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Asshole Author
Asshole Author
Asshole Author
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Asshole Author

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New York, Brick Street.

As the centerpiece of Greenwich Village, a gathering place for writers and artists, it was not destined to have too many permanent residents in a place like Manhattan, where every inch counts.

Whether twenty years ago or twenty years from now, there will naturally be no shortage of tourists, the famil

PublisherCindy Pineda
Release dateFeb 27, 2024
Asshole Author

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    Asshole Author - Bartosz Mroz

    Chapter 1: Monkeys and Typewriters

        The Monkey and the Typewriter, a very famous probability story.

        The general idea is that if you put a monkey and a typewriter in the same room, the monkey will one day be able to type a Shakespearean poem if given enough time.

        Che, I don't believe it, my novel can be worse than a monkey! It's just a matter of time! I can afford it!

        Brick Street, New York.

        As the centerpiece of Greenwich Village, a gathering place for writers and artists, it is not destined to have too many permanent residents in a place like Manhattan, where every inch counts.

        Naturally there were no shortage of tourists, both twenty years ago and twenty years from now, and it was a common sight twenty years from now to see the familiar dark-haired, yellow-skinned people hustling in buses toward Wall Street, a few blocks away.

        It's 1998, and as a financial center, all you can see are basically the white-skinned guys.

        There's no question that Greenwich Village is considerably less crowded than the big-name Wall Street and Times Square.

        But Brick Street was just a little too strange; it was like someone had released a Muggle exorcism spell, and the weekday foot traffic didn't fit Manhattan at all.

        For Zhu Ye, this was conversely the situation he wished for the most, he didn't want anyone to disturb him at this time.

        Ugh, passed out again? How many times?

        Zhu Ye climbed up from the cold ground and looked around, he was still the only one in the empty library.

        Crossing over has already been a week, the man seems to be somewhat accustomed to this kind of life, casually ate a bite of egg fried rice on the table which has become cold, the man somewhat feverishly looked at that computer display in the middle of the void, the word count statistic of the document in the lower left corner is clearly written 3129 words.

        It's really not easy, this hell of a novel system of the heavens to write a novel is really tiring, but okay, it's not just to spend some time, I can afford to spend!

        Zhu Ye slammed a few mouthfuls of egg fried rice and seemed to gain a few more strength in his icy limbs, standing up and moving his body, then nodding furiously like a madman in the void while looking at a free newspaper he had picked up from somewhere.

        Stark Group Wins Another U.S. Army Order!

        A see this title, the man in the void in the wild pointing fingers and a few minutes faster: What the hell, crossing to the 98 years also even if, on the contrary, is the world of comic book, other people's gold finger is cool crazy drag hang dreary sky, why to me is what the days of the novel system, want to become strong but also write a novel to get clicks recommended collection, you do not know that I crossed the front of the point of a puffing on the You don't know that I was a bad writer at some point before I crossed over? You are not difficult for me!

        Zhu Ye was a traveler from the twenty-first century and one of the countless flopping authors on a certain point, and to be honest, calling him a flopping author was already overestimating him.

        Others had streets to pounce on, he couldn't even find one.

        After changing several vests in a row, each novel was unsigned, and finally determined to finish one, I ended up reaching over half a million words still tragic.

        Originally thought that crossing over could change fate, and now it's favoring such a person to utilize writing novels as a golden finger?

        With a gold finger and an opening like that, truth be told, he lost in the beginning.

        After all, he has already proved his strength in a way.

        The All-Time Novel System, which was the golden finger he had gotten after crossing over, a golden finger that allowed the authors of puffy novels to write their books.

        Want to write an original novel is a very difficult thing, especially in the days of the novel system to write an original novel, plagiarism and what not, the days of the writers on the backstage announcement has been very clear, the consequences are simple and brutal, directly from this gold finger completely removed from the name.

        Zhu Ye wouldn't try such a red herring, he didn't want to lose this only chance to become stronger.

        The clicks, recommendations, favorites and subscriptions that he got from uploading his novels, these were the currencies that he was able to use to exchange some of the abilities and items in his novels in the mall, the exact cost of which needed to depend on what kind of things he had actually brainstormed to write.

        The novel hadn't been uploaded yet, there were no system certified skills or abilities, so naturally the mall was empty, and the only thing that was there now was the physical attributes that had been redeemed using the number of clicks.

        Zhu Ye looked at his attribute panel, the various basic attributes of an adult should be 10, and the exchange ratio is currently one attribute point per one hundred clicks, someone who crossed over with a is now a miserable data, looking at the system's evaluation is somewhat miserable.

        Strength 8, dead fat nerd who sits at a computer desk all year long and doesn't work out, the only thing worth consulting on is the first word, but it's kind of like dying once after crossing over?

