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Operation Phoenix
Operation Phoenix
Operation Phoenix
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Operation Phoenix

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In the dark jungle, everything was quiet. There were some empty wooden boxes in the clearing. Judging from the shape and symbols on the boxes, they were boxes of military supplies. Next to the boxes, there were several tents and hidden model soldiers. The real patrol soldiers were near the camp. They had been setting up

Release dateMay 22, 2024
Operation Phoenix

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    Operation Phoenix - Naomi Campbell

    There are countless shady scenes hidden in the bustling city. The infiltration of criminal groups has made the law enforcement agencies useless. The military police officer who just graduated from the military academy was ordered to command the only uninfiltrated military police force to fulfill its dual mission of maintaining law and order and protecting the country!

    Chapter 1 Men in Black Section 1 Ridiculous Exam

    Update time: 2011-12-27 14:42:37 Number of words in this chapter: 3705

    In the dark jungle, everything was quiet. There were some empty wooden boxes in the clearing. Judging from the shape and symbols on the boxes, they were boxes of military supplies. Next to the boxes, there were several tents and hidden model soldiers. The real patrol soldiers were near the camp. They had been setting up a logistics supply base here for several days. Today was the last day of the exercise and the last time the Blue Army could use. However, the Red Army garrison, which served as the imaginary enemy, was already exhausted.

    Yu Fei was wearing camouflage clothes and his body was covered with animal feces. He was holding an optical-electric rifle for exercises and squatting behind a bush. He looked at his comrades behind him and said, Brothers, since I am your leader, I will let you pass this exercise. This confrontation exercise is linked to our graduation results. This is the total score of the practical course.

    Several reserve officer cadets in the back who had painted their faces black with black camouflage oil nodded, agreeing with what he said.

    I will kill the sentry first, and then you rush in during the chaos and destroy our last target. Be careful. After Yu Fei finished speaking, he quietly crawled towards the Red Army camp holding the optical gun used for the exercise.

    He turned on the optical sight on the photoelectric gun, adjusted it, aimed at the head of a sentry 400 meters away, and turned on the safety of the photoelectric gun. He didn't like simulation exercises. He hated this kind of photoelectric gun that basically didn't make any sound. The training gun in his hand was made to imitate the M-24, which could basically simulate the combat performance on the training field. He saw the sentry's head through the sight. The sentry also wore a helmet for training. There were four photosensitive plates on the helmet. The photosensitive plates were mainly hit by the photoelectric gun, which was equivalent to killing the red side exercise personnel. He also had this thing on his head. The helmet of the soldier hit by the photoelectric gun would emit a colorful smoke screen, which was convenient for the forward observer of the exercise command to confirm that he was killed. In addition, the photoelectric gun in the hands of the killed participant would stop working and could not be used anymore, so that the exercise could be made more realistic.

    Yu Fei easily pulled the trigger on the fake M-24 rifle, which he didn't like. He still preferred the real M-24 rifle with a better feel. He didn't understand why his country had to learn from the United States and use toy guns for training. Perhaps the United States was the only country in Southeast Asia that used such a ridiculous rifle. Most countries installed photoelectric generators and other equipment on their regular weapons. Why bother with such expensive things?

    A beam of laser hit the sentry's helmet. Before the sentry heard the simulated gunshot from the photoelectric gun, colorful smoke appeared on his helmet. He hurriedly looked for the enemy. The referee on the scene immediately opened the PDA and confirmed that he was shot dead. The referee thought that after waiting for several days, the Blues finally took action.

    Before the other sentries were hit by the optical gun, one of them shouted There's a sniper, and a smoke screen immediately came out of his helmet. The optical gun in his hand was immediately locked, and he could no longer continue to participate in the exercise.

    When the three Blue Army commandos saw smoke coming out of the Red Army sentry's helmet, they knew that it was Yu Fei who had defeated the defending enemy. They immediately rushed out of the jungle and rushed to the target. They quickly lay down again, took out several incendiary bombs, and threw them hard at the target that needed to be destroyed.

    Some of the other soldiers who did not withdraw from the exercise quickly hid and looked for snipers to prepare for a counterattack, while others chased the blue army personnel who attacked their supply base. Yu Fei took the opportunity to kill a few more people, quickly moved out of hiding, and returned along the original route with the other three people.

    Through the monitors in the exercise field, the officers of the exercise command center saw the performance of the four cadets and were very satisfied. They had been observing these people carefully in the past few days. These cadets never disappointed them and were satisfied and wrote excellent on their practical course transcripts.

    Yu Fei took a few classmates to the designated assembly point, where a UH-60 was already waiting for them. They managed their time just right, and when they got into the cabin, Yu Fei looked at his watch and found that they had completed all the exercise subjects on time.

