholeness and completion

    Ego's illusory identity

    Conflict and division

    Desire for reunion

    Shift from fear to love

    Reversal of perception

    Forgiveness as the key

    Release from fear and guilt

    Recognition of the ego's thought system


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