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Technology Impacts The World
Technology Impacts The World
Technology Impacts The World
Ebook1,446 pages22 hours

Technology Impacts The World

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About this ebook

A young man has his own ambition, when he promises to be the first in the world!

  This is the story of a man with a hanged man, beating the whole world in the field of technology!

Generally speaking, the atmosphere in the sky is divided into five layers, namely the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and escape layer

PublisherSarah Pevec
Release dateMar 18, 2024
Technology Impacts The World

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    Technology Impacts The World - Vashina Donnell

    Chapter 2 Opening the System

    Hey, is the system there? Can you come out and explain?

    If you don't come out, I'll give you a bad review!


    Ma Tian tried half a day like a psychopath, and found that the system did not bring him a bird at all, or sat on the stool and gave up.

    Looking at the paper full of math formulas, Ma Tian took a deep breath:

    Mud, this is forcing my hand, Deep Blue, add some points!

    Ma Tian continued to tap on that + sign after Math Lv1. He guessed that it should be because his math level was not enough to read the paper.

    With a bright light flashing in his mind, Ma Tian realized that he had additional knowledge of Real Analysis, Algebra, Topology, and Differential Geometry in his mind.

    After waiting for his mind to calm down, Ma Tian continued to look at the paper, An Exploration of Improving Positioning Accuracy Based on Mixed Theory.

    Sure enough after this addition he was able to read on again.


    where x?= bsp;- cosB(B + 3B + ?B + ?B), t = tanB

    N = a /(1 -è2sin2b)? , η2 = è2 cos2B, è is the eccentricity


    where B is the geodetic latitude value of the projection point and x? is the projection from the equator to the ground point P on the reference ellipsoid ......

    After half a ring, Ma Tian was silent again, because he still could only understand half of it, and could only silently click the last math + sign again.

    Math goes straight to Lv3 (0/100000).

    That's good, all the taxonomy + signs are gone, and with 2 minutes of knowledge transfer iterated directly in Maten's head, he's finally reading the paper.

    In short, this paper is an algorithm based on chaos theory designed to solve the crypto-localization problem.

    Of course this thesis is just a theory, but Ma Tian suddenly found very many more ideas in his mind, for example, seeing this algorithm was associated with some application scenarios, such as satellite positioning, map navigation and so on.

    This could not help but make Ma Tian ponder, was it that adding math to Lv3 had made his head more flexible as well? If that was the case, it wouldn't be a loss to add all the math points.

    Patting his ass and in a good mood, Ma Tian began to plan his future.

    The first thing for sure is that this paper is worth a lot of money, he can just take it and send it to a journal, remember that the school is a reward for people who send top journals, in case this paper goes on a NATURE, then won't he not have to worry about the money of his university?

    So the first thing is definitely to find a way to get this paper published.

    The second thing? Of course, it was to solve the matter of hunger. I was so mesmerized by reading the paper that I was careless that it was almost dinner time.

    Wait, Ma Tian suddenly realized that he was still a poor man now.

    That's right, it's freshman year, and he's an orphan born, living on the school's low income of 500 bucks a month.

    No, it will take a long time for the paper to be published, and the school is slow to call for money, we must find a way to make money first after dinner! Ma Tian muttered.

    Participating in the work for more than ten years, and now suddenly let him live the life of someone else's succor, even if it is the school's succor, Ma Tian can not stand.

    Casually coping with a mouthful of food in the cafeteria, Ma Tian pondered on ways to make money.

    What kind of money can I make right now as an undergraduate? Ma Tian pondered.

    Delivery? Handing out flyers? Shaking his head, Ma Tian discarded these ideas, it was too humiliating for a traveler. It wasn't that Ma Tian couldn't eat this suffering, he had eaten all kinds of suffering, but eating these sufferings couldn't improve himself, and it wasn't cost-effective!

    Thinking about it, Ma Tian suddenly realized that even if he was reborn, with his current skills, he didn't seem to have any skills that could make money quickly.

    No one wants you to go on to work in the corporate world. Freshman undergraduates don't give a shit about you.

    And having been reborn, it's too much of a shame to the system and the readers to go back to work for someone else, isn't it?

    There is no way, Ma Tian can only look at his own system again, first copy out the paper, and then look at the impact value is a thing, the system does not say that the impact value can affect his everything?

    Just in case this thing can be cashed in.

    Said to do, Ma Tian directly walked to the school's electronic reading room, borrowing the school's computer, white whoring monster is him right, who let him can not afford to buy a computer!

    Finding an empty seat, Ma Tian sat down and started writing his paper.

    Until they were reminded by the electronic reading room administrator's aunt, Student, it's time, come back tomorrow!

    It turned out that he didn't realize that he had already coded until 9:00 p.m. and the electronic reading room was closing.

    Ah, Auntie, I'm sorry, I'll save the file to my USB flash drive now and pack up and leave right away! Ma Tian was embarrassed.

    Uh-huh! The electronic reading room aunty nodded and fell back on being a little more tolerant of students who loved to learn.

    Saving the unfinished paper on a flash drive Ma Tian left the electronic reading room.

    When I got back to my dorm room, my roommates were basically all there.

    There are three roommates of Ma Tian, one is Ji Leiming who called him to class in the morning, and he plays better with him, often going to and from class together.

    One is Ni Zhiquan, a burial boy who spends his days immersed in his games and music with long hair and big headphones.

    The last one is Weng Xianguang, a nerd who either reads a book or is on his way to read a book every day, and keeps his distance from the other three in the dormitory with considerable disdain.

    Ni Zhiquan and Weng Xianguang said they were roommates, but they actually didn't play much with either Ma Tian or Ji Leiming.

    When he saw Ma Tian return, only Ji Leiming greeted him and asked, Brother Ma, where have you been? I put your campus card on the table for you!

    Went to the electronic reading room to get some information. Ma Tian replied simply.

    Oh! Ji Lei Ming did not ask more questions, Ma Tian did not have a computer and often went to the electronic reading room to get information he also knew.

    For a while the dormitory was a bit silent, Ma Tian organized the desktop under the bed, saw the high mathematics book but sprouted an idea.

    Walked directly to Ji Leiming, who was QQ chatting, with the book in hand.

