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A Little Book
A Little Book
A Little Book
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A Little Book

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A Little Book is about the real Alchemist. This book reveals the Gematria of Hidden Christ in Creation and in Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation as clear as Black and White. It also describes the God's final plan of restoration of mankind to the Kingdom of Light.

PublisherDani Decardin
Release dateJun 2, 2024
A Little Book

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    A Little Book - Dani Decardin


    We all exist in God. All creations are within God. He creates and controls every matter and energy in this visible and invisible universe. Our natural mind cannot comprehend God unless He reveals himself to us. We are merely one of His creations. Today, world is blessed with modern technologies and inventions, however with all the advancement in technologies, humans could not create any living cell or DNA out of nothing. No two humans share same fingerprints among 8 billion people on the face of earth. (The average width of a thumb is only1inch,72 pixels). We have not completely discovered the mystery behind the creation of our universe. There are more than 10000 scientists from 100 different countries have been trying for many decades to find The Higgs boson also known as The God particle to understand the formation of the universe by using Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland. It is nothing but God given wisdom and understanding make these brilliant scientists to discover mysteries of the universe. Ironically, with each technological advancement human hearts are shifting away from the creator and not acknowledging God as who He is. God created each one of us so unique with a special purpose. It is God who gives life and initiates the first heart beats inside a fetus. We all are created to worship God and give HIM all the Glory and Honor He deserves.


    What is the purpose of God’s creation? Why did God create everything into existence? What was in HIS mind when HE created the universe? As a human, knowing the heart and mind of our creator is the most beautiful thing in life.

    Everything God created was good. However, we all live in a fallen world. The Kingdom of DARKNESS and The Kingdom of LIGHT are always at war. The world today needs facts and evidence of God’s existence. But how can a mother with an unborn child in her womb prove her existence until the child is born and grown enough to know her as a person? How can a child experience the love of his father and mother unless he is born into this world? An unborn child is only loved by his parents, but parents are not loved by this child. It takes the process of birth into a family with mother, father and siblings to understand the concepts of family and love.

    Similarly, we are created to be members of God’s heavenly family, in fact we all are called to be His Children. But how can a Supreme power who created this visible universe, communicate his words and make relationship with humans? How can we explain artificial intelligence to a small creature like an ant? It is possible only if the master brain behind the AI technology decides to become an ant and speaks the same language as that of ants. In the same manner, God had to send HIS Son in a human form to reveal Kingdom of God to mankind as God and humans live in different realms.

    God is life giving Spirit. He is HOLY and consuming FIRE. God Almighty lives in unapproachable LIGHTS in a Holy Mountain surrounded by fiery holy beings in Heaven. God cannot reduce His Glory and sits in His Throne at the same time. We cannot directly approach the creator of the universe in a human body. If that was a possibility, it would be like entering into a nuclear reactor without any personal protective layers. His glory can consume us. But the same God who created everything, loves to dwell among men and to have an everlasting relationship with men. God Almighty created FIRST MAN in HIS image and likeness and He created them as male and female. GOD walked with them in the Garden of Eden. God gave Adam the power and authority to dominate, rule and multiply on earth. But they violated the commandment of GOD by the deception of Satan. They did not abide in God’s love and Man lost his innocence. God drove them out of HIS presence to this world. First man lost his glory and became flesh with a soul and spirit inside of him. Adam had children in his own likeness. But our loving God planted eternity in human heart so that he can understand the ways of God and return to God’s presence.

    The Fallen Angel, Lucifer, Satan, who was created and anointed by GOD Almighty to worship GOD. He was a beautiful creation of God, but he sinned against God and his sin was pride in his heart. Satan always wants to "BE LIKE GOD ALMIGHTY". He aims to set his throne above The Holy Mountain of God. He is wise and knows about God as he was in heaven in the presence of God before he was cast down on to earth. Lucifer and his fallen angels had built the cities on earth thousands of years ago and they dominated the world. Archeologists are still discovering remnants of these cities.