        Sensitivity 7, physical flexibility and all that doesn't exist in a man's world, stiffness is the author's attribute, but if you look at the fingers alone, he's estimated to be able to reach 20 or more.

        Endurance 7, fast is the word, and he only says it once.

        Intelligence 11, barely above average.

        Zhu Ye couldn't help but turn off this heartbreaking attribute panel, and every time he saw it, he received a double blitz from the system and himself.

        It was good that there was still spiritual power, which was the only thing that Zhu Ye could take, 15 points wasn't unreasonable for a person who often stayed up all night and had a crazy liver, after all, he still had some of his own work in addition to writing novels.

        Geeking out and writing was just a hobby for him, and with so many books unsigned, if he wanted to rely on his novels for a living, then I'm afraid he'd have starved to death a long time ago.

        Zhu Ye's real job is finance, as a muckraking scumbag working in an investment bank, although his own ability is not too strong, in the foreign financial company he is but an insignificant scumbag, but back in 1998?

        Alas, to throw me into this world is like a rat in a rice bowl. NASDAQ is taking off, the bubble hasn't popped yet, and in a few years there will be oil price fluctuations and the subprime mortgage crisis. Gee, it feels like there's gold everywhere, hell, it's so itchy!

        That's right, he's got the core technology.

        The latest trading models and automated trading code after twenty years, the knowledge and combined application of financial product knowledge, plus the ability to almost predict the direction of the financial markets, all of which he could pull out of his memory and use straight away.

        It could be said that he was almost what was known as a devil's trader in this day and age.

        While flipping through the newspaper in his hand, Zhu Ye bit his nails and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

        [Even with the help of some financial derivatives and leverage, I won't be able to make it to the feast.]

        The man felt his empty pockets and could only look out at the damn library, tapping hard on the keyboard in the void.

        He doesn't have any capital.

        Crossing over to this world, he hadn't brought anything of value with him, so it could be said that he had almost crossed over with only a few pieces of clothing, and the only thing that had come with him was this library that came with the Heavenly Novel System.

        So, his original job in this world was actually a librarian.

        Not knowing exactly who founded this library or how it suddenly appeared in this world, and of course, why it was so lucky to pick Manhattan's Upper West Side, Zhu was even less clear, all he knew was that as a former financial practitioner looking out at Wall Street a few blocks away, he could only tolerate the itchy sensation in his heart and on his hands.

        He couldn't tell you how many times the idea of taking a bank mortgage on this library site, which he was certain would turn over several times in a year or two, had gone through his head.

        Unfortunately, he searched the entire library and couldn't find the so-called title deed.

        As for wages?

        Completely non-existent, this place where it's just him doesn't even exist for anyone to pay him a salary, etc., if you really want to talk about a salary.

        Zhu Ye copped another bite of the egg fried rice in front of him and chewed hard a few times, inexplicably the water and egg fried rice that appeared in the library every day was his paycheck.

        The Zhuhai Fiction System comes with three meals a day, three egg fried rice.

        The system's food certainly couldn't be that bad, how could it be that simple for a system that could create everything by relying on its brain and imagination?

        The truth is that his access is too low, before he uploaded his novel and became a certified author of the novels of the heavens, this is all he has.

        Originally, writing a novel was not a difficult task, but when writing on this weird novel system, Zhu Ye would always feel a sharp pain in his head as if he had been hammered hard, and he would pass out without writing a paragraph or two.

        No, the first chapter of three thousand words took him nearly a week to write.

        For a week, he hadn't even taken a step out of the library's door, a week spent every day in a coma and writing a novel, and the progress of less than five hundred words a day was a tortoise's crawl compared to the typing speed he once had.

        It was a good thing he was liver enough that the finance industry wouldn't lose out to programmers than overtime and late nights, especially since he didn't really have much of a choice at the moment, with that damned Purple Potato Goblin about to descend on the planet in that damned decade or so.

        Zhu Ye casually tossed the only piece of coin that had traveled together, an action he had already lost count of how many times he had repeated it in the past few days, his eyes staring deathly at the thin slice of metal that was about to fall to the ground, and his mouth reciting the words, Heads, Heads, Heads ...... cuts, or is it tails?

        That's right, Zhu Ye is such an unbelievably unlucky person, why was he once nothing more than a scum in the financial industry?

        In the financial industry inside the probability of this thing is very important, unfortunately, any need to bet on the luck of things, he is bound to lose, such bad luck can still continue to mix in this industry, which has proved his own strength.

        Tch, I still have to get stronger, or else I'll be waiting to die in a decade or so! If this world isn't that one and only time possibility, God knows if one can be resurrected?