    Ma? Something wrong?

    Nothing, just asking you, where are we in the high math lecture now? Ma Tian replied.

    Ji Leiming: Now on to derivatives and differentiation! Ma, is there something you don't know how to do?

    Martian: No, I mean is there anything you don't know how to do that I can explain to you!

    Ah... Ji Lei Ming couldn't help but let out a long ah, scratching his head with his hand not figuring out what Ma Tian was up to.

    Weng Xianguang, who was on the opposite side of the bed, also snorted and continued to look at the questions, presumably thinking that today's Ma Tian was really funny.

    Ma, are you serious? Looking at Ma Tian who was full of seriousness, Ji Leiming confirmed once again, and seeing Ma Tian nodding, he could only open the book and point to an exercise in the back, cooperating, I wouldn't know this question!

    Maten looked to the title:

    Let x = √(t2+ 1) and y = ln(t + √(t2+ 1)), and find the value of d2y/dx2|t = 1 for ---

    This question is too simple, Ma Tian picked up the pen and paper on Ji Leiming's table and directly wrote out the steps in detail, while writing and explaining:

    The first method is to find dx/dt, then dy/dt, then use (dy/dt)/(dx/dt) to get dy/dx, and finally just differentiate quadratically.

    The second method is to replace t with an expression for x and bring it into the second equation, in which case y = ln(√(x2-1) + x ), then dy/dx, and finally the quadratic differential.

    The final formula for both methods is d2y/dx2 = -(1/t2)(√(1+t2)/t), and substituting t = 1 gives a final result of -√2.

    Ji Lei Ming stared blankly at Ma Tian, feeling for a moment that Ma Tian was unfamiliar.

    Ma Tian, on the other hand, sank into the data panel in his mind and realized that the influence value was still 0. He wondered, Ji Lei Ming, did you understand?

    Jilemin nodded frantically.

    Did you really hear that?

    I definitely hear you, Ma!

    Strange! Ma Tian returned to his seat with doubts, teaching someone math doesn't get the system's influence value? What should be the system's way of opening?

    Chapter 3: Great Ideas

    What is the system's way of opening? Is it really true, as the system says, that you have to invent your own technology to influence others?

    But which of the inventions of technology such as cell phones, computers, etc. do not require starting capital and a long buildup?

    The system was purely pitiful, shaking his head, Ma Tian went to sleep with doubts.

    I woke up a little after 7:00 a.m. and had an 8:00 a.m. class.

    After washing up, I set off with my basemate, Jireh Ming.

    The two casually copped two cafeteria buns and headed for school.

    Ma, what are you looking at? Ji Lei Ming looked at Ma Tian frozen in place, staring at a girl riding a bicycle, What's the matter, fancying someone else's girl?

    Ma Tian of course was not looking at other girls, but he saw someone riding a bicycle and suddenly realized that there was an excellent idea.

    Isn't the system about inventing technology that affects others? What can influence people the most? Isn't it food, clothing, shelter and transportation? Add another electronic product.

    And inventing the bicycle can affect others, inventing bike sharing to be exact!

    In his last life, he remembered that the small yellow car was famous and popular all over the country at that time, and the most important thing was that the small yellow car was allowed to participate in the college students' great creation.

    What is a college student Da Chuang, is a competition organized by the university to help students start their own business, if the idea is good, you can win awards to reimburse the start-up funds, this money does not come?

    The small yellow car technology he has ah, the most difficult is the positioning sharing technology, it just so happens that the system sent him the Chaos Theory Based on the Improvement of Positioning Accuracy Exploration paper can be applied to it.

    The rest of the technology is nothing more than creating a PCB board that sends out a locator signal, adding a motor to control the bike switch, and finally adding a backend for the web side and writing an APP, what's so hard about that!

    He and Ji Leiming's major is electronic information science and technology, eighty percent counterpart.

    The more Ma Tian thought about it, the more he felt that there was something to do, directly excitedly said, Ji Lei Ming I have an excellent idea, go, go back to the dormitory with me!

    Ji Leiming was also confused, seeing Ma Tian walking back without looking back, he was busy catching up and said, Brother Ma, we have a high math class! This high math teacher is very strict, I heard that the failure rate is quite high!

    Come with me if you believe me! Ma Tian's footsteps did not stop and he did not say much.

    Ji Lei Ming stopped in his original position, after thinking about it, he still followed Ma Tian's pace, not trusting Ma Tian, but worrying about Ma Tian's current state, as if he was crazy, he had to take care of his good buddy.

    Back in the dormitory, Ma Tian put down his book bag and wrote and drew.

    Gilead Ming didn't say anything either, staring on the sidelines, observing the state of his good buddy.

    After 5 minutes had passed, Ma Tian looked at his draft with satisfaction and said, Ji Lei Ming, do you have a lot of doubts, listen to me tell you!

    Uh-huh! You say! Ji Lei Ming looked at Ma Tian with eyes like he was looking at Rui Ji.

    My idea is bike sharing, in short, it's the implementation of some bikes at the university, these bikes are available to all the bikes we implement as long as one student pays a deposit. It's only a dollar per ride or buy a $15 monthly pass, so then he'll never have to buy his own bike again!

    Ma Tian said impassioned, but Ji Leiming listened to is not very interested, standing in his perspective he can not see the future of bike sharing, only think Ma Tian back to engage in this?

    Good idea, but I think we still need to get to class first! Gilead Ming said.

    Ji Leiming! Believe me, I can take you big and strong and create splendor! For the disbelief of this good friend of his university, Ma Tian didn't produce the idea that the curvaceous and the mediocre were unavailable.

    Because for Ji Leiming, Ma Tian is still a little guilty, the reason is that the last lifetime A-share position also borrowed Ji Leiming's 50,000 yuan.

    At that time, after the loss, Ji Leiming did not urge him to pay back the money, but has been comforting him not to give up, to rise again. However, he knew that Ji Leiming himself also has a family, his wife has been with him because of this loan money to him quarrel.

    Later, we all know, he jumped on the rooftop, directly pitted Jie Leiming to death, completely negative Jie Leiming's good intentions.

    So in this life, he's going to take this good fella flying no matter what.

