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Divine Verses: Verses of Truth and Wisdom
Divine Verses: Verses of Truth and Wisdom
Divine Verses: Verses of Truth and Wisdom
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Divine Verses: Verses of Truth and Wisdom

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Divine Verses is a verse-styled book written by Bishop Jephthah. It’s a book that portrays truth and wisdom in the absolute, thorough, and best possible manner as it sheds light on all kinds of truth in existence, be it the pure truth or relative or absolute truth. But the absolute truth, which is the truth about God and his Son, who’s the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is the pivot of the book. The Almighty God Jehovah and his Son are the principal focus of the truth because they’re the absolute truth.

As the Lord and Savior of mankind, Christ badly longs that everyone gains salvation by virtue of accurate knowledge of him. That’s why he passed on these life-saving messages to his messenger Bishop Jephthah as a means to win souls for his kingdom.

Just as how God used his prophets, like Moses and King Solomon, to write his words in the past, he has also used Bishop Jephthah to pass on his message of truth and wisdom to mankind. So if you’re reading this book, you’re reading nothing but the pure words of the Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. The words of the Lord Jesus are the words of God because Christ and God are one in the sense of harmony. What God says is just the very same thing Christ will say, and what Christ says is also the exact thing God will say.

Accurate knowledge of God supersedes all other wisdom because only it can enable a person to gain salvation. That’s why these words of the Lord place greater emphasis on godly knowledge.

Release dateMay 31, 2024
Divine Verses: Verses of Truth and Wisdom

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    Book preview

    Divine Verses - Bishop Jephthah Sotabinda


    Divine Verses

    Verses of Truth and Wisdom

    Bishop Jephthah Sotabinda

    ISBN 979-8-89243-374-7 (hardcover)

    ISBN 979-8-89243-375-4 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Bishop Jephthah Sotabinda

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    The Almighty God, Jehovah, all along with his Son, Jesus Christ, and the holy and amazing angels, played a great role in the realization of this work by commanding the Holy Spirit to endow me with the needed guidance, strength, and wisdom to complete this book. For this reason, this work is dedicated to God; his Son, Lord Jesus Christ; and the angels.


    Chapter 1

    Thoughts about God and Christ

    Chapter 2

    Thoughts about Wisdom

    Chapter 3

    Thoughts about Truth and Life

    Chapter 4

    Thoughts about My Life and Myself

    About the Author

    The Almighty God, Jehovah, all along with his Son, Jesus Christ, and the holy and amazing angels, played a great role in the realization of this work by commanding the Holy Spirit to endow me with the needed guidance, strength, and wisdom to complete this book. For this reason, this work is dedicated to God; his Son, Lord Jesus Christ; and the angels.


    There's nothing that's as vital like the truth. It's so because the truth is the essence and worth of life, the true pillar on which life is standing. That's why when the truth is in something, the thing is worthy. But when a thing is void of truth, it becomes absolutely worthless and valueless.

    Furthermore, within the confines of truth are found its counterpart—wisdom. When you love the truth, you're also in love with wisdom. And when you love wisdom, you also have love for the truth. So truth and wisdom are of the same ilk.

    Life is obviously about overcoming obstacles, succeeding, and above all, winning God's race. And the dint by which one can attain the abovementioned things is only through the accurate knowledge of truth and also that of wisdom.

    As a messenger of the Lord Jesus Christ and a lover of wisdom and truth, my main goal is to bring the truth to the light so that darkness can be deciphered. Because of that, I've spent nearly my entire life trying to observe, examine, and investigate what is true and what is not true, what is right and what is wrong, and what is good and what is bad so that I can obtain the pure truth about every issue that is known to exist.

