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Sci-Fi Heaven
Sci-Fi Heaven
Sci-Fi Heaven
Ebook2,175 pages25 hours

Sci-Fi Heaven

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Qin Mu traveled to the otherworld where everyone can become a deity, ignite the divine fire, condense the divine frame, and design their own subordinate.

And everyone, has their own divine domain, and the races that live in it.

Orcs? Elves? My design is a sci-fi heavenly court!

But these buildings, how come they're all alive?

Release dateJan 10, 2024
Sci-Fi Heaven

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    Sci-Fi Heaven - Matthew Passeri

    Chapter II Evolutionary Technological Civilization

    I didn't expect the textbooks of this world to classify technological civilizations as ordinary civilizations ......

    Think back to the textbook.

    Qin Mu sighed a little.


    People of this world ......

    Completely unaware of the potential and upper limits of technological civilization.

    To know.

    The top technological civilizations, which completely crossed the boundaries of cosmic space and time, had an infinitely high potential for future growth.

    A single drop of water can destroy a world.

    The two-way foil, moreover, can collapse the solar system into a sheet of paper.

    Theoretically, as long as the dimensions are high enough, technology can continue to evolve and never be capped.

    What? You're going to design a technological civilization?

    After hearing Qin Mu's choice.

    The other students were filled with disbelief.

    It just felt like he was joking.

    Technological civilization, in their eyes, belonged to the most ordinary civilization.

    Use this as a final project, after graduation ......

    I'm afraid I'll just have to provide resources for other transcendent civilizations to get paid.

    There's little to no future in it.

    Qin Mu shrugged his shoulders and didn't explain too much.



    Above the square.

    One by one, the graduates all ignited the Divine Flame and obtained the Origin Crystal.

    They also all dispersed and returned to their residences.

    All began their respective attempts at graduation design.

    And Qin Mu ......

    also returned to their residence.

    In the first instance, the Origin Crystal was cupped in the palm of his hand, as stated in the textbook.

    Immediately after.

    Burning divine fire!

    The source of divine fire in his brow blossomed with light and heat, slowly integrating into the Origin Crystal.

    Refining it in a flash!


    Qin Mu soon sensed that in the depths of his mind, a grayish cloud had suddenly appeared.

    The Divine Flame, on the other hand, hovered above the cloud, burning quietly.

    This cloud was the very same origin that he had just refined.

    The next step should be to figure out how to open up the world.

    Took a deep breath.

    Qin Mu began to follow what was taught in the books, urging the Divine Flame and Origin to cast the world!



    Under the illumination of the divine fire, the clouds tumbled and surged.

    A grayish land mass was slowly taking shape amidst the clouds.

    And it keeps on deriving.

    It's getting bigger.

    One kilometer, two kilometers, three kilometers ......

    Not a moment too soon.

    The diameter then broke through to 1,000 kilometers!

    To this point.

    Qin Mu stopped burning his origin and kept the evolved world at 1,000 kilometers in diameter.

    The scope is roughly equivalent to two provinces of the former Earth.

    Such a large area is exactly the standard range needed for graduation design.

    If it gets any bigger ......

    Not only is it a waste of principal, but it may also increase the risk of failure of the final design.

    Next, it should be transforming the origin ......

    Looking internally at the huge world in his mind, Qin Mu began to ponder his next step.

    Technological civilization, someone in this world has designed it before.

    But the technologies they designed are of a low level.

    At best, they developed guns and bullets and all that.

    Compared to those transcendent civilizations that moved mountains and broke the void at every turn, it was indeed not worth mentioning.

    Getting to the bottom of it ......

    It's mainly because they haven't evolved the energy at the very core of technological civilization.

    According to the theories in the previous life, there are four types of forces at the core of technological civilization, which are the strong force, the weak force, the gravitational force, and the electromagnetic force.

    Strong force, the strongest type of interaction force that exists between objects.

    Nuclear fusion and nuclear fission, for example, are really about a trivial level of application in the strong force.

    Utilized to the extreme, the strong force can instantly collapse the universe from within.

    The weak force, utilized to the extreme, can distort time and space.

    And an object with mass has gravity.

    Once this power can be harnessed to create black holes as well as horrific destructive matter ......

    It's also completely out of the question.

    As for electromagnetic forces ......

    In normal life, the energy generated in any activity is actually electromagnetic force.

    It's literally everywhere.

    These four forces exist in all things in heaven and earth.

    No matter what civilized world it is, it is impossible to get away from these four forces.

    Even for immortal cultivation civilizations, as long as there exists matter and living beings, it is equally impossible to be separated from these four forces.

    Just how can we transform the Origin into these four basic forces ......

    However, to truly transform these four forces, the difficulty was not normal.

    Qin Mu frowned and began to think hard.

    Being at this time.

    Ding! Monitoring that the host is evolving a technological world, technological system binding in progress!

    Ding! Loading progress......1%......10%......60%......

    System binding complete!

    Function open!

    Currently has a simulated evolution function: the host can simulate the direction of evolution in order to correct the correct direction of evolution in real time!

    The host needs to accumulate enough origin to upgrade the system in order to unlock more functions of the system!

    Next moment.

    Qin Mu only felt that his mind was clear, and the functions of the entire system as well as the way to use it were instantly clear.

    A full five minutes passed.

    It was only then that Qin Mu took a shockingly deep breath.

    He traveled for three years and finally awakened the system.

    And this system ......

    Undoubtedly what he lacks the most right now.

    It's rather rudimentary, though, and only has one feature at the moment.

    But this simulated evolutionary function ......

    It could help him deduce the most correct evolutionary route in the shortest possible time.

    to complete his current graduation project!

    Chapter 3: Thirty-Three Heavens Airborne Platform

    System, simulate the best energy conversion scheme!

    Qin Mu took a deep breath.

    Direct orders were given.

    Ding! Simulated evolution function activated, parsing is being done against the Origin!

    Ding! Parsing complete!

    There are 128,930 programs for transforming the Origin into the four basic forces.

    Evolving on a case-by-case basis ......

    After hearing this voice from the system.

    Qin Mu couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

    Nice guy.

    120,000 Programs ......

    If he was allowed to evolve on his own, it would be impossible for him to evolve the four basic forces without his ponderous and erudite evolutionary knowledge and experience.

    It's no wonder that the technological civilization of this world has been classified as an ordinary civilization.

    The clock is ticking.


    The system was running at breakneck speed, listing the results of the evolution in one simulation.

    An hour later.

    The system's voice sounded again:

    Ding! Scenario elimination successful, two most likely scenarios have been screened.

    I. Decompose the four basic forces and melt them into the heavens and earth, evolve living beings, impart knowledge, and climb up the technological ladder!