    The bottom line, of course, is that he's hard to work with alone, whether it's running a business out back or pushing a bike, he's too busy for one person.

    That's why Daiso has to participate as well, to pull together a team and starting capital before we can talk about it, and there's the added promotion of fame and such if you win a national award, so it's three birds with one stone.

    Ji Leiming still looked at Ma Tian with wise eyes, not believing in Ma Tian's slogan of bigger and stronger, he said, But we don't have the money to implement bicycles, ah? You receive 500 per month from the school, and my living expenses are only 1000 per month.

    Did you forget about Daiso? Marten reminded.

    This also really reminds Ji Leiming, college students Da Chuang activities he also knows, just enrolled in the innovative entrepreneurship teacher was taken to visit the entrepreneurial base, but Ma Tian's idea is really feasible?

    You believe me! I'm not going to screw you over! Let's get an entry idea plan together first! Ma Tian saw Ji Leiming's hesitation and directly interrupted.

    Then hard pushed Ji Leiming to sit in front of his desk, turned on the computer, and the two began to pound the planning book.

    Martyn verbalized that Jilemin typed on word.

    "First from the campus to start, and finally the campus surrounded the city, in the city began to implement. Think about it, a bike sharing cost us 300 a piece, deposit 99, as long as there are three people paid the deposit, we have recovered the cost.

    What's more, even if one of our bikes gets ridden six times a day and makes six dollars, we'll make 180 a month and pay for ourselves in two months!"


    With the shared thoughts in Ma Tian's mind being said step by step, Ji Lei Ming also couldn't help but have his eyes light up, those who can enter 985, their IQs are not low, and he also began to feel that Ma Tian's idea had a head start. At least to participate in a great creation is absolutely no problem.

    The two of them worked hard and straight through the afternoon, then went to the print store and printed out the first draft.

    Brother Ma, what's next? Ji Leiming, who came back after paying for the printing, looked at Ma Tian, who was seriously looking at the planning book, and couldn't help but ask.

    Next? Go, go find an academician to be our competition mentor! Ma Tian said as he closed the planner, his tone unquestionable.

    Oh, as someone who's been there, Maten really knows the school's Daiso rules all too well.

    The bottom line is just two things:

    First, ppt defense to do well, at least there must be an articulate, so that people feel that the truth is said to go up to the big cake, no, the project is good.

    Secondly, there is a bull wall leading mentor! This determines how high you go to the back!

    Everything else is secondary!

    Chapter 4 Why Individuals Buy 3 Bottles of Soda

    Brother Ma, we're from the Electronics Academy, why do we have to come to the Mathematics Academy? Ji Leiming followed Ma Tian as he stood at the gate of the School of Mathematics and couldn't help but ask.

    It's not like we don't have academicians in the Electronic Academy! Ma Tian casually replied, but his eyes were glancing at the introduction of the celebrities hanging at the top of the wall.

    Ping Zhou, currently a member of the Academy of Sciences, made certain results in the early 1980s by applying the Century Grand Theorem of Classification of Finite Singular Groups, was the first to give a sufficient condition for the loss-zero P-block, solved the Brauer39 problem, and co-solved the Brauer40 problem.

    Develops the arithmetic theory of groups, which in turn solves long unsolved problems such as the Huppert conjecture and the conjugacy class length conjecture, and has applications in the study of spectral problems such as the Dededkind--Zeta--functions of number fields and the Laplace-Beltrami operator on Riemannian manifolds ......

    That's true, but after all, we're not the Mathematics Academy's 'own son', will people care about us? Ji Lei Ming said as he rubbed the back of his head, feeling that he and Ma Tian were 80% going to hit a wall today!

    Don't say that academics have no human society, each faculty's instructors must have a better impression of their own students than the others.

    How do we know if we don't try? Anyway, the big deal is that we'll be rejected, it's not like we've lost anything, at most we'll waste some time! Ma Tian said without thinking.

    Ji Leiming is still too young to pull his punches. The worst thing that can happen is to be rejected, and that's nothing compared to the setbacks that will come later!

    Ma Tian wrote down the relevant information about Academician Zhou Ping, took Ji Leiming and swaggered up to the third floor in the elevator of the Academy of Numerical Sciences, came to Zhou Ping s office 317, and gently knocked on the door!



    Is it not in the office? Seeing that no one responded for a few minutes, Jiraimin said.

    Ma Tian nodded, Then let's wait here!

    Ah... ji lei ming surprised out loud, did not expect Ma Tian to be so persistent, to be honest he was still a little afraid of meeting strange teachers, he wanted to slip away long ago.

    Ah what ah! Go get me 3 bottles of Pepsi! Ma Tian said.

    Why should I?

    Do you still want me, who receives 500 a month in school aid, to buy you a drink?

    Oh, but why 3 bottles? Hearing Ma Tian say such a thing, Ji Lei Ming immediately agreed, but wondered why the quantity was 3 bottles.

    I'll tell you when you buy it back!

    Watching Ji Leiming obediently go to buy drinks with a head full of doubts, Ma Tian couldn't help but laugh lightly and shook his head, really simple ah, Ji Leiming!


    Five minutes later!


    Ji Lei Ming looked at Ma Tian, who was gulping down coke and burping soda, and couldn't help but ask, Brother Ma, should you tell me why you bought 3 bottles? You won't tell me it was bought for Academician Zhou, right?

    Marten raised an eyebrow, Or what?

    Holy shit, are you still trying to bribe the academician with a Coke? People are old, how would they like Pepsi? Ji Lei Ming couldn't help but be stunned, not realizing that Ma Tian really had this answer.

    Alas--Lei Ming ah, take it easy for now! Let me ask you, suppose you see two people drinking coke in front of you without preparing yours, what's your first thought? Ma Tian was poked and prodded, and didn't panic, saying like he was winning.

    Then I'm definitely a bit displeased! Jilei Ming replied truthfully.

    Yeah, wouldn't you feel better in your heart if those two suddenly pulled out another bottle for you! Ma Tian continued to chuckle.

    Seems like it! Ji Lei Ming's eyes widened, suddenly feeling as if it made some sense for Ma Tian to ask him to buy 3 bottles.

    See, people can not drink, but we can not not prepare, understand? Ma Tian said in a serious tone.

