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END-TIME CHRISTIANS WAKE UP!: Warnings and Strategies
END-TIME CHRISTIANS WAKE UP!: Warnings and Strategies
END-TIME CHRISTIANS WAKE UP!: Warnings and Strategies
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END-TIME CHRISTIANS WAKE UP!: Warnings and Strategies

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Release dateMay 31, 2024
END-TIME CHRISTIANS WAKE UP!: Warnings and Strategies


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    Warnings and Strategies

    Dennis Dickson

    ISBN 979-8-89243-011-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89243-012-8 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Dennis Dickson

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1

    End-Time Warfare

    Chapter 2

    Give Us a King

    Chapter 3

    Can the Church Come Alive?

    Chapter 4

    Seeing and Hearing

    Chapter 5

    Labor Pains

    Chapter 6

    What Do We Do?

    Chapter 7

    A Last-Days Heart

    Chapter 8

    A Way to Win All Spiritual Battles

    Chapter 9

    Grab Your Hoe

    Chapter 10


    Chapter 11

    What Is Going On?

    Chapter 12

    A Call for Change

    Chapter 13

    Be Courageous

    Chapter 14


    About the Author


    I am troubled that most people have very little awareness of the spiritual war raging about them. The Christian church seems, to a large degree, not only to be unaware but, in many cases, complicit in this invasive evil sweeping this country. Evil spirits have infiltrated whole denominations, corrupting the very fabric of these organizations. If the church is unaware after being warned in scripture for thousands of years, what chance do non-church people have? This is an attempt to get the readers to stop and assess their lives and ask, Am I ready for the evil that has been turned loose, or am I oblivious to it? I now live in a banana republic where opposition parties jail their opponents, and media censorship is the norm. We need God's help.

    We have been given all we need to go through this time victoriously, but it will require us to have a vibrant relationship with our Lord Jesus. Anything less than that will probably leave you deceived by the onslaught of demonic strategies turned loose on the church. What we see is the judgment of God on a world and, in particular, on our nation that has rejected Him. He has given us what we have purchased with our own behavior.

    This is written mainly for Christians who go to church each week and are convinced that is their whole duty to God. They believe that God is pleased with this sacrifice and cannot wait to welcome them into glory. I think many will find that Jesus will look at them and tell them, I never knew you. With my warnings I want to wake them up, in hopes I will see them in glory. Also, I want my lost family members to turn to Jesus before things get worse than what we are seeing around us today. There is still time to make Jesus Lord of their lives and live an overcoming life during these last days of this dispensation.

    For those that must be told such things, anytime I refer to Jehovah as God, I will always capitalize the word. To be very clear, when you see the word God capitalized in this writing, it is to be applied to Jehovah exclusively.


    My wife, Deborah, has been a wonderful partner in the work of putting these pages together. She and I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit will help those whom He leads to read this material. We ask God to give them the wisdom and a sense of urgency to heed the information contained within. God is trying to wake you up; pay attention. God bless you.

    Chapter 1

    End-Time Warfare

    We are on a spiritual battlefield. But most people who call themselves Christians have no idea how to fight the battle. The world is in a mess and getting worse by the day. This is no surprise to God at all. He knew we would get to this point. He even told us in the Bible that as we approached this time, things would get worse and worse. His Word, and the faithful preaching of it, is the place where God's children are to learn what to do and how to shine in the midst of this conflict.

    When I joined the Marine Corps back in 1964, I was totally ignorant of how to wage war against an organized, determined enemy. I was six feet, four inches tall, and I had just turned seventeen years old. I was an out-of-control, smart-mouthed punk. I had a jelly-roll twist of hair that curled down between my eyes. I could have been typecast for the movie Grease. I had basically been sentenced to the Marine Corps by a juvenile court judge (common practice back then) because of a fight and some other troubles I had gotten into. I had a rude awakening when I reached Paris Island, South Carolina. I met a rock-hard drill instructor named Sergeant Kirshner. His job was to teach me the discipline I needed to succeed as a marine in combat.

    This is parallel to a pastor's job in a church. They are to train their congregations in the art of spiritual warfare. God has given a perfect training manual and, to every born-again Christian, a spiritual guide to help us understand what our Commander in Chief, Jesus, requires of each one of us. Scripture is where we can find a way through this end-time turmoil.

    This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,

    Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

    Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.

    But ye have not so learned Christ. (Eph. 4:17–20)

    Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

    For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Eph. 6:11–12)

    We, in and out of the church, are so busy blaming each other that we have forgotten who the real enemy is. One preacher told me during the mask mandates that he saw a whole room full of church people wearing masks, sitting like they were terrified of each other. Some would condemn these fearful Christians or even mock them. Christ doesn't think like that when He sees those He died for being manipulated into being fearful. Christ says, Fear not. Why? Because He doesn't like to see His people terrified by a devilish scheme. Jesus went to the cross to make us conquerors, not fearful people. I still saw some church leaders leading out in this governmental lie, wearing a mask to church each week. This only gives their voice to amening this manipulating tool of evil people. Why would a God-loving person do such a thing? Maybe they think they are helping others who want to wear a mask. Some may simply feel safer hiding behind a mask. Others may simply believe all the lies that have been fed to them. Or they could be like me and just have bad teeth. Whatever the reason, they need to live in the light and not capitulate by following the mandates of evil people.

    And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross. (Col. 2:15 NIV)

    I believe the demon-inspired Chinese government and others in the world set this virus loose on purpose. This is no less than an allowed-by-God-Himself judgment on a world that has turned its back on Him. And even worse, His own people have so compromised their lifestyles as to look and act no different than the pagans around them. This Chinese-led cabal of politicians and pharmaceutical corporations, along with medical experts in high places, has one goal: nothing less than world domination. It is a complete communist type of rule over people and government control over the Christian church.

    It looks like China already has control over the NBA, NFL, and MLB, along with most all news platforms and most social media giants. From what I hear, even Apple has sided with the Chinese government to subdue protesters from communicating with each other by cutting off their iPhones from being able to do just that. The news here in the United States of America seems like now attacks the United States of America ten times as much as it does China. Many of our own government officials are under Chinese control, from the White House to the Senate, on both sides of the aisle. I've been told they control Nike, along with many of our largest food corporations.

    Remember, we are in a spiritual war. Christ has completely subdued our enemies through His death on the cross. A complete victory for you was achieved by His death on Calvary. It is finished sealed the deal. It was such a complete victory that these words reverberated through the heavens. They rocked all creation and every angel, every cherubim, seraphim, and every beast around God's throne. Every created being on every planet and in every dimension witnessed this triumphal procession.

    Now everything is in subjection to Him, and we have

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