    Second, decompose the four basic forces, melt them into the artifacts, subdue heaven and earth, and create a cycle of their own!

    Qin Mu couldn't help but frown at his words.

    First program ......

    It was just too long.

    There is also a need to evolve living beings and impart technological knowledge so that they can climb on their own.

    It is easy to encounter a variety of problems during this period.

    And the second option is simpler.

    Fusing the four basic forces in the artifact, it suppresses the entire heaven and earth, creating its own cycle.

    That is to say ......

    He could have just skipped the part of evolving a living being!

    And the artifact that fuses the four basic forces ...... just so happens I have a plan!

    Think about it.

    The corner of Qin Mu's mouth curled up as he decisively chose the second option!

    A sci-fi version of the Heavenly Court, a thirty-three-tiered heavenly airborne platform that suppresses the world and creates its own cycle ......

    That's right.

    The artifact he was going to build was none other than a sci-fi version of the Thirty-Three Heavens!

    Incorporate the four basic forces into it.

    On the one hand, it suppresses the entire heaven and earth.

    On the other hand, it can also complete the transformation of the origin, suppress the world, and lay the foundation of technological civilization!


    Qin Mu began to conceptualize his graduation design in his head.

    Ignite the divine fire.

    Forging the Origin.

    With the refining of the origin, over the earth with a diameter of one thousand kilometers ......

    A massive, modern, steel cast airborne platform was slowly being generated.

    It didn't take long.

    Then it showed its full face.

    In the first heaven, the Southern Heavenly Gate stood majestically, reeking of modern machinery.

    Second Heaven, a winding mechanical avenue ......


    In the 30th Heaven, the golden light of the Heavenly Palace exuded an imperturbable pressure.


    In the 33rd Heaven, the Toutiao Palace suppresses the entire Heavenly Court.

    Origin Transformation!

    Qin Mu waved his hand.

    All the remaining origins were all ignited by the divine fire.

    The energy drained at a rapid rate.

    It surged like a tidal wave, following the program parsed out by the system and surging towards the thirty-three heavens platform.

    In the process, the four basic forces quietly emerged.

    In silence.

    It merged into the thirty-three heavens!


    This mechanically infused Thirty-Three Heavens, after incorporating the four basic forces.

    There was a constant roar.

    As if undergoing a metamorphosis.

    And the earth below, which was a thousand kilometers in diameter, became continuously solidified under the suppression of the Thirty-Three Heavens.

    The whole world ......

    It's becoming progressively better.


    I don't know how long it took, but the origin was exhausted and transformed into the four basic forces as much as possible.

    The thirty-three heavens that covered the firmament were silently suspended above the earth.

    The majestic South Heavenly Gate.

    The golden light of the Heavenly Palace.

    The Deep and Mysterious Toutiao Palace ......

    Qin Mu was also deeply shocked as he looked at such a fantastical scene.

    The sci-fi version of Heaven, the first step was finally designed by him!


    All of a sudden.

    The divine fire within his brow was fueled by the growth of the world, and the fire became stronger and stronger.

    The light also became more and more exuberant.

    Next, it should be perfecting the Thirty-Three Heavens ......

    Looking at the otherworldly world in his head.

    Qin Mu continued to immerse his mind and began to utilize the system, simulating and deducing the perfecting plans for the South Heavenly Gate, the Heavenly Palace, the Toutiao Palace, and other buildings.

    These were his initial sketches.

    The technology is not very high and there is still a lot of room for improvement.


    In the meantime.

    Gangseong University, World Observation Room.

    Principal Chu Tiange was observing the evolution of this batch of graduates with a group of mentors.

    In the World Observatory, they can clearly see how each student's final project is going.

    This batch of graduates seems to be a lot worse than the last one ......

    Chu Tiange carried his hand on his back and observed in the projected scenes of the various worlds.

    After sweeping through a few random worlds.

    He then frowned.

    And the group of mentors behind him commented on it in a chorus of voices.

    There is indeed a gap, this student, evolving an alien civilization, actually made three low-level mistakes.

    Many students are not confident, and most of the choices are magic, psychic powers, and high martial civilizations.

    Good guy! There's actually someone who directly created a world with a diameter of 10,000 kilometers... With such a small amount of origin left, how can it be smoothly transformed and resolved into energy? He wouldn't be planning to build an ordinary civilization and later specialize in cultivating resources as a wage earner, right?

    Overall, it's a lot worse than last year, but there are still a few people doing well, and some people are starting to design a civilization of immortals ......

    Chapter 4: South Heavenly Gate Remodeling, Demon Shining Mirror!

    Through the observation room.

    They can clearly see the status of each student's final project.

    There are those who never intended to cultivate a transcendental civilization to begin with.

    Instead, the world is expanded as much as possible by utilizing the Origin.

    This is because the larger the area, the more resources are generated.

    Of course, this also leads to a serious reduction in the quality of the final project.

    The inability to produce a transcendent civilization also meant that he would only be reduced to a wage earner even if he successfully graduated.

    Serve those worlds of higher civilization.

    Still, the mentors have found a few outstanding graduates who have begun working on their high level Transcendental Civilization graduation designs.

    Li Mingyi's basic skills are solid, evolving a thousand kilometers of basic worlds, and has begun to work on energy resolution, nearing completion of the more complex transformation of aura energy ......

    Zhao Qiao is also not bad, the direction of his energy transformation, no surprise it should be elf energy, once it is generated, the next step can be to try to breed evolved elves.

    I didn't expect Lin Ge's heart to be so big that he actually attempted to transform transcendental world energies that are ranked in the top twenty in terms of difficulty, the ancestral witch's energy formula is too complicated ......



    This group of mentors then found a few top students from this group of graduates.

    Full of anticipation.

    Chu Tiange's face only slightly improved as he looked at these students' graduation designs.

    Indeed it's not bad, eh, what is this ...... student building?


    He walked right up to Qin Mu's otherworldly projection.

    Saw very grand and magnificent huge buildings.

    A thousand kilometers in diameter, a giant building was created out of thin air above the earth!

    This giant building covers thirty-three floors ......

    To call it a spectacle would be an understatement!

    And the structure of each floor is clearly defined.

    South Heavenly Gate, Pavilions and Pavilions, Yaochi Jade Palace, Lingxiao Treasure Palace, Toutiao Palace ......

    Each building is incredibly subtle and full of unique style.

    But ......

    Chu Tiange, however, had a stern face and coldly grunted, Ridiculous!

    It's ridiculous!

    All of the Origin Power was actually used up to create this kind of spectacle?

    And this giant building, it doesn't look like it's any innate magic treasure, it's obviously a basic technological creation, even if it's built macroscopically, what can it do?!

    It looks like he's completely oblivious to what a graduation project really means!

    The surrounding mentors sniffed.

    have also surrounded it.