    Ma, you're right!

    Well, the children are teachable~~


    After waiting for an afternoon without seeing Zhou Ping come to the office, Ji Leiming couldn't help but say to Ma Tian, who was crouching against the wall, Brother Ma, shouldn't we leave, it's almost dark! I guess Academician Zhou Ping won't come to the office today!

    Go away! Come back tomorrow! Ma Tian got up, patted the ash on his back, and got up to leave.

    Ah... Brother Ma, you still have to come tomorrow? Ji Leiming followed up with the departing Ma Tian, and was also puzzled as to why Ma Tian was so insistent on having Academician Zhou Ping as the Da Chuang Tutor.

    In fact, Ma Tian did not have a choice ah, their Lake University on a few academicians, math academician Zhou Ping one!

    More than academicians from other disciplines, Mathematicsadded to Lv3, Ma Tian had the most confidence in Zhou Ping to be able to invite him as a mentor.

    Of course, this now say out Ji Lei Ming will not believe, so, waiting for an afternoon of Ma Tian or pretend to be relaxed said: that must drop, ancient Liu Bei also three Gu Gu it, we just one day want to let others a big academician to do our Da Chuang tutor is not too easy?

    Ma, you're right! I'll come back with you tomorrow! Ji Lei Ming nodded his head in favor, Ma is his Ma, never giving up lightly, Ma, then this third bottle of coke?

    I'll drink it, of course!


    The next day, Ma Tian brought Ji Leiming again to skip class to squat Zhou Ping.

    Luckily, they squatted today.

    Hello, Academician Zhou! Seeing Zhou Ping come over with his briefcase in his hand, Ma Tian immediately went forward to welcome him with a bright smile.

    Hello, and you are? Zhou Ping was still a bit confused.

    Oh, we're students who look up to you!

    Ping Zhou & Leeming Ji: ?????

    Students who look up to me? You guys are from BoG? How come I haven't seen them before? Zhou Ping couldn't help but wonder.

    Cough cough cough~ At the back of the room, Jilei Ming's heart is in his throat to see what Ma is going to do!

    Only to see Ma Tian unhurriedly say, Academician Zhou, we are freshmen!

    ...... Zhou Ping was silent, he couldn't help but measure Ma Tian and Ji Lei Ming with his eyes, at this moment he seriously suspected that the two of them were freshmen who had come to deliberately get close and love vanity.

    Ji Lei Ming has been almost embarrassed to death, did not expect Ma Tian so answer they are freshmen, at least blindly ah, at least do not have to worry about week academician autumn revenge.

    However, Ma Tian's next words were unexpected by everyone present.

    "Academician Zhou, I learned about your research on Riemannian manifolds, and you have proposed that when M^N is an n-dimensional subfluid in the n+p-dimensional Riemannian manifold N^(n + p). The local standard orthogonal frame fields {E1, E2, ......En+p} are chosen in N such that when they are restricted to M, {E1, E2, ......En} will be tangent to M, and {En+1, En+2, ... ...En+p} are perpendicular to M.

    It seems to me that this can also be pushed to the eigenvalue integral inequality for the Laplace-Beltrami operator on closed subflows! and for any point x ∈ N and any unit orthogonal vector {E1, ......En} in TNx, provided that the sectional curvature of n satisfies


    where c is a constant, is said to be the nth Ricci curvature of N ≽ (n-1)c."

    Martyn spoke out of turn!

    Zhou Ping froze and looked at Ma Tian, while Ji Lei Ming's mouth behind Ma Tian was already so wide open that he could stuff an egg!

    Chapter 5: Don't Look at the Chicken

    Come, come into the office with me, you tell me in detail! Zhou Ping hurriedly invited the two Ma Tian into the office.

    What are you waiting for, go in! Ma Tian turned back and pulled Ji Leiming, who was dumbfounded in place, into Zhou Ping's office along with him.

    You continue! Watching the two sit back on the sofa, Zhou Ping said to Ma Tian.

    Martian paused and pontificated:

    "First we want to estimate a lower bound on the Ricci curvature, for which we introduce the following lemma.

    Lemma 1: Let M^n be an n-cone manifold in the n+p-dimensional Riemannian manifold N^(n+p), which follows for any unit tangent vector x ∈ Mx if it satisfies the nth Ricci curvature ≽ (n-1)c, C being a constant, as I have just stated:

    Ricm(X)≽(n-1)/n[nc + 2nH²- S - n(n-2)/√n(n-1)H(S-nH²)½]

    The proof of this is also simple, and can be derived through Gaussian equations ......"

    While Ma Tian was speaking, Zhou Ping was contemplating and nodding at times. Only next to Ji Leiming feels like a redundant, not to mention interjecting, can not even understand.

    Who is he? Where is he?

    Half an hour later, with Ma Tian's final words, M is integrally equidistant from Sn(√n/ʎ), Zhou Ping fell into a long contemplation.

    Ma Tian didn't disturb and contemplated as well, although this was the knowledge given by the system's forceful additions, he had benefited greatly from speaking on his own.

    Very good, it seems that you have studied this area quite a bit! After half a ring, Zhou Ping, who had returned to his senses, also smiled and nodded for the first time in front of the two, Are you really a freshman? What's the name?

    Ma Tian nodded, My name is Ma Tian, and his name is Ji Lei Ming!

    Ma Tian? Good, then you can continue to specialize, if you have the opportunity graduate students to find me! Zhou Ping approvingly looked at Ma Tian, freshman year can have this attainment in math, math talent naturally needless to say, is a good seedling!

    Eh ...... Seeing that Zhou Ping looked like he was about to kick people out, Ma Tian also directly stated the purpose of his visit.

    It's like this, Academician Zhou, apart from admiring the valor of you, a great man, we also have another purpose for coming here today, and that is, we want you to be a mentor for our Da Chuang for a while!

    Daiso? What Da Tron? Zhou Ping was unclear about this.

    Ma Tian used his elbow to push aside Ji Leiming, and Ji Leiming, who finally had a sense of presence, hurriedly took out the printed plan from his bag and handed it to Zhou Ping with both hands respectfully.

    Zhou Ping flipped it open and read it.

