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Bullied to Triumph
Bullied to Triumph
Bullied to Triumph
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Bullied to Triumph

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From the quiet Farm yard to the obnoxious school yard, Kimisha Jones; a straight A student from the suburbs, encounters a whole different life when she meets a new boy. Kimisha quickly learns how difficult life can be, but with the support from her loved ones Kimisha conquers life changing situations.

Release dateApr 30, 2024
Bullied to Triumph

Garth A Edgar

Garth A. Edgar was born and raised in Jamaica as the only boy of four children. He grew up in Spanish Town where he yearned for the chance to immigrate to Canada. As a teenager, he resided in New York City before finally reuniting with his mother and sisters in Canada.

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    Bullied to Triumph - Garth A Edgar


    Copyright © 2022 by Garth A Edgar.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

    ISBN 978-3-347-35935-2 (e)



    From the quiet Farmyard to the obnoxious schoolyard, Kimisha Jones—a straight-A student from the suburbs encounters a whole different life when she meets a new boy. Kimisha quickly learns how difficult life can be but with the support from her loved ones Kimisha conquers life-changing situations.

    Chapter 1



    y name is Kimisha

    Jones. I grew up on the country side of town with my family. We are from Prince Edward County; it’s a small town near by Montreal, Canada, just north east of the big city Toronto, Ontario. It was interesting.

    We didn’t live the life other kids lived. Instead of alarm clocks we had the birds wake us up in the morning and if it wasn’t the birds waking us up it was the chickens clucking. Sometimes you would wake up to the bees or butterflies hitting up against the window. Instead of junk food we ate all natural food, organic food that we grew ourselves and instead of washing our clothes in machines we hand washed them and hung them to dry.

    We were definitely country folks. The city was 200 miles away, at times we went to the city with our parents to shop for clothes and shoes. Sometimes we would stay out on the patio and have an ice cream or a slurpy. At other times we didn’t want to leave the city until later in the night; when the lights lit up the buildings and streets, it was fascinating. Something about the city lights always intrigued me. I had an amazing family, that was loving and joyous.

    Cole was my brother and Elizabeth was my sister. I was the eldest of the three. My brother Cole is six years apart from me, and Elizabeth is two years apart from me. We kind of resembled each other but at the same time we had very different looks. I am tall with shoulder length straight black hair and brown eyes. I am an average sized girl with legs as strong as an army cadet, I don’t workout but working on the farm keeps me in shape. My sister is a tad shorter than I and has light brown eyes and long curly black hair with a small build. Cole is the shortest, has short spiked hair, brown eyes and a thin build. Mom; Veronica Jones and dad; Jones have beautiful children.

    I remember one night after leaving the downtown core I was up late with Elizabeth. The two of us shared a room together so we could gossip about school, and boys, and the girls we didn’t like or the girls that didn’t like us and how annoying our little brother can be. However that particular night we also discussed the city. I remember telling her how much I enjoyed traveling to the city and how much I loved the scenery. I also discussed with her that I was thinking about moving there one day when I’m in college. I then asked her Wouldn’t you want to get away from the country life to? She responded "Sounds fun. I would love to just be in the city; there is an abundance of people, entertainment, sightseeing, and so many things to do. Compared to the country life,were all we do is milk cows and collect chicken eggs." Elizabeth Laughed.

    As we laid awake in bed(we shared a bunk bed) Elizabeth slept on the bottom bunk and I slept on the top bunk).I looked down at Elizabeth and said I cannot wait for high school to finish so I can explore. "Can I come with you when I get older?" Elizabeth asked. I smiled and said "yeah sure you can; you can help with the rent." "I have to pay rent?! Elizabeth shouted. Girl, you expect to live with me for free? Let me tell you some real logic, life is about working hard and paying for what you want, so if you want to move out of mom and dads house you’re going to have to pay bills.Elizabeth just looked up at me and said I will visit you. I must say I am glad I have a few more years before college." Elizabeth chuckled, "you will know about responsibility sooner than later. I explained to Elizabeth while I was yawning. Elizabeth I’m so tired" I can feel my eyes closing, can you please go and turn out the lights? Elizabeth proceeded to do so. Thanks Elizabeth" I said. She said your welcome and kissed my hand and touched my face like we do every night before bed we call it the sisters love touch.

    The next day we woke up to a bright sunny day and Cole running around the house making noise like a mad man. Cole jumped up onto Elizabeth’s bed and started yelling breakfast is ready! breakfast is ready! As Cole was yelling I could hear mom and dad downstairs calling us to come down and eat. This was all too much to wake up to; I would much rather the birds and bees. I was so annoyed with Cole and told him if he didn’t stop shouting he could get out of my room but of course he continued and so I yelled at him and said just tell mom we are coming and get the hell out of my room!

    Cole got scared and ran downstairs with a burst of speed. "Elizabeth, Are you up? Yes sis" she replied. I am going to the washroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.I climbed down the stairs of my bunk bed and walked straight to the bathroom.After I was finished Elizabeth followed. We went downstairs for breakfast. Good morning mom, Good morning baby mom replied. Breakfast smells delicious what are we having? Mom replied, we’re having eggs, bagel, chicken bacon, orange juice, and fresh slices of orange.Right away I took a bite out of the bacon strips. Where is dad mommy? He just stepped out." "You can go and see him on the farm. I will see him after school mom. Where is your sister Elizabeth? Y’all need to eat up and get to school Yes mom" I said as I hurried upstairs to get ready.

    I love school. Math and English are my favorite subjects. I ace every term. Elizabeth and I attend Sea-More Secondary School about 20 miles away from home. Elizabeth and I love going to school because we loved getting out the house and it taught us how to educate ourselves. It’s a stepping stone to preparing us for the real world. I dream of becoming a lawyer while my sister wants to be a doctor. She loves science, specifically biology and she’s actually really good at it. As for me not so much. As we went upstairs to our rooms to figure out our outfits for the day we decided we wanted to wear matching colors. Something to match the weather. It was a beautiful spring April morning so we chose to wear a nice pink.

    After we were ready we got Cole ready for daycare. As we were getting him ready we could hear the school bus coming down the street; once it got to our pick up stop the bus driver beeped her horn twice the third beep means last

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