    At the first glance all of them were shocked by the magnificent and spectacular thirty-three heavens spectacle.

    Mechanical style of the thirty-three heavens.

    The South Heavenly Gate that can be raised and lowered, and even an elevator that leads straight to the 33rd Heaven!

    Have to say.

    The design of this giant building was beyond their imagination.

    But exhausting all the origin for building such a technological creation ......

    Obviously, it's putting the cart before the horse.

    It looks like he's planning to go the route of technological civilization, and he should have already given up on himself.

    Alas, this hand graduation design is a twelve out of ten from a cosmetic standpoint, but only a zero out of ten in terms of practicality and world integrity.

    Such a subtle idea to choose an ordinary civilization ......


    The mentors exchanged words, all feeling sorry for Qin Mu.

    Technological civilizations, just the most common ones.

    The ceiling is just too low.

    Look everyone, he's actually designing this giant building!


    A tutor looked at the projection and exclaimed.

    The crowd sniffed.

    He couldn't help but look at the projection of the otherworld where Qin Mu was once again.

    One could only see Qin Mu standing on the first floor of the hanging giant building, editing and modifying all the architectural structures on this floor.



    Qin Mu was sitting on his knees, looking inward at the world he had graduated to.

    Utilizing the projection, he materialized in the first of the thirty-three heavens of airborne platforms.

    The First Heavens, the most important foundation of the Thirty-Three Heavens, was also responsible for the first defense of the Thirty-Three Heavens.

    Here stands the Southern Heavenly Gate!

    System, deduce and calculate how the South Heavenly Gate's mechanical construction can be done in order to maximize defense and attack!


    Qin Mu activated the simulation deduction function.

    Although the Thirty-Three Heavens he had previously evolved was spectacular, its internal structure was not sophisticated, and there was still much room for improvement and refinement.

    Ding! Simulation push function activated!

    Immediately after.

    Massive amounts of extrapolated data about the Southern Heavenly Gates were instantly generated.

    The system began to calculate and deduce on the fly.

    The external structure of the Southern Heavenly Gate is being simulated!

    The internal structure of the Southern Heavenly Gate is being simulated!

    Energy commissioning and drawdown underway ......

    The system's beeps sounded one after another.

    It didn't take long.

    Then the final result was deduced.

    The results of this deduction total 93,724!

    The optimal solution has been screened according to the host's request, which can take into account both extreme attack power and extreme defense power!

    A very ponderous data model of the Southern Heavenly Gate instantly appeared in Qin Mu's consciousness.

    It is filled with parameters for every aspect of the Southern Heavenly Gates.

    Looking at this perfect data model ......

    Qin Mu couldn't help but take a deep breath.

    The projection of consciousness stood in the first heaven and began to ......

    Copying homework!

    That's right.

    It's just copying homework.

    He had gotten the most correct answer.

    Simply by following these parameters and copying them exactly, the theoretically optimal South Heavenly Gate can be edited!

    Anyone? 20 more on the first day if anyone reads it!

    Data is very important during a new book.

    Guys and gals, slam, rating votes and all that in the author's face.

    As long as we get past 5,000 today.

    Or evaluation tickets for 300.

    Or 5 monthly tickets.

    If one of the above three conditions is met, the author must do 20 shifts on the first day!

    Also set the rules for extra work.

    For each additional 1,000, add one more shift.

    For every 100 more rating votes, add one more.

    The top is not capped!


    Data is very important during a new book.

    Guys and gals, slam, rating votes and all that in the author's face.

    As long as we get past 5,000 today.

    Or evaluation tickets for 300.

    Or 5 monthly tickets.

    If one of the above three conditions is met, the author must do 20 shifts on the first day!

    Also set the rules for extra work.

    For each additional 1,000, add one more shift.

    For every 100 more rating votes, add one more.

    The top is not capped!

    Chapter 5: The Shocked Mentors

    And as the Lord of the Otherworld.

    He can call on everything in the entire world at the drop of a hat.

    Feel free to edit.

    An hour later.

    A brand new version of the South Heavenly Gate, full of sci-fi flavor, then out reappeared in front of him.

    Standing in the first heaven.

    The first thing to go was a huge, metal door that shimmered with a silvery-white luster.

    On the left and right sides, two circling dragons were carved.

    It was as if he was the guardian of the Southern Heavenly Gate.

    At the same time.

    At the top of the Southern Heavenly Gate, a huge mirror was erected.

    Connected to a network of origins throughout the world.

    As long as any living being stands outside the Southern Heavenly Gate, no matter if it is from a past life or present life, all information will be illuminated by this mirror!


    This Southern Heavenly Gate, moreover, was connected to the central control system.

    Even if a person was in the Thirtieth Heavenly Hall of the Heavenly Palace, a thought could open the Southern Heavenly Gate!

    Very convenient.

    Next, it's time to optimize the second heaven ......

    Qin Mu took a deep breath.

    Lifting his feet, he took a step and entered the Southern Heavenly Gate.


    Jiangcheng University.

    World Observatory.

    The tutors who had witnessed the transformation of the Southern Heavenly Gate at this point had long been dumbstruck.

    Incredulously, he watched the scene on the screen.

    Originally, the giant building in the Thirty-Three Heavens was already enough to subvert their three views.

    After all, no such magnificent building had ever appeared in this world.

    To call it a spectacle would be an understatement.

    But just now Qin Mu's art-like transformation of the South Heavenly Gate ......

    More than that, they were shocked beyond words.

    This ...... this this what a subtle design! With such solid abilities, why did you choose a technological civilization ......

    Southern Heavenly Gate! What a Southern Heavenly Gate! Although this Southern Heavenly Gate was produced in a technological civilization and is not powerful, it's not bad to collect as a hand puppet, I'm willing to pay half a million world coins for it!

    One million world coins will be able to buy a copy of the World Origin, you're quite generous!

    My demon realm happens to be missing a gate as well ......


    In Shock.

    The group of mentors discussed and exchanged ideas again.

    As for Chu Tiange, who was the principal, he was looking at Qin Mu's otherworldly projection with unblinking eyes.


    Only then did he speak in a deep voice, That's enough from all of you! Have you not noticed that this classmate's divine fire ...... is getting more and more vigorous?

    The words fell.

    These tutors, who were arguing with red faces and ears, instantly froze and once again looked at the ball of divine fire in the thirty-three heavens.

    Couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.

    No ...... no way!

    Disbelief was written all over everyone's face.

    Above the thirty-three heavens, the divine fire that was originally just a small flame ......

    This moment had become the size of a torch.

    And as Qin Mu continued to improve, it was still growing and flourishing!

    And as a mentor.

    They knew very well that the divine fire was closely related to the world.

    Generally speaking, the higher the level of the world, the more vigorously the divine fire would burn.