        Che, don't talk about that, being reborn in this unlucky city of New York is also enough. One's novel writing is no longer bad, it's good to be able to change some body attributes for self-protection, lest the Battle of New York can't even be survived.

        Well, then again, according to one's luck, this world is ten times not that only successful one.

        Chu couldn't help but cover his face and mourn his damn luck for a few seconds.

        Casually tapping his hand in the void, the man quickly came to the page for creating a new book, quickly tapping a few buttons, the man quickly completed those vetting processes needed to create a new book.

        Hahahaha, finally, uh which division to pick? Game? Metaphysical? Fantasy?

        A world war was staged in Zhu Ye's head, and it was as if the several partitions on the author system were transformed into living creatures that were frantically fighting each other.

        When Zhu Ye clicked on sci-fi, images of a group of mad scientists appeared in his head; when he clicked on fantasy, a man and a little girl seemed to jump into his vision; when he moved to the metaphysical fantasy channel, the man who had mastered the Three Thousand Great Paths was staring at him ......

        Well, it's strange, why are there some strange images? It feels as if it was once ...... strange, why is there a feeling of forgetting something? Never mind, pick any one, sci-fi, you're it, upload it.

        Before the words were finished, Zhu Ye, as if that computer was suddenly disconnected, fell headlong to the ground, the newspapers in his hands scattered all over the place, and the coins and the ground made a crisp sound.

        The entire library switched wildly between darkness and light as if the power supply was unstable, and the shelves appeared to change in this constant flickering, as a book kept appearing and disappearing.

        Unfortunately, Zhu Ye, who had already fallen into a coma, was unable to see this bizarre scene, and the prompting sound of the Novel of the Heavens system was vaguely heard in his ears in the midst of his coma.

        Creating a novel was successful, the author's novel is under review, please make sure to pay attention to the backstage information, and ask the author to keep updating steadily.

        Ding, reward draw once, please use the draw opportunity as soon as possible by the author.

        Ding, it is detected that the author did not choose to open the lottery, the system will conduct an automatic lottery.

        Ding, the reward extraction was successful, it is being distributed to the author's backstage, please collect it yourself.

    Chapter 2: Discrimination on Wall Street

        Che, what the hell reward! Obviously not the prize I drew, actually drew a ghost 'Existence is Justice', what the hell is this? There's not even an explanation or trigger condition, it doesn't look like an active skill, could it be that my unlucky luck has spread to the system?

        Zhu Ye was a bit desperate, such a perfect opportunity to become stronger was actually missed by him.

        Who would have thought that uploading a novel to the Novel of the Heavens system would actually consume mental energy?

        It was even if writing a novel required the consumption of mental energy, which Zhu Ye could understand, after all, it was the need for him to utilize the power of his spirit to knock it out one word at a time, and the more words consumed the greater the amount of mental energy, and those things that had already been written needed to take up cache space as well.

        It took a week to write a chapter, and the first time I got a draw like a newbie reward, I actually ended up passing out.

        Waking up lying in the background of one's system was such an inexplicable thing, in the place of other travelers, Zhu Ye would never believe that they would be so unlucky!

        Of course, if he was awake, it probably wouldn't have been much better, and according to his unlucky luck, a lottery or something would be one of the most pitiful things for him.

        Che, forget it, what do I care, take a break first, go back and code seriously, the rewards won't be as much as they could be by then. This world is quite calm now, at least the plot rampage hasn't started yet, there's still time.

        Zhu Ye changed his name to Zhu Aq, forget it, there is no way, still can not fight with the system?

        The man sighed and frowned as he walked down the streets of Manhattan, looking at the Wall Street that was so close to his eyes, and couldn't help but bite his own fingers as countless thoughts wracked his mind.

        [Well, from what I know, this world shouldn't be much different from the general environment it once was. All those companies that should be there are still there, and the investment bank that one worked for in his previous life is still fooling around with its customers, which means that this is just the normal world mixed with Marvel?]]

        [If this is the case, one should be able to easily revise one's future investment strategy by simply taking into account the positive and negative effects of the next few major wars ......]

        Blah blah blah! All traveled to this kind of monster-ridden world, obviously I still have the golden finger, how come I somehow circled back to finance! Damn it, this damn professional habit!

        Zhu Ye was talking to himself like a madman on the streets of Wall Street, and the people around him unconsciously moved away from the man again.

        Here is Wall Street, tourists and what is the main component here, the financial industry, not to mention those funds and marketers investment banks, even if the bank inside the ordinary staff can not be outside the random walk, here are more tourists from all over the world.

        The financial industry wants to really take a peek, or you have to walk into the closed building, unfortunately, even the small city where someone worked in his previous life is twenty-four hour round-the-clock security, in and out of a few security gates, normal people can't even get into the building, the security guards at the entrance are not vegetarians.