    After the half-loud, he couldn't help but say, This idea of yours is okay? As long as I'm the mentor, it's fine?

    Right, as long as you old nod a head, after our final draft plan out, looking for you to sign a word on the line! Ma Tian hurriedly said, the heart also can not help but a little excited, this thing is probably a success!

    Sure enough, Zhou Ping directly said, Good, then I'll be your mentor for this Great Creation, and you can also come to me if you have any problems, here's my phone number XXXXXXXX

    Damn, Ma Tian did not think there is this unexpected joy, although Zhou Ping behind a sentence may be polite words, Ma Tian can not have any problem to find others big brother, but left a phone that shows Zhou Ping on their good sense is very high ah, maybe the key time can save the scene.

    Ma Tian hurriedly wrote down Zhou Ping's phone number and closed the door respectfully with Ji Leiming to leave!

    Walking on the road, Ma Tian's mood was good, things came to fruition for the most part, the rest was recruiting.

    Ji Lei Ming, walk faster, why are you dawdling? Ma Tian shouted.

    From Zhou Ping's office out, Ji Leiming was dazed as if he had lost his soul, and when he saw Ma Tian shouting at him, he also lightly ran a bit and hurriedly followed him.

    He really couldn't help but ask, Brother Ma, is it true what you just said in Academician Zhou's office?

    Not real or fake?

    But, Ma, when did you become so good at math? This had to make Ji Lei Ming wonder ah, as Ma Tian's best friend, how many kilograms Ma Tian had was he not clear? He even knew how many dimes Ma Tian had in his pocket.

    I secretly taught myself! Being asked about this, of course Ma Tian had to hide the matter of the system.

    But we basically go to and from school together every day, how would you have any time to secretly study on your own? Ji Lei Ming pursued, still a bit confused.

    Then I said that I suddenly had an aura in my head one day, a heavenly aura went from the top of my head all the way down my bones to my spine, directly opening up the RenDu two chakras, do you believe me without learning? Ma Tian saw that Ji Lei Ming didn't believe it and directly made up a story.

    Brother Ma, if you fart, just fart, do you need to describe it like that? Ji Lei Ming laughed, no longer dwelled on this matter, followed Ma Tian to eat, why did he think so much, as long as he knew that Ma was powerful!

    In the evening, Ma Tian and Ji Leiming were online campus posting to get the recruiting thing, or Ma Tian said, Ji Leiming wrote the post.

    Ji Leiming word typed halfway, could not help but stop and doubt: Ma, so write we are not suspected of fraud ah?

    Because what Maten said was outrageous.

    Look at what Martyn said:

    We have had rich experience in the competition, with Academician Zhou Ping as our mentor, the school competition is only our starting point, the first place in the national competition is our pursuit!

    We are now recruiting outstanding students who have had provincial and above provincial level competition experience to join us to join forces, the requirements of professional achievement GPA of not less than 4.0, men should be decent features, good at solving problems, women should be beautiful appearance, good at PPT defense, etc. (personal other outstanding performance above conditions can be relaxed).

    Those who perform well in the team will be considered for salary at the discretion of the later, so that you can participate in the competition at the same time not only to obtain the national award and other honors, but also a considerable amount of extra money! Starting now, the heart is not as good as action, interested parties hurry to contact this qq it XXXXXXXX.

    This above in addition to academician Zhou is a mentor, other words Ji Lei Ming did not feel that there is a real and reasonable!

    Ma Tian, however, was unfazed by Ji Leiming's skepticism, Where did I swindle? This is a reasonable modification!

    But we're just freshmen, where do we get the experience of a big competition? Ji Leiming pursued.

    Didn't you enter any competitions in high school or middle school? That's right! Ma Tian replied with reason and vigor.

    ...... What about the back paychecks and winning national awards? Ji Leiming, still conservative, asked the question.

    It's all going to come true in the future! Let me just ask you, do you have the confidence to make it to the national tournament? Ma Tian asked as he looked into Ji Leiming's eyes.

    Ji Leiming was a little weak from the look, but still said truthfully, There is so much confidence!

    It was mainly the fact that Ma's idea seemed really good, and the fact that he had an academician as a mentor, that gave him a little confidence.

    That's not it! Don't worry, when has your Ma ever lied to you, the state awards will be there, the paychecks will be there, we're just writing those results in advance in the post! Besides, if we don't write it like this, how can we recruit awesome teammates? In the end, the name of the post will be named 'Don't Look at the Rookie Chicken' for me! Ma Tian said, but his eyes deepened.

    There's a lot of things he can't say. The Nationals? Oh, actually, the state tournament is just his starting point!

    Chapter 6: Three for the time being

    There's a special official help post on the Lakeland University posting board, and it's not low on views.

    Ma Tian and Ji Lei Ming's post boo full, rookie chicken do not see title also let a lot of rebellious mentality of people clicked in to see, naturally attract a large wave of followers talk about post.

    [Which big brother's post is this, this is too much to ask for recruiting teammates, isn't it?

    "I don't know if I'm satisfied.

    [Upstairs suggests not scaring people's big brothers! (SCARED)

    [And paychecks? I've never heard of getting paid for a fight. It's not true, is it?

    [Isn't it easy to prove that it's fake? Why don't you ask Academician Zhou Ping?

    [I'm a rookie, what can you do to me if I watch? Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck.


    With so many post comments, Ji Leiming in front of the computer naturally noticed it and beckoned Ma Tian to hurry and come over to see it quickly, Brother Ma, our post is on fire, come over to see it!

    Ma Tian brushed his teeth and walked over, looked at a few eyes, and said vaguely, Calm down, pay attention to your QQ messages, and make an appointment with them for the interview classroom the day after tomorrow as planned!

    The reason why the appointment was made for the day after tomorrow was because Ma Tian also had to prepare for how to screen others, and as a person who had been there, Ma Tian understood the moisture of college students all too well.

    Don't think 985 students can do anything, water up as usual a Lobeda's law will not.

    He's going in with the intention of being big and strong, and his teammates can't afford to be bad!

    Don't look at Ji Leiming in front of him stupid, not smart like, but Ji Leiming has a very high execution, careful and other advantages, of course, the most important thing is to be able to listen to his Ma Tian words.