    Until ......

    Grow enough to ignite the Godhead and advance to the Godhead.

    And as usual, the technological world of divine fire ......

    The rate of growth is very slow.

    It is highly unlikely that the Godhead will be ignited even in his lifetime.

    Ranked first! Principal, his current rate of divine fire growth ranks first amongst the graduates! Li Mingyi's Immortal Cultivation World, Zhao Qiao's Elf World, and Lin Ge's Ancestral Witch World all rank behind him!


    A tutor observed the other students' bios and then reminded again.

    The crowd fell silent again.

    Nice guy!

    Several top-tier transcendent civilizations' bios actually ranked behind Qin Mu?

    One time.

    They were all getting a little skeptical.

    Could ...... it be that it's because Qin Mu took a trick from the technological creation, so it made the divine fire grow a little faster?

    It's possible that the Divine Flame is closely related to every data of the world, and it's highly likely that the thirty-three heavens' architecture is too subtle, which is why the Divine Flame is ranked first!

    Maybe wait a little longer, transcendent civilizations are thick and thin with infinite potential, the speed of the divine fire growing behind them should be able to catch up!


    The group of mentors looked at each other and started trying to find various explanations.

    The main point is that this phenomenon of Qin Mu is not the same as what is taught in the textbooks ......

    It's completely backwards.

    The district's technological civilization now has a tendency to hang on to the three transcendent civilizations from the start ......

    Completely subverted their previous perceptions.

    Well, this phenomenon has occurred before.

    As the principal, Chu Tiange was more calm.

    Waving his hand, he said, Keep watching, it's still too early to tell, and anyway, there's still a month before Bishop's paper is due.

    One month is enough time to see whose world is the most well-designed and has the highest potential for development in this group of graduates.

    It's not the preliminaries that are looked at when creating otherworlds.

    Rather, it's a late development!

    There are even many people who are so greedy for rapid development that they cause their world to collapse and thus Bishop fails.

    Even him.

    Nor did he think that the route of the technological civilization that Qin Mu had taken would grow for a month and still be able to compete with those transcendent civilizations!

    Especially now that many have completed their energy transformations.

    Next ......

    It is the cultivation of beings and believers in the civilized world.

    And the world of technology ......

    A group of mortals, with their guns and machinery, are no match for the beings in those transcendent worlds.

    Chapter 6: Ancestral Witch World and Immortal Cultivation World

    Jiangcheng University.

    World Observatory.


    It's still going on.

    Although the many tutors marveled at Qin Mu's subtlety for mechanical architectural design, none of them looked favorably on Qin Mu.

    After seeing Qin Mu begin to gradually optimize and transform the second heavens ......

    Then they all averted their eyes.

    Start looking at other graduates' designs.

    Everyone, look, I didn't expect Lin Ge's evolution to be so fast that he's actually going to start cultivating living beings already!

    A tutor suddenly marveled.

    The crowd looked on.

    Soon a world full of heavy vicissitudes was seen.



    Lin Ge sat cross-legged, his mind completely immersed in his otherworld.

    A thousand kilometers in diameter over a large area.

    Everywhere was filled with the most primitive ancestral witch energy.

    These ......

    It was transformed by him through the decomposition of the Origin.

    And the formula for transforming ancestral witch energy was extremely complex, and in the transcendental world, it could even be ranked in the top twenty.

    Finally the evolution is complete!

    The next step is to perfect the world and cultivate living beings!

    Lin Ge took a deep breath and a light blossomed in his eyes.

    According to the textbook, as long as I can create the Twelve Ancestral Witches of Heaven and Earth, the speed of divine fire ignition will surely rank first among the graduates!

    As a schoolteacher.

    He has great confidence in his graduation design this time.

    By virtue of the Ancestral Witch Civilization ......

    He's got to be able to rank #1 among freshmen!

    Immediately after.

    Lin Ge began to collect his mind.

    Slowly hovering over the Ancestral Witch Earth, he looked at the vicissitudes of the ancient earth.

    Bit right through his fingertips.

    Twelve drops of blood in a row!


    The blood was like a rainbow, reflecting a brilliant light.

    I, in the name of the Creator, spill the twelve essential bloods to forge the bodies of the twelve Ancestral Witches!

    A magnificent and voluminous voice spread throughout the entire heaven and earth.

    The heavens and earth trembled tremendously in an instant.

    The twelve drops of essence blood quickly tumbled and steamed.

    At an extremely terrifying speed, he absorbed the most primordial Ancestral Witch energy between heaven and earth.


    In the twelve drops of essence blood, twelve figures that were tens of feet tall and seemed to be able to destroy the heavens and the earth by raising their hands and feet appeared!

    They exuded an extremely terrifying and strong aura.

    Between the flashes of his eyes, he looked out of the sky.

    But after seeing Lin Ge suspended in midair.

    The pressure from the bloodline as well as the world however caused the twelve to tremble violently, immediately kneeling down on one knee and lowering their lofty heads.

    Twelve Ancestral Witches, pay homage to the Ancestral God!!!

    Lin Ge saw this.

    A smile appeared on his miserable face.

    He made it.

    Twelve Ancestral Witches were successfully cultivated!

    In the meantime.


    In the sky above the Ancestral Witch World, that originally extremely weak divine fire ......

    It began to see the wind and thrive more and more.

    Not a moment too soon.

    Then he surpassed Qin Mu and ranked first among the graduates!


    Jiangcheng University.

    In the World Observation Room.

    Principal Chu Tiange looked at the scene.

    Revealing an old and pleased smile, Not bad, not bad, this Lin Ge is a good seedling, the Ancestral Witch World is very well built, and the twelve Ancestral Witches have been cultivated at an amazing speed.

    The other tutors followed suit.

    The Ancestral Witch energy formula is so complex, and it's all been transformed smoothly, the natural talent is indeed good!

    His divine fire is in the first place, I told you, how can a mere technological world be compared to a transcendental world?

    Unsurprisingly, the number one graduate in this class should be none other than Lin Ge.

    Don't jump to conclusions, Li Mingyi's Immortal Cultivation World, where the aura has just been transformed, is equally ready to create living beings!


    The crowd froze.

    Then looked to the other world in the observation room.

    That was Li Mingyi's graduation project, the world of Immortal Cultivation!

    Only to see that Li Mingyi was suspended in an ethereal pallor.

    Looking down on the earth below.

    It's like banishment.

    This is also the unique temperament of the world of Immortal Cultivation.

    In his hands, however, he was pinching a large amount of yellow earth, which was dramatically absorbing the spiritual qi between heaven and earth.

    Earth of Living Spirit? Good fellow, this Li Mingyi is really generous! Actually purchased so many Living Spirit Soils!