        It could be said that unless one had the ability of those people in the movie and television dramas, it would be harder than heaven to enter unknowingly.

        Zhu Ye immersed himself in the shadows of the building, feeling the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise slightly as he felt those days when he used to go to work on chicken blood and leave work exhausted.

        [In my last life, I gambled everything into the financial industry, and this time, I was given such an opportunity, the Novel System of the Heavens, and I will definitely write novels that will rock the heavens! After all, this is my original dream, to create the world in my heart!]

        The man closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the moment, in his own world, where he was now king of the world!

        People will always have some of their own fantasies, just like writing a novel, the man's very first idea was to create a world of his own, and although he has flopped countless times, his original dream remains unchanged.

        People, sometimes are so stubborn, want to shatter that unrealistic fantasy, everything can only rely on external forces.

        For example ...... now.

        "There was a thud and the man stumbled hard.

        Originally, the bottom of his body is not good, seven days of frantic yards unlimited fainting to make his now more weak on a few points, but was bumped into, change someone else to may be shaking a little bit, but Zhu Ye a not pay attention to froze and fell on the bottom of the sky.

        Yellow monkey, why are you standing here in the way? Do you realize you're wrinkling my suit!

        A man with pale skin and sunglasses looked at Zhu Ye condescendingly, there was no need to look for him, this guy was the one who started it all.

        If the word snout in the air was used to describe him, it was indeed a bit of a misnomer; after all, the guy was on his toes, but at least his nostrils were facing the ground, except that someone had been knocked to the ground.

        In the street directly with such a racial epithet shouting other people, change a few decades later is absolutely impossible to appear things, even if the heart of how to discriminate, but after all, there is a big country in the East, the mouth to say out but to bear the consequences.

        The strength of the country is always the strongest backing.

        Unfortunately, it is still the twentieth century.

        Yellow-skinned monkey, are you deaf? What are you still sitting here for, get out of my way!

        Obviously racist, but the people around them took a quick look at what was happening here and walked away with indifference, not in the least bit like the lighthouse of the world, where the so-called equality is only possible on the basis of equal status.

        Zhu Ye after crossing the line has not been properly organized appearance, the clothes on the body Zou Baba, here is not popular what rich people dressed up as poor people, rich is rich, poor is poor.

        Joo wasn't at all surprised that this was the case.

        Having once been a member of the foreign financial industry, he knew this group of people all too well.

        New York, a city not as artsy as Los Angeles, is filled with money, which naturally means weakness.

        This side of Manhattan is slightly better, these guys labeled as the elite and upper class don't act like this when they walk around, at most they look at you with their noses in the air.

        Once you get through the crowds and onto the trading floor, these assholes revert to their old self, with at least three or more f's in a ten word sentence, something that used to be repeated countless times a day when I was at work.

        Of course, if Zhu Ye's skin turned black, this guy would never dare to do so, or else a racist hat would fall on his head and I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to turn over in this life.

        And don't look at this guy so high and mighty right now, if Zhu Ye could pat his ass and stand up, then throw out a stack of checks and black cards with a ceiling unit of ten million or billion, he guaranteed that the guy in front of him would give you a Sichuan Opera face change, three hundred and sixty degrees of deathless angle fancy kneeling coupled with attentive to the home service.

        This is their mouth for capital.

        Everything is so direct and ing naked, and in this world where hell and heaven coexist, dignity?

        If you have money, you have everything.

        Unfortunately, Zhu Ye now had neither the money nor the credentials that had once proved his prowess, was extremely poorly dressed, and to top it all off, his skin was yellow, and the point in time was still twenty years ago.

        If this state of affairs, he and the man in front of him got into a conflict, no need to doubt, no one will bother to dwell on what really happened, the first thing the police came to do was to cuff the man and take him away, and then inquire about the well-being of this well-dressed guy in front of him.

        Zhu Ye even vaguely saw a few police officers on the street corner were turning their eyes toward him, their hands on their waists, and every now and then they came close to the intercom to say something.

        A man wouldn't dream of these fair and just guys coming up to keep the peace without giving Joo the iron fist of a free country.

        Thoughts spinning inside his head, the man stood up decisively, patting the dust from his ass before smiling and taking a step to the side to make room for someone who could get past.

        At once, the jaw of the man with the glasses lifted, his face filled with a grin after his victory, even as the squishy tattoos on the back of his neck seemed to mock someone.

        Not far away, the policeman loosened his grip on the hand resting on his waist and finally turned his eyes elsewhere.

        None of the surrounding passersby opened their mouths, but there were a few more moments of unspecified contempt in their eyes as they looked at Zhu Ye.

        The man took it all in stride, still with a grin on his face and an impeccable attitude, at least.

        This gentleman, may I have the honor of knowing your name?