    On the day of the interview, Ma Tian and Ji Leiming came to the empty classroom they had previously identified, put up two interviewer's cards, and waited for the interviewees to come.

    They that a post down, really hit a large net of fish, just take the initiative to add ji lei ming contact information on 56 people, and today about a good interview with 30 people.

    In a short while, one after another, people came, with a curious look at Ma Tian and Ji Leiming, was arranged by Ji Leiming to sit in the next classroom first.

    When almost 10 or so people came, Ma Tian asked Ji Leiming to call the first interviewer to come in for an interview.

    The first was a boy, introduced with a confident smile on his face and a rather flirty tone:

    Hello interviewer, my name is Mou Jinjiang, I'm from XX province ...... I've participated in 2 Da Chuang competitions so far, the first time I got the school level award, the second time I got the provincial level, and this time I want to hit the national level!

    Without moving, Ma Tian asked his first question, Tell us about your main responsibilities in the provincial program?

    Mou Jinjiang: Eh... the theme of our provincial project is to study the psychological state of widows and orphans, my main duty is to communicate with widows and orphans to record and data analyze the causes of the psychological state of these elderly people ......

    Hearing this, Ma Tian already gave him an X on the book, and finally said then you wait for our follow-up notice to end the interview.

    Behind one after another came in a few more interviewers, also all by Ma Tian hit X, none to meet his requirements.

    Phew- Ma Tian let out a long breath, not expecting even one to make him think about it right off the bat.

    In fact, his requirements are quite simple. First of all, the articulation and the organization of speech should be clear.

    Secondly, what you say when you introduce yourself in the interview will at least not make him immediately suspicious! If even he thinks it's fake, how can you convince others when you go to sell a bicycle or answer a question in defense?

    The last thing is not to have too many ideas, just be able to listen to his Maten in the team!

    The 5 people who just interviewed were either fake on first listen or so full of themselves that they actually denied him as an interviewer!

    Such a person is naturally unqualified here in Ma Tian.

    As I was sighing, the next interviewer came in.

    Hello, interviewer, my name is Li Runqi, I come from Holland Province, and I'm very happy and honored to be here for this interview. I'm a sophomore from the School of Business and Management, currently ranked second in my major, with a GPA of 4.3, and here's my transcript so far, so the interviewer can take a look!

    After saying that, Li Runchi handed Ma Tian her printed report card.

    Ma Tian looked up carefully, while Li Runchi continued, So far, I've only participated in one Da Chuang, but was shortlisted at the national level and won the third prize, this is my award certificate ......

    Li Runchi was introducing herself, and Ma Tian had basically ticked her off in his heart.

    Speaking well and having experience in the Daiso National Competition, it is simply the best defense PPT player!

    When Li Runchi finished his introduction, Ma Tian also asked his question, Hello, student Li Runchi. I would like to ask you a question, if the judge on the stage said you were lying when you were defending, how would you answer him?

    This question, Ma Tian mainly wanted to see Li Runchi's ability to respond on the spot.

    Only to see Li Runchi pause, think for a moment, and blurt out, If I'm not lying, then I'll politely prove that I'm not lying, so that I can both save myself and give that judge a leg up!

    And what if you did lie? Ma Tian pursued with interest.

    Then... then I might keep silent! Li Yunqi stammered out an answer.

    Ma Tian smiled meaningfully, Go back and wait for our next announcement!

    Although Li Yunqi did not give the answer in his heart, but this answer is still moderately high, the perfect answer in his heart is As long as I stand on the podium, what I say is right, even if you are the judge!

    It is to be this kind of unrelenting self-confidence, he Ma Tian is to make the world's most powerful technology company, without this self-confidence how to do?

    People in a team, Maten's plan was to recruit two people, a man and a woman.

    Female teammates are mainly responsible for things like defense and materials, and this female has a natural advantage!

    The male teammates will be responsible for running the business, that is, to go to other universities to promote the sharing of bicycles and so on, for example, Zhongnan and Shifu University, which is right next to the University of Hubei, if you want to let Ma Tian to run alone certainly can not win.

    That's why Maten is looking for teammates.

    For the next interview, Ma Tian also continued to face, identifying male teammates who could run business promotions.

    In the end, except for 2 pigeons, all 28 people were interviewed by Ma Tian in one round.

    Currently, there were only three people tentatively on Ma Tian's book, two men and one woman, the woman was naturally Li Runqi. The male is Yuan Hongwen and Ding Shuncheng respectively.

    Yuan Hongwen, a marketing major with an articulate mouth and a quick mind when answering questions, was tentatively selected by Ma Tian.

    Ding Shuncheng, on the other hand, is hard-working and capable, his family is from the countryside, and he has had sales experience such as distributing flyers and promoting fitness cards, so he was also selected by Ma Tian.

    Chapter 7 Showdowns and splits

    The next day, Ma Tian continued to face the remaining 26 people, pigeon-holed 3 people, the remaining 23 people can not let Ma Tian eyes.

    Ma Tian didn't want to toss and turn any more, so he directly asked the tentative Li Runqi, Yuan Hongwen, and Ding Shuncheng out to discuss the final formation of the team.

    It's kind of a showdown, after all, the posters more or less blew off some bull that will be realized in the future.

    Five people arranged to meet at the milk tea store, Ma Tian let Ji Lei Ming ordered five cups of milk tea, four iced and one hot, afraid that Li Runchi can not drink ice.

    After waiting for a few moments, Li Runchi was the first to arrive, smiled and greeted Ma Tian and Ji Lei Ming, and sat down on one side.

    Drink milk tea! There's hot as well as iced! Ma Tian enthusiastically said.

    Thanks! Li Runqi returned the thank you and chose a hot cup.

    Behind them, Yuan Hongwen and Ding Shuncheng came one after another, and the tentative team of five arrived.

    Ji Leiming didn't say anything on the sidelines, eyes on the nose, nose on the mouth and mouth on the heart, everything was based on Ma Tian.

    Ma Tian paused, scanned the circle, and began his speech, "Hello Li Runqi, Yuan Hongwen, Ding Shuncheng, my name is Ma Tian, this one next to me is Ji Leiming, no surprise the five of us will be the teammates of this Da Chuang, so we can get to know each other.