    Ancient civilizations had knowledge and worldly wisdom from the fallen angels, but their souls were away from experiencing the love of God. Satan deviated human hearts from the creator. Mankind became rebellious to God and created gods of their own. God grieved in HIS heart because of wickedness of mankind by demonic deception on earth. Jesus Christ came into this world as the LIGHT of the world to redeem and restore our souls from the fallen world to the Kingdom of LIGHT and LOVE. But the world did not have the wisdom and understanding of HOLY TRINITY of God. They killed the Prince of Life without any cause. But God the Father had a hidden mission to save the world through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ. We all were within GOD as spirits in oneness before the great fall of Man. The life- giving spirit inside our body gives life to our human body. Our body without spirit is lifeless. We call it is a physical death. Spiritual Death is when we are separated from the manifested presence of God’s LOVE. Jesus was sent from the bosom of HIS Father to reveal the nature of God and to redeem and restore Kingdom of God. His innocent blood lays before the throne of GOD so that we can access to the very presence of living God with Blood of Jesus as our shield, not consumed by His holiness. No father wants to see the blood of his own child right in front of him as a reminder of his death, but God so loved the world and gave his ONLY son that we can reconcile with God forever and spend eternity with HIM. Satan hates humanity because he knows how much God loves us and our rewards in Heaven if we walk in God’s righteousness and love. Satan’s mission is to get as many humans as possible to go with him to an eternal hell of sufferings here on earth and after death. No other God in human History has died for mankind in His abundant love for us. If we are born in Christ, we will experience the love of Heavenly Father both here on earth and in heaven. Christ is not the God of Christians in fact, He did not start any religion. He teaches all the people on the face of earth on how to have a relationship with Father God through Son. Christ is the pulsating HEART of the Father who always existed. Jesus is the language of heaven. His word is life and truth.


    I have always been drawn to certain number patterns for many years. Lately, the frequency of seeing these pattern increased significantly. It seemed something important is being communicated to me. My great fear of being deceived by New Age numerology prevented me from pursuing mysteries behind these numbers until I started seeing it all around me for more than 2000-3000 times in few months. These include in my phone number, in government documents, work related data, on most of the product I purchase, on bills, clothing labels, television, movies social medias, news, current events, even in the kitchen and all other miscellaneous items. It has become my second nature to pay attention to these patterns around me. Eventually I realized with much amazement and joy that all these numbers I have been surrounded by are Gematria of Holy scriptures. Gematria calculator is the tool used to decode the Ancient and Modern texts which carry numerical value for names, words and phrases.

    The Hidden Christ in Holy scripture is so clear as BLACK & WHITE with God’s attestation and Signature from an Ancient Mesopotamian language to Modern English.

    I have used Gematria Calculator for 15-20 different Holy Scripture translations in English. The numerical value of Lord Jesus Christ is seen in at least one of the following Gematria.

    1. Jewish Gematria

    2. Reverse Sumerian

    3. Pythagorean

    4. Reverse Pythagorean

    5. Simple English

    6. Reverse Simple English

    May LORD open the eyes of your understanding as you read this little book.


    Speaking Numbers are combinations of 1,3,6,8 & 0

    Multiplication value of digits = 1x3x6x8=144

    In standard Greek Gematria

    Lord Jesus Christ = 3168 (3x1x6x8=144)

    Lord =800



    Jesus Christ=2368


    In the Beginning

    Gematria= 1446

    Word Behind Big Bang

    Gematria =144

    Creator of Heavens and the Earth


    In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Genesis 1:24


    And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day Genesis 1:8 ASV

    Gematria =1440

    All things were made through him; and without him was not anything made that hath been made. John 1:3

    1.Gematria = 863 ,8x6x3=144

    2.Gematria= 368, 3x6x8=144

    In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1 WMBBE


    The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters.

    Gematria=683, 6x8x3=144

    The Spirit of Lord

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