    He's looking at the long term, knowing the importance of the living beings within the world; the higher the starting point and strength of the living beings, the faster the divine fire will ignite!

    With these living earths, he cultivates living beings and shouldn't fail ......


    See this scene.

    The mentors showed their appreciation.

    The Living Earth, a type of world resource.

    Rarer and therefore expensive.

    Used to cultivate living beings, the possibility of failure is almost non-existent.


    The creation of beings that start out extremely high.

    In Li Mingyi's Immortal Cultivation World, it was even more so that he had absorbed a massive amount of initial aura.

    Once born, the natural talent would be extremely terrifying.

    Cultivation will be very fast.


    Projection World.

    After Li Mingyi absorbed enough aura in the Earth of Living Spirit.

    Then they began to create living beings.

    Clump after clump of yellow soil was spilled onto the earth.

    When you see the wind, you rise, and when you hit the ground, you fall.

    It transformed into one human form after another.

    Same time.

    Above the World of Immortality, the Divine Flame Hanging High ......

    It also began to burn violently and grow.

    Not a moment too soon.

    It was then neck and neck with Lin Ge's Ancestral Witch World!

    PS: Thank you all for your, rating votes, monthly tickets and rewards.

    I didn't realize the monthly votes would break 5 so soon.

    Today is bound to be 20 shifts!

    Chapter 7: The Divine Flame Soars Thirty-Three Degrees

    Divine Fire for Two ......

    Both also surpassed Qin Mu and tied for first place.

    Everyone, look, Zhaoqiao's Elven World, it's starting to evolve as well!

    There's also Li Yue'er, whose world of card cultivation, likewise, has notable potential.

    Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect it to polarize so quickly ah, the Transcendent World's divine flames are all ranked in the first echelon ......


    The mentors scanned the world of all the graduates' bios.

    Once again, I looked at the recent graduates of the Godfire Rankings.

    In the middle of the observation room.

    A towering stone pillar was placed.

    On the stone pillars, the names of each graduate are written.

    As well as the situation of the world they belonged to, how much the divine fire had grown, and so on.

    First, Lin Ge and Li Mingyi, the Ancestral Witch Civilization and Immortal Cultivation Civilization, have cultivated the first batch of living beings with a Divine Flame Value of 120.

    Second, Zhaoqiao, the elven civilization, has cultivated the first batch of beings, Divine Flame Value 110.

    Thirdly, Li Yue'er, the world of Kasho, has cultivated the first batch of living beings with a Divine Flame value of 101.

    Fourth ......

    It didn't take long.

    Qin Mu's Divine Flame Ranking was then squeezed into the tens.

    And as one transcendent civilized being after another emerges ......

    He's still dropping down the rankings one by one.

    When Chu Tiange saw this scene, he couldn't help but reveal a look of regret.

    It's a pity that a good seedling chose the wrong direction ah, the gap ...... between ordinary civilizations and transcendental civilizations is just too big.


    He once again looked at the technological world that Qin Mu had evolved.

    At this time, Qin Mu had already completed the transformation of the second heaven and arrived at the third heaven.



    Qin Mu sat cross-legged, his mind completely immersed in the world he had created.

    Through the system's simulation projection function ......

    He had just completed his second heavenly transformation.

    System, continue the simulation, the best remodeling plan for the third heaven!

    Took a deep breath.

    Qin Mu once again activated the simulation deduction function.

    It didn't take long.

    The filtered optimal transformation parameters are then obtained.

    Start editing the third heaven.

    The pavilions of the third heaven had once again changed drastically.

    The modern, mechanical construction shimmers with a dazzling black and gold color.

    Whether it was defense or attack power, it had been enhanced like never before!


    After completing the design of the third heaven.

    Qin Mu clearly felt that the divine fire burning above the Thirty-three Heavens had once again intensified.

    He didn't care too much about it, though.

    It was now imperative to perfect the Thirty-Three Heavens as soon as possible.

    Thoroughly build out the sci-fi version of Heaven!

    Thus ......

    He didn't stop for anything.

    After completing the third heaven, he once again ascended to the fourth heaven.

    Deduction, remodeling!

    Ascend to the fifth heaven.

    Deduction, remodeling!

    Climbing to the Sixth Heaven ......

    With the completion of each Heavenly transformation, his divine Flame grew by a fraction.

    It becomes more and more exuberant.


    Jiangcheng University.

    World Observatory.

    At this point the crowd who noticed the anomaly ......

    There has been a silence!

    The various mentors looked at each other.

    Looking at Qin Mu's terrifying ascent speed on the Divine Flame Ranking Stone Pillar ......

    Couldn't help but gulp.

    Thirteenth place already! Ordinary civilization, ranked between a group of transcendent civilizations!

    And this group of transcendent civilizations have all cultivated living beings, but Qin Mu's world, it hasn't carried out living being evolution yet!

    Is this ...... this this Qin Mu going against the heavens?


    After a brief moment of disorientation.

    The crowd sputtered again.

    The looks were all a bit unnatural.

    The thirty-three heavy sky giant building in Qin Mu's world projection reminds them all the time ......

    It's a technological world!

    It is a type of ordinary civilization!

    Originally, in the ranking on the Divine Flame Stone Pillar, transcendent civilizations and ordinary civilizations were clearly separated.

    But now ......

    A group of transcendent civilizations are in the midst of a group of transcendent civilizations, but an ordinary civilization is jumbled in!

    And they soon discovered why.

    With every heavy heaven Qin Mu transformed, the Divine Flame would rise by a fraction of a degree.

    Though it doesn't go up much at a time ......

    But it can't be helped that Qin Mu built this floor high!

    Chu Tiange looked at the towering thirty-three heavens giant building in front of him.

    The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, Thirty-three floors ......

    It also means that ......

    Qin Mu's Divine Flame would rise thirty-three cutoffs as a result!

    School ...... school principal, it's already the seventeenth heavens, Qin Mu's ranking, rose to the third.


    One of the tutors gulped and pointed at the stone pillar to remind the crowd.

    Chu Tiange turned back to the stone pillar.

    Third: Qin Mu, an ordinary technological civilization with an extremely well-developed world evolution, Divine Flame Value 108.

    Looking at the message in Stonehenge.

    Chu Tiange's eyes lit up.

    He was keenly aware of four words.

    Extremely well done!

    The rankings on Stonehenge, which combine many data, are also very accurate!

    Perhaps ......

    This was the reason why Qin Mu's Divine Flame skyrocketed by a fraction of a degree with each transformation of the Heavens!

    And other graduates in the world of design.

    At best, it is more complete!

    No one has gotten extremely good reviews yet!

    Although Qin Mu's graduation design direction is ordinary civilization, which is less difficult.

    But it is possible to design ordinary civilization to an extremely high degree of perfection ......