    Now I'll explain things. As the saying goes, a soldier cannot move without a general, a snake cannot move without a head, and the importance of the leader is crucial! Here I have led the captaincy first, and here I give a few reasons:

    1. Academician Zhou Ping was persuaded by me to be our mentor for this competition. 2. I have the confidence and experience to lead you to the national competition, as long as you listen to the instructions. 3!

    And if possible, I can take you guys through the process of setting up a company to make it bigger and better."

    Saying this, Ma Tian stopped talking, letting a few people digest it, and also observing how much they believed in him in the meantime.

    Ji Leiming naturally needless to say, the old monk, like a king of the face expressionless, he has been accustomed to Ma Tian's mouth full of blowing cow wall!

    Li Runchi's eyes looked at the desktop, not knowing what to think.

    Yuan Hongwen and Ma Tian exchanged a glance and immediately avoided Ma Tian's eyes, wanting to say something but not saying it after all.

    Ding Shuncheng fell into a contemplative state and also said nothing.

    Good, then if you guys don't have any objections, then I'm the captain! Ma Tian smiled so much that he took over the conversation to break the silence, I had thought that you guys would say that I'm bragging about the wall, but I didn't expect that not a single person would say anything, which surprised me a little bit, but it's okay, time will prove whether I am or not!

    Ma Tian opened a small joke self-deprecating, is to ease the atmosphere, he also knows that a few people in addition to him and Ji Leiming, are strangers, the first time to meet more or less a little bit of constraint.

    But it's okay, after a little struggle together will be familiar with, are not yet into the community of college students, in front of Ma Tian with a blank sheet of paper is no difference.

    Ma Tian then said, Ji Leiming, take out our creative plan for the competition and show it to our teammates!

    This is now to Li Runchi, the three of them to see is Ma Tian and Ji Leiming last night to prepare, abridged version, it only wrote to rent bicycles to others, charge a fee, the other many details and planning are hidden by the Ma Tian, after all, have not been together to sign up for the competition, more or less have to keep a hand.

    The three men looked at it carefully.

    After half a minute, seeing the three finish reading, Ma Tian asked, Does everyone have any opinions? You can mention them directly!

    Yuan Hongwen was the first to ask his question, If you rent a car to someone like this, what if they don't return it? Rent more people behind, how do you find him?

    Nodding his head in approval, Ma Tian said, We'll develop a motor system to be installed in the rented car, so we're guaranteed to be able to find the person who rented it!

    Motor systems?

    That's right, Ji Leiming and I both majored in electronics, it's still no problem to get one of these! Ma Tian replied.

    Then I have no more questions! Yuan Hongwen took a sip of milk tea and ended his question, for him, it was enough to casually ask a question to show off his presence.

    Ma Tian looked at Ding Shuncheng and Li Runchi.

    Ding Shuncheng shook his head and said, I don't have any problems!

    Li Yunqi said in an uncertain tone, I think this plan is too simple, I definitely need to rewrite it properly for the competition!

    Ma Tian can not help but eyes light up, look, what is called professional, this is called professional, really he was not wrong Li Runchi, born to get this competition material seedling ah!

    The team of five is considered to be the temporary end of the encounter, the rest listen to the command of Ma Tian, the captain on the line.

    The first one is definitely to get the material enrollment, this task is directly handed over by Ma Tian to Ji Lei Ming and Li Runqi, there is something uncertain and then ask him on the line.

    The second was to research the willingness of students at several nearby universities to use bicycles and travel. Knowing this data will be helpful for how many bikes will be invested in the future and for maximizing the benefits.

    Most importantly, Ma Tian wanted to grind and test Yuan Hongwen and Ding Shuncheng to see if they would be on board with the research, and of course there was another reason for the sunk costs.

    The two people hard to research a circle back, and finally know that Ma Tian post fooled them, looking at the hard research data is not good to quit! Just like a man chasing a girl, the more you pay, the worse it is to get out in the end.

    And he, Ma Tian, did the more crucial - developing the motor system on the shared bicycle. No matter how well prepared the other members are, without a physical object to come out it will only be a castle in the air.

    That is, in his last life he was a hardware embedded engineer, and could try to do it, Ji Leiming now freshman year can not help, at most help solder a circuit board.

    So during this period of time, Ma Tian soaked in the library during the day, and also came back at night to use Ji Leiming's computer to draw PCB boards.

    However, what Ma Tian did not expect was that he found that his brain was now learning particularly fast, and he could often learn by example when he saw a point of knowledge.

    He presumed that it was the reason why the system added his math to Lv3. Sure enough, math as the basic subject of science was not without reason! This was hardwired to add him, a lower class Spiritual Root, to a higher class Spiritual Root ah!

    A few days down the road, Ji Leiming, Li Runqi, Yuan Hongwen and Ding Shuncheng had accomplished their tasks on both sides.

    Li Runchi printed out the final entry planner, as long as a few people filled out the final information and took it to Academician Zhou Ping for his signature they could go ahead and register for the competition!

    But it was at this point that things went wrong, because by now Ma Tian and Ji Lei Ming could no longer hide the fact that they were freshmen.

    Li Runqi looked at Ma Tian and Ji Leiming filled in the 10th grade students of the Electronics Academy, directly people are stupid!

    Thinking of the past few days, she did not understand when a mouthful of senior shouted Ma Tian asked, face is agitated panic, she is a sophomore ah, Ma Genius freshman, this Ma Tian how can be so shameless?

    Ding Shuncheng was directly dumbfounded in his original position, only Yuan Hongwen was so enraged that he glared at the two of them, Ma Tian and Ji Leiming, and exited questioning, You two had better give us an explanation!

    Ji Leiming shrunk his head, his face snapping, pretending it didn't exist.

    Ma Tian, however, had a calm face and replied, This doesn't matter whether we are freshmen or not, what matters is the result of the competition we are going to participate in, isn't it?

    Before Ma Tian could speak, Yuan Hongwen directly interrupted, Liar, shameless man!

    He was so enraged that he actually just tore up the entry planner and slammed the table and left.

    Ma Tian's originally calm face went straight to cold as frost, but he knew he couldn't get emotional right now.