    The helicopter took them directly back to school to finish their last exam.

    A UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter landed on the school playground, dropped them off and then returned to the training ground.

    Yu Fei got off the plane and saw that the school training ground was very lively. There were several Lincoln cars parked nearby. He wondered which senior official had come here to inspect again. A small reserve officer academy would not attract the attention of senior officials.

    He was standing there looking around when the instructor walked up to him and said, The President is inspecting the school. The principal is organizing a skills competition for the students. You should go and participate. You are the best sniper here.

    Let me change my clothes. I just finished a practical class exam. Yu Fei prepared to go back to the locker room.

    Go and perform first, follow me. The instructor took him to the shooting training ground.

    The cadets were in groups of four, each holding a sniper rifle and firing a few shots. Of course, not everyone could fire, only those with good marksmanship could. The instructor brought him here and gave him an M-24 sniper rifle, The president is over there, shoot well, don't bring shame to the school.

    Yu Fei turned around and saw a man sitting on the viewing platform being guarded by a group of people in black suits. Many of them were looking at the target platform with binoculars. He lay down on the familiar shooting training ground, picked up the M-24 rifle, aimed at several colorful balloons 800 meters away, and fired a shot. He didn't even look at the effect, and quickly pulled the bolt to eject the shell.

    He turned his gun to the next target and burst another colorful balloon.

    After hitting the five balloons, Yu Fei stood up holding the rifle and returned it to the instructor, I'm going to change my clothes.

    He was disgusted by this ostentatious show, so he went back to his dorm, grabbed a set of clean clothes and went straight to the bathroom.

    It's ridiculous that the graduation exam actually takes everyone out for a stroll. In general military academies, students have to defend a thesis and then go to the army for internship. Once the practical report is graded, they get their diploma and report to the official service unit. How can this be so convenient? They even send planes from far away to pick people up to the exercise area to participate in the Army's Red Flag Exercise. It's really tiring.

    Just when I was halfway through my shower, someone knocked on the bathroom door. Yu Fei, the president wants to review the students. Go out and gather.

    Damn it, we just finished an exercise and they're still torturing us like this. The reserve officers are not human beings. Yu Fei was washing his hair with shampoo and was too lazy to go out.

    Hurry up, maybe you can take a photo with the old man. The classmate who came to call him changed into a formal dress and ran out to gather.

    Yu Fei was too lazy to meet those dignitaries. Anyway, the president of Country M changed every few years. What's the point of knowing him? It would be better for him to get to know a few generals from the Personnel Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense. At least he could get a good position. He continued to take a shower and didn't leave the dormitory at all.

    After washing for half an hour, Yu Fei felt pretty good. He put on a clean physical training suit, wiped his hair with a towel and walked out of the bathroom. The dormitory was empty. Those guys had all gone to meet the president, so he could stay there quietly for a while.

    He sat on his bed and picked up a military magazine to pass the time.

    After watching for a few minutes, there was a chaotic sound of footsteps outside. A group of people walked to the dormitory door. A military academy instructor pushed the door open and came in, which scared Yu Fei.

    Sir, this is it, please come in. The instructor was taking the president to visit the dilapidated school.

    It's very clean here. The president said as he looked around. He happened to see Yu Fei, and he felt that this young man looked very familiar. Yu Fei was too embarrassed to sit still in front of a large group of people, so he stood up from the bed, stood at attention, and waited for these annoying civil servants to finish their visit and leave.

    You are the one who helped the SWAT defuse the bomb last time. I've seen you on the news and reporters have interviewed you. The president walked up to him.

    Yes, that's what I should do. The police's quality is not suitable for dealing with those terrorists. Yu Fei stood up straight and made up a random sentence to deal with it.

    You haven't even graduated yet, but you've already become a hero. I wish you a smooth career in the future. The president extended his hand to shake his, and Yu Fei reluctantly extended his hand as well. In fact, he didn't want to get close to the civil servant. What's the point of knowing him? Once the election was over, he was nothing, and no one could help him.

    Thank you. Yu Fei said politely.

    The president left with a large number of followers, led by the military academy instructors. Yu Fei lay back on the bed, killing the last time before graduation. Anyway, his thesis and practical course grades were good, so he should be able to go to the top army field unit. Hopefully, it won't be too far away.

    Yu Fei. The employee of the school's message room walked into his dormitory. Here's your letter. Please sign and receive it.