    So the intention of this book is to make people see the truth in the purest and best possible manner. For such reasons, it'll be good if these sagacious verses are read regularly and meditatively, so that they become like a beacon of light to the reader. Because this book has the power of a guiding light, be it a king or a peasant, a believer or a nonbeliever, anyone from any religious background, or anybody from any walk of life, any person who reads this book will find it highly enlightening, upbuilding, and educative. In addition, this work also has the power needed to remedy the numerous recidivist ills present in both the society and also the world as a whole.

    Some of these verses may resemble that of other existing writings, but they're just nothing but mere resemblance.

    This work is divided into four chapters. The first is the chapter about God and his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, followed by the one about wisdom, then the one about truth and life, and lastly, that of my own thoughts and my life.

    Chapter 1

    Thoughts about God and Christ

    Life is nothing but God's race.

    God's race is the ultimate goal of life.

    If you win God's race, you win the highest goal of life.

    The truly happy person is the one running God's race.

    The truly successful person is not the powerful, the great, or the overly rich but the one running God's race.

    God's race is the only race where everyone is expected to run, whether they like it or not.

    The ultimate failure in life is not when you fail to achieve your material dreams but when you fail to win God's race.

    God's race ends only when you die.

    A happy life is good, and a lengthy one is better, but winning God's race is the best life.

    Do not wish only for a lengthy and happy life; instead, do your best to win God's race.

    Most people's foremost wish is to become superfluously rich, but as a child of God, your own priority should be to win God's race.

    The highest victory in life is winning God's race.

    There's the ultimate truth, and it is nothing other than God because he's the ultimate reality.

    Even if you fail to become rich, nothing will happen to you. But if you fail to win God's race, the most terrible thing will happen to you.

    The finishing line of God's race is when you die. So as long as you're still living, it's never too late to start running God's race.

    As long as you're still alive, you're still running God's race.

    If you die poor, you lose nothing. But if you don't win God's race, you lose everything because you'll be cast into hell to suffer forever.

    Nothing on earth should stop you from winning God's race, for it's the most important race.

    God is always waiting for anyone to start running his race.

    God happily wants everyone to win his race.

    There're some people who staunchly don't want anyone to win God's race.

    The devil and his demons are the main persons who don't want anyone to win God's race.

    For the reason that the devil doesn't want anyone to win God's race, there's just no way one can win God's race without first dealing with him.

    From time to time, inspect yourself thoroughly to see if you're really running God's race.

    There's only one main thing that man really has to win here on earth, and it is nothing other than God's race.

    Some people who have been running God's race will give up at the last minute, whereas some who were not running it will begin to run it at the dying moments of their lives.

    The highest and best gift God will give to mankind is the prize they'll get when they win his race.

    The prize that those who win God's race will get is that they'll have the chance to enter God's city and achieve immortality, as they won't ever feel any pain, suffer, grow old, or die any longer.

    In God's city, there'll be only good things to be found. But above all, there'll be found eternity, perfection, and absolute peace.

    Mankind is in a race to reach God's city.

    Some will win God's race, whereas some will lose it.

    To win God's race, one just has to hold on to nothing but the truth, which is the Word of God, the Holy Bible, and the Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

    Man didn't come here on earth only to get rich; he came mainly to win God's race.

    The earth is nothing but a place where God tests people to see who's on his side and who's not.

    From time to time, ask yourself this question: What can God really be thinking about me?

    The main reason we worship God is not only because we want him to help us; it's mainly because he's our Creator.

    Being a regular churchgoer is good. Nonetheless, it'll be better if you do your best to be well-connected to God.

    The true child of God is not just someone who goes to church regularly; it's the person who can battle, dominate, and conquer evil.

    God is the creator and giver of life. For that reason, life cannot go on well without him.

    The fruitage of the Lord is the best.

    A good relationship with your family is fine; that with your friends is enjoyable. But what really matters is your relationship with God.

    Lovers of truth always end up suffering a lot because there is nothing mankind abhors like the upholder of truth. But no one has suffered for the sake of the truth like Lord Jesus. For unlike weak mortals who suffer and die for the

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