        The man with the umbrella didn't stop himself, still walking slowly forward, two fingers holding a business card, casually waving his hand backward, the card slowly fell to the ground.

        Zhu Ye didn't bother to pick up the business card on the ground, it wasn't worth dirtying his hands over a name.

        Looking at the man with the umbrella, who was already far away, and then at the business card on the floor.

        Dick, executive vice director? great, I'll keep that in mind, give me some time and I'll be sure to ......

        The corners of Zhu Ye's mouth slowly rose as he looked at the shadow of the Wall Street skyscrapers that had completely enveloped him, and he stepped on the delicate business card with one foot, twisting it as viciously as if he were stepping on a cigarette butt.

        The man left without looking back.

    Chapter 3 The financial sector's way of solving problems - money

        Cough cough cough ......

        Zhu Ye braced his hands on the cold ground, the sick feeling in his stomach was excruciatingly painful, but he didn't have any intention of stopping, using all his strength to get up from the ground, the man shook his head vigorously.

        Ever since the novel was uploaded, it had been under review, and Zhu Ye didn't know exactly how long it would take to review it, but for those who wrote novels, the stockpile was inevitably the most important thing.

        After coming back from Wall Street, he had lost count of how many times he had passed out, and he didn't know how many days had actually passed outside, and now his daily routine became waking up and livering, livering until he passed out with blurred consciousness, and when he got up, he casually ate two bites of scrambled eggs and then continued to liver.

        To be honest, such a rhythm without sudden death is his ancestors have accumulated virtue, but also the person is still quite young, otherwise I am afraid that such a wave went on long ago liver adult dry.

        I have to say, to him for daring to squeeze his spiritual power like this, here's to him being a man.

        This thing called spiritual power involved the most mysterious brain, and no one could measure how much spiritual power he actually had, and even if Zhu Ye had a system that datamined his physical attributes, he still couldn't monitor in real time how much spiritual power he actually had left in stock, much less know where the bottom line of that damage to his body actually was.

        So the guy with no one to teach him had to figure it all out completely on his own, all by himself.

        But there was nothing he could do, after all, as someone who had worked for several years, he had a clear understanding of his current situation.

        Here in North America, especially on Wall Street in New York, this is a place where diplomas are recognized, don't say anything about being able to rise to the top by virtue of your ability, wake up and stop watching chicken soup movies like When Happiness Knocks, which doesn't exist in the cold reality.

        The financial industry, almost exclusively, recognizes Ivy League graduates.

        Of course, even a particular program at Columbia Business School will be completely blackballed by the entire financial street after some talent continues to emerge in the future.

        No famous school diploma in fact there is another way, as long as the reincarnation technology is good enough on the line, the family and resources at this time is more important than anything else, someone once is not not seen those inexplicable colleagues, every day driving a Maserati over to work, hand carrying a Hermes bag, every day, even if the work is done as a piece of dog shit, the boss is still on them and pleasant to the face of the.

        There's no way around it, people are the children of their clients, born and bred, Johnson and Johnson.

        Graduate students or even PhD students who are not graduates of prestigious schools and don't have casting skills are pretty much insulated from the industry, no one is going to bother to give you a chance to prove yourself unless they go out of their way to do so first before someone else throws you a few bones to taste.

        It's a bit of pain that Joo sort of knows all too well.

        There was a time when Zhu Ye also believed in one thing, having the strength to mix everywhere, until after he graduated from college.

        As a third-rate university graduates, majoring in something that has nothing to do with finance, graduated from college with only a diploma and degree in hand, want to enter the financial industry, which is known for its high threshold, which is simply a mirage, but froze by virtue of the spirit of the south wall he hit and did not turn back to spell it out.

        Successfully became an outsourcer for a world class company ...... outsourcing company.

        That's right, it's an outsourced worker into an outsourcing company, and the point is that the outsourcing company is actually an Indian-owned outsourcing company!

        I'm afraid there's no one else with such a complicated identity.

        Almost comparable to the drama of the TV bureau, which is difficult for outsiders to imagine the degree of hardship, no one knows how in the end he survived those days, and it is difficult to imagine how in the end such a man with nothing to win over those countless graduates of prestigious schools.

        A year's time, crazy overtime to make up for all the financial shortcomings, successfully crossed the threshold that he previously found unattainable, into a regular worker.

        In a year's time, grew to be the best one in his product line group, knew everything backwards and forwards, and the deals were almost swept up to see what the problem was, all the while putting up with the low wages and managing to grind away a couple of the senior guys to gain complete control of the whole group.

        In a year's time, the Hong Kong boss is unexpectedly out of the game, and someone takes over all of his work, as well as gaining promotion, finally a daughter-in-law, with a handful of licensed teenagers who graduated from prestigious schools.