    I don't know anyone here. Yu Fei signed, took the letter and opened it. It was a letter from the Military Police Headquarters, asking him to come to the headquarters for an interview after the graduation ceremony. A faint smile flashed across his face. Finally, he had a chance not to serve in a remote area. Military police were stationed in cities, and it would be best to go to a big city. The Army's field troops were stationed in sparsely populated small places. Compared with the Military Police, the Army was much worse. If he could really serve in the Military Police, it would be so comfortable, and there would be a generous salary.

    He sat on the bed, holding the letter from the gendarmerie headquarters, looking forward to a better future. Being a gendarmerie means living well, eating well, and not to mention the salary and subsidies. Walking on the streets of a bustling city every day to and from work is a different feeling. Wearing the black gendarmerie uniform, he looks so impressive, and can catch thieves, which is a hundred times more impressive than a policeman.

    Chapter 1 Men in Black Chapter 2 Honorable Graduation

    Update time: 2011-12-27 14:42:38 Number of words in this chapter: 3496

    In the dim office, near the window, there was a long table with three documents on it. Next to the documents were three black military caps, which were darker than the navy's black-blue caps. Each cap had a golden ribbon, which symbolized that the owner of the cap was a general. There was no air conditioning in the room. The 30-degree temperature outside made the room feel like a steamer. Only the ceiling-mounted electric fan kept rotating so that people wouldn't feel too hot.

    There were three neatly arranged teacups on the table, with the tea in the cups steaming slightly. Three officers in black uniforms sat on three chairs behind the table. Their chests were covered with medals, and rows of colorful rectangular iron pieces symbolized their service careers and the number of meritorious service. The style of the uniform was similar to that of the US Army, but the color was a bit out of place. It looked like the navy's winter uniform, but the color was darker. The cross-sword and scepter pattern on the metal collar proved that they were not from the navy. The navy's collar had a clear anchor pattern, the army's collar had a rifle cross pattern, and the air force's collar had a clear wing pattern. Only military police were qualified to wear the cross-sword and scepter pattern collar.

    Sitting behind the table were three older gendarmerie generals. Two of them wore a small silver five-pointed star on their shoulders, symbolizing their rank of brigadier general. The old man sitting in the middle had two stars on his shoulders. Facing the three generals, Yu Fei felt a little inferior.

    Yu Fei was sitting on a chair opposite the long table. He was wearing a brown-green army uniform and the rifle pattern on his collar indicated that he was an officer from the infantry. There was only a small silver square on his shoulder, which was very similar to the rank of second lieutenant in the German Air Force, but he belonged to the Army of Country M. There were no rows of medals on his chest, only a symbol of qualified officer training. He sat on the chair like a wooden man, looking straight at the three generals opposite him, hoping that he would get a real chance in this meeting. He did not want to serve in a remote infantry camp, nor did he want to be an officer at a border outpost on the border of the densely vegetated tropical jungle. He yearned for a comfortable life in a big city, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and apply to join the military police.

    If he really passes this time, he can go to serve in Lion City, where the gendarmerie is weak. It is a port city with a very developed tourism industry, densely populated high-rise buildings and a population of three million. It is the seat of the state government of Nanyang State, the richest state in M Country. Ninety percent of the population and wealth of Nanyang State are concentrated here. Even the capital of M Country cannot compare with Lion City.

    The three military police generals were silent for dozens of seconds. The major general sitting in the middle looked at the documents on the table. Among them was Yu Fei's resume. After reading the resume, the major general asked in a low voice: You graduated from the Reserve Officers School and are an outstanding student in the Army's Junior Command Program. You performed well and had good grades while in school, so you were promoted to second lieutenant before graduation.

    Yes, sir. Yu Fei answered in a loud voice.

    The brigadier general sitting on the left said, There is a large loss of officers graduating from regular military academies, including those who went to West Point for advanced studies. So you, the graduates of the Reserve Officers' School, do not serve in the National Guard and the Reserves, but become the main force of our army officers together with the officers of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps. You are very lucky that the Personnel Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense approved you to serve directly in the regular army and recommended you to us. What do you think?

    Thank you for your trust, my superior. Yu Fei sat up straight and answered the question seriously.

    Do you know what the military police are going to do? asked the brigadier general on the right.

    Our gendarmerie is similar to the French gendarmerie. They are soldiers with law enforcement powers. They can enforce the law not only on soldiers but also on civilians. The gendarmerie are police officers in military uniforms and the most powerful gendarmerie in the world. We are responsible for combating all kinds of crimes internally and safeguarding national security externally. If I can serve as the gendarmerie commander, I promise that the crime rate in my area will drop quickly. Yu Fei knew that he would have to learn a lot of things again when he went to the gendarmerie, especially the constitution, criminal law and public security law.