    With a twinkle in his eye, he smiled and said to the remaining Li Runqi and Ding Shuncheng, He'll regret it! I guarantee that within half a year he will regret it! You guys don't just see us as freshmen, aren't you curious as to why we, being from the School of Electronics, have pulled in Academician Zhou Ping from the School of Mathematics as a mentor for the competition?

    These words had caused Li Runchi and Ding Shuncheng to instantly dismiss the idea of leaving like Yuan Hongwen.

    Lee Runge asked, Yeah, how did you guys do that?

    Ma Tian straightened his body and signaled Ji Leiming on the side to describe the next, at this time, the words of the honest Ji Leiming are more convincing!

    He also sighed in his heart, just starting out and encountered such a thing, entrepreneurship is not good to create ah.

    Chapter 8: Conquering the remaining 2

    At this time Ji Leiming naturally can not be silent, he also realized that the team may now be split, Ma Tian is now very dangerous.

    So he squatted Zhou Ping academician at the time with Ma Tian at the School of Mathematics, and how Ma Tian discussed the math situation with Zhou academician with deep emotion ......

    Li Runqi, Ding Shuncheng, at that time, Ma was indeed very powerful, what Riemann function, Cauchy's theorem and whatnot discussed with Academician Zhou, anyway, I couldn't even understand it. Ji Leiming stood up for his good friend Ma Tian at this critical time and swore:

    If it wasn't for Ma, we definitely wouldn't have been able to pull Academician Zhou as a competition mentor!

    Li Runchi was silent after hearing this, in the past few days, she worked with Ji Leiming to write the entry plan, and she also more or less understood a little bit of Ji Leiming. Just now, she felt that Ji Leiming's words should be true.

    And Ding Shun Cheng just looked at Li Yun Qi, if Li Yun Qi left he also left.

    Take your word for it for now, I'll reprint the planning book later, Ma Tian, take it to Academician Zhou for his signature, if we can sign it, we'll continue to believe you! Li Yunqi finally said.

    Ma Tian's heart was also relieved to hear this, No problem, you guys can go with me to find Academician Zhou Ping!

    Finally, a few people in the distance watching Ma Tian knocked on the office door of Academician Zhou Ping, still do not dare to face an academician with Ma Tian, as a student more or less a little afraid of the teacher.

    When Ma Tian brought Zhou Ping's signature to the several people, Li Runchi and Ding Shunshun completely dispelled their doubts and strengthened their resolve to stay in the team.

    Especially Li Runqi, who has had experience in the Da Chong National Competition, knows the importance of an academician as a mentor!

    I remember the last time she participated, a few teams in the same PKgroup, in addition to their team, basically academicians as a mentor, the team is naturally a head shorter than others, how to compare?

    The final result was also a third place award, even if she thought their team performance was no worse than the other teams' performance!

    The team was stabilized for the time being, and Ma Tian handed over the task of registration to Ji Leiming and Li Runchi, and continued to start working on the shared bicycle motor system by himself.

    This motor system is divided into four main modules, which are:

    Soc master chip, here with a block of 51 microcontroller to do the minimum system on the line.

    Motor, is the electric control of the lock and unlock the device, like the previous generation just came out of the small yellow car with a curved iron column with grooves to form a lock, motor according to the signal control pins. Here, Ma Tian can only temporarily use this way rather than the highest level of electronic control, the reason is well, poor!

    The GPS positioning module, as the name suggests, is mainly here to locate the shared bikes for easy management and issuing commands.

    wifi/bluetooth communication module, mainly to interact with the terminal backend information, charge.

    The whole system down, it's quite simple, after Ma Tian drew down the PCB board, he let Ji Leiming go to buy electronic materials to weld out on the breadboard first, while he began to write the software system, do the cell phone APP and so on.

    Ji Leiming lived up to Ma Tian's expectations, according to the PCB diagrams successfully 51 microcontroller, crystal, etc. Welded up, Ma Tian wrote their own hardware driver code, a test, it ran, very smooth!

    A week later, Ma Tian is also learning while doing the cell phone software app, as well as the background system to code out.

    On the day of the test, Ma Tian was in the dormitory, while Ji Leiming, Li Runqi and Ding Shuncheng were in the cafeteria a few hundred meters away.

    Ma Tian in the computer entered the command to open the lock, and Ji Lei Ming side of the table on the pcb board da a moment, magically opened the lock by itself!

    Yay! Li Runchi was excited, she didn't expect to make the physical object just like that, Ma Tian and Ji Lei Ming still had something!

    Ding Shuncheng and Ji Leiming also couldn't help but smile, it was indeed a pleasant thing to see their team's work successfully done!

    Well? Did you unlock the door? Ma Tian communicated on the phone in the dormitory.

    It's unlocked, Ma, we did it! Ji Leiming replied happily.

    Oh, it seems to be going relatively smoothly, use your hand to lock the lock, I'll see if I'll get a lock-off message on my side! Ma Tian was more calm than everyone thought and continued to command remotely.

    Ding Shuncheng grabbed the PCB board lock lock, only to see ding sound.

    The background of the computer on Martian's side then received the geocentric right-angle coordinate system (Xt, Yt, Zt) and the geodetic coordinate system (∂, ⋋, h) and indicated that the number 0 had been turned off the lock.

    Representing the physical object finally succeeded in making half of it, all that remains is to encapsulate it and mount it on the bike, then a shared bike is out!

    In fact, if you make it here, you can basically participate in a Daiso on the line, and it's clear to both Ma Tian and Li Runchi that with this PCB physical object, you can just make it to the state tournament.

    The reason is simple: most of the other teams competing are airborne, wall blowers.

    Don't look at the outrageous way Ma Tian is bragging about opening a company and making it big now. The defense, or what some people wrote in their materials, is much more outrageous than what Ma Tian said.

    What with going to heaven and changing the world, there are people who can blow it.

    And not many Daiso's end up with physical objects out, many are screenshots or even ps's. It's too complicated to go into detail here, so let's leave it at that for now.

    Ma Tian found the three from the dormitory, who were chatting with laughter and waiting for Ma Tian to arrive to arrange the next step.

    From now on, Li Runchi and Ding Shuncheng no longer had any objections to Ma Tian as the captain, they had all

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