        After that, someone's name became familiar to almost everyone, everyone knew that this was a reliable guy, and from then on no one would ask where he actually graduated from, competence had become his new label.

        Then ...... the man crossed over and woke up in this damn place, and the network of people and credentials that he had spent three years operating all made dirt.

        But getting this Heavenly Novel System and the twenty years of gold, was this a loss or a gain?

        I'm not going to let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity slip through my fingers!

        Dick, right? You asshole, I'll remember you! You wait for me!

        [Give me fifteen, no ten years, and I'll buy the company you work for!]

        [Hmph! When the time comes, I'd like to see your face!]

        Sure enough, crossing over and all that doesn't change a person's habits, it's just a change of scenery, it's not like there's some earth-shattering change, and the things in one's bones are still the same things.

        The financial industry then uses the financial industry's solutions to solve problems, and problems that can be solved with money are never problems.

        Strength is always the biggest courage to straighten oneself, and the biggest strength in the financial industry, that is money!


        Money to smash in his face until he's relieved!

        Still not relieved?

        Buy it off! Then take the money and smash it in his face! Smash him until he kneels and licks you?

        Hard bones? It doesn't exist, the financial industry is only hard-boned because not enough money is being thrown at it!

        [Hum! Now NASDAQ hasn't taken off yet, one still has time, strengthening physical fitness can wait for a while, according to the plot of the Marvel world, that kind of wide-scale disaster is okay until Iron Man proclaims it, but the opportunity to make money is just these two years!

        [Find a way to exchange some gold and silver or something first, and then you'll have the capital! Before they realize how crazy this time is, find a brokerage house and then you can sit back and collect the money. When you've made enough money, you can even learn from Iron Man at that time.]

        [My superpower is money! Wait, is that Batman? [Che, forget it, who cares!

        Ninety-eight years, huh?

        Wiping hard at the blood dripping from his nose, the man took a deep breath.

        Nor could he care about that uncomfortable feeling, barely glaring his somewhat blurred vision at the screen in the void.

        Zhu Ye gritted his teeth.

        His head was on strike a bit, that tearing-like pain constantly irritating his nerves, but he continued his madness.

        What exactly did he once rely on as someone who had nothing to offer to squeeze past those who competed with him and froze to finally stand out and grab the promotion?

        Relying on him to sell his sex?

        Seriously, if he were a she, there might be some possibility, but unfortunately, as a straight man, his bosses are all men too.

        Men don't need a lot of wishy-washy stuff between them, things get simpler, at least at his bottom level, where everything speaks just fine on strength.

        Having transaction problems?

        Joo was able to smooth it out.

        There is a system paralysis?

        Joo was able to fix it.

        There was a spike in trading volume?

        Joo was able to HOLD everything.

        Graduating from a prestigious school and graduating from a trashy school represent nothing more than a ticket in; a diploma from a prestigious school plus a couple of certificates basically represents a first class ticket, and a graduate from a trashy school like someone can only fight as hard as they can to get that one damn hanging ticket.

        Want to climb in from the outside of a speeding car and squeeze through a crowd for a first-class seat?

        Being a wage earner then costs others ten or twenty times the effort to make up for natural talent and slacking off in the preceding decades.

        At a time when his original foundation was incomparably weak, Zhu Ye had almost relied on that insane will to support him in less than a year to make up the gap between himself and the others.

        Insufficient roots, make up for it by fighting for your life, that's right, Chu Ye is the legendary Liver Emperor!

        Maybe it was just a job for those who graduated from prestigious schools, but for Zhu Ye, it was a straw, the straw that could pull him out of the existing quagmire, and perhaps, the only straw.

        Just like the current Heavenly Novel System, this was the only way out for him to change his destiny.

        Unfortunately, no amount of desperation could change the facts of his body.

        Warning, warning, the host's mental power has reached its limit, if you continue to write, there is a possibility of permanently damaging your mental power, 1 point of mental power is now temporarily deducted, and the host's mental power currently stands at 14 points.

        Zhu Ye rubbed his already somewhat upturned head vigorously and casually ate a few mouthfuls of the already thoroughly cold egg fried rice, Well, does it seem like he's already reached his limit?

        Forget it, go out for a walk, take a walk, think about how to write the plot behind ...... Nest ah, conceive a hairline ah, my head is conceived to the very back of the pitiful writing speed, I in the end to write to what year and month to get to the next chapter!

        Joo sighed hard and shook his head as if trying to shake all his exhaustion out of him, but in the end it just made him dizzier.

        Barely washing his face with water, Zhu Ye pushed open the door of the library, which he hadn't pushed open for days, and a warm feeling swept through his body as the sunlight spread on his face.

        [It's good to be alive!