    Of course, we have more power than the French gendarmerie. In France, there are no police below the county level. The gendarmerie is responsible for maintaining public security in the areas below the county level. Our gendarmerie is set up in parallel with the police. Wherever they are, we are there. We are an independent law enforcement force and also a part of the national defense force. We have the right to enforce all the laws of the United States and have considerable power to supervise law enforcement. Therefore, every gendarmerie commander is required to be a good soldier and a good law enforcer. The major general asked again, Do you think you can be the leader of a gendarmerie platoon? The public security in Lion City is very poor. The police there are very corrupt. Judges suffer from a lack of evidence and cannot play their due role. It is the area with the worst public security in the United States and an important border town. It is at the forefront of invasion by foreign troops. It is very far away but very important.

    Sir, I can do it. I will try to perform like I did in school and always be the best. Yu Fei said, waiting for the generals' final questions. He felt that he was about to succeed because he had been in this room for almost half an hour, while the first few army officers who entered only stayed for a few minutes.

    You are the military academy graduate whose resume I am most satisfied with. Congratulations, we welcome you to join the military police. The major general took out a letter of appointment, wrote Yu Fei's name on it, and signed his own name in the signature area. Then he picked up a seal on the table and pressed it firmly on the paper. Then he took the paper, stood up and announced seriously: Appoint Army Officer Second Lieutenant Yu Fei as the platoon leader of the Lion City Military Police Platoon.

    Yu Fei quickly stood up and listened to the order. After the appointment was announced, he walked to the table with a standard posture and saluted the major general of the military police: Thank you for your trust, sir.

    It is the country's trust in you. You have performed well in school. The president and the defense minister were impressed by you when they visited your school. So I, a retiring military police officer, pay special attention to you. Now you are one of us. Congratulations. Go get a new uniform and certificate. The major general saluted him and handed him the appointment letter. Yu Fei politely said thank you and left the interview office. He went to the Equipment Department and the Personnel Department of the Military Police Headquarters, took the appointment letter, and received two sets of military police uniforms to start his professional military career.

    After putting on the brand new military police uniform, Yu Fei finally felt relieved. He returned to the dormitory of the military academy, packed his things, and went through the formalities of leaving the U.S. Army Reserve Officer School. There was no student on campus at this time. The graduating students had already taken their appointment letters to various units for internships, and the students who had not graduated had gone home for vacation. The group of guys who liked to be lively had gone their separate ways. He could go to a place where it was hard and tiring for internship. He was much luckier than his classmates. All this was earned through the 700 days of hard training in the military academy.

    Before he graduated, the Army Reserve Officers School awarded him a brand new M1911A9 pistol and 21 rounds of bullets. This was a reward from the army for his outstanding performance. Generally, it is rare for graduates to be awarded guns. In the future, this pistol will accompany him through his long service career.

    The ordnance office of the military police headquarters knew that he already had a sidearm, but still issued him an M9F combat military pistol and 45 rounds of ammunition. He was the only military police officer who took office with two pistols. While packing his luggage, Yu Fei also went to the bookstore in the military academy. He knew that as a military policeman who maintained national order, he needed to seriously study the Constitution, the Unconstitutional Punishment Law, the Federal Criminal Law, the Federal Criminal Procedure Law, and the Federal Public Security Law. In addition, he had to understand other laws, because the military police could also supervise the law enforcement of other law enforcement departments. If he didn't know more, how could he supervise? The bookstore owner was very happy to see Yu Fei come to the bookstore again. This student liked to buy books very much and was his old customer. Yu Fei came to him almost every week to buy military magazines and rare theoretical books.

    What would you like to buy? The boss greeted me with a smile.

    Is there a federal law encyclopedia? Yu Fei planned to buy a book with complete contents.

    I don't have a printed version, but I have an electronic version, which is a CD. You can watch it on a computer, MP4 or mobile phone. The boss took out a CD. He also looked at Yu Fei carefully and found that he was not wearing an army officer's uniform. You became a military police? Congratulations. The bookstore owner also knew that law enforcement departments across the country were very rich. The military police was a newly established department with law enforcement powers. During the law enforcement process, they had the right to impose fines, detention and observation, and temporary seizure and confiscation like the police. With power, they can exchange it for something practical.

    Thank you. Yu Fei put down the money and carried his bag to leave the military academy. When he walked to the gate of the Reserve Officers' School, the corporal on guard saluted him. He returned the salute seriously and walked out of the gate of the military academy to face the countless opportunities and challenges waiting for him. From then on, he was free. He no longer had to lie in the muddy pond of the training ground, listen to the instructor's loud scolding, or be driven by the instructor to run ten kilometers cross-country. He no longer had to answer simply, Yes, sir. He was now the commander.

    There was a bus station in front of the military academy. He got on

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