    It's not for everyone either!

    Chapter 8: The Heavenly Palace, the Air and Space Mothership!

    It's just a shame he's on the wrong track ......

    Turn around.

    Looking at the gigantic building of the Thirty-Three Heavens that shimmered with a metallic color.

    Chu Tiange's expression was filled with regret and complexity.

    Being at this time.

    A tutor's voice interrupted him once again, Headmaster, look, Qin Mu has entered the 18th Heavens and is already in second place!

    Chu Tiange froze.

    Once again, he looked at the Divine Flame Stone Pillar.

    Discover all the mentors ......

    Both had become too dumbfounded to speak.

    Second place: Qin Mu, an ordinary technological civilization with an extremely well-developed world evolution, Divine Flame Value 113!

    But not for long.

    This value and ranking ......

    Once again, there was a change!

    Having transformed the previous eighteen heavens consecutively, Qin Mu's transformation was now becoming more and more familiar.

    The speed is also getting faster.

    It soon entered the nineteenth heaven.

    The divine fire ushers in a new round of surge!

    First place: Qin Mu, an ordinary technological civilization with an extremely well-developed world evolution, Divine Flame Value 128!

    The second place position ......

    It was clearly Lin Ge and Li Mingyi's Ancestral Witch World, the world of Immortal Cultivation!

    Two extremely powerful transcendental civilizations!

    It was crushed hard underneath by an ordinary civilization!

    In the observation room.

    Once again it became silent.


    In the meantime.


    Qin Mu sat cross-legged.

    was deducing the next thirty-three heavens with all his heart.

    It's already twenty heavens, the divine Flame is growing a bit fast.

    Lift your head.

    Qin Mu looked at the Divine Flame at the very top.

    Every time he transformed a heavy heaven, the divine fire would skyrocket.

    But he didn't care about that.

    All he wants now is to build out the full version of the sci-fi version of Heaven.

    Perfect each of the heavens to the utmost!

    System, continue to deduce the remodeling plan for the twenty-first heaven.

    With the aid of the system.

    He can easily find the optimal design solution and modify the world parameters.


    The Thirty-Three Heavens Airborne Platform incorporates the four fundamental forces that the Origin transforms into.

    The more perfect it is then ......

    The more perfect the whole world of technology will be as well.

    It could be said that the Thirty-Three Heavens Airborne Platform was the foundation of this world.


    The twenty-second heaven.

    The twenty-third heaven.

    Twenty-fourth heaven.


    The twenty-ninth heaven.

    Thirtieth heaven!

    Qin Mu finally arrived before an incomparably grand and majestic palace.

    It was a palace constructed of machinery throughout.

    Exudes an air of impenetrability.

    Ling Xiao Bao Dian.

    Looking at the majestic palace in front of him.

    Qin Mu's heart and mind couldn't help but surge as well.

    This palace could be said to be the center and hub of the entire Heavenly Court.

    It is also a memory that runs in the blood of every Dragon Nation!

    System, deduce the optimal plan on how to maintain the majestic and grandiose appearance of the Heavenly Palace while increasing its combat power to the limit!

    Took a deep breath.

    Qin Mu summoned the system and turned on the simulation deduction function.

    Ding! Loading the various data of the Lingxiao Palace!

    Ding! Data loading complete, simulation deduction in progress!

    Immediately after.

    The system then began a massive computation.

    A full three hours later.

    The system voice only sounded again:

    Ding! Nine hundred and eighty-three thousand, seven hundred and twenty-one reasonable remodeling solutions have been deduced!

    The optimal program has been selected from it, and it can transform the Ling Xiao Bao Dian into an air and space mother ship!

    Qin Mu's eyes lit up.

    The system quickly transmitted the results of the deduced simulation to him.

    A mothership suspended in the ancient void, emitting a horrifyingly destructive aura stood proudly in all directions.

    In the middle of the mothership.

    Loaded with untold numbers of top-notch technological weapons.

    All are made up of four basic forces.

    What an airborne mothership!

    Seeing such a picture, Qin Mu couldn't help but clench his hands.

    Start referring to each parameter above ......

    Setting out to remodel the Lingxiao Palace in front of us.

    This makeover ......

    Extremely complex.

    Because of the massive amount of parameters involved, there was just so much he had to remodel.

    If it wasn't for the correct answer provided by the system, it would have been impossible for him to complete the remodeling of the Sky Mothership.

    That's all.

    A full day and night later.

    Qin Mu's face was filled with exhaustion.

    Finally ...... is going to be done.

    He took a deep breath and began to modify the last data parameter about the Lingxiao Palace.


    The entire Thirty-three Heavens suddenly shook violently.

    With the completion of his movements.

    The entire Lingxiao Palace took off with a bang, breaking away from the 30th Heavenly Hall.

    Start ......


    It transformed into a mothership full of modern technology, suspended in the void.

    A terrifying aura emanated from the entire body.

    Qin Mu's mind was filled with shock as he looked at the empty sky mothership in front of him.

    The Heavenly Palace, directly morphing, rose up from the ground and transformed into a starship.

    This impact ......

    It's just too straightforward!

    It's just a pity ...... that I haven't developed any top technological weapons by now, or else assembling them for the Air and Space Mothership, I'm afraid that the real gods and goddesses can't stop them when they come!

    Looking at those vacant weapon mounting slots around the mothership.

    Qin Mu couldn't help but look forward to it.

    In the meantime.

    Above the thirty-three heavens.

    The divine fire that had already turned into the thickness of a bucket was sensed and once again blazed.


    The flames grew stronger.

    It's as if it's going to burn through the entire world of technology.

    Chapter 9: Divine Flame Value 863, New Record!

    Same time.

    Jiangcheng University.

    World Observatory.

    All the tutors were watching the changes on the stone pillars with rapt attention.

    Don't even blink an eye.

    Just now.

    They keenly perceived that the first-ranked divine fire value on the stone pillar ......

    An unprecedented surge has occurred!

    First place: Qin Mu, Ordinary Technological Civilization, Perfect World Evolution, Divine Flame Value 863!

    And second place ......

    Then it was Lin Ge, who had created the Ancestral Witch World.

    His Divine Flame value, however, was only 168!

    Much less in comparison!

    Half a day passes.

    Only then did the mentors turn their heads and look at each other.

    What the hell just happened?

    Why ...... did the divine fire value start to skyrocket after he finished transforming the thirty heavens?

    Did you guys see that palace just now? It actually transformed into a ship! It's simply a subtle construction!

    I'll take this palace! I'll offer 500,000 world coins, don't fight me!


    The scene of the Ling Xiao Baodian transforming its form just now.

    It was an eye-opener for them.

    Through-body mechanical construction, superb instrument design.

    Mothership of majesty and deterrence.