        The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the man rubbed his nose vigorously, Then again, last time, I just focused on going to those famous places to take a look, and I didn't even take a good stroll in my own neighborhood....... Huh, there's actually a museum next to this side? Gee, go in and take a look.

        Saying that, Zhu Ye made a death wish and pushed open the door of 177a Brick Street.

    Chapter 4: The Old Timers

        Zhu Ye looked up at the sky, but it was a pity that there was only a ceiling in this museum, so he couldn't see the azure sky.

        And what's more, he may never see the sky outside again.

        Why the hell did I run around? If one doesn't die, one won't die, forgetting such an important point, is one being swept away by the golden finger after crossing over?"]

        Joo blamed himself a little, he couldn't wait to go back in time now then beat himself up so he wouldn't go out.

        After all ...... who the hell knew that he had actually settled down next to the New York Supreme Sanctuary after crossing over?

        The point in time when Zhu Ye crossed over, Doctor Strange, had long been released, and he was mesmerized by the heavenly, magical special effects in the movie, and naturally, the New York Sanctuary's lookalike would never be forgotten.

        But everywhere in this damn Greenwich Village looked alike, and for an aesthetically challenged guy like him who could tell which was which?

        And not counting this one, he's been out of the house just once, and the target locations are still Wall Street and Times Square, so how could he possibly have seen that Sanctuary sign hidden up high?

        It's so prominent in the movie because of the overhead shots, and Joo was walking down the road, looking at people would be nice, who's going to look up at a tall building like a tourist?

        And so, everything has created such an awkward situation as it is now.

        A handsome black man, a handsome white man, weird mage clothing, such a familiar combination if Zhu Ye couldn't recognize it again, then he might as well buckle his own eyes.

        White handsome man Casillas, black handsome man Baron Modu, the two giants of the Karma Taj faction actually appeared here at the same time, and also gave Zhu Ye a head-on collision, if the other party had any malicious intent, according to Zhu Ye's current combat power, it would be more comfortable to think about what position to use to meet death.

        Mordu ignored someone with a dumbfounded look on his face and strutted towards the man.

        The footsteps came from far to near, like Zhu Ye's heart, beating more and more violently.

        Zhu Ye couldn't help but swallow his saliva, looking at the black man's eyes violently pupil contraction, such an abnormal performance, even if the other party did not learn what micro-expression changes should know that the man who fell in front of him should be in a state of tension.

        I'm sorry, this place isn't open for business, please get out, we're a private museum!

        A cold sweat broke out violently behind the man's back, and his heart even stopped briefly for a few seconds, but none of that mattered, and hearing Modu's words, Zhu knew that he had passed this hurdle.

        Okay, sorry, I wasn't aware of that.

        With that, Zhu Ye smiled a little embarrassed, then turned around and was about to walk towards the door, the man steadying his breathing as he did so.

        Years of working in the financial industry surprised might have allowed him to manage to keep his face unchanged when it came to those trading problems, but as a traverser himself, he had no experience in the presence of these protectors who were in charge of the dimension.

        And if the deal goes wrong and can't be resolved it's just a matter of being fined or fired, a bad response to this one and Zhu Ye's journey across the world ends here!

        It's almost like throwing a hamster at a cat!

        [Calm down, calm down! Slowly walk forward, the gate is at the door! Just ten more meters, five more meters ......]

        A hand was placed on Zhu Ye's shoulder, and instantly, the man's tension that had just disappeared into thin air surged up again.

        Zhu twisted his head to look, and this time, the one who stopped himself was Casillas.

        Excuse me, do you recognize us?

        Zhu Ye cocked his head and forced a smile, If I'd ever seen people dressed uniquely like you guys, I'm sure I'd have a memory of it, but alas, I don't have any.

        Zhu frowned, a somewhat puzzled expression on his face as his eyes carefully scanned Casillas up and down, I don't think you're from some cult, though, since you all seem so nice and kind, and shouldn't be, maybe, the kind of villains that show up in that movie, right?

        Zhu Ye tried carefully, the expression on his face was flawless, there was no need to pretend to be nervous or anything, his heart was almost exploding right now, and he was sure that if a medical machine capable of measuring the speed of his heart beat was used to measure him, his current numbers would be absolutely extremely alarming.

        Casillas didn't need these instruments; mages who had rested their magic for so many years had long been unusually sensitive to changes in people.

        Through the hand placed on someone's shoulder a little feeling, this man in front of him is obviously a powerless ordinary people, this time there are no two thick black circles under the eyes on his face, it is not yet time, he naturally did not turn into a later stage of the blackened panda cosplay patients, he is still the unsmiling ** master, the best disciple under the ancient one. He is still the same unsmiling * master, the right disciple under the ancient one.

        Naturally, he's still able to communicate and his brain circuits are normal.

        Casillas looked at the mage's clothes he was wearing and turned back to lock eyes with Modo, the black handsome man spread his hands helplessly, and the atmosphere in the room became a little awkward.

        Casillas coughed softly and whispered, You're right, we're a private club here, not some cult, and on the subject of clothes, ahem, we'll keep an eye out ......

        Casillas released his grip and the man smiled sarcastically and shrugged, still walking steadily toward the door and quickly disappearing into the New York Supreme Sanctuary.

        Casillas, who had turned back and walked away, had a grim look on his face, and Modo, who was on the side, had the same expression on his face, as if he could drip water.

        Modo, are our clothes ...... ugly?

        Casillas, I don't feel that way!

        Perhaps we are a little behind the curve.

        Low voices echoed through the small hall, and there was something forlorn on both faces.

        The two who have practiced magic look young, but in fact, they have already experienced countless years, magic has brought them strong power at the same time, but also gave them long enough years, that is to say, they are actually some ...... old antiques.

        The two men standing in the hall filled with resentment soon waited for the person they were waiting for as a black man pushed open the door of the New York sanctuary.

        Mage Daniel.

        Casillas and Modo bowed their heads slightly, facing the town mage of the New York Sanctuary, the two of them had to offer due respect even if they were one of the most powerful disciples of the Ancient One.

        Mage Daniel, the black man, was slightly surprised to see the two men who had appeared in his sanctuary, and bowed his head slightly to return a lee, Mage Casillas, Mage Modo, what brings you two to New York so suddenly?

        Modo looked up at Daniel and said with a somewhat stony face, Sensei told us that he sensed that some people had crossed the line.

        Daniel put away his surprised expression as anger crept into his cheeks, Was it in New York?

        Casillas nodded, That's right, right here in New York, there are some guys whose hands have crossed the line, and Ancient One-sensei asked us to come and tell those guys that the Kama Taj is not to be desecrated! But before we act, we would like to pay a visit to Mage Daniel.

        Daniel put away all his expressions, cold as an ice cellar blocked by snow and ice, Understood, please rest assured Supreme Mage! I will do my best to cooperate.

        Casillas bowed his head and curtsied, when Modo, who was beside him, suddenly said, Mage Daniel, you've been in the town of New York for many years, can I ask you a question?

        Venerable Modu, please!

        Has anyone ever told you that our costumes are ugly?


    Chapter 5: One-Punch Superman? No, it's Supreme Baldy!

        The moment Zhu Ye stepped out of the New York sanctuary, the courage that was barely holding him back from falling before seemed to have been instantly drained out of him, and his entire body almost fell to the ground.

        Every muscle in his body shuddered, and though perhaps it was the countless brainstorming he had done inside, the first time someone who had never experienced a life and death crisis felt death hovering around them.

        The kind of fear that can't be described in words.

        [Hell, hell! Just now when Casillas called out to himself, his heart stopped, asshole!]

        [Scared me to death, scared me to death! Why was I so unlucky? Why was the damn lottery held while I was unconscious? Why did I get an unknown Existence is Justice when I could have gotten something better?

        [This thing is at least a talent or a skill or something, but why is there no description of the effect at all, just a name there?]

        [Alas, it's really enough, what broken skills! It's better to draw some attribute points, or worse, some money is much better than this shit!

        Zhu Ye kept grumbling inwardly as bean-sized beads of sweat slowly slid down his forehead.

        People, this kind of creature, is still very afraid of death, as an ordinary person, he does not seem to have the kind of life of the so-called protagonist, other people after crossing over are all lottery draws one after another, and then successfully take off.

        Zhu Ye's lottery is not even, the first draw actually drew an unknown thing, God knows in the end what use, but this is also even, go out for a walk can also encounter this world space-time dimension management bureau members, this kind of bad luck is also no one.

        But after this, Zhu was more than sure of one thing when the purple potato spirit snapped his fingers, he, a nonce, would surely die.

        [Well, we need to hurry up, with this level of bad luck, it's better to hurry up and get stronger, and it's better not to come out and hang around until you become stronger.]

        [Even though this is in the heart of Manhattan and not Hell's Kitchen hidden in Manhattan, it's New York after all! The place where countless big events take place!

        Are you okay? Should I call you an ambulance?

        No, don't!

        Zhu Ye instantly let out another cold sweat behind his back and hurriedly waved his hand back to stop the enthusiastic crowd.

        There are probably two things that are very important when traveling to lighthouse country.

        For example, when just getting off a plane, people take off their five-layer masks, take a breath of liberal democracy, and put on their freshly purchased five-layer body armor after confirming the scent.

        Another thing is to learn the colloquialism, I'm fine, I don't need an ambulance!


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