    Suspended in the void.

    And those vacant weapon slots in them.

    Every single one of them was hitting their minds and hearts.

    I'd like to ask if his Divine Flame Value ...... has broken our school's Bijou record?


    A tutor cautiously reminded.

    The crowd froze.

    Only then did he notice Qin Mu's current Divine Flame Value on the stone pillar!

    There was a backward gasp of cold air.

    Nice one, 863?

    As I recall, over the centuries, the best Bishop's record, the Divine Flame Value was only 729, right?

    The key is that he's an ordinary civilization! How can an ordinary civilization's divine fire value be so terrifying?


    The crowd looked at the many transcendent civilizations that were crushed by Qin Mu ......

    The look was extremely complicated.

    That's not what the book says wow.

    Between ordinary civilizations and transcendent civilizations, there exists a heavenly chasm that is almost insurmountable!

    But now ......

    Qin Mu, however, used his own strength to press a group of transcendent civilizations to the point where they couldn't breathe.

    It also incidentally broke a school record that had been held for centuries!

    And among the mentors.

    Chu Tiange, who was the principal, was looking at the stone pillars with unblinking eyes.

    The eyes stayed on the word perfect.

    A different focus than other mentors.

    The first thing he saw was this comment from Stonehenge.

    Qin Mu Evolution of the Technological World ......

    It actually broke through the previous extremely perfect rating and reached perfection!

    This also signaled that this world evolved by Qin Mu would have no flaws.

    The future can be a virtuous cycle.

    Put it on the market.

    In any perfect world, there's always the possibility of skyrocketing prices!

    And it's still the kind of thing you can't get.

    Genius! He may be low key, but I can tell at a glance that he's actually a genius!

    Chu Tiange turned around.

    Gazing at Qin Mu in the projected world, his expression grew more and more excited.


    Graduate dormitory.

    All students who are working on their graduation projects are housed in the graduate dormitory.

    Here they are to start a month-long graduation project.

    Until a month later, the results are ranked in a uniform manner.

    But in the meantime.

    Everyone is entitled to see how the Divine Fire ranks among all graduates.


    After seeing the number one ranked Divine Flame Value, everyone felt like they were going crazy.

    Crap! What's going on here? It's only been ten days since graduation, how can someone's Divine Flame Value soar to over eight hundred?

    Hiss! Nice guy! Which fierce man is this?

    Ordinary civilization! It's actually an ordinary civilization! Could it be that the school grade statistics are wrong?

    Lin Ge's Ancestral Witch World, Li Mingyi's Immortal Cultivation World, and Zhao Qiao's Elf World have actually been suppressed?

    Broke the record! It's only been ten days, and this Qin Mu has broken the Bishop's Record!


    The first reaction of the graduates was disbelief.

    A thought of the flaming divine fire in his world ......

    They just feel like they've spent the last four years learning about dogs.


    Same time.


    Just finished remodeling the 30th Heaven.

    Qin Mu was planning to transform all of the remaining three heavens in one go.

    Just got a transmission from the school office.

    Let me go to the principal's office?

    He couldn't help but frown.

    Still, he put down the simulation push at hand and left the dormitory, heading for the principal's office.

    Duh duh duh duh--

    Come in.

    Outside the principal's room, Qin Mu pushed open the door.

    Principal, you wanted to see me?

    He looked at an old man with gray hair in front of him, a little puzzled.

    This person in front of him was none other than Chu Tiange.

    He had traveled across for three years and was very clear about Chu Tiange's identity.

    Hundreds of years ago, when he took over as the president of Jiangcheng University, Chu Tiange had reached the strength of an Upper God.

    The world that evolved within its body was a top-tier transcendent civilization that could rank in the top five in legends.

    Belongs to a living legend within JCU.

    Hahahahaha, here, sit.


    Chu Tiange did not have any semblance of a frame after seeing him.

    Instead, he said very kindly, It's like this, your Divine Flame Value ...... broke the school's bias record for hundreds of years.

    Qin Mu froze.

    For a while now, he had been obsessed with creating a sci-fi version of Heaven.

    Though it is known that the divine fire has been rising.

    But didn't realize that he had actually broken the record of Jiangcheng University without realizing it.

    PS: Thanks for all the and rating votes.

    The author will continue to code here!

    Today is more until 12pm, never stop!

    CHAPTER X. This is a path that has never been traveled before!

    Ahem, the last record setter, who held the record at 729, took a full month to reach that height ......

    Chu Tiange gave a dry cough.

    Gazing at Qin Mu, his eyes did not hide his admiration at all.

    Being a principal.

    He had always hoped that Jiangcheng University could produce more geniuses.

    And Qin Mu ......

    It's clearly beyond the realm of simple genius.

    Taking the ordinary civilization as the direction of Bijie, the thirty-three giant buildings of the heavens, including the South Heavenly Gate and the Palace of the Heavenly Majestic, were created!

    Even more so, in just ten days, the world was evolved to perfection!

    In ten days it broke a record that took others a month to set!

    As the principal, first of all, I would like to congratulate you, this time you have broken the Bijou record of Jiangcheng University for hundreds of years.

    Chu Tiange continued to speak, According to the regulations in the school, those who break the record in the graduation design can receive a copy of the Origin.

    Having said that.

    In his palm, an Origin Crystal then appeared.

    The crystal was dense with an extremely rich origin.

    Qin Mu's eyes lit up.

    I didn't realize I'd broken a record along the way ......

    I can't believe there's such a surprise!

    To know.

    In this world, Origin Crystals were extremely precious.

    The method of obtaining it is also extremely cumbersome.

    Generally only the top universities have access to it in bulk.

    That's why the only way to be issued an Origin Crystal at graduation is to join the University.

    to carry out the evolutionary world, also known as graduation.

    This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for the average person!

    Holding the Origin Crystal in front of him, Qin Mu's mood was somewhat agitated.

    With the new origin words ......

    With his system, he could then unlock more features.

    At present, this technology system only has the most basic simulation evolution function.

    But just the basic features are very counter-intuitive.

    If the unlock gets a second new skill ......

    Maybe the rate at which his technological civilization evolves will be turned upside down!

    Being at this time.

    Chu Tiange spoke again.

    This time the tone became very serious and earnest.

    Although you broke the record this time, the graduation design is merely a technological civilization, a type of ordinary civilization.

    A moment's lead doesn't mean a lifetime's lead, and compared to transcendental civilizations, technological civilizations have too few limitations and lower limits ......


    Chu Tiange politely and subtly reminded, This Origin, it just happens to be an opportunity, I hope you can utilize it well.


    His purpose for finding Qin Mu this time was simple.

    On the one hand, incentives are given.

    On the other hand ......

    As the principal, he couldn't bear to see Qin Mu, such an outstanding graduate, going in the wrong direction for Bijou.

    If this continues ......

    Even if Qin Mu's Bi Bi was outstanding and the technological world was perfect, it was impossible for his future achievements to compare to those transcendental worlds.


    He wanted to persuade Qin Mu to use this Origin to change the direction of his graduation design.

    It's been ten days though.

    However, he believed that with Qin Mu's ability, he could completely design other transcendent civilizations.

    However ......

    Qin Mu listened.

    The corners of his mouth twitched a few times.

    A technological civilization too limited? And a low lower limit?

    He thinks ......

    One needs to correct the world's perception.

    This is clearly a grossly underrated civilization!

    He is also traveling a path that no one before him has ever really traveled!

    However, he did not refute Chu Tiange to his face.

    A verbal rebuttal is never as good as proving it with facts.

    Clutching the Origin Crystal.

    Qin Mu took a deep breath and said seriously, I understand the principal's good intentions, and I'll make good use of this origin!

    Chu Tiange thought Qin Mu had heard his good intentions.

    There was a gentle smile as well.

    When you go back, do a good job on Bishop, there are still twenty days to go, and if you encounter any difficulties, you can come to me directly.

    In Words.

    It was full of care for Qin Mu.

    Qin Mu's heart warmed and he nodded.

    Then he took the Origin Crystal and left the principal's office.


    Back at the dorm.

    Qin Mu couldn't wait to take out the Origin Crystal.

    Sit on your knees.

    Activating the divine fire between his eyebrows, he began to refine this crystal.


    With a roar.

    The origin had poured into the air over the otherworld in his mind.

    The grayish-moon colored origin, transformed into a ball, hovered around the divine fire as thick as a large tree.

    The world below, a thousand kilometers in diameter, was filled with desire for this mass of origin.

    As long as this mass of origin was incorporated, the world's strength, area, level of living beings, and combat prowess would all receive a huge boost.

    However ......

    Qin Mu did not intend to use the Origin to strengthen the technological world in front of him.

    The second feature of the unlocking system is more important in comparison!

    Took a deep breath.

    He summoned the system.

    System, absorb the Origin!

    Immediately after.

    Above the void, light bloomed.

    An invisible force locked onto the Origin.

    Ding! Absorbing Origin, System Upgrade in Progress ......

    It didn't take long.

    All of the origin, all of it was absorbed by the system.

    The system was also successfully upgraded.

    Ding! System upgrade complete!

    Ding! Congratulations, host, for successfully unlocking the second function of the system: origin pointing!


    The system beep sounded again.

    Chapter 11: System Upgrade, Unlocking New Functions, Origin Nodding

    Origin Nodding?

    After the system was upgraded, Qin Mu's eyebrows twitched.

    Start immersing your mind and looking for an introduction to this feature.

    The system can analyze the origin, transform the origin into a true spirit, nudging the spirit to greatly enhance the spirituality and combat power of technological creations!

    Each time it is enlightened, it needs to consume a portion of the Origin!

    After understanding the usage of this feature.

    Qin Mu couldn't help but get excited.

    That is to say.

    His thirty-three heavy heavenly airborne platforms, the Southern Heavenly Gate, the Ling Xiao Baodian these technological creations ......

    After having self-awareness and spirituality, it will become even more terrifying!

    With this feature, I don't even need to cultivate living beings in my technological world ......

    Qin Mu took a deep breath.

    Having traveled for three years, he knows a lot about the process of creating worlds.

    Whether it is a transcendental civilization or an ordinary civilization that wants to grow the divine fire ......

    One must go through the step of nurturing the living.

    Let living beings believe in the God of Creation, and from that belief, draw strength.

    to pour out the divine fire.

    It made the divine fire grow.

    And he ......

    And now there is another whole new path in front of us.

    These technological creations, after being nudged by the Origin, are equivalent to living beings.

    Until then.

    He also had absolutely no need to cultivate living beings.

    It's just a shame that every time you nibble, you need a copy of the Origin ......

    But when you think of the conditions of the nudging ......

    Qin Mu was then a little heartbroken.

    Origin crystals, they were just too scarce.

    Within the Thirty-Three Heavens, there were many top-level technological creations.

    Wanted full spotting ......

    It was still a bit far away for him.

    Helplessly, he shook his head.

    Qin Mu took a deep breath and collected his mind.

    The impractical idea was abandoned for the moment.

    Turned into a projection.

    Once again, he entered the thirty-three heavens airborne platform and came to the thirty-first heaven.

    System, activate the simulated evolution function and calculate the optimal transformation plan for the 31st Heaven!


    The system's light blossomed, instantly tallying up the current data of the Thirty-first Heavens.

    Start making inferential calculations.


    Jiangcheng University.

    World Observatory.

    After giving Qin Mu his reward, Chu Tiange returned once again.

    Continue to work with the other instructors to observe the evolution of the worlds.

    Headmaster, in Lin Ge's Ancestral Witch World, the realms of the twelve Ancestral Witches have broken through to the fifth rank one after another, and the Divine Flame has smoothly risen to 458.

    In Li Mingyi's Immortal Cultivation World, the first Sixth Order Immortal Cultivator appeared, and later on, the Divine Flame rose to 512.

    Zhao Qiao's Elf World, which took the route of batch advancement, although only one fifth-order appeared, the number of fourth-order beings is the largest of all graduates ......


    One by one, mentor after mentor came forward.

    A few of the better graduates were singled out and reported on the situation.

    Chu Tiange listened.

    Couldn't help but reveal a look of relief, Not bad, not bad, although the start is not as good as the previous graduates, but in the middle of the evolution, it has fully caught up with the previous graduates ......

    The other mentors sniffed.

    The expression couldn't help but be odd.

    Smiling bitterly, he said, This is not because of the emergence of Qin Mu, this freak, the ranking ...... on the Divine Flame Stone Pillar is estimated to have given them no small stimulus.

    Same with graduates.

    They were able to view the divine fire ranking situation in real time.

    After seeing Qin Mu's ordinary civilization top the list, ruthlessly crushing a host of transcendental civilizations ......

    These high-minded graduates are like chicken blood.

    It began to evolve day and night.

    Lin Ge, for example, even disguised himself as a preacher and came down personally.

    Explaining the realm to the Twelve Ancestral Witches and helping them break through their bottlenecks.

    Li Mingyi also worked diligently in the world of Immortal Cultivation, creating the Beginning God Taoism and instructing the Immortal Cultivators of the world.

    Zhao Qiao was the driest, directly fabricating an identity.

    Inhabited the Elfworld and began to bulk advance elves.

    They were holding their breath.

    Trying to surpass the number one ranked Qin Mu.

    Give their transcendent civilization its rightful name!

    After Chu Tiange heard this, the

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